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Yellow zones on Elm street?

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I seem to remember seeing a picture or film that had what appeared to be a "yellow" zone or zones painted on the curb on Elm street.That could have been placed there to judge distance for the assassins.Anybody have information on this?

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I seem to remember seeing a picture or film that had what appeared to be a "yellow" zone or zones painted on the curb on Elm street.That could have been placed there to judge distance for the assassins.Anybody have information on this?

The yellow paint on the curbs around Dallas were in place before JFK was ever elected President. They are supposed to let the driver know that the road turns.

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I seem to remember seeing a picture or film that had what appeared to be a "yellow" zone or zones painted on the curb on Elm street.That could have been placed there to judge distance for the assassins.Anybody have information on this?

The Z film shows two of the three curb stripes in full length (attached). Mary

Moorman stands by one, Altgens by another. As can be seen in Z, each

yellow stripe had a smaller white stripe at each end.

In later years, the stripes were repainted much longer, causing problems

for researcher who relied on them for comparison with Z film.


Edited by Jack White
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Once again I can`t thank you guys enough for helping me in this matter.I don`t think that you guys/gals realize how much I appreciate it.

Thanks to all who responded (pm`s included)


Michael Crane

Edited by Michael Crane
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I seem to remember seeing a picture or film that had what appeared to be a "yellow" zone or zones painted on the curb on Elm street.That could have been placed there to judge distance for the assassins.Anybody have information on this?

The yellow paint on the curbs around Dallas were in place before JFK was ever elected President. They are supposed to let the driver know that the road turns.

Miller has no proof of this. Other researchers looked in vain around Dallas for

other such stripes and could find none. The stripes were unusual in that

they had a small white stripe at each end. We could find only the 3 on the

south curb of Elm. The Elm curve can by no stretch be considered a "dangerous"

curve. We did find some short RED stripes on a curb by the TSBD, which were

NO PARKING ZONES. After the assassination, the stripes seen in Zapruder

were lengthened, which was not discovered for years. The stripes were only

barely visible the last time I looked.


Edited by Jack White
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Miller has no proof of this. Other researchers looked in vain around Dallas for

other such stripes and could find none. The stripes were unusual in that

they had a small white stripe at each end. We could find only the 3 on the

south curb of Elm. The Elm curve can by no stretch be considered a "dangerous"

curve. We did find some short RED stripes on a curb by the TSBD, which were

NO PARKING ZONES. After the assassination, the stripes seen in Zapruder

were lengthened, which was not discovered for years. The stripes were only

barely visible the last time I looked.


The first time I got an answer about the yellow stripes was from an older cab driver who took me to Dallas from DFW. I then went to Gary Mack to see what he knew about them. Now I see that you claim that there is no proof of what I said other than others looked into the matter and came up empty. Now would those others consist of people who thought that people could have been added to the pedestal in Moorman's photo because they weren't able to find out that Mary's photo was aired on NBC within 3 hours of the shooting ... that the photo was filmed while still in Moorman's possession within the first 35 minutes following the shooting.

And the curbs do not have to be dangerous to have had yellow caution stripes placed on them. I find it pathetic that a cab driver knew the history of the yellow curb stripes around Dallas and you couldn't come up with anything. Maybe he should be researchering the JFK assassination and you driving a cab ... you think!!!

Bill Miller

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Are the "Dangerous Curve Stripes" on the curb of Commerce St. in Dealey Plaza?


Other researchers and I could not find them...but that was more than 20 years ago

and my remembrance of it is hazy. As I recall, we found traces of a fourth one on

Elm, close to the underpass, but it was never documented.


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Are the "Dangerous Curve Stripes" on the curb of Commerce St. in Dealey Plaza?


I do not know the answer to that question, Don. One would need to contact the City of Dallas Streets Department. I can tell you that when I contacted Gary Mack to see if he could verify what the 40 year veteran cab driver had told me .. Gary said that a researcher for the Museum had found an old photo(s) of the plaza and the yellow curb stripe(s) were present. The photos pre-dated JFK's election, thus can we assume they were not painted on the curb with JFK's assassination in mind.

It might also be worth noting that the library there in Dallas has lots of city photos covering the history of the town. Signs of yellow curb stripes should be found in their collection, but of course that doesn't mean that you can't merely declare them all altered. (sigh~)

Edited by Bill Miller
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And there is Beverly Oliver's story of stepping in wet yellow paint on 11-22 and ruining her shoes.

Fetzer took a paint sample from her shoe and a paint chip from the curb and had a lab analysis

done. The chemical test was inconclusive, but the hue test matched, with both samples being the

same shade of yellow.


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That`s good stuff right there Jack thank you.I must admit that I have been humbled by the information supplied.I had originally thought that this was an attempt of a timing method employed for the gunmen.

Edited by Michael Crane
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Are the "Dangerous Curve Stripes" on the curb of Commerce St. in Dealey Plaza?


I do not know the answer to that question, Don. One would need to contact the City of Dallas Streets Department. I can tell you that when I contacted Gary Mack to see if he could verify what the 40 year veteran cab driver had told me .. Gary said that a researcher for the Museum had found an old photo(s) of the plaza and the yellow curb stripe(s) were present. The photos pre-dated JFK's election, thus can we assume they were not painted on the curb with JFK's assassination in mind.

It might also be worth noting that the library there in Dallas has lots of city photos covering the history of the town. Signs of yellow curb stripes should be found in their collection, but of course that doesn't mean that you can't merely declare them all altered. (sigh~)

amazing, 6th Floor researchers "find" this material but no one delivers! Could it be the photos are now under the purview of the 6th floor Museum therefore off-limits? You and Gary share an office these day's?

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amazing, 6th Floor researchers "find" this material but no one delivers! Could it be the photos are now under the purview of the 6th floor Museum therefore off-limits? You and Gary share an office these day's?

Maybe its because the researchers that you know have an agenda and don't want to find out things that do not support their beliefs. Then their is their selective reading ability that may hinder them ... for instance I think it was mentioned that the library would images of the Plaza ... or maybe even check with the Dallas Historical Society. WOW !!! This taking a moment and giving an ounce of thought to something really works well ... you should try it sometime. Anyway, you have been given a source and you know what they say about giving a man a fish - do that and he only eats for the day, but teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime!

Bill Miller

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