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Why did/do the Kennedys remain silent?

John Dolva

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Do you really think anyone fails to notice you resort to insults (cracks about my dad and/or GG in my case) when you are otherwise hard up for a reply? Get back to us when you have evidence -other than the unsubstantiated claims of mobsters (decades after the fact) and your messiah's disciples - that Joe Sr. was a bootlegger.

Edited by Len Colby
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Do you really think anyone fails to notice you resort to insults (cracks about my dad and/or GG in my case) when you are otherwise hard up for a reply? Get back to us when you have evidence -other than the unsubstantiated claims of mobsters (decades after the fact) and your messiah's disciples - that Joe Sr. was a bootlegger.

Do you really think I am going to fetch for you? I told you before do your own fetching. Your opinion is of no concern to me.

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While Lens contributions clearly are more interesting you gotta admit Terrys penchant for the vitriolic, while somewhat confounding, is very impressive indeed.

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While Lens contributions clearly are more interesting you gotta admit Terrys penchant for the vitriolic, while somewhat confounding, is very impressive indeed.

What's interesting,saying "I don't like A or B, I demand another option?

Yes, how interesting. If I didnt know better I would say you havent a clue what you're saying. :)

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I have mixed feelings about threads like this, as I am purely interested in what facts are still unresolved about the JFK Assassination, that are still not known.

The Kennedy's silence, which has been about a topic for discussion for decades, and understandably so, ultimately reveals the internal dynamics of a political

family that still is influencing policy in the government and our culture, however slight.

see Robert Kennedy Jr.'s efforts to combat economic terrorism and the controversial Global warming debate, one of many political gulfs between the left and

the right, not unlike the current controversy over Darwinism, and intelligent design.

BTW is anyone on the forum keeping up with wacky Christine O'Donnell...lol

The issue of conspiracy regarding the assassinations of Pres. John F. Kennedy, Sen Robert F. Kennedy and the death of John F Kennedy Jr., as far as

the Kennedy family goes, is a no-win proposition for them.


Because the official version of history is that of those three assassinations the answer, like it or not for the American politico/media sometimes

known as "the epicenter of short attention span theater"


1. Oswald

2. Sirhan

3. tragic plane crash

Whether that is true or not, to a degree is not the issue. The issue for the Kennedy's is that this is not 1963, the dedication to reality crowd, [scott Peck, anyone]

non-believers of lone-nut land seem to not understand, is that on a mass media level if every Kennedy openly spoke of their possible belief, [do we really know what they currently believe?] that, at least the JFK and RFK assassinations were conspiracy's, the Kennedy family would be finished as a force for change in our culture, because the same politicos/media structure previously referenced would be saying that "they have truly went off the deep end," with the same resultant endgame that does not take a rocket scientist to fathom where that scenario ends.

Another reason is that some of the deeper aspects of the JFK assassination, which are not irrelevant to the full story of the assassination

have to do with Joseph Kennedy Sr's relationship to organized crime, which is not a myth, and was certainly not a myth in 1963.

it provided a lot of grist for the windmill of animus towards the group of American's that despised the Kennedy family.

Edited by Robert Howard
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I have mixed feelings about threads like this, as I am purely interested in what facts are still unresolved about the JFK Assassination, that are still not known.

The Kennedy's silence, which has been about a topic for discussion for decades, and understandably so, ultimately reveals the internal dynamics of a political

family that still is influencing policy in the government and our culture, however slight.

see Robert Kennedy Jr.'s efforts to combat economic terrorism and the controversial Global warming debate, one of many political gulfs between the left and

the right, not unlike the current controversy over Darwinism, and intelligent design.

BTW is anyone on the forum keeping up with wacky Christine O'Donnell...lol

The issue of conspiracy regarding the assassinations of Pres. John F. Kennedy, Sen Robert F. Kennedy and the death of John F Kennedy Jr., as far as

the Kennedy family goes, is a no-win proposition for them.


Because the official version of history is that of those three assassinations the answer, like it or not for the American politico/media sometimes

known as "the epicenter of short attention span theater"


1. Oswald

2. Sirhan

3. tragic plane crash

Whether that is true or not, to a degree is not the issue. The issue for the Kennedy's is that this is not 1963, the dedication to reality crowd, [scott Peck, anyone]

non-believers of lone-nut land seem to not understand, is that on a mass media level if every Kennedy openly spoke of their possible belief, [do we really know what they currently believe?] that, at least the JFK and RFK assassinations were conspiracy's, the Kennedy family would be finished as a force for change in our culture, because the same politicos/media structure previously referenced would be saying that "they have truly went off the deep end," with the same resultant endgame that does not take a rocket scientist to fathom where that scenario ends.

