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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Fetzer is revealing more and more of himself, (perhaps forgetting about the concept of projection?). There's a definite pattern there and my esteem of Barb rises continuously. This thread should be blitzed and the repeated impuning (sic?) cause for moderation.


Edited by John Dolva
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Guest James H. Fetzer


NOTE: Judyth discusses the "dark side" of Alton Ochsner and the CIA, where the development of a

biowheapon became the objective of the research group including Judyth, David Farrie, Mary Sherman

and Alton Oschner, where Lee provided assistance in making connections and in looking after Judyth.

The increasing prevalence of drivel from the latest Junkkarinen "cheerleading squad" appears to be a

response to increased attention to cancer research and especially the development of a bioweapon.


Oh, Lola, there's abundant evidence about Ochsner. Chennault, Donovan, Anna Chennault, Jane

Ochsner (second wife), Nixon, Ochsner's connections even to Marcello, his connections to Hoover,

Murchison, all the players in the assassination--and he was the doctor who moved freely among

them all and went untouched with suspicion..So after Lee and Sherman and Ferrie had been taken

out, only Jim Garrison and I remained among those who knew about these secret research projects.



And much, much more. Ochsner is up to his ears in relation to the CIA.


People such as Barb hammer away at things such as the address on the Walter Reed

letter and thereby nobody reads the letter...And she has all these people chiming in who

automatically okay everything she says or does, even though she has contaminated her

witnesses, places over-emphasis on trivialities, and cannot even understand how analysis

of mouse urine was necessary to avoid dissecting mouse bladders -- to say nothing of the

fact that obtaining live cancer cells from mouse urine meant that I could culture them and

start new lines of cancers...Some of those lines of cancer cells thus became "immortal."



Edited by James H. Fetzer
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MEDEC-ZOA is no mystery ... and no file or designation regarding

Judyth for any special or secret project.

Barb :-)

Another example of Barb's trying to scarf up a bit of information and present her opinion as 'fact'.

Which of course is just Pamelas opinion as well.


I commend you. How you manage to continue to even deal with such lunacy is beyond me. I have read many of your writings and have always thought well of your work, but never so much as now. Some people never learn that the first thing to do when one finds oneself in a hole, is quit digging. I must say I am enjoying this beating you are dishing out very much!


Thank you, Mike, I appreciate your comments and support. And how right you are about the shoveling ... and FetzJudyth dug themselves a big one last night when whomever made the choice decided to "scarf up" information about my son, from his facebook page (NOT mine as has been lied about this morning) and post it to me stating it is my employment and I should have to explain it to the people on the thread.

Imo, it was a clear "message" to me, for I obviously would recognize the info, that they had info on my son ... which he/they MUST have known for it was copied and pasted directly off my son's private info page ... and that information has NEVER been on my page.

Using one's child as a weapon of sorts against a parent is beneath contempt.


Barb :-)

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Guest James H. Fetzer

This is ludicrous. I was asked about it by another party and it appeared to be relevant.

It was my mistake to think it concerned Barb. She could have explained it effortlessly,

but instead withheld information in a hypocritical effort to create a cause. The effort to

promote trivia is going full blast, since this gang has nothing of meaning to contribute.

MEDEC-ZOA is no mystery ... and no file or designation regarding

Judyth for any special or secret project.

Barb :-)

Another example of Barb's trying to scarf up a bit of information and present her opinion as 'fact'.

Which of course is just Pamelas opinion as well.


I commend you. How you manage to continue to even deal with such lunacy is beyond me. I have read many of your writings and have always thought well of your work, but never so much as now. Some people never learn that the first thing to do when one finds oneself in a hole, is quit digging. I must say I am enjoying this beating you are dishing out very much!


Thank you, Mike, I appreciate your comments and support. And how right you are about the shoveling ... and FetzJudyth dug themselves a big one last night when whomever made the choice decided to "scarf up" information about my son, from his facebook page (NOT mine as has been lied about this morning) and post it to me stating it is my employment and I should have to explain it to the people on the thread.

Imo, it was a clear "message" to me, for I obviously would recognize the info, that they had info on my son ... which he/they MUST have known for it was copied and pasted directly off my son's private info page ... and that information has NEVER been on my page.

Using one's child as a weapon of sorts against a parent is beneath contempt.


Barb :-)

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Let's be clear about one thing. The information you harvested DID NOT come from MY Facebook page. That information is not now, nor has it ever been on my facebook page.

