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Guest Robert Morrow

This topic has absolutely no relation to JFK assassination research at all. I propose that it be moved somewhere else - like the garbage can.

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Excellent post Bernice. You are NOT one of the people I am talking about, and personify the attitude that we should all strive to hold.

I regret any stepping on toes in this post, if so it is not intentionally done with any malice..

Dr.Jim. in this time of Vinegar,and keeping in mind the Honey times as they say will return..IMO you are far from the only here and elsewhere, that are understandably stubborn in their beliefs of their research and fight for such,......., getting carried away with their responses, and you do get very carried away at times.., :) as many others do as well, researchers are it seems so emphatically positive of their positions before presentation or not.....that they, we, are and can be very touchy in our efforts, i have never known one not to be, and..It appears with many that ,that

is the research way, we CTRS many times are own worse enemies,I also have no

doubt that i have assumed similarly in the past....it is in general hard not to do

so as we are only human, and therefore full of errors, whether acknowledged or not, we believe our findings and having come to

the conclusions after much work and time spent, it is difficult to take, any, even constructive fault finding..We cannot

blame researchers for their convictions...as they believe in their work and conclusions

period,and rightly so,after all their time and great effort..... It does seem to me that some on here who have posted in reply previously,

should take a long thought and perhaps a look into the mirror before they

down another for the same action as they are finding fault in.. having done

so in the past themselves, ....perhaps we all could back off somewhat with our

many critical presumptions and harsh retaliation reply posts, in threads, by trying to reread and

adjust before posting, and try to do so with a somewhat kinder frame of

mind...which is so very lacking in this sad world we all share, more times than not,and reply not with a get back, or get the better of them mentality as it often seems.

Dr.Jim you have been so very selfless in the past with your research and aid in enabling certain young researchers to have the ways and means of attending such as the Lancer and or Copa conventions,and thereby having the opportunity to present their new found research hopefully for all,and you have by investing any profits from your book sales to be returned into the research community in many ways, I for one salute you Sir,for all you have done in the past for the community,with your generousity and research and hope that all will continue.

You are my friend, have been and still remain so, you have only been kind to me as well as in generously sharing your information very unselfishly,we do not always agree, we differ as all people do, it seems, but have been able all these years to have kept such on friendly terms, but a word of friendly advice, if i may, tone down the rhetoric.to some degree, it is acceptable to not agree, as you do not and we all do not at times,in reply to others information and responses....like can we not all cool it and take a step back, say halleluah and return to the continuing research..with much less baggage, can we not, let some past ,replies.looked upon as sins it seems ,by some by their reactions to, that they have retained and hopefully not do so forever it appears some will cherishingly, and some gleefully it seems will repeat the fault by another, no matter how far in the distant past they may have happened,but will do so at any given opportunity ,as they cannot get past them, those responses that they felt were unfair,and it is regrettful that by some to be held onto now as almost seemingly grudges so that they can be mentioned again and again, at the given opportunity, some it seems are not able to forgive, the human frailties that we at times have all shareed in, by conveniently forgetting their past behaviour, can we not let sleeping dogs lie, and forgive any who have recently and in the past responded in an uncivil way, perhaps by getting in touch, and or letting it go,and getting over it and get on and hopefully return to the research..as life is too shrt not to imo...the THEY are very pleased every time that this has been temporarily stopped, by allowing the latest disagreements to sidetrack and to their merriment...as they ponder, ''there they go again'' and perhaps thinking, again, they only continually hurt themselves every time they allow their differences to get in the way''.......Just give it a second thought , please.. ...thank you all....best b

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the Mods;

Thanks Don,& Evan for your very kind words, they are appreciated, as I did ponder for quite awhile whether to post or not.

