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The Connally Memory and Verifiable Established Fact

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The Connally Memory


Verifiable Established Fact

After considerable time spent on determining when John Connally was wounded, I believe it is now possible to extricate fact from memory.

At the heart of this conflict is the complete contradiction between the Connally’s adamant conviction that John Connally was wounded before the head shot took place and the Connally’s sequential description of what took place. The first, the Connally’s conviction that he was wounded before the head shot cannot be verified, especially through the Zapruder film. However their description of what happened, and the Connally’s are in complete agreement as to the sequence, can be verified on Zapruder.

It is impossible to be sure just why there is this contradiction. The only explanation I can come to, aside from JFK and John Connally being shot within .22 of a second, is that the spraying of brain matter all over them and the car was so a horrifying memory that they were never able to forget. In the videos of them describing this moment it is clear that years latter it is still a horrifying memory. This memory I suggest blurred the exact sequence of what happened. In 2003, forty years later, when with the “VIEW” Nellie is clearly still distressed when describing what happened at this point. When he is interviewed in 1964, John Connally is also very sober when he recounts this moment.

The main narrative evidence comes from two interviews. The first is the June 1964 interview that John Connally gave. The second is the interview that Nellie Connally gave to the “View” in 2003. The importance of these two interviews is that much of what both John and Nellie Connally say can be verified by Zapruder. It may be argued by members that what I am about to outline contradicts established view. All I can say to that, is that what the Connally’s describe can be seen with our own eyes in Zapruder. Yes, it is not sworn testimony – but it is visual establishable fact that can be verified. However what did astonish me is that in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA, they say exactly the same thing.

The full document lists 10 variants. In this version I will restrict myself to the four most important.

1a. Nellie Connally is clear that when she heard that first sound/shot she turned to look at the President.

Nellie Connally on (Larry King):- When the first sound was heard Nellie states that turned to look to the back and saw the President grasping for his throat.

That can be verified on Zapruder. Her facing JFK can be seen at Z 260.

Nellie Connally describing her reaction to that first sound:-


1b. John Connally describing his reaction to this same sound:-

John Connally is very clear that when he heard this same sound he knew it to be a rifle shot and decided to turn to see if he could see the President. He says that not being able to see him from the right side he turns back to see if he can see him from his left side.

Both Connally’s agree that John Connally was not injured during this sequence point.

This can be verified on Zapruder. The cycle starts around Z 236 and ends at Z 312

John Connally describing his turn to see the President:-


1c. John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:-

John Connally throughout his life never agreed that he was wounded by the same bullet that struck the President. In this clip he explains why he believes it to be impossible that the bullet that struck JFK in the neck could also have struck him. The importance of this point is that he makes clear that from the time he heard the sound, he had time to turn to his right as well as turn back and be approximately facing forward before he is struck. That is a significant time lapse.

John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:-


2. Z 275.

Frame 275, part of Connally’s return cycle to look over his left shoulder, is important because we can get a glimpse of Connally’s shirt. On the inset on the left of the frame, and highlighted by yellow arrows we can see the round cuff links on his shirt. Highlighted by a red arrow is a button on the front of his shirt. It cannot be one of his cuff links because they are on the other side of his shirt sleeve. This can be verified by an image from Love Field. It is clearly one of his shirt buttons. You can see that the front of the shirt has billowed out a bit.

John Connally had received a 2.5 inch hole in his chest just to the left of this point (that is viewer’s POV not John Connally’s POV) and so there should be considerable blood to be seen. Neither is there any blood to be seen on his shirt cuff. We can see where the bullet would have entered, so there ought to be a sign of blood.

If you are talking about the Single Bullet Theory [i.e. 223/4], by Z 275 nearly three seconds have passed since Connally is reported to have received this wound. We should have evidence of blood and there should be an intensity of red in this area. After all the area of the button is to the left of a 2.5 inch hole in his chest. The fact that there is no such evidence means that by Z 275 Connally had yet to be injured.

Therefore one implication of Z 275, is that it narrows just when John Connally was not wounded. It also makes clear that whenever the wounding did take place it was after this frame.

Z 275:-


3. John Connally on the impact on him when the bullet struck him:-

John Connally is very clear about what the bullet did when it struck him. It made him move forward and he looked down to see that he was covered with blood. There is only one area in the Zapruder film when we see John Connally lurch forward followed by a looking downward motion.

We see John Connally moving forward between : Z 318 – 322

We also see John Connally looking downward between : Z 323 – 325

Nowhere else in the film can these two movements be seen.

John Connally describing the impact of the bullet on him.


Zapruder showing Connally moving forward.


Zapruder showing Connally looking downwards.


The Connally’s account of the “Head shot” in terms of when John Connally had been wounded:-

There will be commentary on the implications of this description at the end.

4a. Why Nellie was unable to see the President being shot.

Nellie makes clear that although she heard the head shot she was unable to turn round to see what had happened because by this time John Connally was on her lap and his weight made it impossible for her to turn. She is making it quite clear that when the head shot occurred John was already wounded and lying on her lap. And it was the weight of his body on her that made it impossible for her to turn round.

That description is around the Z 320’s

Nellie unable to turn when the head shot occurs:-


4b. John Connally’s description of the head shot:-

In this description, that picks up after he has been wounded and after Nellie pulls him onto her lap, John Connally makes clear that after he was wounded he was still conscious. He says that he was lying on Nellie’s lap when he heard the head shot.

Now again a description of John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap is around the Z320’s.