Another reason is that some of the deeper aspects of the JFK assassination, which are not irrelevant to the full story of the assassination

have to do with Joseph Kennedy Sr's relationship to organized crime, which is not a myth, and was certainly not a myth in 1963.

it provided a lot of grist for the windmill of animus towards the group of American's that despised the Kennedy family.

Thank you, Robert, the short attention span syndrome is alive and well in Oz too.

I've learnt a lot from the various contributions on this topic, but I still feel that some questions are not and likely will not be answered.

I sometimes find it amusing how one wistfully looks back at the good old days when things were simple. The thing is they never were. Quite the contrary.

I think Kennedy broke with tradition, for various reasons, and a hope for CHANGE was ignited globally. His assassination simply was a return to business as usual. I still had hopes until Chappaquiddick after which I really lost interest in the idea that the status quo can change for the better.

When I came across the JFK research community some 6+ years ago, by accident when looking for something else, I began to feel again that there is some hope. As a relative newcomer, to me these sorts of questions are important. I think there is much that has been for various reasons taken as given in the research community and much that is considered irrelevant while I vehemently disagree.

Personally I think the answers are right in front of peoples noses, which is likely why they are not seen. I thiink the truth for many is very unpalatable and I think there are many who run interference and have been doing so for a long time leaving newcomers chasing their tales in an ever widening circle leading away from the core issues. There are some things that are almost blasphemous to even contemplate for various reasons but often in tackling such issues one happens upon previously unturned rocks.

May the quest for the truth in all things be endless. I'll take truth before an i-pod any day and gladly accept oblivion while fumbling towards it.

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LEN: Since the district had been Republican since 1979, that was probably a good thing. Did she defeat a more progressive Democrat in the 2006 primary who had a reasonable chance of defeating a 4 term incumbent?

JIM: This is a very interesting point. Because it shows that although people like Hamsher and Moulitsas scream about Rahm Emanuel, they are not above doing the same thing and then justifying it the same way. As you seem to be doing here. And it is one huge reason why I am so disappointed with the vaunted blogosphere, which obviously did not do its homework on Obama. The guy was black, Harvard, and gave a good speech, therefore he was different from HC. No he wasn't. But he did a good sales job which even the Kennedys fell for. If you ask me, Nope, I would have never backed a Democrat who defended the tobacco companies and had a hundred percent approval rating from the NRA. What the heck kind of Democrat is that? I will tell you: A Democrat who had Al D'Amato on stage with her when she accepted Paterson's nomination. Which means she isn't really a Democarat at all.

LEN: Based on her Wikipedia bio she is relatively progressive on most issues [labor, choice etc] and now that she is a Senator moderated her views on gun control “Gillibrand has received an 8% rating from theAmerican Conservative Union,[39] 70% from Americans for Democratic Action,[40] and 90% from theAmerican Civil Liberties Union.[41] OnTheIssues.org rates Gillibrand as a "Populist-LeaningLiberal."[42]” Compare her to the rightwing hack she replaced. Someone with the politics of Maxine Waters would have “gone down in flames” in that district.


LEN: That's quite speculative if wanted a down state liberal he had plenty of other options. But I doubt Hamsher and Markos suspected he'd nominate Gilibrand.

JIM: Not "quite speculative". Read the Smith article and you will see why not.

I have no idea what article you are talking about, can you provide a link?


LEN: Cuomo and Maloney were my picks, the rest of you essay made it sound as if the choice was limited to Kennedy and Gillibrand and the bloggers should have know that by opposing one they were making the other inevitable. You mentioned some polls but didn't provide citations do have links to those polls.

JIM: THe polls were all off of Daily Kos but were printed elsewhere.

LEN: Were they Internet polls?


JIM: "In my view, Paterson ultimately chose Gilibrand for the same reason he elongated the Caroline affair: for political advantage. She is from upstate where someone like Paterson does not run well. And he was planning on running for reelection."

LEN: Agreed, this undermines your speculation that but for the bloggers he would have chosen Kennedy

JIM: No it does not. Because 1.) As shown above it was not just speculation, and 2.) He was sending Caroline up north to see how she would play.

