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Why was James Files kidnapped and tortured?

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Kathy, how interesting !

So you are suggesting that I was helping Faith to lie, right?

You don't accept that Files told Faith he was in the army and courtmartialed around the time they married, right?

And the storuo of Wolfman shooting a mouse is also inevented?

Or am I leading you now?

How big is this conspiracy to push the hoax of James Files? Who is involved in it? Me too? Or am I just a gullible sucker?


PS: Uwe, why do you need to emphaszie you never use tricks?

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Faith - Yes, he was kidnapped, out of the Coffee Cup, and I didn't see him, I don't know how long it was, it was a couple of days I think, and finally the police brought him home..

Wim - Yes, and he was in really bad shape I guess..

Faith - Yes, mmmm

Wim - Did you see him right after?

Faith - Yeah

Wim - Was he beaten up?

Faith - Yes, and his arms had marks and he was even tied up.

Wim - Mmm, okay, and did you take care of him at that time?

Faith - Yeah ...

Wim - Where did he recuperate? Just at home?

Faith - Yeah, at home

Wim - With you?

Faith - Yeah

Darn it!! I left out the cattle prod remark! Gee-- tortured, prodded, and left for dead! Faith must be one heck of a nurse!!!! Also no hospital records.

Wim, you would've probably got more return on your money if you would've sent Faith to nursing school--she obviously has a gift for restoring health, and Lord knows, we could use more "Faith healers".


PS: I didn't think some of the mmmmms were affirmatives, I thought that they could've been hmmmms.


mmmms and hymns---hallejujah!


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Guest Stephen Turner

Even if he was kidnapped and beaten what does it prove? Files has been a criminal and con man his whole life, things like that happen to people like that.

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Kathy, how interesting !

So you are suggesting that I was helping Faith to lie, right?

You don't accept that Files told Faith he was in the army and courtmartialed around the time they married, right?

And the storuo of Wolfman shooting a mouse is also inevented?

Or am I leading you now?

How big is this conspiracy to push the hoax of James Files? Who is involved in it? Me too? Or am I just a gullible sucker?


PS: Uwe, why do you need to emphaszie you never use tricks?

Or am I just a gullible sucker?


Correct me if wrong (and I am certain that you will), but, didn't you purchase the "James Files Story" from Bob Vernon?

Bob, being a good New Orleans born and bred person, is also apparantly a graduate of the WC Fields School of Business.

"One has a moral obligation to take advantage of all suckers"

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As for your last question, people will believe what they believe.


How likely is it that Wolfman shot a mouse in a restaurant?

Well, Faith seems quite annoyed by this inappropriate depredation which probably was a deafening detonation in a confined space.

Did Wim prompt Faith to make up this story in order to demonstrate that Wolfman was a renowned pistolero? :rolleyes:

I'd say you can take Faith at face value.

Otherwise, you must accept the illogical.

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PS: Uwe, why do you need to emphaszie you never use tricks?

I see, selective word picking by you. Ignoring the hot issues and

jumping on the bone I did place for you to bite on.

You want an answer, ok.

Because else you would have ignored my whole posting, methinks.


Wim,you wanna know the truth about the mob ?

Here it is, enjoy:

Edited by Dave Weaver
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Well thanks, Uwe, for showing why I rightfully should ignore you.

I guess trying to turn this thread and Faith's assertions into a joke, is not to be interpreted as a "trick", for you never use those :)


Whatever Wim.

Being serious or not is one thing, loosing humor and a healthy view of reality,

because of someone like Files for example ,is smt completly different.

The later seems to be your problem, it certainly isn't mine.

I always choose a good laugh instead of "serious BS", and like to share

what I think is pretty funny.

If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I am like I am.

Now back to the issue, the interview with Faith.

I asked you a question about Carilles, care to answer to that one or not ?

No need to give away the pearls, just what you think members here could find

interresting in how that info from him about Files came to your attention.

Thank you.

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I asked you a question about Carilles, care to answer to that one or not ?

No need to give away the pearls, just what you think members here could find

interesting in how that info from him about Files came to your attention.

Thank you.

Files should be tortured some more for lying about being involved in the JFK assassination IMO. Neither of the two men described by Bowers as being in the RR yard during the shooting seem to fit Files description or what he claimed to have down following the shooting.

Bill Miller

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I asked you a question about Carilles, care to answer to that one or not ?

No need to give away the pearls, just what you think members here could find

interesting in how that info from him about Files came to your attention.

Thank you.

