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"....Groden goes 81-0 with Latest Win Against City Censors"

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Guest Robert Morrow

I believe (most of) Judyth Baker and think that she is a very important witness for truth in the JFK assassination.

Ed Tatro and Martin Shackleford are two seasoned JFK researchers who believe her as well. Ditto Wim Dankbaar.

In fact I am often sent a lot of positive comments about her book "Me & Lee." Web link: http://www.amazon.co...ywords=me & Lee 82 five star reviews on Amazon, only 5 one star reviews; that is an excellent ratio!

I do believe she was Oswald's summer mistress in New Orleans 1963 and that she was an "off the books" cancer researcher for US intelligence.

My point of disagreement is that I do think Oswald was involved in the JFK assassination, precisely because he WAS US intelligence. Oswald was hanging out with the wrong crowd: ultrarightists like Bannister, Ferrie and other CIA assets/agents.Rubbing elbows with David Atlee Phillips, aka "Maurice Bishop" is another bad sign.

I am not going to throw out the baby with the bathwater with Judyth Baker. Very few humans tell 100% or 100% lies. I think Judy's story is mostly true.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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He is clearly being harassed by someone(s) for some reason.

For some sinister reason? :D

Groden has had books published, he has expressed his opinions on live TV and in documentaries, acted as a consultant to the HSCA, advised Oliver Stone, etc. This censorship machine of yours is a bit xxxx, Greg.

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I concluded a while ago that arguing with Baker was like arguing with Lamson.

Congratulations Jimbo, you've finally reached a conclusion that may have some validity!

I'm reading your book, by the way. I haven't got to the chapter about the assassination yet.

Edited by Paul Baker
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He is clearly being harassed by someone(s) for some reason.

For some sinister reason? :D

Groden has had books published, he has expressed his opinions on live TV and in documentaries, acted as a consultant to the HSCA, advised Oliver Stone, etc. This censorship machine of yours is a bit xxxx, Greg.

I think Groden should set up a card table in front of Baker's place and sell his books there.

In the end, Groden could make out okay as having been arrested 81 times and not being found guilty on any of them certainly constitutes harassment if not censorship, and he can make a federal civil rights case out of it and garner a few million if he wins the case, which should be timed for next November's Dealey Plaza Circus.

From what I understand, the city has already offered him a substantial sum to settle his civil rights suit and make it just go away.


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I feel that after 81 arrests and no charges it doesn't really matter if Mr Groden is saying that aliens came down from outerspace and personally told him the plot behind the assassination of JFK (which he is not, and what he does say is worth listening to). The point is that Mr Groden is being harassed and abused by the city on purpose and it is a massive human rights breach.

He deserves to win his case and I hope he receives compensation for the trouble the city has caused. It's outrageous!

I also get the feeling that if Mr Groden was championing animal rights or children's causes then a lot more people would be up in arms about the abuse he is suffering at the hands of Dallas. For shame Dallas.

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This is rich.

Baker has not figured out that my book is not about how JFK was killed: bullet angles, sniper positions etc. Its more important than that.

Its about who killed him and why-I name names and mount cases. And most importantly, HOW THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT.

Paulie isn't the sharpest tack in the drawer.

I do get that Jimbo, I was simply making a point. Just like Garrison, it seems that you're attempting to discredit the official version of events by ignoring most of the hard, physical evidence that supports it. This is my impression so far, I hasten to add. It's like you're facing the wrong way.

This may be akin to Groden's approach, assuming he's aware of the relatively simple high school physics that destroys his interpretation of the headshot.


Edited by Paul Baker
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This is such a disgrace.

And the even worse disgrace is that Schutze is the only guy in Dallas covering the story. Hold your breath for BELO corporation and the Morning News to say a word about it. They're in bed with the Holocaust Denial Museum.

I don't see how the police have the right to stop someone from exercising their speech rights.

All that Groden does is set up a little stand with a chair. People go up to him, not the other way around. And that is because he is the only respectable author giving them real information in the Plaza. I mean, try and find anything of any value on the JFK case at the Sixth Floor's two bookstores. You won't find anything. Its a complete WC cover up operation: SBF all the way.

So when newbies walk up to Groden after they have been to the equivalent of the Holocaust Denial Museum, he shows them a whole new angle on the case. And they are enthralled and interested. Isn't this what the whole marketplace of ideas concept is all about?

But the Sixth Floor doesn't like it. Because it exposes them as being the frauds they are.