LEN: I’m not sure you’ve shown anything.


JIM: "That is until this all backfired on him and began an endless downward spiral."

LEN: Frank Murkowski's "endless downward spiral" from the biggest general election win for governor in his state's history, 55%, to a dismal third place in the primary 4 years later, 19%, began by selecting his own daughter to replace him in the Senate. Though not completely analogous (Kennedy wasn't his daughter) he might have feared a similar backlash for choosing a woman whose principle qualification was who her dad was.

JIM: I don't understand the logic of this on any grounds. Are you really going to compare Alaska with New York? Anchorage with the lower west side? Bobby Kennedy was a senator from New York. THe Kennedy s have always run well there. They are very popular in what is generally a liberal state.

Second, are you really saying that two opposite actions would have yielded the same result? THat is if he had appointed her and if he had not appointed her? Talk about having it both ways.

LEN: I think Patterson could have legitimately feared appointing Kennedy would not have gone down well. In 4 years Murkowski went from being one of the most popular pols in Alaska to one of the most despised, one of the reasons was that he nominated a woman for the Senate whose primary qualification was who her dad was (himself). Whatb sank Patterson was not what he did but how he went about it, i.e. leaking dirt on Kennedy and then lying about it.

NYS is not that liberal it elected Pataki and D’Amato 4 times each, even in NYC the last time a Democrat was elected mayor was 1989 and that was very close.

I’m not sure what you meant by “.THe Kennedy s have always run well there” correct me if I’m wrong but think the last time one ran in a NYS primary was 1980 (Ted) and the most recent general election was 1964 (RFK)

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Do you really think anyone fails to notice you resort to insults (cracks about my dad and/or GG in my case) when you are otherwise hard up for a reply? Get back to us when you have evidence -other than the unsubstantiated claims of mobsters (decades after the fact) and your messiah's disciples - that Joe Sr. was a bootlegger.

Do you really think I am going to fetch for you? I told you before do your own fetching. Your opinion is of no concern to me.

Absurd for 2 reasons:

- My whole point is that there is little or any hard evidence Joe Sr. was a bootlegger, how exactly am I supposed to find something that (IMO) doesn’t exist?

- You are the one who made the claim therefore it is incumbent on you to back it up. You cited Dope Inc. but despite your claims to the contrary, the book provided no evidence.

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Do you really think anyone fails to notice you resort to insults (cracks about my dad and/or GG in my case) when you are otherwise hard up for a reply? Get back to us when you have evidence -other than the unsubstantiated claims of mobsters (decades after the fact) and your messiah's disciples - that Joe Sr. was a bootlegger.

Do you really think I am going to fetch for you? I told you before do your own fetching. Your opinion is of no concern to me.

Absurd for 2 reasons:

- My whole point is that there is little or any hard evidence Joe Sr. was a bootlegger, how exactly am I supposed to find something that (IMO) doesn’t exist?

- You are the one who made the claim therefore it is incumbent on you to back it up. You cited Dope Inc. but despite your claims to the contrary, the book provided no evidence.

Yes Len there is no "hard" evidence. Joe Kennedy was a New England shoe cobbler.

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I have mixed feelings about threads like this, as I am purely interested in what facts are still unresolved about the JFK Assassination, that are still not known.

The Kennedy's silence, which has been about a topic for discussion for decades, and understandably so, ultimately reveals the internal dynamics of a political

family that still is influencing policy in the government and our culture, however slight.

see Robert Kennedy Jr.'s efforts to combat economic terrorism and the controversial Global warming debate, one of many political gulfs between the left and

the right, not unlike the current controversy over Darwinism, and intelligent design.

BTW is anyone on the forum keeping up with wacky Christine O'Donnell...lol

The issue of conspiracy regarding the assassinations of Pres. John F. Kennedy, Sen Robert F. Kennedy and the death of John F Kennedy Jr., as far as

the Kennedy family goes, is a no-win proposition for them.


Because the official version of history is that of those three assassinations the answer, like it or not for the American politico/media sometimes

known as "the epicenter of short attention span theater"


1. Oswald

2. Sirhan

3. tragic plane crash

Whether that is true or not, to a degree is not the issue. The issue for the Kennedy's is that this is not 1963, the dedication to reality crowd, [scott Peck, anyone]

non-believers of lone-nut land seem to not understand, is that on a mass media level if every Kennedy openly spoke of their possible belief, [do we really know what they currently believe?] that, at least the JFK and RFK assassinations were conspiracy's, the Kennedy family would be finished as a force for change in our culture, because the same politicos/media structure previously referenced would be saying that "they have truly went off the deep end," with the same resultant endgame that does not take a rocket scientist to fathom where that scenario ends.

