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Veciana's recent revelation (finally) that Bishop was David Atlee Phillips should have put to rest any further speculation. But somehow that story died. Does anyone have an update on Veciana? Did he put his statement on tape?

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Paul, Veciana put his statement into a letter to Mrs. Fonzi. He has also verified that separately and it may be in a new book about him as well.

For that matter, the former CIA statement who knew Phillips well and mentioned that Phillips had used the Bishop alias never backed off it either, he just stopped talking about it ....

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For that matter, the former CIA statement who knew Phillips well and mentioned that Phillips had used the Bishop alias never backed off it either, he just stopped talking about it ....


You seem to have left something out of this sentence. Who are you talking about?


--Tommy :sun

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Paul, it was well publicized earlier and I've posted and blogged on it before....thought most who had been following this would recall it. The former officers name is Glen Carle and his book is "The

Interrogator" or something close to that. You can find it on Amazon. Early on in remarks about the book he mentioned knowing Phillips - who had helped recruit him - had used the name Bishop. We

asked him questions about that and he obviously didn't want to talk about it at that point; the initial remarks may still be on his site or may have been removed.

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On 7/23/2014 at 6:33 AM, Larry Hancock said:

Paul, it was well publicized earlier and I've posted and blogged on it before....thought most who had been following this would recall it. The former officers name is Glen Carle and his book is "The

Interrogator" or something close to that. You can find it on Amazon. Early on in remarks about the book he mentioned knowing Phillips - who had helped recruit him - had used the name Bishop. We

asked him questions about that and he obviously didn't want to talk about it at that point; the initial remarks may still be on his site or may have been removed.


As recently as 6/10/12, Glenn L. Carle was admitting that "Maurice Bishop" was David Atlee Phillips, but he alleged claims Phillips (and the CIA) was involved in the assassination were "the products of a decades-old Cuban disinformation campaign." --

"During the 1960s, Maurice Bishop was the alias used by an infamous CIA officer in Mexico City, whom conspiracy theorists believe met Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before President John F. Kennedy was murdered in 1963. The alleged meeting is cited as clear evidence that CIA officers were somehow involved in Kennedy’s assassination. I knew Maurice Bishop, whose real name was David Atlee Phillips. A long time ago, he got me into the agency. I know for certain that the CIA did not kill President Kennedy. Yet Castro’s Secrets: The CIA and Cuba’s Intelligence Machine, a recent book by former CIA analyst Brian Lattell, has taught me many things I did not know about our shadow war against the tiny, communist nation. And it has provided context and overwhelming evidence for many of our intelligence failures vis-à-vis our Cuban counterparts. Namely, that the claims against Phillips and the CIA are the products of a decades-old Cuban disinformation campaign, and that over the past 50 years, Castro has shown himself to be among the greatest spymasters in modern history."


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thanks for posting that Tommy, yes I am aware of it and Carle's position. That seems to be a rather common position for retired CIA officers, although at least David Phillip's himself did say something quite different shortly before his death. Its interesting that Carle did not reference the final remarks of his old friend, but then he may not be aware of them.

Actually Carle's book is quite good, I recommend it and reference certain of his post 9/11 experiences in Shadow Warfare. I certainly would not say the same for Littell's book.

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Tommy - don't you find Carle's quoted comment about Cuban disinformation to be more likely CIA disinformation?

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Tommy - don't you find Carle's quoted comment about Cuban disinformation to be more likely CIA disinformation?

Yes, Paul, but in all fairness I haven't read the book by former CIA analyst Lattell that Carle based that statement on.

But then again, even if I read it I suppose it could be argued that Lattel's book must be just chock full of disinformation, right???

Oh well, at least Carle admits that David Atlee Phillips was known as "Maurice Bishop."

--Tommy :sun

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  • 2 years later...

Testimony of George Senator.

Senator is being asked, name-by-name, if he recognizes any names written in Jack Ruby's address book...