John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap when he hears the head shot.



Today I went through the testimonies of John and Nellie Connally. Aside from Z 275, which was not a point either made, the other points can be found in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA.

Aside from a description of the actual wounding of John Connally, everything in the Connally’s sequenced account about what happened can be verified by Zapruder. The only point that is out of sequence is the timing of the head shot compared to John Connally’s wounding.

The time difference between the head shot and Z 317, when the Connally’s both describe John Connally being wounded, is .2 of a second.

In addition, although it has been omitted from this listing, it is clear that President Kennedy’s brain matter raining down on them was a particularly distressing moment.

It is possible that the very short time difference between the shots as well as the distress of JFK’s brain matter falling on top of them confused them as to when John Connally was shot compared to JFK.

That said there are points that John Nellie Connally are very clear about, all of which are verifiable in Zapruder and point to him being shot after JFK.

a) That after the first shot she looks towards the President and sees him clutching for his throat. That moment is long after Z 223/4. Both she and John Connally are clear he is not injured by this point.

B) That when he is wounded John Connally is pushed forward and looks downward. That can be seen on Zapruder and only takes place between 318 - 325

c) Z275 makes it clear that by this point John Connally is not injured. That is a point that is only 2.1 seconds before the head shot.

e) The Connally’s are in perfect unison on the following:-

i) That John Connally was not wounded by Z 236-244. Zapruder confirms their account.

ii. They are in agreement that John Connally is lying wounded on Nellie’s lap when they both hear the head shot. The frame for that is around Z 320’s.

This account by the Connally’s is clearly conflicts with established opinion as to when he was wounded.

The only aspect that conflicts with Zapruder is the sequence of the head shot compared to when the Connally’s suggest John Connally was wounded. This is a problem. However the John Connally interview took place 4 months before the Warren Report was published. That said, everything that is said in these interviews can be found in their testimony to both the Warren Commission as well as the House Assassinations Committee. There is complete consistency between the two.

Logic suggests that since Zapruder can confirm all other aspects of their account, the Connally’s are confused as to when the head shot occurred. Everything else in their account suggests that the head shot came first. Therefore I suggest that the horror of the headshot along with the short time difference between the two moments may have confused them.


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Let's consider this: Zapruder shows the JFK head shot at Z313...and Connally says he heard the shot AFTER Z322. The Z-film allegedly ran at 18.6 frames per second. The difference between Z313 and Z322 is about half a second.

IS IT POSSIBLE that the "bang" from firing the bullet that struck JFK wasn't actually HEARD by Connally for as much as half a second after the bullet struck JFK? Could it be that the sound simply didn't REGISTER in Connally's conscious mind until after Connaly was hit?

Not trying to criticize; just trying to add a real-world angle to all this.

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Let's consider this: Zapruder shows the JFK head shot at Z313...and Connally says he heard the shot AFTER Z322. The Z-film allegedly ran at 18.6 frames per second. The difference between Z313 and Z322 is about half a second.

IS IT POSSIBLE that the "bang" from firing the bullet that struck JFK wasn't actually HEARD by Connally for as much as half a second after the bullet struck JFK? Could it be that the sound simply didn't REGISTER in Connally's conscious mind until after Connally was hit?

Not trying to criticize; just trying to add a real-world angle to all this.


Thanks for the reply. I am happy to admit that I really am confused at the moment. There are moments when I am seriously thinking of giving up.

Below is a picture of the Connally model. Unlike Dale Myers I am using anatomical models. I have lost identity, that he has in his models, but I have gained verification. Everyone can see what I contend is happening: in this case the wound runs down the 5th rib. The red pointer is placed as per the description of the wound by Robert Shaw.


You will notice that the angle of the pointer, as positioned here is 27º. That was the measurement that Robert Shaw took while John Connally testified before the Warren Commission.

In order for Connally to be injured as described then he has to be sitting in that position. The only time I can place him in that position is around Z 317. It is not that Connally cannot be hit, he can be hit any number of times in any number of frames, but to be struck in such a way as to duplicate the wound received, he has to be sitting in a forward position. That places him after the head shot, which is in keeping with the Connally’s description of the sequence of events, but it also places it after the head shot. And I am getting the impression that it is also placing this theory into the realm of incredulity.

I was looking at the Z 290 area tonight. It is a really interesting period because there is all sorts of things going on. It is a sequence, unlike Z 315 and following, where Nellie does look as though she trying to get hold of John, as she describes. However at this point John Connally virtually has his back to her and that would require the source of the shot to come from the South of the Plaza.

Z 236/46, I believe everyone’s favorite moment when he was struck, has Connally at 30/35º degree angle right of forward. Then the trajectory pointer, points to a location between the Daltex and the Records building.

The only frame that has the pointer return to a sensible source, in this case the TSBD, as well as replicating the wound received by Connally is Z 317. And that takes the Connally wound beyond the head shot.

Logic and established assassination understanding suggests that the Connally’s have got to be wrong on this point. Trajectory analysis suggests that their description of the sequence is right. I am even wondering if my 3D model is inaccurate and is leading me astray. But I do not think so, at least not that much. And the Connally model above is accurate. It shows the wound as it was received.

You can test for yourself. The model shows you the nature of the wound. You can stand up anywhere. Place yourself as Connally is positioned in any frame and see where that line takes you back to. I suggest you will find it does not take you back where we want it to. In some frames it takes you to the south of the plaza.

