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The Unbearable Hypocrisy of Being…a DPF Founder

Len Colby

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Guest Gary Loughran
That's interesting - but to your first point - no it wouldn't!! Happy for you to prove me wrong here by authoring said 'piece of piss' - good luck!. Your second question doesn't make a great deal of sense either. However if the DPF is set up on a similar lines to this forum then it is possible for administrators to view the IPs of individual members and guests should they wish to (I assume that 'Mowgli' is an administrator of the DPF). Members are easy to track - guests harder - unless of course you have very few of them. Why you should want to then ban a 'guest' on the hunch that it might be that well known 'public nuisance' Evan is beyond me. :D

Members and guests of course cannot see IPs nor can they be enabled to do so.

The logs are I assume a blobs of text? If so then they are like nearly every log file I've ever worked with and they have a common structure and are delimited. Now I understand you might not be able to create a 'pull' mechanism or set up ftp jobs into/from the folder containing the logs. But to save off/put to your local machine and then open in Access or Excel, create the relevant queries and make the result informative? really is quite easy. To paraphrase you - I reckon I am both more qualified and experienced in this type of work.

Why you have been so obtuse and defensive in the second half of your response is beyond me. I will however give you the pleasure of a response. Not only administrators of this site can see IPs - moderators can - perhaps the penny will now drop :lol:

In light of this revelation, perhaps, given the absolute certainty with which some statements have been made that the DPF admins have more than just banned Evan and Len's IPs on a hunch. I'm not sure that they have only link through traffic to work, as someone else (apologies for not bothering to check, who) has mentioned.

To answer your last question, I, like John, am against banning of people on forums and for freedom of speech, in general. I understand that when you said "Why you should want to...", you may not have meant me but to be sure - I didn't and I have no problem with Evan and wouldn't class him as a public nuisance. He is probably aware I think he can be too enthusiastic in moderation, hardly the stuff of feuds :)

I have never requested a member ban on this or any other forum (in fact I've fought some 'high profile' ones on this forum).

Lastly, I deplore the abuse of your administrator privilige in identifying users home IP locations - this is not offset by the fact you used your own, that was your personal choice - as much as I deplore the DPF's glee at percieved 'schisms' here and other petty comments re: the Education Forum.

Furthermore, this thread should not be locked, it is a very informative thread, in at least as much as it has revealed about some users, maybe even myself :D

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Why you have been so obtuse and defensive in the second half of your response is beyond me. I will however give you the pleasure of a response. Not only administrators of this site can see IPs - moderators can - perhaps the penny will now drop :lol:

Hadn't realised I was being either of those things :D .

I will however know where to come for lessons in grace and charm in future.

You are correct about moderators they can see members IPs and use simple search tools - only root admin can do much more than that however.

Sorry you have cause to 'deplore' things - that must be tiresome - however I think you may be overeacting a tad - it is common knowledge I live in Dartford, Peter lives in Prague and whatsherface lives in N Sydney - its in their bios for goodness sake.

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Len's post somewhere just above was typical - a 'politely disguised' way of causing dissension and putting salt in old wounds - practically a description of his general activities here.

S/he twice claimed on this forum to be married to some guy who's never heard of "her" and almost certainly is using a false name on the DPF where s/he is an administrator despite the fact that using your real name is a requirement there as it is here. This after s/he and other DPF founders (including you IIRC) made a fuss over me using an obvious webhandle elsewhere. And I'm the bad guy? It seems my prediction that hypocritically the DPF lynch mob will ignore this was correct.

No Len. You are the only person in the whole world claiming I am married to this poor man. An innocent man who is no doubt totally confused by the demented Brazil Nut contacting him out of nowhere asking personal questions from someone he does no even know. It is all a creation of your overactive imagination and your under utilised brain. Your own strange personal conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.

I said my name was acquired by marriage. I have been married several times. I have also said my marital status is none of your business and irrelevant to anything. It still is.

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And yet you won't allow a non-member to view your site. How open!

No. The DPF allow non members to view their site. The DPF just don't like stalkers watching every move of some of their members for hours and hours almost every day. They have many visitors from the EF but not all of them stalk.