Another reason is that some of the deeper aspects of the JFK assassination, which are not irrelevant to the full story of the assassination

have to do with Joseph Kennedy Sr's relationship to organized crime, which is not a myth, and was certainly not a myth in 1963.

it provided a lot of grist for the windmill of animus towards the group of American's that despised the Kennedy family.


Just who pushes this Global Warming "hoax" and what are the underlying axioms? Is it not that there are too many people? Is that not the crux of Global Warming and the green movemen?

I am not surprised to see a Kennedy pushing this nonsense. Really it is a genocidal policy to reduce the worlds population.

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If you want to understand how much the media hates the notion of any Kennedy being elected to public office again, consider that, when Caroline was a shoo-in to be named Senator from New York a few years back, the powers that be rose up against her in a solid front. How else do you explain the articles which appeared everywhere, following her awkward interview, in which the transcript was published, complete with all her "uhs" and "you knows" intact? Kind of like when CBS aired that hit piece on Ted Kennedy back in 1980, after he decided to challenge Carter, and made certain to air all his "ers" and "uhs" for the audience to enjoy.

It wans't just the MSM, it was also the blogosphere which rose up against Caroline. This is what convinced me that the blogosphere was going to be little different than the MSM. The following column really ticked off Jane Hamsher. As it shoudl have.


That is an excellent column, Jim. Great info about JFK not being on the side of the colonialists; most do NOT know this. A lot of the "young" folks don't know much about John Kennedy. I wonder when the MSM will start talking honestly about the JFK assassination. Just last night I heard Chris Matthews on Hardball pushing the Big Lie about Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone nut killer of John Kennedy. [btw, Chris Matthews a friend of Richard Haass, head of CFR, and Haass' wife is an editor of Chris Matthews' book ...]

A lot of the "young folks" don't know much about Lyndon Johnson either. They think he was some "great" man who gave black folks civil rights in 1964-1965 and was some sort of innocent bystander in the JFK assassination and cover up. They need to read LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson: http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/ .

This was after Lyndon Johnson had done practically nothing for civil rights under JFK and was sabotaging the Kennedy's policy agenda on all fronts, domestic and foreign.

Then, in my opinion, Lyndon Johnson and the CIA (and the shadow government) murdered John Kennedy. And the first thing Lyndon Johnson did, to pacify the Left who was so deeply suspicious of his possible role in the JFK assassination, was to come out for civil rights out of the blue.

Didnt LBJ sign the Voting Rights Act into law? You really have to do better Robert.

You wonder when main stream media will start talking honestly about the assassination? You mean when will they blame LBJ?

Your job- if you choose to accept- is to do the Len Colby smackdown. Or so I have been told.

Len: Many former candidates have been elected with little more than a law degree. It was that she has written on the Constitution that puts her in a better position, many candidates don't have a clue about the document they swear to uphold.

And John John was blown out of the sky. But I don't expect you to do your homework.

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If you want to understand how much the media hates the notion of any Kennedy being elected to public office again, consider that, when Caroline was a shoo-in to be named Senator from New York a few years back, the powers that be rose up against her in a solid front. How else do you explain the articles which appeared everywhere, following her awkward interview, in which the transcript was published, complete with all her "uhs" and "you knows" intact? Kind of like when CBS aired that hit piece on Ted Kennedy back in 1980, after he decided to challenge Carter, and made certain to air all his "ers" and "uhs" for the audience to enjoy.

It wans't just the MSM, it was also the blogosphere which rose up against Caroline. This is what convinced me that the blogosphere was going to be little different than the MSM. The following column really ticked off Jane Hamsher. As it shoudl have.


That is an excellent column, Jim. Great info about JFK not being on the side of the colonialists; most do NOT know this. A lot of the "young" folks don't know much about John Kennedy. I wonder when the MSM will start talking honestly about the JFK assassination. Just last night I heard Chris Matthews on Hardball pushing the Big Lie about Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone nut killer of John Kennedy. [btw, Chris Matthews a friend of Richard Haass, head of CFR, and Haass' wife is an editor of Chris Matthews' book ...]