I will add as this opportunity has been presented, to say

The moderation duties, which are so seldom complimented,and

Which is seen as, and rightly so, the most thankless job on the web, bar none,

They IMO are mainly handled

here after much consideration on the whole and fairness..

thank you Mods for all the time and your efforts spent

The Mod

The posts he noted, were heavily bloated,

With rantings and ravings and heaven knows, cravings ?,

I know, said the one,

You don't, said tother,your research is through,

If I have my druther,

The Mod he did sigh, Why oh dear Why??,

Do they even begin, they puff and they snort,

The're wearing,and tearing;

The're way overbearing;

The Mod he did act with swiftness galore,

He hoped that it worked and not seen as a bore,

Still they bloated, and puffed the thread did get heavy,

It's locked, Oh My God !!!, their world, almost ended,

But give them a bit and they'll be contented,

Be back and posting, and acting demented..

Edited by Bernice Moore
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I think that entire thread is very sad and a terrible commentary on the state of the critical community in general. This is war and it is not equal. We who care so much about this case were never any real match for them. And to be so ego driven and bickering over trivia is basically just what they want,imho. ..So long as we are fighting each other our real enemy is growing ever more strong. And this has been the case of the community from the start. Egos and agents. Hard to tell them apart these days. After nearly fifty years why is it that so many put their pet theory ahead of uniting for a goal that serves justice?. Tomorrow JFK would be ninety five years old. Cannot we honor the memory of the man who gave so much for the very survival of this planet in some better way?

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Very well put. Fetzer is his own worst enemy due to his predilections for supporting the most outlandish theories and attacking any with the temerity to disagree he is pretty much a pariah in both the JFK research and 9/11 "truth" communities.

The day you, Len, personally (__________________), for the record, discussing/opining any issue/topic discussed on this board, I'll THEN consider what you have say. Till then, you and your (_________) are simply making noise (the same noise a few of us have heard for 45+ years) along with a few, 'expected' others in this thread.

Have a reflective Memorial Day 2012

David, I don't often edit posts of other members. This is the best I can do. You are not supposed to question motives and agendas. It tends to be inflammatory.

Maybe another moderator will be willing to work with you to edit your post and make it visible again.

Tom as the 'target' of the post I have no problem with making it visible, in fact I'd prefer that you or another mod did. It will definitely reflect worse on Healy than it will offend me.

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ya gotta do what ya gotta do, Tom. I will say you're the only mod here with ability and reasoning powers. Further, the day I stop questioning folks and their forum-USENET usage, motive AND agendas will be the day CT's discover the motives and agendas of those in trust, re Nov 22nd 1963, Dallas, Texas events.

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  • 5 months later...

Is anyone else watching the Charles "Round Mound of Sound" Drago paranoia show over at the Deep Bull forum?


Having finished with Jim Fetzer, he's now "denouncing" some long-time member called Albert Doyle because they disagree with Commissar Drago. He's also got his sights set on Mark Stapleton too, by the looks. And that Seamus Coogan probably has made it onto the "Enemies of Charles" list as well.

Fascinating stuff; a slow motion train wreck.

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Is anyone else watching the Charles "Round Mound of Sound" Drago paranoia show over at the Deep Bull forum?


Having finished with Jim Fetzer, he's now "denouncing" some long-time member called Albert Doyle because they disagree with Commissar Drago. He's also got his sights set on Mark Stapleton too, by the looks. And that Seamus Coogan probably has made it onto the "Enemies of Charles" list as well.

Fascinating stuff; a slow motion train wreck.

Would you consider admitting the Albert Doyle entity to the Education Forum? He has a lot of critical things to say about me and I would like to meet this guy head on. I answered all his idiotic challenges when I was a member of the Lancer forum. I would like to be able to do that again. He is very critical and he really does not know that much about the important parts of the case. He has a very bad habit of getting the important details incorrect.

I will not criticize him unless he is a member here so he can have the chance to defend himself. (Unlike what the cowards at the Deep Crapola Forum engage in. )

I am beginning to understand why the Deep Crapola Forum split off. They did not like the rules of the Education Forum. They could not stand the heat so they had to get out of the kitchen. Now they can say whatever they want about people behind their backs. That forum is a cesspool.