You ask if it is possible that the sound of the head shot does not register with the Connally’s till later. Yes it is possible. I just know that I cannot get a frame where Connally’s wound leads back to a recognized source, until after the hehad shot………and that is causing me quite a bit of grief.


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Hi James,

Besides Connally speaking in this sequence, see what other conclusions you might draw from the rest of the action involved.




You are excellent in being ambiguous. I have looked over the frames, but I have no idea what it is, that I should have noticed.

Could please outline the relevant points.



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What actions occur before the extant 313 headshot?

Jackie and Nellie react simultaneously to their husbands.

Greer's headturn back to JFK, occurs immediately after Jackie and Nellie and before the headshot.

The motorcycle cop has gained plenty of ground, limo has slowed down tremendously.

Connally is yelling out something. Check his testimony about what and when he said it.

What is the position of John Connally's right hand to his left thigh in this sequence?

Kellerman puts his left hand up to his ear/face.

All indications of a major external stimulas before the extant 313 headshot. imo

This sequence is approx extant Z280-313 @ 18fps


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Thanks for the response.

I accept that there may have been a stimulus during this period. It was after all the period that Frederick Webb, the first to analyse the Zapruder film, considered to be the moment that Connally was wounded. However I do disagree with some of your analysis.

a) Jackie’s return to JFK [ at 7.6 seconds in your clip ] has nothing to do with an external stimulus. She had been distracted by Connally for some time and was now returning her attention back to her husband.

B) Greer’s head turn, I suggest has more to do with Kellerman demanding that they get to a hospital.

c) Kellerman on the phone again I suggest has to do with having seen JFK being injured.

d) I accept the limo has indeed slowed down, whether to help Hill or because Greer is now looking to the rear – I do not know.

So I am not sure I agree, or indeed disagree, that there was a shot at this point. Maybe. What I can say is that if there were a shot at this period it could not be the shot that wounded Connally. The nature of his wound forbids it.

However, what I will say is that you have directed my attention to when Connally was wounded to pre head shot. It is a real pity you did not release these frames as slides, they are outstandingly clear. I have returned your gif to individual frames. They are the clearest I have ever seen. Do you have the whole film in this quality? I really would be interested in a copy if you do have the film in this clarity.

At 7.6 seconds Nellie does turn back to looking towards her husband after having looked to the rear of the car and see whether the noise had a consequence on JFK.

Nellie is on record that when her husband was injured and looking away from her she grabbed him and pulled him over onto her lap. From 7.7 seconds right up to 8.9 seconds we see Nellie attempting to pull Connally over. Forum members may not see what I am referring to unless they also have converted the gif into separate frames.

I can clearly see all Nellie’s head and body movements as she begins the process of pulling him round and onto her lap. The quality of your frames makes Nellie’s movement and endeavors crystal clear. In the sequence 8.5 seconds [307] to 8.9 seconds [313] I had assumed that Connally had freed himself from Nellie and positioned himself to sitting erect. In doing so I had ignored Nellie’s description. Instead I had considered that she had pulled Connally over onto her lap after Z317. Your frames make it clear that this straightening of Connally’s position is due to Nellie attempting to get him into a position where she can pull him out of danger.

The implication of these frames is that I may well be wrong. These frames suggest that Connally was not injured post head shot but pre head shot. What has focused my attention is the clarity of the frames which allow, at least for me for the first time, all of Nellie Connally’s attempt to pull John Connally onto her lap.

I really thank you for these frames. They have been a great help. If you have Z314 – 338 in the same quality would you be kind enough to post that gif. I can transfer it back to frames. I really need to see the rest of this sequence in this kind of quality.


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Hi Chris

Nice stabilization on the ( Lost Bullet ) Z-Frames


Yes, i also believe that Connally was wounded before the headshot at Z-313

Connally appears to rock back into nellies arms, just as Jackie leans forward to look at kennedy's face.

Edited by Robin Unger
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  • 2 months later...

The Connally Memory


Verifiable Established Fact

After considerable time spent on determining when John Connally was wounded, I believe it is now possible to extricate fact from memory.

At the heart of this conflict is the complete contradiction between the Connally’s adamant conviction that John Connally was wounded before the head shot took place and the Connally’s sequential description of what took place. The first, the Connally’s conviction that he was wounded before the head shot cannot be verified, especially through the Zapruder film. However their description of what happened, and the Connally’s are in complete agreement as to the sequence, can be verified on Zapruder.

It is impossible to be sure just why there is this contradiction. The only explanation I can come to, aside from JFK and John Connally being shot within .22 of a second, is that the spraying of brain matter all over them and the car was so a horrifying memory that they were never able to forget. In the videos of them describing this moment it is clear that years latter it is still a horrifying memory. This memory I suggest blurred the exact sequence of what happened. In 2003, forty years later, when with the “VIEW” Nellie is clearly still distressed when describing what happened at this point. When he is interviewed in 1964, John Connally is also very sober when he recounts this moment.

The main narrative evidence comes from two interviews. The first is the June 1964 interview that John Connally gave. The second is the interview that Nellie Connally gave to the “View” in 2003. The importance of these two interviews is that much of what both John and Nellie Connally say can be verified by Zapruder. It may be argued by members that what I am about to outline contradicts established view. All I can say to that, is that what the Connally’s describe can be seen with our own eyes in Zapruder. Yes, it is not sworn testimony – but it is visual establishable fact that can be verified. However what did astonish me is that in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA, they say exactly the same thing.