As a matter of interest, how are you able to identify Evan to block his IP (I understand it would be easy to identify a Brazil IP)? furthermore how do you know who is visiting your site from the Education Forum?

I wanted to ban Evan's IP on my home computer as he sent me nasty emails and I didn't want any more from him. I got the IP from his email.

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I understand that, Andy - actually it would be a piece of piss to script something cheap and nasty which could easily audit the logs - for IPs durations, DPF username, EF username if known, irrespective of volume of traffic.

My implied question, which you missed, is where do the username identifiable IP's to facilitate the monitoring come from?

Are IPs routinely visible to ordinary members/visitors on the Education Forum and therefore readily available for intelligence gathering and comparative use by the DPF? If so, then that's the answer to my question.

If not then how can one know with absolute certainty that a visitor to the DPF is a member of the Education Forum?

To help clarify, most members of the EF are also members of the DPF so their user names (and IP) come up when they log on. That is how I know who visits. Being one of the Admins I get to see the IP addresses but this information is not viewable by guests or members. I think IPs also viewable by the moderators and that would be the same here. So, no spies, no secret knowledge, no special software. I really don't have the time let alone inclination to hunt down and match every passing IP to see if it matches some one who may possibly be from here. I kind of just assumed that the Recife, Brazil frequent visitor who always uses the search function to look up 'Len Colby' was Len Colby. Len seems to confirm this elsewhere here. Len's IP is not banned. Just Evan's.

Edited by Maggie Hansen
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As normal, this is completely untrue. There is a banned word that describes what Maggie has uttered; it gives a false impression of my communication with her and misleads people.

In AUG 08 I had e-mail contact with her - at Maggie's request - to help her upload some images. I also discussed her avatar and the Forum requirement for it to be changed. This has been previous discussed on the Forum and the e-mails shown.

In MAR 09 - after I was IP banned IIRC - I sent an email to her again regarding the avatars. IIRC, it was on the DPF that Jan and Maggie gave a false account of why they were not posting there and the requirement for avatars. The worst thing in the e-mail I said was:

"Nice try at making me look like the bad guy, but dimwits like you seem to forget some things:"

In MAY 09, I taunted Maggie about the IP ban and how ineffective it was. I said, in part:

I see you are online at the DPF. Ooops - was that me? Or was it a minion? Perhaps you'd best ban everyone from your site. I (or my minions) could be anyone or anywhere. Perhaps I'm one of your members. Who knows? I just find it so laughable that you claim the moral high ground and have the hypocrisy to IP ban someone who isn't even a member there!

So, come on Maggie: show us the "nasty" e-mails. I give you full permission to show any and all e-mails or PMs from me to you... or any other member of the DPF. Please do not show my e-mail address.

I always keep copies of my e-mails, and so can reproduce all the e-mails I have sent to you. Let me remind you of the dates:

12 AUG 08 (x 2)

14 AUG 08

21 AUG 08

22 AUG 08

23 AUG 08

02 MAR 09

14 MAY 09

Shall we see who is being accurate?

And yet you won't allow a non-member to view your site. How open!

No. The DPF allow non members to view their site. The DPF just don't like stalkers watching every move of some of their members for hours and hours almost every day. They have many visitors from the EF but not all of them stalk.

As a matter of interest, how are you able to identify Evan to block his IP (I understand it would be easy to identify a Brazil IP)? furthermore how do you know who is visiting your site from the Education Forum?

I wanted to ban Evan's IP on my home computer as he sent me nasty emails and I didn't want any more from him. I got the IP from his email.

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Len's post somewhere just above was typical - a 'politely disguised' way of causing dissension and putting salt in old wounds - practically a description of his general activities here.

S/he twice claimed on this forum to be married to some guy who's never heard of "her" and almost certainly is using a false name on the DPF where s/he is an administrator despite the fact that using your real name is a requirement there as it is here. This after s/he and other DPF founders (including you IIRC) made a fuss over me using an obvious webhandle elsewhere. And I'm the bad guy? It seems my prediction that hypocritically the DPF lynch mob will ignore this was correct.

