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in-broad-daylight.com and new site, ss100x.com update

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Just a heads-up that the site in-broad-daylight.com that currently focuses on the JFK assassination limo will be used to focus on the assassination itself. Limo information will now be available at our new site, ss100x.com. Currently, both sites are available and mirror each other.

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The documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" has a section called "The Smoking Guns" which shows the Kennedy limousine parked outside Parkland Hospital as its bubble top is being installed. A bullet hole is unmistakable in the driver's side window.

This section and one other ("The Guilty Men") were pulled form circulation after the film was aired once on the History Chanel. Close inspection of the video reveals a white circular area with a black circular center -- exactly what a bullet penetrating safety glass would produce.

The obvious question is: Where did the shot that created this hole come from? I had to have originated on the driver's side of the car, because the driver would have been struck by it if it had come from any other direction. The vehicle was heavily armored so the shot would not have penetrated into the inside of the car, but it definitely could have damaged the window while it was in its lowered position inside the door.

Perhaps this image is one of the reasons for the discontinued distribution of this portion of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." That section also includes eyewitness testimony about the existence of a through-and-through round bullet hole entering the front windshield of the limousine.


Edited by Steven Kossor
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Hi Steven, quote''The vehicle was heavily armored so the shot would not have penetrated into the inside of the car''

the windshield at the time of the assassination was not bullet proof, after when reconstructed, armor and bullet proof windshields were added...and updated...thanks..b

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Not only was the windshield not bulletproofed, nothing on the car was armored at all. Like Bernice said, it was never armored in any way until it was rebuilt after the assassination.

As for the picture, I don't think that spot is anything at all. In fact, it looks like the driver's window is still down, so you couldn't see a bullet hole even if there was one. Besides, there has never been a mention of bullet damage to the car except for the windshield, and maybe the windshield trim above the rear view mirror, and the back of the rear view mirror itself. Pamela would be the one to ask about that information.

Edited by J. William King
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hi william; i found a few photos, info, that may be of interest, but, there was one other damage to the limo, but nothing came of it, it was a bullet hole in the floor pan..i will see if i can find the info.but for now, these may be of interest to Steven..and.........fwtaw .best b...Kellerman also gives descriptions of the limo within his testimony

Subject: Repost: Presidental Limo 'saftey glass'

Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 15:33:10 GMT

Physical Characteristics of the Presidential Limo (Windshield):

The windshield was comprised of three parts: two pieces of glass with

a thin layer of plastic between the two (i.e. 'safety glass').

The Bullets and Fragments Found inside the Presidential Limo:

Two bullet fragments were found in the front seat. One was located on

the seat beside the driver, it weighed 44.6 grains and consisted of

the nose portion of a bullet. The other fragment was located along the

ellerman gives a very good description within his testimony...

Subject: Repost: Presidental Limo 'saftey glass'

Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 15:33:10 GMT

Physical Characteristics of the Presidential Limo (Windshield):

The windshield was comprised of three parts: two pieces of glass with

a thin layer of plastic between the two (i.e. 'safety glass').

The Bullets and Fragments Found inside the Presidential Limo:

Two bullet fragments were found in the front seat. One was located on

the seat beside the driver, it weighed 44.6 grains and consisted of

the nose portion of a bullet. The other fragment was located along the

right side of the front seat, it weighed, 21.0 grains and consisted of

the the base portion of a bullet.

Three small lead particles weighing between 17/10 and 9/10 of a grain

each, were located on the rug underneath the left jump seat (Mrs.

Connolly's seat).

Small residue of lead on the inside surface of the laminated

windshield and very small pattern cracks ("wagon wheel pattern") were

also found on the on the outer layer of the windshield immediately

behind the lead residue. There was a minute particle of glass missing

from the outside surface but no penetration.

This information is a culmination of two investigations. One conducted

by the FBI and the other by the Secret Service.

------------------------ end ---------------------------------------

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Thank you, Bernice. I've read about that hole in the floorboard, but forgot to mention it above. That hole is kind of like the trim dent and the dent on the back of the rear view mirror. They may, or may not, have been caused by a bullet. I would love to hear if that hole in the floor (as well as the trim and mirror dents) were examined for lead residue. I also wonder if any photos were taken of the floorboard hole. Maybe Pamela can enlighten us.

BTW, I loved the last line of that memo...

"There appears to be little significance to the alleged location of this hole in the Presidential Limousine at this time........."

If that is indeed a bullet hole, I would say that it is of extreme significance!

Edited by J. William King
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hi William again... :sun i do not believe that a hole in the floorpan was even acknowleged by any of the authoritites, i have never found any further information on such, much was of little significance to the investigators, nor those who received their reports..imo...b

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The documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" has a section called "The Smoking Guns" which shows the Kennedy limousine parked outside Parkland Hospital as its bubble top is being installed. A bullet hole is unmistakable in the driver's side window.

This section and one other ("The Guilty Men") were pulled form circulation after the film was aired once on the History Chanel. Close inspection of the video reveals a white circular area with a black circular center -- exactly what a bullet penetrating safety glass would produce.

The obvious question is: Where did the shot that created this hole come from? I had to have originated on the driver's side of the car, because the driver would have been struck by it if it had come from any other direction. The vehicle was heavily armored so the shot would not have penetrated into the inside of the car, but it definitely could have damaged the window while it was in its lowered position inside the door.

Perhaps this image is one of the reasons for the discontinued distribution of this portion of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." That section also includes eyewitness testimony about the existence of a through-and-through round bullet hole entering the front windshield of the limousine.

While the PH witnesses to the limo must be taken seriously, they differ on the location of the hole that they believe they saw.

The "spiral nebulae" that has been pushed as the hole location is an anomaly with some of the copies of the Altgens 1-6 that appeared when it was hastily uploaded to the news service on 11.22.63.

Nevertheless, this is an open issue as far as I am concerned. What interests me more than what anyone believes is what you think the most persuasive evidence for your argument to be and why.

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Thank you, Pamela. As a "car nut" myself, your efforts have always been appreciated.

Thank you. As I will be redesigning ss100x.com to focus only on limo documents and photos and evidence related to it, please keep me in the loop as to anything you would like to see there. This is a commercial site with a lot of bandwidth (we hope).

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Hi Steven, quote''The vehicle was heavily armored so the shot would not have penetrated into the inside of the car''

the windshield at the time of the assassination was not bullet proof, after when reconstructed, armor and bullet proof windshields were added...and updated...thanks..b

It is correct that nothing about ss100x was bulletproof at the time of the assassination. We apparently did not want to consider ourselves a 'banana republic' where a head of state would be assaulted in their own vehicle.

However, the roof pieces, though plexiglas, might have deflected a bullet (if not deterred at attempt entirely) and a bullet hitting one would probably have made enough noise for everyone to duck. The metal frame, which was removable, was in place that dfay and the roof pieces housed in the trunk. Had the weather been rainy, as it had been forecast, some of them at least might have been in place.

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limo grafic..History Matters Archive - HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume VI, pg


As we can see from this diagram, the HSCA, like the WC before it, were very meticulous about providing details as to the horizontal measurements of the limo, but completely forgot about the vertical measurements.

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limo grafic..History Matters Archive - HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume VI, pg


As we can see from this diagram, the HSCA, like the WC before it, were very meticulous about providing details as to the horizontal measurements of the limo, but completely forgot about the vertical measurements.


Do you know how the limo was oriented in the street at the time of the headshot at zapruder frame 313?

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