The full document lists 10 variants. In this version I will restrict myself to the four most important.

1a. Nellie Connally is clear that when she heard that first sound/shot she turned to look at the President.

Nellie Connally on (Larry King):- When the first sound was heard Nellie states that turned to look to the back and saw the President grasping for his throat.

That can be verified on Zapruder. Her facing JFK can be seen at Z 260.

Nellie Connally describing her reaction to that first sound:-


1b. John Connally describing his reaction to this same sound:-

John Connally is very clear that when he heard this same sound he knew it to be a rifle shot and decided to turn to see if he could see the President. He says that not being able to see him from the right side he turns back to see if he can see him from his left side.

Both Connally’s agree that John Connally was not injured during this sequence point.

This can be verified on Zapruder. The cycle starts around Z 236 and ends at Z 312

John Connally describing his turn to see the President:-


1c. John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:-

John Connally throughout his life never agreed that he was wounded by the same bullet that struck the President. In this clip he explains why he believes it to be impossible that the bullet that struck JFK in the neck could also have struck him. The importance of this point is that he makes clear that from the time he heard the sound, he had time to turn to his right as well as turn back and be approximately facing forward before he is struck. That is a significant time lapse.

John Connally on the Single Bullet Theory:-


2. Z 275.

Frame 275, part of Connally’s return cycle to look over his left shoulder, is important because we can get a glimpse of Connally’s shirt. On the inset on the left of the frame, and highlighted by yellow arrows we can see the round cuff links on his shirt. Highlighted by a red arrow is a button on the front of his shirt. It cannot be one of his cuff links because they are on the other side of his shirt sleeve. This can be verified by an image from Love Field. It is clearly one of his shirt buttons. You can see that the front of the shirt has billowed out a bit.

John Connally had received a 2.5 inch hole in his chest just to the left of this point (that is viewer’s POV not John Connally’s POV) and so there should be considerable blood to be seen. Neither is there any blood to be seen on his shirt cuff. We can see where the bullet would have entered, so there ought to be a sign of blood.

If you are talking about the Single Bullet Theory [i.e. 223/4], by Z 275 nearly three seconds have passed since Connally is reported to have received this wound. We should have evidence of blood and there should be an intensity of red in this area. After all the area of the button is to the left of a 2.5 inch hole in his chest. The fact that there is no such evidence means that by Z 275 Connally had yet to be injured.

Therefore one implication of Z 275, is that it narrows just when John Connally was not wounded. It also makes clear that whenever the wounding did take place it was after this frame.

Z 275:-


3. John Connally on the impact on him when the bullet struck him:-

John Connally is very clear about what the bullet did when it struck him. It made him move forward and he looked down to see that he was covered with blood. There is only one area in the Zapruder film when we see John Connally lurch forward followed by a looking downward motion.

We see John Connally moving forward between : Z 318 – 322

We also see John Connally looking downward between : Z 323 – 325

Nowhere else in the film can these two movements be seen.

John Connally describing the impact of the bullet on him.


Zapruder showing Connally moving forward.


Zapruder showing Connally looking downwards.


The Connally’s account of the “Head shot” in terms of when John Connally had been wounded:-

There will be commentary on the implications of this description at the end.

4a. Why Nellie was unable to see the President being shot.

Nellie makes clear that although she heard the head shot she was unable to turn round to see what had happened because by this time John Connally was on her lap and his weight made it impossible for her to turn. She is making it quite clear that when the head shot occurred John was already wounded and lying on her lap. And it was the weight of his body on her that made it impossible for her to turn round.

That description is around the Z 320’s

Nellie unable to turn when the head shot occurs:-


4b. John Connally’s description of the head shot:-

In this description, that picks up after he has been wounded and after Nellie pulls him onto her lap, John Connally makes clear that after he was wounded he was still conscious. He says that he was lying on Nellie’s lap when he heard the head shot.

Now again a description of John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap is around the Z320’s.

John Connally lying on Nellie’s lap when he hears the head shot.



Today I went through the testimonies of John and Nellie Connally. Aside from Z 275, which was not a point either made, the other points can be found in their testimony to both the WC as well as the HSCA.

Aside from a description of the actual wounding of John Connally, everything in the Connally’s sequenced account about what happened can be verified by Zapruder. The only point that is out of sequence is the timing of the head shot compared to John Connally’s wounding.

The time difference between the head shot and Z 317, when the Connally’s both describe John Connally being wounded, is .2 of a second.

In addition, although it has been omitted from this listing, it is clear that President Kennedy’s brain matter raining down on them was a particularly distressing moment.

It is possible that the very short time difference between the shots as well as the distress of JFK’s brain matter falling on top of them confused them as to when John Connally was shot compared to JFK.

That said there are points that John Nellie Connally are very clear about, all of which are verifiable in Zapruder and point to him being shot after JFK.

a) That after the first shot she looks towards the President and sees him clutching for his throat. That moment is long after Z 223/4. Both she and John Connally are clear he is not injured by this point.

B) That when he is wounded John Connally is pushed forward and looks downward. That can be seen on Zapruder and only takes place between 318 - 325

c) Z275 makes it clear that by this point John Connally is not injured. That is a point that is only 2.1 seconds before the head shot.

e) The Connally’s are in perfect unison on the following:-

i) That John Connally was not wounded by Z 236-244. Zapruder confirms their account.

ii. They are in agreement that John Connally is lying wounded on Nellie’s lap when they both hear the head shot. The frame for that is around Z 320’s.

