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Leonardo DiCaprio takes on JFK film

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Posted by Kristy Sturdivant:

It’s been reported that Leonardo DiCaprio is set to star in and produce the film LEGACY OF SECRECY about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The book was written by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann entitled Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination. DiCaprio will most likely play the FBI informant Jack Van Laningham who became a confidant to Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello who apparently ordered the assassination of JFK. Warner Bros is looking for a release date sometime in 2013 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

This sounds fascinating and I can’t think of anyone better to play such a role. After DiCaprio’s amazing turn in INCEPTION I can’t imagine that he won’t get an Oscar nod. However, if the Academy shuns him (again) this year at least he has this piece coming up. Although it really would be a shame if he had to wait until the 2014 Academy Awards.


Also from Variety: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118027763?refCatId=13

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Posted by Kristy Sturdivant:

It’s been reported that Leonardo DiCaprio is set to star in and produce the film LEGACY OF SECRECY about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The book was written by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann entitled Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination. DiCaprio will most likely play the FBI informant Jack Van Laningham who became a confidant to Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello who apparently ordered the assassination of JFK. Warner Bros is looking for a release date sometime in 2013 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

This sounds fascinating and I can’t think of anyone better to play such a role. After DiCaprio’s amazing turn in INCEPTION I can’t imagine that he won’t get an Oscar nod. However, if the Academy shuns him (again) this year at least he has this piece coming up. Although it really would be a shame if he had to wait until the 2014 Academy Awards.


Also from Variety: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118027763?refCatId=13

I know very few people are convinced by Lamar Waldron's theories but such a film will create a new debate on the subject.

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Sadly, the blame-the-mob angle may not only be a political directive, but "sexier" in Hollywood story terms.

David, I think you're spot-on there. The gangster thing is likely to make a "sexy" movie. But frankly I don't see how you can make a better movie on this subject than Oliver Stone's JFK. Sure, you could probably be more accurate or factual but I sincerely doubt you'd end up with a better movie.

I wouldn't call my adaptation a better movie than JFK, which I enjoyed tremendously and which has been incredibly influential (though not in inspiring good conspiracy movies, and Stone himself said in his Beverly Hills appearance with James Douglass that the experience left him reluctant to do a conspiracy film again).

The story I'd like to adapt has elements not present in the Garrison-Shaw-Oswald story, plus a lot of truth and speculation that deserves to be explored. There are people on this forum that I'd love to propose as historical consultants.

Edited by David Andrews
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I'd like to see a comprehensive biographical film about Gen Walker.

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Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has confirmed that filming of the upcoming biopic of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover will begin early next year.

DiCaprio commented on the project on Sunday during a Q&A presentation titled Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese in Conversation. The hour-long session was held at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, California.

Legendary actor-director Clint Eastwood will direct DiCaprio in the role of Hoover.

“I will be working with Clint very soon on the Hoover project,” he told attendees. “I think it's going to start very soon, maybe January or February.”

Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black announced in September that he had completed writing the movie's script.

Hoover vehemently denied he was gay, but willed his estate to Clyde Tolson, his alleged lover. The two men also worked closely – Tolson landed the plum post of associate director after only 3 years at the agency – and frequently socialized together. Other evidence that Hoover was gay includes the fact that many of his closest friends were closeted men. Rumors that Hoover was a crossdresser persist to this day.


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This new development is really distressing.

Can DiCaprio be as dumb as Tom Hanks?

Do the American people deserve these two fictional tales at the 50th?

Please read the notice and let us begin Project Educate Leo on JFK.

I don't really mind if the movie claims the mob did it. But if it focuses on Marcello, and fails to note Marcello's ties to Johnson, and claims Oswald did it on behalf of Marcello, and claims Bobby covered it up because he was scared his finding and punishing his brother's killers would screw up his chance to kill Castro, well, then, vomit vomit vomit...

I don't even remember at this point. Does Legacy of Secrecy claim Oswald pulled the trigger, or not? I might be getting it mixed up with David Kaiser's book.

P.S. I just went back and read Jim's article. Waldron has a second shooter on the knoll--Bernard Barker!!!!! But, this still doesn't tell me...is his window shooter Oswald?

Edited by Pat Speer
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If I recall, Waldron does not have Oswald as the assassin from behind.

His Mob did it hypothesis is just that. The Mob did it. With Marcello as the main culprit.

End of story.

But taking it further into absurdity is the whole supplementary thesis that RFK covered it up because he had to keep C Day a secret--the non-existent invasion.

The one that no one knew about.

