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Book by JFK's Secret Service Agent, Gerald Baine

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Hi, all!

Yes, SA Jerry O'Rourke is the agent who firmly believes there was a conspiracy, NOT Gerald Blaine. In fact, this is what Blaine wrote to me in an e-mail dated 6/12/05:

“I did not hear Jerry O'Rourke's comments, but I cannot even imagine an agent who went through the whole thing expressing a conspiracy theory, but everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. My study and evaluation over the years, based upon the threat scenario's we had to deal with pointed to Oswald's acting alone”

Blaine also told me on the phone on 6/10/05:

“The Secret Service learned so much from the assassination” and “The Warren Commission did a great job” (!)

There is going to be a big media splash with this book: not only because it says so in so many words on the publisher's website, but because this book is being published BY a major publisher with all the hype of "former agents speak out for the first time" (bulls*&^!) AND will convey that Oswald acted alone (the media will love that!). Last but certainly not least, I have the distinct feeling they will be towing the "blame-the-victim" line (it's a shame he was killed, but JFK was asking for it via reckless behavior and ordering us off the limo [more bulls^&%]). I would be shocked if this book "came and went", so to speak.



There are several factual errors JUST from the backjacket released so far:

"For the first time ever" the Secret Service agents are allegedly speaking out about the assassination. We ALL know this is not true: the Warren Commission, Manchester, Bishop, the HSCA, and especially MY BOOK, not to mention several Secret Service documentaries on tv/ vhs/ dvd, among other sources, chronicles what many of these agents have to say about the matter.

Clint Hill has allegedly refused to cooperate with any book on the assassination until now. Oops: wrong answer---Hill was interviewed 11/18/64 and 5/20/65, respectively, for William Manchester's "The Death of a President." (His testimony also appears in the Warren Report, another book, not to mention TWO different appearances on "60 Minutes", a 3/22/06 appearance on "Larry King Live", as well as lengthy interviews on THREE different televised Secret Service documentaries, available for retail purchase the world over on VHS and/ or dvd!) [Nothing is mentioned about Hill testifying that the right rear of JFK's head was missing, indicating a shot from the front]

Over forty agents who served JFK contributed to the book [giving the distinct impression that this is a world exclusive]...that's nice, but I interviewed and/ or corresponded with even more ("cross examination", so to speak, versus friendly "direct examination"), as well as several very important agents---the "brass"---who passed away BEFORE this book was even a thought. It's nice to have the thoughts of the many "Privates"---Special Agents---regarding Kennedy and so forth, but nothing beats the "brass": SAIC Jerry Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, and ATSAIC Art Godfrey, not to mention JFK Aide Dave Powers.

I, along with several other researchers, ALSO have the 11/18/63 Tampa Secret Service Final Survey Report, as well as shift reports for that trip (these were released by the ARRB in the late 1990's). The issue really is about the many OTHER trip reports that WERE destroyed by the Secret Service in January 1995 for the period from 9/24/63 to 11/22/63; a token number were released to "pacify" us all.

Blaine's attorney sent me a threatening letter last Fall: they are worried about me...for good reason. :o) I won't take this *&% lightly.

Vince Palamara

Edited by Vince Palamara
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Hi, all!

Yes, SA Jerry O'Rourke is the agent who firmly believes there was a conspiracy, NOT Gerald Blaine. In fact, this is what Blaine wrote to me in an e-mail dated 6/12/05:

"I did not hear Jerry O'Rourke's comments, but I cannot even imagine an agent who went through the whole thing expressing a conspiracy theory, but everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. My study and evaluation over the years, based upon the threat scenario's we had to deal with pointed to Oswald's acting alone"

Blaine also told me on the phone on 6/10/05:

"The Secret Service learned so much from the assassination" and "The Warren Commission did a great job" (!)

There is going to be a big media splash with this book: not only because it says so in so many words on the publisher's website, but because this book is being published BY a major publisher with all the hype of "former agents speak out for the first time" (bulls*&^!) AND will convey that Oswald acted alone (the media will love that!). Last but certainly not least, I have the distinct feeling they will be towing the "blame-the-victim" line (it's a shame he was killed, but JFK was asking for it via reckless behavior and ordering us off the limo [more bulls^&%]). I would be shocked if this book "came and went", so to speak.



There are several factual errors JUST from the backjacket released so far:

"For the first time ever" the Secret Service agents are allegedly speaking out about the assassination. We ALL know this is not true: the Warren Commission, Manchester, Bishop, the HSCA, and especially MY BOOK, not to mention several Secret Service documentaries on tv/ vhs/ dvd, among other sources, chronicles what many of these agents have to say about the matter.