This account by the Connally’s is clearly conflicts with established opinion as to when he was wounded.

The only aspect that conflicts with Zapruder is the sequence of the head shot compared to when the Connally’s suggest John Connally was wounded. This is a problem. However the John Connally interview took place 4 months before the Warren Report was published. That said, everything that is said in these interviews can be found in their testimony to both the Warren Commission as well as the House Assassinations Committee. There is complete consistency between the two.

Logic suggests that since Zapruder can confirm all other aspects of their account, the Connally’s are confused as to when the head shot occurred. Everything else in their account suggests that the head shot came first. Therefore I suggest that the horror of the headshot along with the short time difference between the two moments may have confused them.


Might want to read up on Nellie's book.

Her handwritten notes were made from memory some 8-10 days after the event and, for all purposes, appear to be quite accurate.


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Might want to read up on Nellie's book.

Her handwritten notes were made from memory some 8-10 days after the event and, for all purposes, appear to be quite accurate.



Thank you for your contribution. I do know about the book and did not purchase it because friends who had read it were not particularly impressed. I agree, maybe that is not the best reason to not read a book.

However I did extensively used Nellie’s 2003 interview with the View. This was an appearance that was intended to promote her book.

What has struck me then, as well as now, is the contradiction in their narrative. I do wonder how they were never conscious of their contradictions. Both say that John was wounded before the head shot, yet both describe a time the head shot occurred which is around Z 325. Both say that John Connally was wounded after completing the cycle, yet in 1966 John Connally stated his certainty that he was injured at Z 230. On December 27th 1963, he is very clear that he had only just begun to turn when he was struck.

I do not suggest they are lying, but I do believe they are confused as to the precise sequence of events.

I am very busy preparing for a presentation I am giving next week which contains, among other things, a subject area which I may well post here later this month. It is a detailed medical exploration of how Connally’s chest wound occurred and processed through his body. The importance, of this research, to the Single Bullet Theory cannot be over exaggerated.


Edited by James R Gordon
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From chapter 5b at patspeer.com:

First Lady of Texas Nellie Connally sat directly to the left of her husband and directly in front of Jackie Kennedy: (11-22-63 WFAA report on a press conference given by Connally aide Julian Read, who had just spoken to Mrs. Connally.) “The car had turned to the left on Elm Street and was getting ready to go under the Triple Underpass. At that moment, Mrs. Connally said she heard a shot. Instantly, when she heard the shot, her husband turned to see what had happened and at that instant he too was shot. Mrs. Connally says she believes the first shot was the one that struck President Kennedy in the head. There was a second shot. That shot struck Governor Connally in the back, and coming out of his body in the right chest. There are reports of a third shot and Governor Connally has a wound on his wrist and that could be the result of that third pistol shot, although Mrs. Connally is not certain whether there was a third shot or not. She said immediately after the first shot Mrs. Kennedy grabbed her husband. After the second shot Mrs. Connally grabbed her husband. All four of them ducked down into the car to escape any further fusillade of shots.” (11-22-63 UPI article on Read’s press conference.) “Mrs. John Connally, wife of the wounded Governor of Texas, said today she thinks President Kennedy was shot first….(Quoting Read)'They got ready to go through the underpass. Mrs. Connally heard a shot. When the first shot was fired, Connally turned in his seat and almost instantly was hit. She does not know about the third shot. But it may have been the one that hit the governor’s wrist…Jackie grabbed the President and Mrs. Connally grabbed Connally and they both ducked down in the car…Mrs. Connally does not remember her husband saying anything.” (Notes written on 12-2-63, as reprinted in her book From Love Field, 2003) “then I heard a loud, terrifying noise…I turned and looked toward the President just in time to see him clutch his neck and see him sink down in his seat. There was no utterance of any kind from him…I had no sure knowledge as to what the noise was…Quickly, there was a second shot, John had turned to the right at the first shot to look back and then whirled to the left to get another look…John said, “No, No, No,” was hit himself by a second shot and said “My God, they are going to kill us all,” wheeled back to the right, crumpling his shoulders to his knees…I reached over and pulled him to me…Then came a third shot.” (12-13-63 FBI report, CD188, p.6-7) “she was facing the front of the car when the first shot was fired and turned to her right towards President Kennedy and saw him with his hand at his throat and then slump down. …almost immediately Governor Connally recoiled in the opposite direction from her and was heard to remark “My God, they are going to kill us all.” She had feelings that buck shot was falling all around them and then she realized it was probably brain matter from President Kennedy’s head…When asked about the lapse of time between the first and last shots she replied “About like saying “crack, crack, crack.” She sensed that Governor Connally had been hit when she heard the second shot and she turned to hold him…The direction of all shots were from somewhere to the rear of the car.”