No Len. You are the only person in the whole world claiming I am married to this poor man. An innocent man who is no doubt totally confused by the demented Brazil Nut contacting him out of nowhere asking personal questions from someone he does no even know. It is all a creation of your overactive imagination and your under utilised brain. Your own strange personal conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.

You know you’re right this time, I misread you. On June 7, 2008 you wrote:

“We are waiting for our own 2 am knock (or break in) on the door by the secret police since a compatriot of my husband has had his details 'found' on the magical Colombian computers.”

Which I misunderstood as you saying your husband’s name was found on the computers. My apologies but there still are elements of your story that don’t add up:

- On June 7, 2008 you claimed to be married to the Chilean but by September 13, only 14 weeks later, you were using you new husband’s surname.

- That surname is remarkably similar to your previous one.

- I imagine there aren’t that many Chilean leftists involved in the peace movement living in Sydney, I would expect them to know each other (and their spouses) yet Vega said he never heard of you even though you claimed your husband might be arrested due to his association with him.

I said my name was acquired by marriage. I have been married several times. I have also said my marital status is none of your business and irrelevant to anything. It still is.

Evan’s “marital status is none of [my] business” ditto Cigdem’s, Greg’s and Andy’s etc but since you along with a few other members raised a big stink over supposed discrepancies in my identity yours is because you used it as an explanation for your name change.

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As normal, this is completely untrue. There is a banned word that describes what Maggie has uttered; it gives a false impression of my communication with her and misleads people.

In AUG 08 I had e-mail contact with her - at Maggie's request - to help her upload some images. I also discussed her avatar and the Forum requirement for it to be changed. This has been previous discussed on the Forum and the e-mails shown.

In MAR 09 - after I was IP banned IIRC - I sent an email to her again regarding the avatars. IIRC, it was on the DPF that Jan and Maggie gave a false account of why they were not posting there and the requirement for avatars. The worst thing in the e-mail I said was:

"Nice try at making me look like the bad guy, but dimwits like you seem to forget some things:"

In MAY 09, I taunted Maggie about the IP ban and how ineffective it was. I said, in part:

I see you are online at the DPF. Ooops - was that me? Or was it a minion? Perhaps you'd best ban everyone from your site. I (or my minions) could be anyone or anywhere. Perhaps I'm one of your members. Who knows? I just find it so laughable that you claim the moral high ground and have the hypocrisy to IP ban someone who isn't even a member there!

So, come on Maggie: show us the "nasty" e-mails. I give you full permission to show any and all e-mails or PMs from me to you... or any other member of the DPF. Please do not show my e-mail address.

I always keep copies of my e-mails, and so can reproduce all the e-mails I have sent to you. Let me remind you of the dates:

12 AUG 08 (x 2)

14 AUG 08

21 AUG 08

22 AUG 08

23 AUG 08

02 MAR 09

14 MAY 09

Shall we see who is being accurate?

Yes and by sheer 'coincidence' your IP was banned there shortly after Drago claimed his was here.

Edited by Len Colby
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As normal, this is completely untrue. There is a banned word that describes what Maggie has uttered; it gives a false impression of my communication with her and misleads people.

In AUG 08 I had e-mail contact with her - at Maggie's request - to help her upload some images. I also discussed her avatar and the Forum requirement for it to be changed. This has been previous discussed on the Forum and the e-mails shown.

In MAR 09 - after I was IP banned IIRC - I sent an email to her again regarding the avatars. IIRC, it was on the DPF that Jan and Maggie gave a false account of why they were not posting there and the requirement for avatars. The worst thing in the e-mail I said was:

"Nice try at making me look like the bad guy, but dimwits like you seem to forget some things:"

In MAY 09, I taunted Maggie about the IP ban and how ineffective it was. I said, in part:

I see you are online at the DPF. Ooops - was that me? Or was it a minion? Perhaps you'd best ban everyone from your site. I (or my minions) could be anyone or anywhere. Perhaps I'm one of your members. Who knows? I just find it so laughable that you claim the moral high ground and have the hypocrisy to IP ban someone who isn't even a member there!

So, come on Maggie: show us the "nasty" e-mails. I give you full permission to show any and all e-mails or PMs from me to you... or any other member of the DPF. Please do not show my e-mail address.

