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Why was this man carrying a toy dog...

Jack White

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I am ASTONISHED at Martin's opinion!

It greatly diminishes any admiration I had for HIS work.

That he thinks this discovery in the Nix film IS FALSE AND A TREMENDOUS BACKSTEP is beyond belief.

I would like to hear Martin's explanation for this anomaly:

Hi Jack.

You did so many good research and discoveries in the past. I'am grateful of your work.

Don't get me wrong. We are standing at the same side of the fence.

The assassination of President Kennedy was a conspiracy with a following Coverup within the highest instances of the US government.

In particular your work on the backyard photos are to me a highlight.

But unfortunately lately you are going to interpret too much in fuzzy and bad quality frames/images.

The only reason i can imagine is, you was critized here too much over and over and blamed even with shameful sarcasm which nobody like to read.

And your new discoveries are just a counter reaction of it. I don't know. It's just a guess.

Jack, there is no bowling ball or a too long arm. Why in the world should anybody alter this frames and the person in question at this time of the motorcade?

Nothing unusual happend when the presidential limo moved down Houston street. What should be the reason to alter the shape of this fellow?

It is just a low hanging jacket sleeve as Duncan stated correctly.

Go to ask yourself please why there is no support from any of your Alteration friends regarding many of your latest discoveries.

Can you consider that you are wrong? Possibly?

I would love to see the good old Jack back again. The Jack who inspired so many young people in the past. Me included.



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I am ASTONISHED at Martin's opinion!

It greatly diminishes any admiration I had for HIS work.

That he thinks this discovery in the Nix film IS FALSE AND A TREMENDOUS BACKSTEP is beyond belief.

I would like to hear Martin's explanation for this anomaly:

Hi Jack.

You did so many good research and discoveries in the past. I'am grateful of your work.

Don't get me wrong. We are standing at the same side of the fence.

The assassination of President Kennedy was a conspiracy with a following Coverup within the highest instances of the US government.

In particular your work on the backyard photos are to me a highlight.

But unfortunately lately you are going to interpret too much in fuzzy and bad quality frames/images.

The only reason i can imagine is, you was critized here too much over and over and blamed even with shameful sarcasm which nobody like to read.

And your new discoveries are just a counter reaction of it. I don't know. It's just a guess.

Jack, there is no bowling ball or a too long arm. Why in the world should anybody alter this frames and the person in question at this time of the motorcade?

Nothing unusual happend when the presidential limo moved down Houston street. What should be the reason to alter the shape of this fellow?

It is just a low hanging jacket sleeve as Duncan stated correctly.

Go to ask yourself please why there is no support from any of your Alteration friends regarding many of your latest discoveries.

Can you consider that you are wrong? Possibly?

I would love to see the good old Jack back again. The Jack who inspired so many young people in the past. Me included.



Thanks, Martin. You make my point by saying that none of this is reality. IT IS ANIMATION. All of the films

have been altered. The ball is UNDENIABLY there. The long arm with the black glove is UNDENIABLY there.

These perhaps were the work of a patriotic whistleblower who hoped that someone in the future might

discover the FAKERY.

It is not me who is off track. I am in the forefront looking for explanations of some of the films. Others

just have not caught up with me yet. When I proved the backyard photos were fake, I was pushing the edge

of photo research. When I said the Z film was a hoax...the same. When I said the Apollo photos were not

taken on the moon...the same. When I was one of the first to show that 911 was a false flag operation...

the same. I try to push the edges of research where others have not gone. It is up to others to take it

seriously, study it, and not scoff. Scoffing is not research. Research is research. Truth is truth.

Don't reject ANYTHING as being impossible. Have an open mind to alteration. Animators can make anything

look impossible.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted

as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Someday what I am showing will be self-evident.


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Let's find some things we can agree on. I OBVIOUSLY DID NOT "LITERALLY" MEAN A BOWLING BALL! I meant it

was about the SIZE of a bowling ball.

Can we agree:

1. This "thing" is seen in the Nix film.

2. This "thing" is round.

3. This "thing" appears to have a horizontal black stripe around the circumference.

4. This "thing" has no apparent means of support.

5. This "thing" splits into two parts in subsequent frames.

6. This "thing" is about the size and shape of a bowling ball (without finger holes).

Can we agree on the above. If you disagree with any, please say why.

Here is a computer enlargement and "enhancement with pseudo-colors to try to see more:


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Let's find some things we can agree on. I OBVIOUSLY DID NOT "LITERALLY" MEAN A BOWLING BALL! I meant it

was about the SIZE of a bowling ball.

Can we agree:

1. This "thing" is seen in the Nix film.

2. This "thing" is round.

3. This "thing" appears to have a horizontal black stripe around the circumference.

4. This "thing" has no apparent means of support.

5. This "thing" splits into two parts in subsequent frames.

6. This "thing" is about the size and shape of a bowling ball (without finger holes).

Can we agree on the above. If you disagree with any, please say why.

Here is a computer enlargement and "enhancement with pseudo-colors to try to see more:

Why will nobody here answer these simple questions? They can all be answered YES or NO.

I have not even mentioned the man's shoes yet. Then I plan a series on the faked gray


The Nix film is faked folks!