(4-21-64 testimony before the Warren Commission, 4H146-149) “When we got past this area I did turn to the President and said “Mr. President you can’t say Dallas doesn’t love you.” Then I don’t know how soon, it seems to me it was very soon, that I heard a noise…I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck…he made no utterance, no cry. I saw no blood, no anything. It was just sort of nothing, the expression on his face, and he just sort of slumped down. Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John. As the first shot was hit, and I turned to look at the same time, I recall John saying, “Oh, no, no, no.” Then there was a second shot, and it hit John, and as he recoiled to the right, just crumpled like a wounded animal to the right, he said, “My God, ,they are going to kill us all”…I never again looked in the back seat of the car after my husband was shot…I remember that he turned to the right and then just slumped down into the seat, so that I reached over to pull him toward me…The third shot that I heard I felt, it felt like spent buckshot falling all over us, and then, of course, I too, could see that it was the matter, brain tissue, or whatever, just human matter, all over the car and both of us...(The time between the first and second shot was) Very short. It seemed to me that there was less time between the first and the second than between the second and the third. (At the time of the first shot) The underpass was in sight…(When asked about the Zapruder film, she said she thought her husband was shot at frame) “229—it could have been through the next three to four frames.” (Article in McCall’s magazine, August, 1964) “in that instant the first shot rang out, I heard it and though I handle guns myself and am familiar with rifles, I did not in that split second realize it was gunfire…I looked directly at the President. He clutched his throat with both hands, and I felt sure he was dead. His face went blank. There was no pain or shock or fear just nothingness. His face was completely expressionless, as if the person had gone. Sitting on my right, John, the Governor, turned very fast to his right trying to look around at the President. Not getting him in his line of vision, he started turning to his left and the second bullet hit him. I heard John say, “They’re going to kill us all” He recoiled to his right and slumped over, still upright in his seat…I pulled him down onto my lap and bent over him…I heard the third shot and the Secret Service command to pull out of the motorcade and drive to the nearest hospital, but after John was hit, I didn’t look back again.” (9-30-64 interview with William Manchester, as represented in The Death of a President, 1967) (On her response to the first shot) "Nellie Connally twisted in her seat and looked sharply at Kennedy. His hands were at his throat, but he wasn't grimacing. He had slumped a little." (On her response to the head shot) "Nellie wonders if she is being sprayed by spent buckshot." (10-30-66 interview with Life Magazine, as reported in its 11-25-66 issue) “As far as the first two shots go...my memory is divided into four events. First I heard the shot, or a strange loud noise--I'm not that expert on rifles--back behind us. Then next I turned to my right and saw the President gripping at his throat. Then I turned back toward John, and I heard the second shot that hit John…I must have been looking right at him because I saw him recoil to the right...so you see I had time to look at the President after he was already hit, then turn and see John hit by a second shot. Then, of course, he slumped, and I reached to pull him toward me.” (When discussing her contention her husband was hit by a different bullet than the one striking Kennedy) "No one will ever convince me otherwise." (Interview with CBS broadcast 6-25 and6-26-67) “They all came from the same direction…behind us, over my right shoulder. You see the first one, the first sound, the first shot, I heard and turned and looked right into the President’s face. So the sound drew me to that direction and had a definite reaction…He was clutching his throat, and just slumped down. He just had a - a look of nothingness on his face. He- he didn't say anything. But that was the first shot. The second shot, that hit John - well, of course, I could see him covered with - with blood, and his - his reaction to a second shot. The third shot, even though I didn't see the President, I felt the matter all over me, and I could see it all over the car. So I'll just have to say that I think there were three shots, and that I had a reaction to three shots. And - that's just what I believe.”

(9-6-78 testimony before the HSCA, Vol.1 p.11-59) “I heard a noise that I didn't think of as a gunshot. I just heard a disturbing noise and turned to my right from where I thought the noise had come and looked in the back and saw the President clutch his neck with both hands. He said nothing. He just sort of slumped down in the seat. John had turned to his right also when we heard that first noise and shouted, "no, no, no," and in the process of turning back around so that he could look back and see the President--I don't think he could see him when he turned to his right--the second shot was fired and hit him. He was in the process of turning, so it hit him through this shoulder, came out right about here. His hand was either right in front of him or on his knee as he turned to look so that the bullet went through him, crushed his wrist and lodged in his leg. And then he just recoiled and just sort of slumped in his seat. I thought he was dead…the only thing I could think of to do was to pull him down out of the line of fire…So, I pulled him down in my lap… I never looked back after John was hit. I heard Mrs. Kennedy say, "they have shot my husband.” Then, I heard a third shot and felt matter cover us and she said, "They have killed my husband, I have his brains in my hand". I thought John was dead, and I heard the Secret Service man say, "Let's get out of here quick." So, we pulled out of the motorcade and we must have been a horrible sight flying down that freeway with those dying men in our arms and going to no telling where.” (ABC News interview shown on the 20th and 25th anniversaries of the assassination, 1983) "I turned to look back at the President and saw him clutch his throat, and just sorta sink down. There was no sound. He said nothing. And John was turning around and then he was hit by--the second shot hit John. He collapsed, he just collapsed. And I reached over to pull him down into my lap, to get him out of the line of fire so they wouldn't hurt him anymore. And there was a third shot. This all happened very rapidly (snaps fingers snap snap) The third shot. There was matter all over the car. And that was the shot, of course, that hit the President. And I heard Jackie say 'My God, what have they done to you' and then later she said 'I've got his brains in my hand. It was a horrifying, horrible, horrible moment in history.' (Interview with Diane Sawyer on 60 Minutes, 1988) "And then the shot. I looked right at the President cause I was in the seat in front of Jackie, and I saw it--saw him clutch his throat. Then I heard the second shot and John just collapsed. I pulled him down and tried to cover him." (11-22-88 Interview on KTRK TV, as reported in an 11-23-88 AP article) "Nellie Connally recalled that she heard a noise and turned, but didn't realize it was gunfire. "John knew that it was a shot," she said. 'I just heard a noise and turned and saw the president clutch his throat and sink into the part of the car where he was sitting. Then I knew something terribly bad had happened." Nellie Connally said she pulled her husband into her lap after he was shot and kept telling him "it's going to be all right." At first I thought he was dead." She said once her husband was in her lap and she was hovering over him, a third shot rang out. "Then there was matter all over us and all over the car. I knew then that the president had to be — had to be dead."