Captain Queeg from the Caine Mutiny(and his marbles)

"Some of us eat zombies and some of us feed them"

-Line (I love) from a recent commercial.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Guest Tom Scully


Would you consider admitting the Albert Doyle entity to the Education Forum? He has a lot of critical things to say about me and I would like to meet this guy head on. I answered all his idiotic challenges when I was a member of the Lancer forum. I would like to be able to do that again. He is very critical and he really does not know that much about the important parts of the case. He has a very bad habit of getting the important details incorrect.

I will not criticize him unless he is a member here so he can have the chance to defend himself. (Unlike what the cowards at the Deep Crapola Forum engage in. )

I am beginning to understand why the Deep Crapola Forum split off. They did not like the rules of the Education Forum. They could not stand the heat so they had to get out of the kitchen. Now they can say whatever they want about people behind their backs. That forum is a cesspool.

"Some of us eat zombies and some of us feed them"

-Line (I love) from a recent commercial.

If your admitted purpose posting on this forum is to settle old scores, please take it somewhere else. You seem to have been moderated off of several other forums and you seem to post in almost every thread on this forum, rarely including anything loftier than your dismissal of almost all written and published JFK Assassination reference resources, aside from segments of the WC report, the entirety of which you often exhibit a narrow familiarity. Instead of attempting to obtain new opportunities to confront your accusers, instead reflect about why there are so many of them.

Instead of replying with your opinion (again) about the adequacy of my ego and my moderating, consider that I have been banned in no other forum, I was invited to be a moderator in this forum, and I contribute my research to the best of my ability.

Edited by Tom Scully
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Is that how you interpret what I said tom, that my purpose for posting in this forum is to settle old scores? Any time you can manipulate my words in a way to attack me you will do it. You have shown that side many many times.

It is obvious that you do not read what I write Tom. You need to re-read the things I have written and you will find that I have contributed much. I have used witness testimony many many times. So you are being misleading.

Being banned, unfortunately, is what happens when you hold strong opinions. I have never been mean to people tom.

You have been trying to get me banned for a long time tom and I have no doubt one day you will succeed. I know the information , for the most part , that I have shared with the community is dead nuts accurate, and for the most part, if conflicts with a lot of some very strong and long held beliefs in the case.

I do not post in every thread on this forum, not even close. I do not know why you were invited to be a moderator of this forum. My job is to ensure that you are a good moderator. (Which I do not think you are. Your ego gets in the way which causes you to abuse your power. Let me put it this way, I would not want you to be captain of a ship that had nuclear weapons on board.)

I should be a moderator. I would make a great moderator. I wish they would invite me to be a moderator.


Edited by Mike Rago
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Guest Tom Scully


I know the information , for the most , that I have shared with the community is dead nuts accurate, and for the most part, if conflicts with a lot of some very strong and long held beliefs in the case.


I do not post in every thread on this forum, not even close.

I should be a moderator. I would make a great moderator. I wish they would invite me to be a moderator.


You've solved much of the mystery and controversy that has lingered for 49 years. It is a sad irony you are cheated out of your just due and are relegated to a lonely exile by egotistical "know nothings."

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You've solved much of the mystery and controversy that has lingered for 49 years.

Actually, Tom, that is close to a true statement. And you want to know something? It was not that hard. I am still amazed at why this case was not solved a very long time ago, because it is not that hard. This was an easy case to solve, IF (and that is a BIG IF) you follow the evidence.

(There is so much I could say here but I am going to bite my tongue)

We have so much photographic evidence! Some time did have to elapse to let the technology catch up.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Is anyone else watching the Charles "Round Mound of Sound" Drago paranoia show over at the Deep Bull forum?


Having finished with Jim Fetzer, he's now "denouncing" some long-time member called Albert Doyle because they disagree with Commissar Drago. He's also got his sights set on Mark Stapleton too, by the looks. And that Seamus Coogan probably has made it onto the "Enemies of Charles" list as well.

Fascinating stuff; a slow motion train wreck.

Would you consider admitting the Albert Doyle entity to the Education Forum? He has a lot of critical things to say about me and I would like to meet this guy head on. I answered all his idiotic challenges when I was a member of the Lancer forum. I would like to be able to do that again. He is very critical and he really does not know that much about the important parts of the case. He has a very bad habit of getting the important details incorrect.