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That is not his left arm.

His left arm is folded across his waist.

It is holding something which leads through his armpit and droops back behind his left leg.

It looks like an arm and hand or is supposed to be an arm/hand, but is not, and can't be. (Anatomically speaking).

It also seems as if the drooping hand attached to the drooping arm disappears for a few frames. Watch closely.

See if this looped movie helps.


Chris...that is my point...IT IS ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT!

I must disagree with your assessment. Watch the entire sequence IN MOTION. You


What you see as his folded arm appears to be a broad black belt which goes around

his waist and is seen in back.

I will be glad to do a complete study of the man, but it is unnecessary if one watches

IN MOTION as the "arm" swings and the thumb extends. It is ALL ANIMATION, and

poorly done. The best way to view it is ONE FRAME AT A TIME.



I totally agree.

It is anatomically incorrect.

I do see the incorrect anatomic arm swing and extending thumb.

But I also see his left arm folded across his waist. (red arrow) Which is a different color than the black waist stripe.

I'm still with you on this and if others will look a bit closer, they might see a missing leg. (red box)


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That is not his left arm.

His left arm is folded across his waist.

It is holding something which leads through his armpit and droops back behind his left leg.

It looks like an arm and hand or is supposed to be an arm/hand, but is not, and can't be. (Anatomically speaking).

It also seems as if the drooping hand attached to the drooping arm disappears for a few frames. Watch closely.

See if this looped movie helps.


i agree chris anatomically impossible that is why i posted such..like it is looney time in the films...but does it appear to you.that the hand appears to perhaps even move and scratch or something..i know blowing in the wind....really wierd...?????? thanks b :)

Chris...that is my point...IT IS ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT!

I must disagree with your assessment. Watch the entire sequence IN MOTION. You


What you see as his folded arm appears to be a broad black belt which goes around

his waist and is seen in back.

I will be glad to do a complete study of the man, but it is unnecessary if one watches

IN MOTION as the "arm" swings and the thumb extends. It is ALL ANIMATION, and

poorly done. The best way to view it is ONE FRAME AT A TIME.



I totally agree.

It is anatomically incorrect.

I do see the incorrect anatomic arm swing and extending thumb.

But I also see his left arm folded across his waist. (red arrow) Which is a different color than the black waist stripe.

I'm still with you on this and if others will look a bit closer, they might see a missing leg. (red box)


Edited by Bernice Moore
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A complete leg.

Which one is it going to be, a missing leg before LBJ's car passes him or a complete leg after he passes.


Way to go, Chris!!! I had not covered all the spectators yet. That couple is

supposedly identified and gave testimony. I can't remember the name at

the moment. Was it the Rowlands?

There are similar anomalies in several of the Houston spectators. I think the

animators were having some fun.

By the way...what is your opinion of the ball with the stripe?

Another by the way...I agree with you about the arm by the waist. The

longer arm tucked under the armpit, however, does have a HAND with a

THUMB in my opinion. I sometimes state things in a provocative way in

order to get responses. I did not really mean the man had a "bowling

ball"...but it obviously appears to be a ball with a stripe. There is also

something strange about his feet. He looks like he is on a skateboard.

Thanks for your great work!


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A complete leg.

Which one is it going to be, a missing leg before LBJ's car passes him or a complete leg after he passes.


Way to go, Chris!!! I had not covered all the spectators yet. That couple is

supposedly identified and gave testimony. I can't remember the name at

the moment. Was it the Rowlands?

There are similar anomalies in several of the Houston spectators. I think the

animators were having some fun.

By the way...what is your opinion of the ball with the stripe?

Another by the way...I agree with you about the arm by the waist. The

longer arm tucked under the armpit, however, does have a HAND with a

THUMB in my opinion. I sometimes state things in a provocative way in

order to get responses. I did not really mean the man had a "bowling

ball"...but it obviously appears to be a ball with a stripe. There is also

something strange about his feet. He looks like he is on a skateboard.

Thanks for your great work!


Does anyone know whether this couple was the Rowlands? I seem to remember

someone saying that.

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Let's cut out all the extraneous. Here is the "ball with the stripe".

Is it or is it not a real object? If not, what is it and why?

And do not say it is a compression artifact. Compression artifacts do not

draw balls with stripes...and so smoothly.


Edited by Jack White
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A complete leg.

Which one is it going to be, a missing leg before LBJ's car passes him or a complete leg after he passes.


Way to go, Chris!!! I had not covered all the spectators yet. That couple is

supposedly identified and gave testimony. I can't remember the name at

the moment. Was it the Rowlands?

There are similar anomalies in several of the Houston spectators. I think the

animators were having some fun.

By the way...what is your opinion of the ball with the stripe?

Another by the way...I agree with you about the arm by the waist. The

longer arm tucked under the armpit, however, does have a HAND with a

THUMB in my opinion. I sometimes state things in a provocative way in

order to get responses. I did not really mean the man had a "bowling

ball"...but it obviously appears to be a ball with a stripe. There is also

something strange about his feet. He looks like he is on a skateboard.

Thanks for your great work!


Does anyone know whether this couple was the Rowlands? I seem to remember

someone saying that.

Yes, it is the Rowlands.

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