The mob did it role, is about as compelling as a bucket of warm spit in my estimation, ditto for Waldron's 17 year research determining the same.

The problem with that theory is if "JFK's control over the invasion was essential, to the success of C-DAY," then the mob killing JFK is as, a famous science fiction character, once said, "highly illogical."

FWIW The role Leonardo DiCaprio is set to play in the adaptation of esteemed film is ostensibly Van Laningham, apparently

an informant for Carlos Marcello;

Making it a nice touch, is that there are a whopping two documents on Laningham at NARA.

On a cinematic note, by a weird coincidence, I just finished watching Martin Scorsese's The Departed,

and although I am apparently one of the few persons on this planet who does not believe Oswald was guilty

of anything, I found DiCaprio's role in that film, eerily reminiscent of Lee Harvey Oswald.

I suppose that is one of the few advantages we older persons have with aging; you reach a point, where when confronted

with ridicule and being considered persona non grata, you simply don't give a s _ _ _.

After being unofficially crowned the JFK Debate's resident thread killer, I just figure everyone thinks I am closely related to

onetime Jack Ruby, attorney, Tom Howard, or, despite the fact that I am not an Hispanic-American, related to

Lawrence Howard, Jr.

Although I've had some things to feel funny about, guilt isn't one of them;

The worst thing was the idea of having a T-shirt engraved with the words,

"I solved the Assassination of JFK and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

Addendum: The next time you think America has the market cornered on virtue,

historically, or otherwise, here is a reality check for you.

Because truthfulness, has a lot to do with what I am talking about.


Edited by Robert Howard
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How I wish I could pitch my adaptation of a certain true, intel-based JFK conspiracy book. Sadly, the blame-the-mob angle may not only be a political directive, but "sexier" in Hollywood story terms.

I would like to know your take on the Assassination. Who killed President Kennedy 47 years ago today?

Why did Ruby kill Oswald - on his own or ordered to by the mob?

I feel that since you ha a screenplay you probably have a definite opinion of who was responsible and why.

Kathy C


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Guest Robert Morrow

The big problem with these Mob did it scenarios is that:

1. They either ignore or twist who Oswald was, which is really inexcusable today in light of so much good work by writers like Newman and Armstrong.

2. They do not relay how the cover up actually went into effect almost immediately in Dallas, Washington and New Orleans. Which is something we can prove today.

3. They do not explain what are two keystones of the plot and the cover-up: Mexico City and Bethesda.

4. They do not explain why the cover up has lasted 47 years--which it has.

5. They do not explain the reversals of policy that took place in Cuba and Vietnam, almost immediately afterwards.

In fact, the Waldron/Hartmann books are absolutely woeful in all five of these categories. Which is astonishing since the releases of the ARRB have done so much to elucidate all five of them. So it is exceedingly rich to hear Waldron ask for more document releases at Lancer--except only those dealing with his discredited theory. When in fact the ones already declassified have done so much to clear up what actually happened.

In my view, which I tried to explain in my Bugliosi series, Parts 5 and 10, the Mafia was consulted after Oswald survived the Texas Theater. They were then brought in after Oswald made a big mistake and tried to call John Hurt on Saturday night. The news of that ripped through the intel community fast. They had no choice now but to kill him. The CIA uses a go-between to call Trafficante:maybe Maheu, maybe Roselli. Trafficante calls McWillie.

Exit Oswald, enter Ruby.

The Waldron and Hartmann idea is sheer vapor in this regard. There is no elucidation of any of the above, which is why their hypothesis is so unconvincing. But beyond that, as many have noted, it does not even make sense on its own terms. Why would the Mob kill Kennedy on the eve of C-Day if they wanted their casinos back in Cuba? Their goofy excuse for this--that the Kennedys deliberately cut the Mob out of a new Cuba--is so ridiculous that it shows just how jerry rigged the book is. Since such a thing would be just about impossible, and second, there was no actual invasion on the horizon, they were contingency plans.

Pity the country that has to be caught between Bugliosi/Hanks and Waldron/DICaprio for the 50th.

Whatever the faults of Ventura, he is better than this.

I agree 100% with Jim DiEugenio.

Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, elements of the US military, and the outside shadow government of HL Hunt, Clint Murchison, and the Rockefellers murdered John Kennedy. If the mob was involved, it would be as an adjunct to the CIA. There is just too much stuff out there implicating all the above. The Waldron/Hartmann theory is lighter than cotton candy. Having said that, Carlos Marcello/ Santos Trafficante are certainly good players for involvement with the actors above.

