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JFK Exhumation petition

Jerry Craig

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Everybody please sign this petition


For God's sake, let the man rest in peace.

JFK will not rest in peace until his murder is resolved to a legal and moral certainty.

If a nameless bum died on the street in the gutter he would receive a proper forensic autopsy that would produce evidence that could be introduced in a court of law.

JFK deserves no less.

To paraphrase the National Endowment for the Arts - a great nation deserves great art, well a president deserves a decent autopsy.

And one good benefit from it, besides fullfilling a legal constitutional mandate, would be there would be no more debate over the single-bullet-theory, and one side or the other would have to eat crow.

And no crap about the family would never let it happen, because the family of the victim has no say if a court orders a forensic autopsy of a suspicious death, as courts do every day in the USA.

There will be no rest in peace until truth and justice prevail.

And they ought to dig up the other victims and give them a proper forensic autopsy too - including Oswald, Tippitt and Connally.

Bill Kelly

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JFK will not rest in peace until his murder is resolved to a legal and moral certainty.

If a nameless bum died on the street in the gutter he would receive a proper forensic autopsy that would produce evidence that could be introduced in a court of law.

JFK deserves no less.

To paraphrase the National Endowment for the Arts - a great nation deserves great art, well a president deserves a decent autopsy.

And one good benefit from it, besides fullfilling a legal constitutional mandate, would be there would be no more debate over the single-bullet-theory, and one side or the other would have to eat crow.

And no crap about the family would never let it happen, because the family of the victim has no say if a court orders a forensic autopsy of a suspicious death, as courts do every day in the USA.

There will be no rest in peace until truth and justice prevail.

And they ought to dig up the other victims and give them a proper forensic autopsy too - including Oswald, Tippitt and Connally.

Bill Kelly

Would it really be possible to answer all questions now with the brain and other autopsy materials missing? Of course you're right that we might at least be able to discern the true path of the nonfatal bullet but I'm not convinced those with authority well ever consider that a strong enough reason to dig up the President's body - especially given how conspiracy theorists have been marginalized by the MSM with increased veracity of late.

I don't know jack about Connally's death but I don't recall ever hearing complaints about the autopsies given Oswald and Tippit.

Hi Martin,

No, not all the questions would be answered, but most of the physical, medical and ballistics questions can be.

I've talked with Dr. Wecht about this, and he said that the head wounds would still indicate the enterance and exit wounds to some certainty, as those bones are hard.

Proper determination of extent of the non-fatal back and neck wounds would end the single bullet debate once and for all.

And without even being intrusive, before it is even touched by pathologists, it would be put through all the latest x-ray and magnetic imaging machines that would tell the doctors a lot.

Forget conspiracy theorists, there is no stronger reason to give the president a proper forensic autopsy than the national security of the United States, and the constitutional requirement that suspicious deaths, especially homicides, be properly and forensically investigated, and the evidence collected presented to a grand jury to determine if anyone can be indicted for any crimes related to that death.

But the judicial system will no be inclined to act at the request or demands of conspriacy theorists.

They would only be required to act if the official and legal channels as laid out in the constitution are adhered to and followed.

That would require a Federal Attorney for Washingtion to convene a Special Federal Grand Jury for the only purpose of investigating the circumstances and the evidence in the death of the president and any related crimes, and a forensic autopsy would then be ordered to acquire new forensic evidence that can be admitted into court.

The only thing the DA would have to show the Grand Jury is the conflicting Autopsy Reports (there are three in evidence), and record for the record that the autopsy performed at Bathesda only determined the cause of death (gunshot to the head), and was not a forensic autopsy, the purpose of which is to develop evidence to use in court.

None of the x-rays, reports or photos of the original autopsy can be admitted into court as they have lost their chain of custody and are no longer valid.

As for Connally, if they take more bullet fragments out of his wrist than are missing from CE399 then that alone is proof of conspiracy.

And Oswald was not given a forensic autopsy at death or by the butchers who dug him up later on.

If such a forensic autopsy was to be peformed today, it would probably be done at the facilities at George Washington University.

It is not really a matter of whether such an autopsy will be performed, it is only a matter of when it will take place.

If it happens in the next few years, it could lead to resolution of the case, at least as far as there can be a legal resolution.

If it happens ten years from now or later, it will only be a matter of historical interest.