Files should be tortured some more for lying about being involved in the JFK assassination IMO. Neither of the two men described by Bowers as being in the RR yard during the shooting seem to fit Files description or what he claimed to have down following the shooting.

Bill Miller


Allow me to disagree:

Lee Bowers

Directly in line, towards the mouth of the underpass, there were two men. One man, middle-aged, or slightly older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. Another younger man, about midtwenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket.

James Files

At that point, through the scope, I witnessed everything, matter and skull bring blown out to the back on the limousine and everyone on television watching saw Jackie Kennedy crawl out there to get it. I watched her hold it in her hand, crawl back on to the car, I put the Fireball back into the briefcase, and closed it up, I pulled my jacket off, reversed my jacket so I would have, instead of the plaid side out, I would have the grey like a dress jacket more or less and I put a cap on my head, my hat, to walk away, carrying a briefcase.

I said: With my clothes I can turn my jacket inside out, it’s plaid on the inside, it looks like railroad workers. Somebody out there wearing a flanel shirt, nobody is going to pay attention to me. I said: I can go over there, walk around a piece of (inaudible), walk up and down those boxcars, cross the railroad tracks, look at things, I ‘ll just be another worker, nobody will even look at me.

and my jacket was a grey poplin , we had these car jackets back then, they were like waistelength, not a short jacket, they kind of come down a little bit, no car jacket like … made out of a material that they no longer use, it was called poplin. You might even remember that material, the poplin material? Grey color, had a shine to it. That’s what the jacket was like that I was wearing. A pair of grey pants with it. And I reversed the jacket, it had the all-set plaids in it, kind-a-like checkers on the inside. When I turned it over it looked like one of the old grey flanel shirts we used to wear out, you know, when you’re doing work in the yard or something out there. And I walked around the railroad yard and was waiting for the time to pass.

I’ve already reversed my jacket. When I picked up the guncase, I reversed my jacket, no plaid side, I ‘ve got the poplin grey material on the outside, I took the fedora hat under the sleeve of it, snapped it out and put it back on my head and I walked away, carrying the briefcase and my 45 inside my coat pocket.


Edited by Mark Johansson
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I wonder what reactions you would get if Files would take a polygraph and pass with flying colors.

I guess something like : "He has beaten the machine, and by the way polygraphs are irreliable and not admitted in court."


PS: No, Uwe, I do not care to answer to that one. For all I care, you may say that information is flaky. Fine with me.

Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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I asked you a question about Carilles, care to answer to that one or not ?

No need to give away the pearls, just what you think members here could find

interesting in how that info from him about Files came to your attention.

Thank you.

Files should be tortured some more for lying about being involved in the JFK assassination IMO. Neither of the two men described by Bowers as being in the RR yard during the shooting seem to fit Files description or what he claimed to have down following the shooting.

Bill Miller

Bill, you better direct your anger towards Ed Hoffman.


Whatever he describes, as a witness from over a 100 yards, was seen by no one much closer to it, not even by all the people on the railroad bridge. Has Hoffman really sold you that none of those people saw suitman running towards them along the picket fence, and that none of them saw railroad man accepting and dissassembling suitman's weapon at a distance from them of ..., what is it? 10 yards?


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I wonder what reactions you would get if Files would take a polygraph and pass with flying colors.

I guess something like : "He has beaten the machine, and by the way polygraphs are irreliable and not admitted in court."


PS: No, Uwe, I do not care to answer to that one. For all I care, you may say that information is flaky. Fine with me.


You asked the question about Files taking a polygraph test and would anyone believe him then. It would bring more credibility to his story. Has he been given one in the past about his role in the assassination? Would you be willing to have one administered to him? And do you think he would agree to it?

Thank you


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Yeah, John, he has agreed to a polygraph, but the authorities didn't want to administer it. Any idea why? :lol:

He has taken a voice stress analysis test, which he passed. There was high stress when he talks about David Atlee Phillips.

But there may be another reason for that:

"Government involvement". When the time is right, I'll tell you why I had to do all in my power to protect certain people. I'm truly sorry about not being able to give the interview, but Organized Crime is kid stuff compared to the Government. But hell, you already know that! You've been around the block a few times yourself.

I wanna tell that when it comes to the government and underhanded work , the mob, they are kindergarten. They are kindergarten! I might upset a lot of people in the family saying that, but they are kindergarten when it comes to working with the government. They are the goldfish in the shark's pond.

Lie detection/behaviour experts have also looked at his video and concluded: "What I see is a guy telling his story from memory"

To be continued ;)


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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