(Interview with Larry King on CNN, January, 1992) "I turned at the first noise, but I didn't recognize it as a gunshot, just a noise. And I turned and I saw the President reach up and (unintelligible) clutch his throat. And he just sat down. He said nothing...Then there was the second shot--well, John was twirling around, and he was hit...He didn't hear the second bullet. You don't hear the one that hits you...All this happened in seconds. I reached over and grabbed him and pulled him down in my lap...I never looked back in the back again after I had John in my lap. But the third shot--all this matter and everything sprayed all over us." (Interview in the Discovery Channel program The End of Camelot, broadcast 1993) "We were driving along, and I heard a noise. And I turned around to have a look back and saw the President. His hands flew up to his neck, and he collapsed and made no sound." (Interview with Larry King on CNN, 7-4-2002, replayed 11-24-2002) “I heard this noise. And it came from the back of me. And I looked back toward the president and saw his hands just fly up to his neck and he slumped down. He said not one word…I didn’t know for sure that it was a gunshot when I heard it…It was just a noise. We had noises around. John knew it was a gunshot. And he turned to see the president…He couldn’t see him. So he whirled to the other side and he still couldn’t see him. And in the process of moving back, the second shot hit John…From the same place…Well, then we had a third shot…From the same place…bloody matter covered the car and covered all of us…Three shots, three reactions.” (When asked about the single-bullet theory) “That’s baloney.” (When asked about the possibility shots were fired from the knoll) “Well, maybe there was. But in my mind, by the time we passed the grassy knoll, got to the grassy knoll, everything that happened in that car had already happened.”

(From Love Field, 2003) “A moment later, a terrifying noise erupted behind us. Instinctively, I felt it was a gunshot. I looked back and saw the President’s hands fly up to his throat…From the corner of my eye, I saw my husband, John, turn clockwise in his seat…”No, no, no!” he cried out. Then—a second shot. My husband spun in his seat. He had been hit in the back by the second bullet. “My God,” he blurted, “they are going to kill us all!”—then crumpled forward…I pulled him into my lap…A third shot rang out.” (Interview with Houston PBS, 2003) "I heard this loud noise...When I heard this noise, it came over my right shoulder, and I turned around. And I didn't know at first what it was because the motorcycles, you know, backfire and make all that noise, But I knew it was not a good noise. And I turned back just in time to see the president's hands fly up to his neck and then he just sunk down a few inches in the car. John, who is seated in front of him...he knew that was a gunshot. And he turned to his right but he couldn't see the President who was directly behind him. So then he flipped to his left and he still couldn't see him and he said "No, no, no," and turned back. And when he got about half-way back the second shot hit John Connally and he said "My God, they're gonna kill us all!" And then just collapsed forward, blood everywhere. Now I know this takes longer than six seconds but it happened, all happened in six seconds ....I just pulled him over...across my lap...While I had him down there was the third shot...Tiny bloody matter was all over whatever part of the interior of the car there was and all over our clothes so I knew that had been a pretty powerful shot. That's the one that took the President's head...Jackie said, "They've killed my husband! I have his brains in my hand." That's when I knew it was head." (Interview on The View, 11-21-2003) "I heard this noise. I didn't know what it was but I tried to look at the President and his hands flew up to his neck and he sort of sunk down in his seat. He didn't say a word, but his eyes looked so troubled. John, who was seated in front of the President, knew it was a gun shot. He turned to his right--to see the President--but he couldn't see him. So he turned to his left--and he couldn't see him. On the way back--about midway--he was shot with the second shot...The third shot came, and I couldn't turn around because the weight of my husband in my lap. But I heard Jackie say 'They've killed my husband. I have his brains in my hand.' And then all around us--all over the car--was a bloody mass of--it looked like buckshot is the best way--all over the car and all over us and our clothes--and that was when the President took the third shot in the head." (Interview with Dan Rather on CBS, 11-21-03) "And I heard this loud noise. And I turned to look. I saw the President's hands fly up to his neck, and he just slumped down into the seat. The second shot came, and as John was hit he said "My God, they're gonna kill us all" and just fell over. (When asked about a third shot) "Yes. The word out of the back seat--I couldn't look--was Jackie saying "They've killed my husband. I have his brains in my hand." (From an 11-22-03 WBAP radio program on Youtube) "And I heard this loud noise that I was not certain what it was. But I turned toward the noise. When I turned I could look right at the President. And I saw his hands fly up to his neck. John, who sitting in front of him, turns to his left, and this takes seconds. And the second shot went through John Connally. He said 'My God, they're going to kill us all.' There was a third shot. The car was covered. We were covered with a bloody matter that I assumed was the President's head." (Interview with Larry King on CNN, 11-22-2003) "I heard this noise...I wasn't sure it was a gunshot because the motorcycles had been , you know, backfiring all around us. But I knew it was something and I turned and looked just in time to see his hands fly up to his face. And he just sunk down in the car. Said not a word. He had just a strange look in his eyes and said nothing...(My husband) turned quick...to his right and he couldn't see him because he was directly in front of him. And he said "No, no, no" and turned to his left and he still couldn't see him. Now this is a second or two. Then as he whirled back, the second shot hit John...It went under his shoulder, out through--under the nipple. It went through--it took out five inches of his fifth rib and went through one of his lungs...It crushed this wrist and, you know, shot the cufflink off...And then it landed in his leg...John said, "My God, they're going to kill us all," and just fell over. Blood everywhere.... There was a third shot...I heard the third shot and then, bloody matter, like buck shot, little pieces were all over the interior of the car, all over our clothes...(When asked about the single-bullet theory) "Well, let me ask you this, do you think a bullet that went through the president's neck can hang there in air between the two seats while John turned to the right, turned to the left and came back? That's what I asked the Warren Commission. I said, "I don't believe a bullet could do that." That bullet--the same bullet did not hit both of them." (11-23-2003 article in Dallas Morning News) “His hands flew up to his neck…and he sank down in his seat. He didn’t say a word… John… turned to his right, and couldn’t see him, so he flips to his left, and he still can’t see him. And he says, “No, no, no.” And when he was trying to turn back, the second shot came. John said “My God they’re trying to kill us all!”…Then he collapsed…he fell forward…Then came the third, most damaging shot.”