Bill Kelly

Edited by William Kelly
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That would require a Federal Attorney for Washingtion to convene a Special Federal Grand Jury for the only purpose of investigating the circumstances and the evidence in the death of the president and any related crimes, and a forensic autopsy would then be ordered to acquire new forensic evidence that can be admitted into court.

Do you really see that happening though? I think we'd all love to see Washington take an interest in the case again but I just can't imagine it happening now.

No, it will have to happen in a legal sequence of events. For starters, the Congressional Oversight Committees will have to do their duty and hold hearings on the JFK Act and enter into the record the fact that records were destroyed, illegaly withheld and are missing. Once that is established in Congress, and makes some headlines, it will become an issue and then a petition, including the evidence of crimes related to the records, can be taken to a federal prosecutor, who will then have to either act on it or decline to act on it.

Petition for JFK Act Oversight Hearings:


Petition for JFK Grand Jury:


As for possibilities and plausibilities, it is more plausible now that the Democrats control the oversight committees and their agendas, but they haven't done anything since they've been in power except to respond to news stories.

The Justice Dept. did convene a grand jury for the Valarie Plame affair, and Fitzgerald is the kind of prosecutor you will need to do JFK justice. Another example is the DC grand jury that investigated the assassination of the Chile ambassdor.

They've also recently convened a DC grand jury and convinced it to indict former professional baseball player Roger Clemmons for perjury for lying before a Congressional hearing investigating steroid use among professional athletes.

Now if that's a serious enough crime to convene a grand jury, wouldn't you say the destruction and theft of federal government records and the assassination of the President deserves at least the same treatment?

Bill Kelly

Edited by William Kelly
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As well as the non iintrusive methods mentioned, the imaging field is a rapidly developing one where many other methods are available and becoming available. All it takes are properly placed probes around the coffin without having to duisturb the coffin and its contents at all and create a detailed computer generated and manipulated model which can go a far way in restoring the reamains into a simulated recreation. In a sense a win win potential for detractors and supporters.

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That would require a Federal Attorney for Washingtion to convene a Special Federal Grand Jury for the only purpose of investigating the circumstances and the evidence in the death of the president and any related crimes, and a forensic autopsy would then be ordered to acquire new forensic evidence that can be admitted into court.

Do you really see that happening though? I think we'd all love to see Washington take an interest in the case again but I just can't imagine it happening now.

No, it will have to happen in a legal sequence of events. For starters, the Congressional Oversight Committees will have to do their duty and hold hearings on the JFK Act and enter into the record the fact that records were destroyed, illegaly withheld and are missing. Once that is established in Congress, and makes some headlines, it will become an issue and then a petition, including the evidence of crimes related to the records, can be taken to a federal prosecutor, who will then have to either act on it or decline to act on it.

Petition for JFK Act Oversight Hearings:


Petition for JFK Grand Jury:


As for possibilities and plausibilities, it is more plausible now that the Democrats control the oversight committees and their agendas, but they haven't done anything since they've been in power except to respond to news stories.

The Justice Dept. did convene a grand jury for the Valarie Plame affair, and Fitzgerald is the kind of prosecutor you will need to do JFK justice. Another example is the DC grand jury that investigated the assassination of the Chile ambassdor.

They've also recently convened a DC grand jury and convinced it to indict former professional baseball player Roger Clemmons for perjury for lying before a Congressional hearing investigating steroid use among professional athletes.

Now if that's a serious enough crime to convene a grand jury, wouldn't you say the destruction and theft of federal government records and the assassination of the President deserves at least the same treatment?

Bill Kelly

thanks Bill for all the information, what gets me is this line..''Another example is the DC grand jury that investigated the assassination of the Chile ambassdor.'' But they have not done so for one of their own ,a beloved President for many, US citizens, Is it a matter of they will not or they cannot and have been stopped from doing so.. ...?? Because the foxes have been taking care for so long. of the hen houses..

B) B

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When I think of JFK resting in peace, I remember that corpsman's account of how, late in the autopsy procedure, they had the cadaver sitting up with a metal probe inserted through the back wound and exiting the throat wound, which would have caused a hitherto unaccomplished puncturing of the pleural cavity, all in order to prove some proto-version of the SBT.

I signed the petition. Comment: "Let us work together for truth."

Edited by David Andrews
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You can have 50 million signatures on that petition and it wont make one bit of difference

The family will never let an exumation happen

The family of the victim, even if their name is Kennedy, can not prevent a district attorney, a prosecutor or a grand jury from ordering an exhumation and proper forensic autopsy.