Clint Hill has allegedly refused to cooperate with any book on the assassination until now. Oops: wrong answer---Hill was interviewed 11/18/64 and 5/20/65, respectively, for William Manchester's "The Death of a President." (His testimony also appears in the Warren Report, another book, not to mention TWO different appearances on "60 Minutes", a 3/22/06 appearance on "Larry King Live", as well as lengthy interviews on THREE different televised Secret Service documentaries, available for retail purchase the world over on VHS and/ or dvd!) [Nothing is mentioned about Hill testifying that the right rear of JFK's head was missing, indicating a shot from the front]

Over forty agents who served JFK contributed to the book [giving the distinct impression that this is a world exclusive]...that's nice, but I interviewed and/ or corresponded with even more ("cross examination", so to speak, versus friendly "direct examination"), as well as several very important agents---the "brass"---who passed away BEFORE this book was even a thought. It's nice to have the thoughts of the many "Privates"---Special Agents---regarding Kennedy and so forth, but nothing beats the "brass": SAIC Jerry Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, and ATSAIC Art Godfrey, not to mention JFK Aide Dave Powers.

I, along with several other researchers, ALSO have the 11/18/63 Tampa Secret Service Final Survey Report, as well as shift reports for that trip (these were released by the ARRB in the late 1990's). The issue really is about the many OTHER trip reports that WERE destroyed by the Secret Service in January 1995 for the period from 9/24/63 to 11/22/63; a token number were released to "pacify" us all.

Blaine's attorney sent me a threatening letter last Fall: they are worried about me...for good reason. :o ) I won't take this *&% lightly.

Vince Palamara

Hey Vince,

I too think this is an important book, regardless of what it says. If Blaine is a security consultant, then he should recognize that even if he believes Oswald acted alone, the security implications of the assassination are still effecting us today, and that the records must be released NOW as a matter of national security. He should also be required to testify at a Congressional Oversight Hearing on the JFK Act as to why all the records are being withheld and destoryed if Oswald acted alone?

He should also have to respond to Bill Simpich's continuing reports on how the official records reflect that Oswald was being used as a counter-intelligence asset whether he was aware of it or not.

And my question has yet to be answered as to whether Gerry O'Rourke is still alive, as he too should be required to testify as the news article says that he developed his firm opinion on the assassination while serving as a SS intelligence agent in Washington with access to the files that are being withheld and destroyed, and these records helped him for his opinions.

The book is scheduled for release in November, and every time an article about this book is published gives us an opportunity to respond and set the record straight about these issues.

There also must be a book signing, and book tour, and we should meet with Blaine and give him the information that we have that convinces us that there was a conspiracy and ask him how he resonds to that.

And Vince, can you share with us what Blaine's lawyer had to say to you?

It appears as if he was trying to stymie you, as in golf or pool, and block your shot.


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Do you have any idea who this man might be, only a few feet from Johnson at Parkland?


I assume it is not any SS agent known to be in Dallas. Whoever he is, the SS obviously had no concern at all about him being around LBJ at Parkland.

One suggestion is that he is Boris Pash, who was head of a CIA assassination unit. Wouldn't it be odd that the SS (not to mention LBJ himself) would want a CIA assassin anywhere near LBJ that afternoon?

Seems to me that the identity of this man, at such a sensitive point in time in the presence of LBJ, could be a key to the conspiracy. Who was he and what was he doing there?

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Do you have any idea who this man might be, only a few feet from Johnson at Parkland?


I assume it is not any SS agent known to be in Dallas. Whoever he is, the SS obviously had no concern at all about him being around LBJ at Parkland.

One suggestion is that he is Boris Pash, who was head of a CIA assassination unit. Wouldn't it be odd that the SS (not to mention LBJ himself) would want a CIA assassin anywhere near LBJ that afternoon?

Seems to me that the identity of this man, at such a sensitive point in time in the presence of LBJ, could be a key to the conspiracy. Who was he and what was he doing there?

Thats Forrest Sorrels Ron

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Thats Forrest Sorrels Ron

Are you sure? This man has been discussed before on the forum, and no one knew who it was.

Are there other photos of Sorrels? I've never seen one.

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Yes: Jerry O'Rourke is still alive (he lives very close to his former colleague, Jerry Blaine!), that IS Forrest Sorrells in that pic with LBJ, and I can't reveal the DETAILS of the letter from his attorney...but you are correct in your analogy.

Blaine is a "true believer"---doubt anyone will change his mind


Hi, all!

Yes, SA Jerry O'Rourke is the agent who firmly believes there was a conspiracy, NOT Gerald Blaine. In fact, this is what Blaine wrote to me in an e-mail dated 6/12/05:

"I did not hear Jerry O'Rourke's comments, but I cannot even imagine an agent who went through the whole thing expressing a conspiracy theory, but everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. My study and evaluation over the years, based upon the threat scenario's we had to deal with pointed to Oswald's acting alone"

Blaine also told me on the phone on 6/10/05:

"The Secret Service learned so much from the assassination" and "The Warren Commission did a great job" (!)