A lot of the "young folks" don't know much about Lyndon Johnson either. They think he was some "great" man who gave black folks civil rights in 1964-1965 and was some sort of innocent bystander in the JFK assassination and cover up. They need to read LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson: http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/ .

This was after Lyndon Johnson had done practically nothing for civil rights under JFK and was sabotaging the Kennedy's policy agenda on all fronts, domestic and foreign.

Then, in my opinion, Lyndon Johnson and the CIA (and the shadow government) murdered John Kennedy. And the first thing Lyndon Johnson did, to pacify the Left who was so deeply suspicious of his possible role in the JFK assassination, was to come out for civil rights out of the blue.

Didnt LBJ sign the Voting Rights Act into law? You really have to do better Robert.

You wonder when main stream media will start talking honestly about the assassination? You mean when will they blame LBJ?

Your job- if you choose to accept- is to do the Len Colby smackdown. Or so I have been told.

Len: Many former candidates have been elected with little more than a law degree. It was that she has written on the Constitution that puts her in a better position, many candidates don't have a clue about the document they swear to uphold.

And John John was blown out of the sky. But I don't expect you to do your homework.

For those interested in some gossip about the JFK Jr. plane crash. It was reported that a Newport resident "Brady Schofield" was to pilot Jr. and his wife to Martha Vineyards the night of the crash.

Brady Schofield became somewhat infamous in Y2003 when he helped to almost bankrupt the second largest foodservice distribution company US Foodservice.

The copied post comes from a popular industry website that has spent hours and hours discussing the near collapse of US Foodservice.




Registered: Aug 21, 2008

Posts: 25

Aug 31, 2010 at 10:06 AM Reply with quote #15


Schofields wife Sarah is the cousin of Daryl Hannah. Brady was introduced to her by JFK Jr. Brady was supposed to pilot JFK Jr to Martha's Vineyard on the night of his death but Brady was not instrument rated and refused to fly his plane. JFK Jr. ultimately flew his own plane visual and the rest is history. Google "JFK's Funeral" and you can see images of Brady and his wife in sunglasses graveside. Brady indeed does own three fishing boats - with partners - and it is rummored they have filed claims with BP for damages from the oil spill even though they fish off the New England coast, far, far from the gulf. Did the White House approve these claims I wonder???? Also note that Governor Arnold Schwarzenager used Schofields mansion in Rhode Island as a summer retreat with wife Maria. Rhode Island swarmed with Kennedy's when Brady lived there. Anybody remember Vincent Albert "Buddy" Cianci, Jr?????? Don't mess with Schofield. He is connected. Martha Stewart did more jail time.



Brady Schofield plea agreement with SEC


Brady Schofield partying at Peter De Savary's "Save the Bay" fundraiser.


Brady Schofield receiving his golf award at Peter De Savary's Carnegie Course from former President G HW Bush.


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Your job- if you choose to accept- is to do the Len Colby smackdown. Or so I have been told.

Terry smack me down? Unlikely since your friend seems incapable of thinking for herself.

Len: Many former candidates have been elected with little more than a law degree.

I imagine then you can name a few besides her uncle who ascended to the Senate without even practicing law or even holding a real job? If you can come up with examples I assume they managed to get elected in their own right. The question is who was the best person for the job, Cuomo among others would have been better picks than Kennedy of Gilliband.

It was that she has written on the Constitution that puts her in a better position, many candidates don't have a clue about the document they swear to uphold.

Have you actually read those books? Do you how she rather than her co-author wrote?

And John John was blown out of the sky. But I don't expect you to do your homework.

Par for the course the faults you attribute to others better applies to you. I imagine your "homework" has been limited to the discredited Hankey video or similar tripe. If you'd bothered to preform a forum search that would have taken a minute or two at the most would have seen that the issue has been debated here repeatedly. John-John irresponsible behavior was responsible for his, his sister-in-law's and his wife's deaths.





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Guest Tom Scully

...For those interested in some gossip about the JFK Jr. plane crash. It was reported that a Newport resident "Brady Schofield" was to pilot Jr. and his wife to Martha Vineyards the night of the crash.

Brady Schofield became somewhat infamous in Y2003 when he helped to almost bankrupt the second largest foodservice distribution company US Foodservice.

The copied post comes from a popular industry website that has spent hours and hours discussing the near collapse of US Foodservice.