I replied to your post last night ... deleting the info you posted but stating that your "data" (as YOU called it) was bad, because I had never been so employed. That should have straightened it out for you. But you figured a way to still bring my son into this. I requested the moderators delete that section from your post, they apparently decided to delete the whole thing.

And now you have the unmitigated gall to attack me in this sham you call an "apology" besides ... where you NOW state the info was my son's info and not about any employment of mine at all. How'd ya know that? Well, of course you knew it from the start, before you decided to post the info and say it was about me ... as a rather slimy "message" to me ... that you had harvested info on my son. Trying to tell me to back off in a not so veiled way is what it looked like to me.

How dare you or anyone go after someone's child's information. And then use it as a weapon of sorts against their parent, just because they are incapable of engaging in any semblance of reasoned discussion and cannot counter the factual information being posted.

One might wonder just what sort of stake you have in Judyth that you alienate long time friends, like Jack White, so cruelly ... launch incessant snide and derogatory attacks against anyone who disagrees with you on her story ... and then resorts to harvesting info on a person's child for a slimeball post. You publish books ... waiting in line for her deal at Trine Day to fall apart? Stand to make any money off her book?

I am in this arena, my son is not.

And you were a USMC officer!


Barb appears to be complete right insofar as the information I presented about

her--which came from her Facebook page--concerned not her but her son. She

seized the opportunity to withhold data and cast me in the worst possible light.

This appears to clarify and illuminate her tactics in this thread. She practices the

same techniques with Judyth, as earlier posts have revealed, not only with regard

to Judyth's official files but with respect to explaining reports about her research.

This is the right way to go if you want to obfuscate and obscure information, but

not if you are diligently in the pursuit of truth--about Judyth, her records, or her

accomplishments. Once again, therefore, we find Barbara is running true to form.


Something I posted touch a nerve ... or six? Flailing around like an octopus on the beach doing a "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!" routine doesn't do much for either one of you, in my humble opinion, but at least it has some comic value. Making scurrilous ... not to mention false ... charges in an all caps bolded headline against me ... give me a break. Now pay attention because this is going to be quick.

NOTE: This appears to me to be an obvious abuse of position by Junkkarenin

by not responding in a timely fashion to the request for a translation by Howard Platzman.

1. Howard did not ask me to "translate" anything.

Howard said (and you should know because you typed it):


And I did that .... in post #964, pg 65. I addressed everything he asked.

2. You replied to me in post#965, thanking me for my response, saying:

Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. Would you believe he felt similarly inclined toward you? It must be difficult to imaginel

3. You are no one here's ringmaster.

You've got bad data, Fetzer. I have never worked for an Air Force ROTC detachment. A quick google shows that detachment is

located in Arizona. It is no secret I live in Oregon.


Barb has ignored Dr. Howard Platzman's invitation to translate the Abstract.

He asked her to translate . . . And now too much time has passed, because

by now, she could have obtained the services of an oncologist....

Absurd ... and false. I was not asked to "translate" anything. It was also in English.<g> See the quotes I provided to Fetzer above ... and the post #964.

But perhaps it isn't too late for her to translate, for all of you, the letter that

WRAIR sent me, including an assessment of the value and level of research

I was doing, remembering that WRAIR said they were doing 'similar' work on the

hypothermia matter.

I'm sure she's capable of an instant translation. She's worked in a lab for years.

No one can "translate" (or even read, despite it being in English) a letter they cannot see ... because you keep covering up the bottom of page 1 of the letter.

Why is that? I cannot imagine why it would need to be "translated."

On your further attempts at the MEDEC-ZOA thing ... I posted the info I learned from multiple sources, one being the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research itself ... nothing else to add. People can check the accuracy of the information for themselves if the see the need.

I am not interested in your wrangle, tangle, always a new twisted turn game.

I understand your methodology just fine ... and it makes me laugh. :-)

Edited: Private information about others employment, etc.is not to be published.

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This is ludicrous. I was asked about it by another party and it appeared to be relevant.

It was my mistake to think it concerned Barb. She could have explained it effortlessly,

but instead withheld information in a hypocritical effort to create a cause.

Just *what* from my son's facebook page could have "appeared" to you to be "relevant"? For that matter, what part of anyone's employer could be relevant to this discussion ... especially an ROTC detachment? You are correct ... the whole thing is ludicrous and just shows how low some will go when they can't meet documented information head on. You were "asked" about it? And then, at the every least, you stupidly chose to run with it thinking you had something to smear me. That's if one wants to believe you didn't know the info was my son's ... which I do not believe. At the very least it showcases very nicely just how you operate.