I will not criticize him unless he is a member here so he can have the chance to defend himself. (Unlike what the cowards at the Deep Crapola Forum engage in. )

I am beginning to understand why the Deep Crapola Forum split off. They did not like the rules of the Education Forum. They could not stand the heat so they had to get out of the kitchen. Now they can say whatever they want about people behind their backs. That forum is a cesspool.

"Some of us eat zombies and some of us feed them"

-Line (I love) from a recent commercial.

You just don't get it, Mike. The DPF was formed, as I recall, to get away from people like you. Many of those on that forum have been studying the case for years. They just aren't interested in endlessly re-examining the Dealey Plaza aspect of the case. They decided long ago there was a conspiracy, and prefer to discuss the who and why as opposed to constantly pondering the IF and how with newbies. At some point, in fact, many of those in the community decided it was a total waste of time to discuss the IF and how with newbies, and that anyone trying to force them to discuss the IF and how is a xxxxx, perhaps even a disinformation agent.

So...you were never welcome there, and should never have gone there. It would be like me going to a conference of lone-nutters (there actually have been a few) and endlessly chanting that the SBT is nonsense.

The Ed Forum is, by design, open to those with an interest not only in the who and why, but the IF and how. You are welcome here. I would suggest, however, that you try to restrict your posts to discussions of actual evidence, and avoid the braggadocio and bickering.

Being banned is not a badge of honor, but a sign that you're obnoxious.

Edited by Pat Speer
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Gee Pat I am not sure which insult I am supposed to address. You managed to call me a newbie, a xxxxx , a disinformation agent and obnoxious all in one post. But, then you say that I am welcome here!

First, let me be perfectly clear about one thing. I do not care how long they/you have been studying the case, they/ you and just about everyone else I have met on these forums do not have the facts straight on the ground. Their/Your jump from Dealey Plaza is/was premature and will only serve the interests of those who were responsible for the crime.

I realize that photo analysts are not well liked even in this forum.( I did not know that in the beginning but it became clear later). They(Deep Crapola) tried to get away from the photo analysis I suspect. They do not do photo analysis over there.

Those who decided it is a total waste of time to discuss the IF and HOW of Dealey Plaza have taken the evolutionary path which does not lead to the true solution. Like Pithecanthropus and Australopithecus. One took to the trees and became chimapzees and the other took to the grasslands and became man.

Well, they were and are wrong. Because the key to who was behind the assassination is found at Dealey Plaza, in the IF and HOW. Anyone who takes the focus off the scene of the crime , or advocates taking the focus off the scene of the crime, is misguided(I am being kind) .

The fact is they(Deep Crapola) spend most of their time talking about other people and not discussing the case.

I looked up the definition of obnoxious and I do not agree with your opinion. However, I cannot be concerned with my popularity.

I obey the rules Pat. I am not nor have I ever been on moderation.

I get banned because I challenge the strong, not the weak.

I do not brag. I do not need to brag because I know I have the evidence on my side. It is that simple.

In a few years the technology will be good enough to , unambiguously, show those people on the knoll. But even today, the pictures, along with other data, are good enough to show us what happened and who was involved. Time is running out for the gatekeepers. The solution is inevitable. And then the problem will become going back and dissecting exactly who were the gatekeepers and how they kept the gate.

Quite frankly, the evidence screams who did it and how. It is amazing that this case has gone on for 50 years without a solution. That is the real story, how that has been accomplished.

This is not bragging. I would have been much happier to have this case solved 50 years ago. This has not brought me one second of joy, (quite the opposite) except for the personal satisfaction of knowing the truth of the assassination.

Ultimately , the only thing that I have done is show them where to look.

When the true solution comes out and you go back and read the books you are going to have a completely different opinion of those books. You will be looking at everything from a completely different point of view.

If there is ever a time when I go back and read all the books it will be after the true solution is made known.

I do have to admit that one of my favorite TV shows is "The Big Bang Theory"


If you want some humor google "youtube big bang theory" and take your pick!

Edited by Mike Rago
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