Registered: Aug 21, 2008

Posts: 25

Aug 31, 2010 at 10:06 AM Reply with quote #15


Schofields wife Sarah is the cousin of Daryl Hannah. Brady was introduced to her by JFK Jr. Brady was supposed to pilot JFK Jr to Martha's Vineyard on the night of his death but Brady was not instrument rated and refused to fly his plane. JFK Jr. ultimately flew his own plane visual and the rest is history. Google "JFK's Funeral" and you can see images of Brady and his wife in sunglasses graveside. Brady indeed does own three fishing boats - with partners - and it is rummored they have filed claims with BP for damages from the oil spill even though they fish off the New England coast, far, far from the gulf. Did the White House approve these claims I wonder???? Also note that Governor Arnold Schwarzenager used Schofields mansion in Rhode Island as a summer retreat with wife Maria. Rhode Island swarmed with Kennedy's when Brady lived there. Anybody remember Vincent Albert "Buddy" Cianci, Jr?????? Don't mess with Schofield. He is connected. Martha Stewart did more jail time.



Brady Schofield plea agreement with SEC


Brady Schofield partying at Peter De Savary's "Save the Bay" fundraiser.


Brady Schofield receiving his golf award at Peter De Savary's Carnegie Course from former President G HW Bush.


Terry, I was interested, until I looked into Schofield a little deeper.:

This was published nearly four years after JFK, Jr.'s death.:


Page 44 of 56

Spring, 2003

Brady Schofield

Newport, RI

Brady comes to us recommended by a Piper

Dealer. He holds a Private license and has over 300 hours.

In 2006, the prosecution, presumably the SEC, and the court accepted a plea of guilty from Schofield without

an admission of any wrongdoing, in exchange for a sentence of home confinement, a period of probation, and a fine.

Martha Stewart, in similar circumstances, perjured herself in her testimony before a congressional subcommittee, and then waged an all or nothing legal defensive strategy designed to permit her to escape with a not-guilty verdict in a criminal trial. She gambled and lost.

Schofield's background is not as described in forum postings. His grandfather, George, was a former assistant jailer in Tolland County, CT, and later first selectman of Stafford Springs, Ct. His mother, Amelia Julia Kaschuluk, also from Stafford Springs, the first wife of Russell P. Schofield. Russell died in 1996 and his second wife, Elizabeth, survived him as president of their Chicopee, MA business, Bay State Moving Systems, Inc., until it ceased operations about 2008.


Foreclosure Ordered in Two Cases

‎- Hartford Courant - Nov 22, 1964

Mrs Lottie Schofield Meyer M of 153 Bolton Road Vernon died Saturday morning at Rock fille City Hospital She was the I widow of Walter Meyer She was born Nov 1900 in WiUinqton a daughter of the ate Seth and Hannah Hinch liffe Schofield and had lived in Ihis area for over 35 She was a member of the Frst Conzregational...of Rockville and Wai1

ler Myer of Vernon two brothj rs Georqe and Seth S^i both of Stafford a sister Mrs Vfargarct Vollans ofStafford ind three grandchildren

Grandfather George L. Schofield, Sr's parents were Seth and Hannah Schofield, immigrants from the UK born about 1870, who were farmers in Tolland County, CT. There is a posting on a forum claiming that there is a picture of Brady Schofield's ancestor hanging in the Kennedy family's Hyannis, MA house. I don't understand the motivation for the spreading of misinformation about Brady Schofield. The guy is a convicted felon and seems to be leveraging his wifes contacts and social standing. What is behind the attempt to give him an intriguing, ancestral background?


Aug 19, 2010 at 12:47 PM

...Schofield puppies fetch $2500 to $3500 and there is a six year waiting list for the prize winning puppies. Had it not been for Obama's daughters allergies, it is said one of Schofield's Danes would be the First Dog. Brady was introduced to Obama through the Kennedy family. The Kennedy's and Schofields run in the same social circle in Newport. There is a framed photograph of Brady's great grandfather and two of his Dogs which hangs on the wall of the main staircase at the Kennedy's Hyannis compound.


In my opinion that was the all time best post ever on this blog.

Back in 2003 when the USF scandal hit and Brady Schofield's name became public, I used "google" to see what information I could get on him.

Without fail every piece of information linked Brady Schofield to the old "opium and slave" trading "blue blood" eastern establishment families located in the Newburyport area. This included the Kennedy family as well as the Von Hapsburgs, Sonny Von Bulow's kid, William F. Buckley, Patrick Kennedy, etc.

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