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Dealey Plaza Film[s] 11/22/1963

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I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

Bill Miller said:

...Hughes notified the FBI within days of the assassination about his film. So it seems to me that there was no attempt by anyone to eliminate the turn from Houston onto Elm in Zapruder's film because the Towner and Hughes films went unmolested. Those films were considered unimportant and were not bothered with until 1967. If I have that wrong, then someone can correct me. But what I am saying is that no one cared about the limo turn onto Elm Street and had they of cared ... the opportunity was there for the films to have had the limo turn onto Elm removed, but it never happened. This is just one of the flaws that I see in your theory.

First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.

Edited by David G. Healy
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I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

Bill Miller said:

...Hughes notified the FBI within days of the assassination about his film. So it seems to me that there was no attempt by anyone to eliminate the turn from Houston onto Elm in Zapruder's film because the Towner and Hughes films went unmolested. Those films were considered unimportant and were not bothered with until 1967. If I have that wrong, then someone can correct me. But what I am saying is that no one cared about the limo turn onto Elm Street and had they of cared ... the opportunity was there for the films to have had the limo turn onto Elm removed, but it never happened. This is just one of the flaws that I see in your theory.

First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.


A home movie taken by amateur Robert J.Hughes, which showed the sixth floor Depository window seconds before the assassination was actually mentioned in the Warren Report. The Warren Commision devoted a section of its report to what little controversy it permitted, under the heading "Speculations and Rumors." In a shocking (even for the Warren Commission) misstatement of fact, it dealt with the monumental problems that the Hughes film presented in this fashion:

"SPECULATION- An amateur 8-milimeter photograph taken at 12:20 P.M.,10 minutes before the assassination of President Kennedy, showed two silhouettes at the sixth-floor window of the Depository.

COMMISSION FINDING- A film taken by an amateur photographer, Robert J.E.Hughes, just before the assassination, shows a shadow in the southeast corner window of the sixth floor. This has been determined after examination by the F.B.I. and the U.S. Navy Photograhic Interpretation Center to be the shadow from the cartons near the window."

An actual viewing of the film reveals that the presidential motorcade is visible beneath the sixth-floor window of the Depository. This means that whoever watched the film, be it FBI personnel or Warren Commission staff,had to have known that it was not taken at 12:20, or ten minutes before the shooting,but was in fact taken only seconds before shots were fired. Not even the Warren Commission could claim Oswald fired at the President when he wasn't even visible in a film taken as the limousine passed under his alleged sniper's nest. But then again,maybe "lone nuts" do resemble "shadows" in the eyes of lying bureaucrats.

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I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.

Lets get cleared up on who started the thread ... was it the David Healy who has seen no proof of alteration or the Healy who thinks all the films were altered ... that he should be allowed to examine them and that the people who have them should know this without Healy ever submitting such a request detailing his qualifications and reasons for thinking its necessary. If its the latter Healy, then this will be another wasted bit of thread space. If it is the first Healy, which shows some hint of reasoning skills at times, then he will understand that no one said that none of the films were of any importance. The films I posted about were Towner's and Hughes.

The Towner film was considered unimportant from the DMN news standpoint because it obviously didn't show the shooting. A film of the limo passing through an intersection unmolested didn't off much in the way of news. The Hughes film was interesting from the 6th floor being visible, but nothing was conclusive concerning seeing anyone in the window. The Muchmore film was not known about until it was shown on a New York channel within days of the assassination. A good source on the history of these films is 'Pictures of the Pain' by Richard Trask.

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.

Lets get cleared up on who started the thread ... was it the David Healy who has seen no proof of alteration or the Healy who thinks all the films were altered ... that he should be allowed to examine them and that the people who have them should know this without Healy ever submitting such a request detailing his qualifications and reasons for thinking its necessary. If its the latter Healy, then this will be another wasted bit of thread space. If it is the first Healy, which shows some hint of reasoning skills at times, then he will understand that no one said that none of the films were of any importance. The films I posted about were Towner's and Hughes.

The Towner film was considered unimportant from the DMN news standpoint because it obviously didn't show the shooting. A film of the limo passing through an intersection unmolested didn't off much in the way of news. The Hughes film was interesting from the 6th floor being visible, but nothing was conclusive concerning seeing anyone in the window. The Muchmore film was not known about until it was shown on a New York channel within days of the assassination. A good source on the history of these films is 'Pictures of the Pain' by Richard Trask.

Bill Miller

What no cite? No documentation? What-a-surprise.... How can anyone take you seriously? What I see here is nothing but nonsense, where's the beef son? Making outrageous claims on Lancer gets your ego fed, here you need the beef, sonny...... so stay focused, huh? We need your documented citations or proof stating specific 11/22/63 DP films as "unimportant". Now run along and gett'er done.

further: there is NO "unmolested" (where'd you dig up that non-film related term?) 11/23/63 film showing the entire turn onto Elm Street. There's either a break, camera stopped rolling, or a splice, it just doesn't exist, son. And you can't wish or will it into existence.... Get your ego out of the way and settle down.

Edited by David G. Healy
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I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

Bill Miller said:

...Hughes notified the FBI within days of the assassination about his film. So it seems to me that there was no attempt by anyone to eliminate the turn from Houston onto Elm in Zapruder's film because the Towner and Hughes films went unmolested. Those films were considered unimportant and were not bothered with until 1967. If I have that wrong, then someone can correct me. But what I am saying is that no one cared about the limo turn onto Elm Street and had they of cared ... the opportunity was there for the films to have had the limo turn onto Elm removed, but it never happened. This is just one of the flaws that I see in your theory.

First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.


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