Edited by William Kelly
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You can have 50 million signatures on that petition and it wont make one bit of difference

The family will never let an exumation happen

The family of the victim, even if their name is Kennedy, can not prevent a district attorney, a prosecutor or a grand jury from ordering an exhumation and proper forensic autopsy.



Im all for taking a look at JFKs wounds, but I also think its super disrespectful to go over the families head with court order for exhumation

I think I would be ok with it if we got some hard answers about the head, back and throat wounds

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Proper determination of extent of the non-fatal back and neck wounds would end the single bullet debate once and for all.

How would that be possible? The SBT bullet didn't hit a single bone in JFK's body.

So how would it be possible to track (or even see) the SBT bullet wounds on JFK's decomposed body if no bones were impacted?

Edited by David Von Pein
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Proper determination of extent of the non-fatal back and neck wounds would end the single bullet debate once and for all.

How would that be possible? The SBT bullet didn't hit a single bone in JFK's body.

So how would it be possible to track the SBT bullet wounds on JFK's decomposed body if no bones were impacted?

Well first of all there is no such thing as the SBT

The throat wound was an entry wound

The back wound was much much lower then you and Myers claim so who knows if the back wound hit any bone or not

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And if JFK's body were to be dug up, and the pathologists were to find that there's not a trace of the upper-back or throat wounds (since no bones were impacted at all), will that make the anti-SBT crowd stop crying foul?

Of course it wouldn't. Because JFK is just the first portion of the "SBT". John Connally is the second portion.

Such an exhumation would probably just make more CTers jump on Cyril Wecht's bandwagon. Cyril has always believed a single bullet did pass through JFK's body, but that it missed Gov. Connally (via some magical swerving missile of some kind).

An exhumation, of course, would settle one controversy -- JFK's head wounds. It would confirm there was just one wound of entry, with that entrance wound being in the back of JFK's head (100mm. above the EOP), and ALL of the occipital portion of JFK's head would still be there. The occipital bone would be fractured in a few places, but no bone would be MISSING.

But I wonder if most conspiracy theorists would even accept the conclusions of any new forensic exam after an exhumation? My guess would be that the outer-fringe CT mongers would still try to insist that something had been "faked".

Although I don't know how even David S. Lifton could continue to promote the "body alteration" theory after a detailed re-examination of JFK's completely-INTACT rear of the head after such a proposed exhumation.

Perhaps Mr. Lifton would then switch to the "Humpty Dumpty" theory, and claim that the amazing head-altering medical team at Walter Reed REALLY DID put John Kennedy's head back together again on the night of 11/22/63. :)

Edited by David Von Pein
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And if JFK's body were to be dug up, and the pathologists were to find that there's not a trace of the upper-back or throat wounds (since no bones were impacted at all), will that make the anti-SBT crowd stop crying foul?

Of course it wouldn't. Because JFK is just the first portion of the "SBT". John Connally is the second portion.

Such an exhumation would probably just make more CTers jump on Cyril Wecht's bandwagon. Cyril has always believed a single bullet did pass through JFK's body, but that it missed Gov. Connally (via some magical swerving missile of some kind).

An exhumation, of course, would settle one controversy -- JFK's head wounds. It would confirm there was just one wound of entry, with that entrance wound being in the back of JFK's head (100mm. above the EOP), and ALL of the occipital portion of JFK's head would still be there. The occipital bone would be fractured in a few places, but no bone would be MISSING.

But I wonder if most conspiracy theorists would even accept the conclusions of any new forensic exam after an exhumation? My guess would be that the outer-fringe CT mongers would still try to insist that something had been "faked".

Although I don't know how even David S. Lifton could continue to promote the "body alteration" theory after a detailed re-examination of JFK's completely-INTACT rear of the head after such a proposed exhumation.

Perhaps Mr. Lifton would then switch to the "Humpty Dumpty" theory, and claim that the amazing head-altering medical team at Walter Reed REALLY DID put John Kennedy's head back together again on the night of 11/22/63. :)

Who cares what idiot CTs think?

If a court orders a proper forensic autopsy, they do it for the court, and not just somebody who wants to satisfy their opinions.

And how could a hole through the body not be visible to the pathologist?

It doesn't matter how long its been, if a bullet made a hole through the body, the hole will still be there for them to discover, except this time, there won't be a military general telling the doctor not to follow the path of the bullets.

Who cares if CTs accept the findings?


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