I always keep copies of my e-mails, and so can reproduce all the e-mails I have sent to you. Let me remind you of the dates:

12 AUG 08 (x 2)

14 AUG 08

21 AUG 08

22 AUG 08

23 AUG 08

02 MAR 09

14 MAY 09

Shall we see who is being accurate?

Evan, I really wouldn't worry about it mate (not that I think you particularly are) any sensible member reading these crazy accusations would immediately realize that If you had in fact sent Mad Maggie "nasty" emails she would have posted them a long time ago with the utmost glee and satisfaction. These slurs on your character will reflect for more on Mad Maggie than they ever will on yours.

All the best.

Edited by Denis Pointing
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It is NOT in my bio! On my signature [short version and long] it says Europe. I consider where I am private as I was a target at one time of dirty tricks by entities you'd not even admit/believe exist! Len tried endlessly to put my location on this Forum and then finally got away with it via his finding [amazingly instantly after it was put up and before me or my friends found it] a youtube piece on me that mentioned where I lived. His post of that youtube I firmly believe was to hurt me by giving my location. Your repeating it here is also malevolent. How would you like it if someone found out personal details about you and put them up on the internet?! I think Andy you are getting fairly close to breaking your own rules and fairplay/decency here.

I apologise if this has caused you distress but as you rightly point out a simple google search of your name gives away your 'secret'.


I had no idea your location was a secret and yes I do find your reasons given above quite ridiculous.

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Why you have been so obtuse and defensive in the second half of your response is beyond me. I will however give you the pleasure of a response. Not only administrators of this site can see IPs - moderators can - perhaps the penny will now drop :lol:

Hadn't realised I was being either of those things :lol: .

I will however know where to come for lessons in grace and charm in future.

You are correct about moderators they can see members IPs and use simple search tools - only root admin can do much more than that however.

Sorry you have cause to 'deplore' things - that must be tiresome - however I think you may be overeacting a tad - it is common knowledge I live in Dartford, Peter lives in Prague and whatsherface lives in N Sydney - its in their bios for goodness sake.

It is NOT in my bio! On my signature [short version and long] it says Europe. I consider where I am private as I was a target at one time of dirty tricks by entities you'd not even admit/believe exist! Len tried endlessly to put my location on this Forum and then finally got away with it via his finding [amazingly instantly after it was put up and before me or my friends found it] a youtube piece on me that mentioned where I lived. His post of that youtube I firmly believe was to hurt me by giving my location. Your repeating it here is also malevolent. How would you like it if someone found out personal details about you and put them up on the internet?! I think Andy you are getting fairly close to breaking your own rules and fairplay/decency here.

If you want to keep your location secret then perhaps you might want to consider NOT posting on forums like the one you did in Prague. I had no problem finding it a few years ago by doing a simple google.

On that forum the people there claimed that you were a person to stay away from, that you did not pay your rent (you posted looked for a place to live IIRC) that your dog smelled and crapped in the house. In the thread about you it was the basic claim that you were less than a sane person and should be avoided like the plague.

I can't say the folks there were correct or not, but thats what I found with a SIMPLE google .

Your complaints fall on very deaf ears.



Edited by Peter Lemkin
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Why you have been so obtuse and defensive in the second half of your response is beyond me. I will however give you the pleasure of a response. Not only administrators of this site can see IPs - moderators can - perhaps the penny will now drop :lol:

Hadn't realised I was being either of those things :lol: .

I will however know where to come for lessons in grace and charm in future.

You are correct about moderators they can see members IPs and use simple search tools - only root admin can do much more than that however.

Sorry you have cause to 'deplore' things - that must be tiresome - however I think you may be overeacting a tad - it is common knowledge I live in Dartford, Peter lives in Prague and whatsherface lives in N Sydney - its in their bios for goodness sake.

It is NOT in my bio! On my signature [short version and long] it says Europe. I consider where I am private as I was a target at one time of dirty tricks by entities you'd not even admit/believe exist! Len tried endlessly to put my location on this Forum and then finally got away with it via his finding [amazingly instantly after it was put up and before me or my friends found it] a youtube piece on me that mentioned where I lived. His post of that youtube I firmly believe was to hurt me by giving my location. Your repeating it here is also malevolent. How would you like it if someone found out personal details about you and put them up on the internet?! I think Andy you are getting fairly close to breaking your own rules and fairplay/decency here.