Mr. GRIFFIN. It looks like Donald Wiley. Do you recognize that name?
Mr. GRIFFIN. I will read you the other names on here. Pauline Foch.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Etheridge?
Mr. SENATOR. I don't know.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Ray Hawkins?
Mr. GRIFFIN. Sue Blake?
Mr. SENATOR. No; I don't know her.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I am not going to hand you the next exhibit, which is 5305-0, because there are no names written on there of any persons. And I am not going to hand you Exhibit 5305-P. I will take that back. I will hand you that. There is a name "Bishop" written there. Does that name mean anything to you?
Mr. SENATOR. I think I have heard of the name, but I don't know who it is. I don't know what that is. I believe I have somewheres heard of that name.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, I am going to read to you from Exhibit 5305-Q, and tell me if .....


"Bishop" is the only name that is transcribed in quotes....

Edited by Michael Clark
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Apart from the focus of this thread, who here knows how to, and is comfortable contacting spooks? I am trying to connect some dots and I don't want to just set-off into a stupid venture. PM me please.

****** edit, I went-ahead and stuck my foot in it, whatever IT is.......



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On 8/28/2013 at 4:52 PM, Steve Rosen said:

Larry, I agree. The Agency & Miami station especially were particularly adroit at exploiting the patriotic and chummy nature of reporters. The reporters, of course, were all too happy to help in order to get great scoops. It was a symbiotic relationship that worked quite well.

Andric, thanks for posting. That "police sketch" of "Maurice Bishop" has always been interesting to me. Does anyone know who the artist is? I recall that Gaeton Fonzi commissioned it.

I don't believe it's the dead ringer for Dave Phillips that most people seem to think. Phillips had dark hair, the sketch is lighter. The hairline is different, as is the face, to me.

Assume it actually is a sketch of Phillips. That doesn't change the reality - not theory - that the Bishop handle was a name used by multiple operatives.

Dig deeper here and you can find written confirmation for this fact from multiple and reliable sources who knew Dave Phillips and were familiar with the use of the Bishop name.

Once you discover this, the endless confusion around Mr. Bishop makes a lot more sense.

For example, DCI John McCone recalled a Bishop name for the HSCA, and then withdrew that recollection. "Bishop" wasn't any one person, so of course it could plausibly be said that McCone was "mistaken". Again - Bishop was an operational name employed by many people for various projects and purposes.

People should conduct serious research into this largely unexplored but very important area.

-- Steve

Sketches like that never attempt to be 'dead ringers' at all if I am not mistaken. They are meant to be rough, focusing on certain features so as to compare and contrast with a list of possible suspects. A proof of this is the fact that they typically rely on a potential witnesses memory.

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On 7/23/2014 at 9:33 AM, Larry Hancock said:

Paul, it was well publicized earlier and I've posted and blogged on it before....thought most who had been following this would recall it. The former officers name is Glen Carle and his book is "The

Interrogator" or something close to that. You can find it on Amazon. Early on in remarks about the book he mentioned knowing Phillips - who had helped recruit him - had used the name Bishop. We

asked him questions about that and he obviously didn't want to talk about it at that point; the initial remarks may still be on his site or may have been removed.

I looked up Glenn L. Carle last night and found his web page. I was curious if his middle name might be "Lincoln", and if he might be the "Lincoln Carle" in the Mark Lane hosted video, "Two Men in Dallas" featuring an interview with DPO Roger Craig. I sent him an e-mail and he quickly replied. He said that his name is Glenn Lincoln Carle, but he was unrelated to the Lincoln Carle who did the Roger Craig interview.

Edited by Michael Clark
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On 7/24/2014 at 6:12 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Yes that was useful. The real question we should move on to is what was Phillips up to with Oswald.

I wrote this on another thread and copied it here.


"The Veciana/Oswald meeting is now looking to me as a sort of sheep-dipping of the Anti-Castro Cubans. Clandestine cameras or photographers may have taken pictures of AV and LHO together, or  coming and going at the same time. Perhaps DAP was taking the pics.

These photos could be used to implicate the Ant-Castro Cubans as part of the conspiracy, blowing the plan to blame it on Commie-Cubans. Once LHO became news on the afternoon of 11-22-63, Vecania would have known that they were double-crossed.

A Similar situation/scenario probably happened with Ruby and the Mob."


The above post came from the following thread, which is a brainstorming thread for my developing CT.




Edited by Michael Clark
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Michael - I'm more inclined to think the 'meeting' was accidental. Did you watch Veciana when he finally stated publicly that Bishop was Phillips?

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