Edited by Pat Speer
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  • 1 year later...

Hello James

Just a quick observation about your anatomical diagram of the bullet path in post # 3.

For starters, your diagram is anatomically incorrect. The 5th rib does not extend further to the outside of the body than the scapula (shoulder blade). in fact, when viewed from the back, the 5th rib is hidden from view by the scapula. This is why Connally had to be turned to his right when struck by a bullet; or, the bullet was fired from the west end of the TSBD.

Next, your diagram shows the bullet traversing a path almost away from the chest when, in fact, the bullet was travelling towards the centre of the chest; following a path from the mid axillary line (where you have located the upper arm bone) to the anterior axillary line, and exiting under his right nipple. In other words, if Connally had been facing forward, this bullet would have had to have come from Connally's right rear in order to miss the scapula AND follow the inward travelling course it followed.

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Hi Robert,

Long time since I have heard from you. I will have to look out this model. You are looking from the right lateral direction and I believe that is what suggests the path is not moving towards the rib cage - as opposed following along the path of the rib. I believe when viewed from the rear you will see its path is towards the 5th rib - just you correctly suggest it should. If the model does not suggest the bullet is moving towards the 5th rib, then I apologise and agree the model is incorrect.

When I find the model you will see that it is an optical illusion to believe the rib cage extends beyond the Scapula. The rib cage is in its correct position and is proportionally correct.

Now, if you have followed my argument, you will note that I contend that John Connally gained his chest wound at Z 230/31. Therefore he was not turned to his right: he was seated looking forward. In addition I am on record stating that it was indeed the TSBD 6th floor West window where the shot was fired from.

With respect you are in error to suggest the bullet was moving towards the middle of the chest. It did no such thing. Agreed the bullet was indeed traversing towards the 5th rib. However the bullet struck the bullet sideways and continued forwards outside the chest. The collision with the fifth rib seriously damaged the 5th rib and it was those fragments that carried out the damage. The bullet exited outside the rib cage and not inside. The medical record is very clear on that issue.

I described my views in a presentation I made at Canterbury last year. A link to the file is below:-


Again good to hear from you.


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Hello James

According to the testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw, the bullet impacted Connally at the mid axillary line, or the midpoint between back and front of the thorax, making a burrowing wound that followed the 5th rib and then exited under his right nipple. This clearly shows a bullet path travelling at an angle of right to left in relation to Connally's thorax.

If Connally was hit at z230/231, while he was facing forward, this bullet would have to be following a path that well to the right of JFK in order to inflict such a wound on Connally.

In order for Connally to have received such a wound from a bullet originating from behind the limo, he would have to be turned to his right.

What makes you believe the bullet was sideways when it struck Connally? Do you believe the bullet was tumbling when it hit Connally?

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Hello James

According to the testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw, the bullet impacted Connally at the mid axillary line, or the midpoint between back and front of the thorax, making a burrowing wound that followed the 5th rib and then exited under his right nipple. This clearly shows a bullet path travelling at an angle of right to left in relation to Connally's thorax.

If Connally was hit at z230/231, while he was facing forward, this bullet would have to be following a path that well to the right of JFK in order to inflict such a wound on Connally.

In order for Connally to have received such a wound from a bullet originating from behind the limo, he would have to be turned to his right.

What makes you believe the bullet was sideways when it struck Connally? Do you believe the bullet was tumbling when it hit Connally?


I do not have my notes with me as I am busy on another topic. If I remember correctly, the exit wound was just below the right nipple. The exit would was created by two missiles: the bone fragments and the bullet. The image of Connally's short shows the bullet damage to the right of Connally's right nipple. The bullet certainly exited through the wound but it was towards the right edge of the wound --- as demonstrated by the shirt damage.

If your second point is suggesting that JFK and Connally were not wounded at the same time: that is exactly my point.

No Connally did not need to be turned to the right when he was wounded. The angle from the 6th floor west window was sufficient for that trajectory angle.

Robert Shaw made it very clear the bullet was not tumbling: it is in his evidence. The muscles that link and join the ribs were not damage. Robert Shaw stated for that to happen the bullet had to be traveling in a direct line and not to be tumbling. Had these muscles been damaged then that would have indicated the bullet might have been tumbling.

See Robert Shaw's press conference on the Saturday. He states very clearly that the bullet slapped into the rib and did not enter the chest cavity.


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