If you want to keep your location secret then perhaps you might want to consider NOT posting on forums like the one you did in Prague. I had no problem finding it a few years ago by doing a simple google.

On that forum the people there claimed that you were a person to stay away from, that you did not pay your rent (you posted looked for a place to live IIRC) that your dog smelled and crapped in the house. In the thread about you it was the basic claim that you were less than a sane person and should be avoided like the plague.

I can't say the folks there were correct or not, but thats what I found with a SIMPLE google .

Your complaints fall on very deaf ears.


photography business must be in the tank, eh? All that free time... Thank GAWD you can xxxxx the net, eh?

Btw, you're "deaf" enough to hear Craigster? :ice

Edited by Peter Lemkin
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Len's hateful, spiteful, and provocational thread has done exactly what he wanted and what he has IMO always wanted here - create dissension and chaos, disharmony and spew hate. Craig's not much far behind and Andy seems to want to join the Borg. A real low point for this Forum which is sinking rapidly, IMO and that of the others who have voted with their electronic feet.

You are certainly angry Peter that much is clear. But I cannnot support or indeed understand any of the statements you have made in the above post.

I am also intrigued by your ability to speak for others (and their electronic feet).

It strikes me that those amongst our number who really cannot bear the concepts of contrary opinion and open discussion will be a lot happier on the DPF. However, discussion, free speech, accountability and debate will always be encouraged here.

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Why you have been so obtuse and defensive in the second half of your response is beyond me. I will however give you the pleasure of a response. Not only administrators of this site can see IPs - moderators can - perhaps the penny will now drop :lol:

Hadn't realised I was being either of those things :lol: .

I will however know where to come for lessons in grace and charm in future.

You are correct about moderators they can see members IPs and use simple search tools - only root admin can do much more than that however.

Sorry you have cause to 'deplore' things - that must be tiresome - however I think you may be overeacting a tad - it is common knowledge I live in Dartford, Peter lives in Prague and whatsherface lives in N Sydney - its in their bios for goodness sake.

It is NOT in my bio! On my signature [short version and long] it says Europe. I consider where I am private as I was a target at one time of dirty tricks by entities you'd not even admit/believe exist! Len tried endlessly to put my location on this Forum and then finally got away with it via his finding [amazingly instantly after it was put up and before me or my friends found it] a youtube piece on me that mentioned where I lived. His post of that youtube I firmly believe was to hurt me by giving my location. Your repeating it here is also malevolent. How would you like it if someone found out personal details about you and put them up on the internet?! I think Andy you are getting fairly close to breaking your own rules and fairplay/decency here.

If you want to keep your location secret then perhaps you might want to consider NOT posting on forums like the one you did in Prague. I had no problem finding it a few years ago by doing a simple google.

On that forum the people there claimed that you were a person to stay away from, that you did not pay your rent (you posted looked for a place to live IIRC) that your dog smelled and crapped in the house. In the thread about you it was the basic claim that you were less than a sane person and should be avoided like the plague.

I can't say the folks there were correct or not, but thats what I found with a SIMPLE google .

Your complaints fall on very deaf ears.


photography business must be in the tank, eh? All that free time... Thank GAWD you can xxxxx the net, eh?

Btw, you're "deaf" enough to hear Craigster? :ice

Yea, the photography business has been in the tank for some time now, thats the nature of business.

But is the the best you have davie? Why not drag old costella back, he ran away again. Must be afraid to face the truth about his failure to understand photographic parallax. He must be quite comfortable under his rock....

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Len's hateful, spiteful, and provocational thread has done exactly what he wanted and what he has IMO always wanted here - create dissension and chaos, disharmony and spew hate. Craig's not much far behind and Andy seems to want to join the Borg. A real low point for this Forum which is sinking rapidly, IMO and that of the others who have voted with their electronic feet.

Wow, you sure are a whiney little P---K considering your ongoing attempts to trash anyone who might disagree wiht you.

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