As for blaming me for your act ... saying I could have "effortlessly" corrected you.... which part of ...

"You've got bad data, Fetzer. I have never worked for an Air Force ROTC detachment. A quick

google shows that detachment is

located in Arizona. It is no secret I live in Oregon."

...was not simple enough for you to understand in my reply #1015? I know you saw it because you replied to me with your fake apology ... and the quoted material is still there.

The effort to

promote trivia is going full blast, since this gang has nothing of meaning to contribute.[/quote

Harvesting and fraudulently using the info one harvests on someone's child is not trivial.

Stop it. Leave my child and anyone else's out of everything. There is no excuse. So, stop digging. If this was a way you thought you could get me to go away ... you are oh so wrong.

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Barb, while he is wrong about a lot, and is guilty of turning most any discussion of the evidence into a urinating contest, it seems unlikely to me that Professor Jim would go after you through your son as described.

Isn't it a lot more reasonable to assume he just screwed up, and thought the info was about you?

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Fetzer is revealing more and more of himself, (perhaps forgetting about the concept of projection?). There's a definite pattern there and my esteem of Barb rises continuously. This thread should be blitzed and the repeated impuning (sic?) cause for moderation.


Thank you, John, your words mean a lot to me. :-)

I certainly hope they will not choose to "blitz" the thread ... a lot of good and revealing information has been posted. I certainly do think some should be subject to moderation.

Bests to you,

Barb :-)

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Barb, while he is wrong about a lot, and is guilty of turning most any discussion of the evidence into a urinating contest, it seems unlikely to me that Professor Jim would go after you through your son as described.

Isn't it a lot more reasonable to assume he just screwed up, and thought the info was about you?

Yeah, sure, Pat ... I look like an AF Cadet Honor Guard Commander.<g>

He posted the info ... it was his responsibility to know the source, what it meant and whom it was about, in any case.

And instead of a sincere apology, he blames and attacks me further.


Barb :-)

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Very well said and I certainly agree with you.

It is nothing less than amazing that Barb somehow repeatedly finds the energy to argue with these people. Over here we have this old saying "don't throw pearls to the pigs" and I don't think I need to elaborate on this.

Barb is doing a fantastic job, real research with actual facts. Again and again, and all she gets back from Judyfetz is demeaning and derogatory BS. No answers, except "bad memory", "nit picking" and the usual, decade old, twisting, turning and bending.

Sum it up and there should be no doubts as to what Judyth is all about.

Best regards Mike,


Thanks, Glenn. I appreciate YOU ... coming forward about the Swedish documents, only to be treated so rudely and suspiciously, despite John Dolva confirming everything you said.

A nice quiet afternoon at Skansen would be lovely about now ...


Barb :-)

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Over the last few weeks only Barb Junkkarinen has had the patience to virtually single-handedly take apart the evermore complex posturing of JudythFetzer. Unable to reply with sensible arguments, Fetzer (true to form) starts trolling the Internet. Intent on finding something with which to slime Barb, Fetzer starts looking into Barb's employment. He comes up with the totally wrong fact that Barb worked for ROTC in Arizona while she lived in Oregon. Only much later does our hero tumble to the fact that Barb's son.... not Barb... was in ROTC. And then the final idiocy.. HE BLAMES BARB FOR HIS GUTTERBALL MISTAKE!

You just can't play fair... can you, Professor?!

Josiah Thompson

Hi Tink,

Patience ... moi? LOL And thank you.


Barb :-)

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Yeah, but midsummer nights are heavenly.

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Barb, while he is wrong about a lot, and is guilty of turning most any discussion of the evidence into a urinating contest, it seems unlikely to me that Professor Jim would go after you through your son as described.

Isn't it a lot more reasonable to assume he just screwed up, and thought the info was about you?

Barb has lots of experience developing wild stories, so we can rest assured that this one will be blown out of all proportion and used to try to make her look like a victim.

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You seem to know more about Judyth than anybody! Are you writing a book?


Hi Bill,

Oh gosh no .... no, no, no. A couple years ago, I just decided to undertake some years long overdue fact checking on things in her story that can be fact checked, and post my findings.


Barb :-)

Edited by Barb Junkkarinen
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You're welcome Barb. I mean by blitz to back you up. Not sit on the sideline. But you're obviously not a victim type and the support is obviously there. OK, well he can consider stopping digging at some point, I suppose.

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