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Dallas' Quest to Keep the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Death "Classy" Will Fail, and Fail Hard

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From blogsdallasobserver.com

Dallas' Quest to Keep the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Death "Classy" Will Fail, and Fail Hard

by Jim Schutze

May 31, 2012


Let's be clear about this. Old, rich keep-a-lid-on-it Dallas is not going to rule next year's 50th anniversary observations of the Kennedy killing in Dealey Plaza. No matter what it takes.

The official City of Dallas JFK Assassination 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee, named in a story this morning in the official government newspaper, will be made up almost entirely of rich, fancy-pantsy, old people determined to keep a lid on it.

The Morning News quotes Mayor Mike Rawlings:

"The objective is to send the simple message to all that are outside the city, throughout the world, that the citizens of Dallas honor the life and legacy of JFK," Rawlings said. "Tone is very important: serious, respectful, understated. We want it to be very classy. We want to ensure there is zero commercialization of this event."

Whose objective? What message? Who died and made you Elvis?

Commercialization? You mean they're going to shut down the official JFK assassination coffee shop across the street from Dealey Plaza where my brother visiting from San Francisco almost blew lunch when he looked up from his cappuccino and saw the Zapruder film playing on the wall in an endless loop? Don't think so. Makin' too much money on that sucker.

You mean they're going to shut down the big gift shop on the first floor of the Book Depository Building where you can buy coffee table books about Jackie Kennedy's clothes? Oh, no, no, no.

That's all part of the official commercialization reflecting the official version of things as expressed by the Sixth Floor Assassination Museum. That version is: "Dallas didn't do it. Let's talk about Jackie's clothes, instead."

That's classy?

I can tell you exactly what the "commercialization" reference is. Robert Groden. They want to shut down Groden's book and video sales in Dealey Plaza.

Groden is an assassination conspiracy theorist. Some of the stuff he sells is gross. But he's also a best-selling author and serious person. And, by the way, the Kennedy assassination was gross. Very gross......

Full article: http://blogs.dallaso...nts_to_keep.php

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If a movie like JFK can stimulate the launch of the AARB

Theres no telling what the 50th will bring .

I would not put beyond the realms of possibility that a few

Of the WC faithful might want to "stir things a bit" .

But this will result in even more publicity for a call to clear the air

For all time.

Who will be watching who this time round?,unless they ban all cameras!.

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If a movie like JFK can stimulate the launch of the AARB

Theres no telling what the 50th will bring .

I would not put beyond the realms of possibility that a few

Of the WC faithful might want to "stir things a bit" .

But this will result in even more publicity for a call to clear the air

For all time.

Who will be watching who this time round?,unless they ban all cameras!.

Predator Drones would be a good guess.

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If a movie like JFK can stimulate the launch of the AARB

Theres no telling what the 50th will bring .

I would not put beyond the realms of possibility that a few

Of the WC faithful might want to "stir things a bit" .

But this will result in even more publicity for a call to clear the air

For all time.

Who will be watching who this time round?,unless they ban all cameras!.

Predator Drones would be a good guess.

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And miss out on this?

and don't miss the FBI/DPD wind up Doll... pull the cord and listen as it takes back every Mistake about Oswald's innocence ever uttered.

you think they'll have a 21 gun salute

or just the 3 that fired that day for accuracy? ;)


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Must have big windows in U.S. I bought piece No. 25766!.

Or is it faked window frame?.

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If a movie like JFK can stimulate the launch of the AARB

Theres no telling what the 50th will bring .

I would not put beyond the realms of possibility that a few

Of the WC faithful might want to "stir things a bit" .

But this will result in even more publicity for a call to clear the air

For all time.

Who will be watching who this time round?,unless they ban all cameras!.

Predator Drones would be a good guess.


Homeland Security would have the answer to that one.

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A large passive crowd would project the best image.

Err non-moving targets only please.

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Who's going this year?

Kathy C

I would love to be there Kathy but baby is too young to fly.

But I will be wearing my Bill Hicks T-Shirt all day.

Is Bob Groden really going to moon Gary Mack?

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