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Dorothy's Demise due to Gunrunner's Z-fears

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Dorothy's Demise due to Gunrunner's Z-fears


A Key Chapter from "Justice For JFK"



Jack Ruby, Smuggling With and Spying on Communists, 1938-1958



Kill The Beard


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Dorothy's Demise due to Gunrunner's Z-fears


A Key Chapter from "Justice For JFK"


No one use this link. My Norton tells me it's a "Malicious Site Blocked."

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Ah yes, perhaps you are speaking of this hot little item.


Is this what they were speaking about?

This one dated Aug 3, 1962 seems to be supported by these others from Nov. 1963, where JFK is wanting the rest of the story from NASA.


It sounds like JFK visited Groom Lake and learned about some of the little atomic testing secrets with little natives used in testing. And since it involved White Sands and the Paperclip Germans and Neuremburg issues----it was a huge issue for the Space Rocket Program.

Groom Lake was the test area for the U-2's and other aircraft built at the California Skunk Works and the crafts crated up and trucked over to Nevada. All Groom Lake area belonged to the USAEC as a part of the Nevada Test Site. NTS took over after White Sands, NM proved to be too small for nuclear testing.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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Dorothy's Demise due to Gunrunner's Z-fears


A Key Chapter from "Justice For JFK"



Jack Ruby, Smuggling With and Spying on Communists, 1938-1958



Kill The Beard


I have seen this before and read a few books on Mrs. Killgallen and believe this is exactly what it appears to be - another death of an important witness.

No coincidence. Simply , what seemed to happen, happened.

That is Mrs. Killgallen, had direct evidence from Jack Ruby and she was silenced.

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On this date (Aug. 3) in 1962, Kilgallen, referred to Monroe's relationship with JFK in the style typical of gossip columnists of that era. She included few names. Yet, the identities of those involved would be clear to her regular readers. In full, the item read:

Marilyn Monroe's health must be improving. She's been attending select Hollywood parties and has become the talk of the town again. In California, they're circulating a photograph of her that certainly isn't as bare as her famous calendar, but is very interesting... And she's cooking in the sex-appeal department, too; she's proved vastly alluring to a handsome gentleman who is a bigger name than Joe DiMaggio in his heyday. So don't write off Marilyn as finished.

The press conference never happened, of course, for Marilyn Monroe died at approximately 10:00pm the following day.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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Well, do keep an eye out for what they have and toss it back this way, if it looks helpful, as they might have some additional new information.

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