There is going to be a big media splash with this book: not only because it says so in so many words on the publisher's website, but because this book is being published BY a major publisher with all the hype of "former agents speak out for the first time" (bulls*&^!) AND will convey that Oswald acted alone (the media will love that!). Last but certainly not least, I have the distinct feeling they will be towing the "blame-the-victim" line (it's a shame he was killed, but JFK was asking for it via reckless behavior and ordering us off the limo [more bulls^&%]). I would be shocked if this book "came and went", so to speak.



There are several factual errors JUST from the backjacket released so far:

"For the first time ever" the Secret Service agents are allegedly speaking out about the assassination. We ALL know this is not true: the Warren Commission, Manchester, Bishop, the HSCA, and especially MY BOOK, not to mention several Secret Service documentaries on tv/ vhs/ dvd, among other sources, chronicles what many of these agents have to say about the matter.

Clint Hill has allegedly refused to cooperate with any book on the assassination until now. Oops: wrong answer---Hill was interviewed 11/18/64 and 5/20/65, respectively, for William Manchester's "The Death of a President." (His testimony also appears in the Warren Report, another book, not to mention TWO different appearances on "60 Minutes", a 3/22/06 appearance on "Larry King Live", as well as lengthy interviews on THREE different televised Secret Service documentaries, available for retail purchase the world over on VHS and/ or dvd!) [Nothing is mentioned about Hill testifying that the right rear of JFK's head was missing, indicating a shot from the front]

Over forty agents who served JFK contributed to the book [giving the distinct impression that this is a world exclusive]...that's nice, but I interviewed and/ or corresponded with even more ("cross examination", so to speak, versus friendly "direct examination"), as well as several very important agents---the "brass"---who passed away BEFORE this book was even a thought. It's nice to have the thoughts of the many "Privates"---Special Agents---regarding Kennedy and so forth, but nothing beats the "brass": SAIC Jerry Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, and ATSAIC Art Godfrey, not to mention JFK Aide Dave Powers.

I, along with several other researchers, ALSO have the 11/18/63 Tampa Secret Service Final Survey Report, as well as shift reports for that trip (these were released by the ARRB in the late 1990's). The issue really is about the many OTHER trip reports that WERE destroyed by the Secret Service in January 1995 for the period from 9/24/63 to 11/22/63; a token number were released to "pacify" us all.

Blaine's attorney sent me a threatening letter last Fall: they are worried about me...for good reason. :lol: ) I won't take this *&% lightly.

Vince Palamara

Hey Vince,

I too think this is an important book, regardless of what it says. If Blaine is a security consultant, then he should recognize that even if he believes Oswald acted alone, the security implications of the assassination are still effecting us today, and that the records must be released NOW as a matter of national security. He should also be required to testify at a Congressional Oversight Hearing on the JFK Act as to why all the records are being withheld and destoryed if Oswald acted alone?

He should also have to respond to Bill Simpich's continuing reports on how the official records reflect that Oswald was being used as a counter-intelligence asset whether he was aware of it or not.

And my question has yet to be answered as to whether Gerry O'Rourke is still alive, as he too should be required to testify as the news article says that he developed his firm opinion on the assassination while serving as a SS intelligence agent in Washington with access to the files that are being withheld and destroyed, and these records helped him for his opinions.

The book is scheduled for release in November, and every time an article about this book is published gives us an opportunity to respond and set the record straight about these issues.

There also must be a book signing, and book tour, and we should meet with Blaine and give him the information that we have that convinces us that there was a conspiracy and ask him how he resonds to that.

And Vince, can you share with us what Blaine's lawyer had to say to you?

It appears as if he was trying to stymie you, as in golf or pool, and block your shot.


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Yes: Jerry O'Rourke is still alive (he lives very close to his former colleague, Jerry Blaine!), that IS Forrest Sorrells in that pic with LBJ, and I can't reveal the DETAILS of the letter from his attorney...but you are correct in your analogy.

Blaine is a "true believer"---doubt anyone will change his mind


Hi, all!

Yes, SA Jerry O'Rourke is the agent who firmly believes there was a conspiracy, NOT Gerald Blaine. In fact, this is what Blaine wrote to me in an e-mail dated 6/12/05:

"I did not hear Jerry O'Rourke's comments, but I cannot even imagine an agent who went through the whole thing expressing a conspiracy theory, but everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. My study and evaluation over the years, based upon the threat scenario's we had to deal with pointed to Oswald's acting alone"

Blaine also told me on the phone on 6/10/05:

"The Secret Service learned so much from the assassination" and "The Warren Commission did a great job" (!)