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Guest Tom Scully

Jim, what is your opinion on this area of AJ Weberman's work,


since it covers ground close to your opinions in your last post?

Weberman certainly makes the Dorfmans and Sid Korshak persons of interest. He tars Korshak by who his clients were. However, he leaves Albert Jenner alone. Jenner did not defend Allen Dorfman until after the WC whitewash, but Jenner defended the Dorfmans' first union medical insurance client; in 1953, M. Frank Darling, the business manager of the 40,000 member Chicago local 1031, Electrical workers. Darling not only chose the Dorfmans as health insurance agent for his membership, although they were new to that business and had no references or experience in the field, but he did not negotiate any excess premium rebate. Jenner told the US senate panel that Darling was unfamiliar with the concept. Darling literally gave away the store to the Dorfmans. Paul and Allen Dorfman were represented by Stanford Clinton.

M. Frank Darling probably had a lot to tell to the WC, if his former attorney, Jenner was not serving on the Commission. Early in August, 1964, Darling suddenly died just before the Commission finished its "work". Coincidence? Who knows....as Weberman pointed out, no one from the WC even interviewed Sidney Korshak, although he could be connected with Ruby's calls and movements in the final few months. Korshak also was tied in with Jenner's client Crown and his crony General Dynamics VP, Pat Hoy, and Korshak's other large business client, Connie Hilton.

Weberman described the Dorfmans' business as related to union "pension funds", but it was Jenner's client, Darling who funneled the first large chunks of union funds to the Dorfmans in the early 50's, and Hoffa only followed up after Darling legitimized the Dorfmans' business. RFK knew all about this and never commented on Jenner's appointment by Warren, as Gibson, wrote, on the recommendation of Tom Clark. If Tom Clark really did tell Drew Pearson that Crown, Hilton, and Annenberg were the top men in the mob, Giancana and Accardo would be foolish to do anything major without their approval. The March, 1977 IRE reporters series of articles on organized crime in Arizona, nails Henry Crown and Del Webb shifting real estate blocks back and forth to the Zirellis and other upper echelon organized crime figures. The IRE reporters interviewed a Del Webb corp. executive hire who said that in 1962, he had to be interviewed by Henry Crown to get hired at the Del Webb Corp. Ovid Demaris also gave a detailed description of Crown's dealings and associations and described all of Crown's Material Service Corp.'s sources of sand and gravel as owned by the chicago Sanitary District with no contracts permitting Crown to mine these materials from that leased public land. Crown was excavating the district owned sand and gravel and selling it back to them and to Cook County. Attorney Harry Booth spotted this illegal taking and sued General Dynamics after they purchased Crown's company, so Gilpatric should have spotted it during due diligence. Albert Jenner countered the Booth suit with the argument that Booth had no standing to sue. The federal court decided that since the Sanitary District was not governed by any state law holding them accountable for giving away publicly owned sand and gravel, there was no mechanism to stop the scam through court filings.

Crown crony Sam Nanini wrote a letter to the head of the federal bureau of prisons in 1947 to vouch for and plead for the parole of Paul Ricca. In Arizona, Goldwater vacationed in Las Vegas at the Riviera with Bioff and the two men's wives a month before Bioff died in a mob hit.

Roswell Gilpatric was so concerned about his role in negotiating the purchase by General Dynamics of Henry Crown's sham, assetless Material Service Corp. that he deliberately minimized his involvement in the actual purchase decision and other board business, and attempted to portray himself as simply a lawyer negotiating at the direction of the Gen. Dyn. board, when in fact he had a much larger role which was exposed in the McClellan hearings on TFX.

By the way, Crown, Hilton, and Annenberg all have wikipedia bios that would make an alter boy jealous...they are lily white. That has to change, the IRE reporting won journalism awards and Hilton was paired up with Kirkeby, as well.

If you google the name Sam Pryor, the first four search results all link back to threads on this forum. Henry Crown today is a relatively obscure name. Google his name and you have to go nine pages in on the search results before you get a link back to this forum. His family has the billions of dollars to remain untouchable, as do Stanford Clinton's law partners, the Pritzkers, and the Annenberg family. The Crown'a have clout at JP Morgan Chase and still at Gen. Dyn. AIPAC, and much else. They also have this....


...Obama replied that Brzezinski is an informal, not a key, adviser"

...And he said critics' e-mails never mention Lester Crown, a member of his national finance committee who is "considered about as hawkish and tough when it comes to Israel as anybody in the country."

Edited by Tom Scully
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