There is going to be a big media splash with this book: not only because it says so in so many words on the publisher's website, but because this book is being published BY a major publisher with all the hype of "former agents speak out for the first time" (bulls*&^!) AND will convey that Oswald acted alone (the media will love that!). Last but certainly not least, I have the distinct feeling they will be towing the "blame-the-victim" line (it's a shame he was killed, but JFK was asking for it via reckless behavior and ordering us off the limo [more bulls^&%]). I would be shocked if this book "came and went", so to speak.



There are several factual errors JUST from the backjacket released so far:

"For the first time ever" the Secret Service agents are allegedly speaking out about the assassination. We ALL know this is not true: the Warren Commission, Manchester, Bishop, the HSCA, and especially MY BOOK, not to mention several Secret Service documentaries on tv/ vhs/ dvd, among other sources, chronicles what many of these agents have to say about the matter.

Clint Hill has allegedly refused to cooperate with any book on the assassination until now. Oops: wrong answer---Hill was interviewed 11/18/64 and 5/20/65, respectively, for William Manchester's "The Death of a President." (His testimony also appears in the Warren Report, another book, not to mention TWO different appearances on "60 Minutes", a 3/22/06 appearance on "Larry King Live", as well as lengthy interviews on THREE different televised Secret Service documentaries, available for retail purchase the world over on VHS and/ or dvd!) [Nothing is mentioned about Hill testifying that the right rear of JFK's head was missing, indicating a shot from the front]

Over forty agents who served JFK contributed to the book [giving the distinct impression that this is a world exclusive]...that's nice, but I interviewed and/ or corresponded with even more ("cross examination", so to speak, versus friendly "direct examination"), as well as several very important agents---the "brass"---who passed away BEFORE this book was even a thought. It's nice to have the thoughts of the many "Privates"---Special Agents---regarding Kennedy and so forth, but nothing beats the "brass": SAIC Jerry Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, and ATSAIC Art Godfrey, not to mention JFK Aide Dave Powers.

I, along with several other researchers, ALSO have the 11/18/63 Tampa Secret Service Final Survey Report, as well as shift reports for that trip (these were released by the ARRB in the late 1990's). The issue really is about the many OTHER trip reports that WERE destroyed by the Secret Service in January 1995 for the period from 9/24/63 to 11/22/63; a token number were released to "pacify" us all.

Blaine's attorney sent me a threatening letter last Fall: they are worried about me...for good reason. :o ) I won't take this *&% lightly.

Vince Palamara

Hey Vince,

I too think this is an important book, regardless of what it says. If Blaine is a security consultant, then he should recognize that even if he believes Oswald acted alone, the security implications of the assassination are still effecting us today, and that the records must be released NOW as a matter of national security. He should also be required to testify at a Congressional Oversight Hearing on the JFK Act as to why all the records are being withheld and destoryed if Oswald acted alone?

He should also have to respond to Bill Simpich's continuing reports on how the official records reflect that Oswald was being used as a counter-intelligence asset whether he was aware of it or not.

And my question has yet to be answered as to whether Gerry O'Rourke is still alive, as he too should be required to testify as the news article says that he developed his firm opinion on the assassination while serving as a SS intelligence agent in Washington with access to the files that are being withheld and destroyed, and these records helped him for his opinions.

The book is scheduled for release in November, and every time an article about this book is published gives us an opportunity to respond and set the record straight about these issues.

There also must be a book signing, and book tour, and we should meet with Blaine and give him the information that we have that convinces us that there was a conspiracy and ask him how he resonds to that.

And Vince, can you share with us what Blaine's lawyer had to say to you?

It appears as if he was trying to stymie you, as in golf or pool, and block your shot.


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thanks again vince the sorrels photos and info i did post your information on this forum for all, i guess some missed it.it happens...here are some others of him, i must add some would not believe he was sorrels. for whatever of their own reasoning.....best b..

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Thanks for the info on Sorrels.

I was convinced that the guy in the LBJ photo was either Boris Pash or the actor Everett Sloane.

Here's a photo of Sloane in Dealey Plaza.


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Guest Tom Scully

AP in Nov, 1964, distributed this as Sorrels.... I don't think AP photo is a good match for the guy with hat and glasses near LBJ, but the nose and mouth seem to match in the photos below.:




Edited by Tom Scully
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Thanks Tom,

So is Sorrels the guy who looks like Boris Pash, walking with LBJ?


AP in Nov, 1964, distributed this as Sorrels.... I don't think AP photo is a good match for the guy with hat and glasses near LBJ, but the nose and mouth seem to match in the photos below.:




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Thanks Tom,

So is Sorrels the guy who looks like Boris Pash, walking with LBJ?


AP in Nov, 1964, distributed this as Sorrels.... I don't think AP photo is a good match for the guy with hat and glasses near LBJ, but the nose and mouth seem to match in the photos below.:




bill vince palamara says yes..he is...b

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