It is a disgrace, but the legal victories are spitting in the face of the fools trying to muzzle him! I have personally seen people come up to him and harass him. I went right up to him and shook his hand and thanked him for his hard work. Put the neo-facist at bay for a moment. God Bless Robert Groden!

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Whether you agree with Groden's analysis or not, his treatment by the City and the Police Department is disgraceful. There is clearly no basis in law whatsoever for what the City is doing, or the score wouldn't be 81-0. Either there are laws against selling literature in the streets, or not - and it would appear that the answer is "not".

With any other person, in any other place in any other city, this would be the clearest possible case of harassment and there would be a media campaign to get to the bottom of it.

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I feel that after 81 arrests and no charges it doesn't really matter if Mr Groden is saying that aliens came down from outerspace and personally told him the plot behind the assassination of JFK (which he is not, and what he does say is worth listening to). The point is that Mr Groden is being harassed and abused by the city on purpose and it is a massive human rights breach.

He deserves to win his case and I hope he receives compensation for the trouble the city has caused. It's outrageous!

I also get the feeling that if Mr Groden was championing animal rights or children's causes then a lot more people would be up in arms about the abuse he is suffering at the hands of Dallas. For shame Dallas.

Agreed Frankie, but imo we must keep in mind that this is also the city, through their own neglect that was admitted to after the assassination, that they had allowed such as the right wing groups to get carried away and of such strength within,that they were and did run rampant. they were slow then to see the writing on the wall as a whole, perhaps deliberately by some within office, so they are repeating the same error again deliberately ??, not learning from past history, pretending not to know or see what they are doing is so very wrong, against their own laws let alone the constitution of the country, so they can have the city the way they want it to be, which appears to be in grave error again..........after all that is the impression they give.....this has been and is so very poorly done and in the end, the city and reputation of such, which they pretend to try so hard to protect, is what will, has and does suffer....poorly done by all involved, shame......thanks b

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Whether you agree with Groden's analysis or not, his treatment by the City and the Police Department is disgraceful. There is clearly no basis in law whatsoever for what the City is doing, or the score wouldn't be 81-0. Either there are laws against selling literature in the streets, or not - and it would appear that the answer is "not".

With any other person, in any other place in any other city, this would be the clearest possible case of harassment and there would be a media campaign to get to the bottom of it.

Agreed, and I feel sure every reasonable forum member agrees, including David Von Pein.

I too have met Robert Groden at JFK conferences, I do not agree with all of his conclusions,

but I think he is an inspiration to all Americans who seek truth in the JFK murder.

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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PB by ignoring most of the hard, physical evidence that supports it.


Like your NAA? ROTF.

"Junk science", you mean? :D

If Groden really is getting unjustly harrassed, that's bad. However, I don't believe it can be because anything he says (or preaches) is going to make a blind bit of difference.

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PB by ignoring most of the hard, physical evidence that supports it.


Like your NAA? ROTF.

"Junk science", you mean? :D

If Groden really is getting unjustly harrassed, that's bad. However, I don't believe it can be because anything he says (or preaches) is going to make a blind bit of difference.

He's already made a difference, by getting the Z-film on national TV he instigated the HSCA and changed history.


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Dawn, they just about overlap. Lancer begins one day earlier and ends one day earlier on the 24th.

Looking at the COPA billed speakers, I am very taken aback by the appearance of Judy Baker.

Don't know what to make of that at all.

I think they're even at the same hotel - the Adolophis - at least they coincide on one day.

I asked Judge about Baker and I think he said something about giving her some time to make her case and answer questions and I think the Trinday writers may go as a group.

And to keep this on topic - I'm pretty sure Groden is doing COPA and not Lancer though some people and presenters are doing both.


Thanks for the update Jim and BK. We will be at COPA. Need to call and reserve the room. I hope there are a hundred thousand there.

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He's already made a difference, by getting the Z-film on national TV he instigated the HSCA and changed history.


He helped made a difference by misleading the watching nation. Any widespread doubt that ensued was seeded by the opinion of a layman. In fairness, his misinterpretation of the film was probably not an intentional effort to deceive, but I do find it incredible that he was allowed to repeat his nonsense to the HSCA.

Edited by Paul Baker
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''Clearly, no one in the Dallas power loop wants to see a poorly dressed

mob occupying Dealey Plaza, chanting about conspiracies and cover-ups

—at least not while Wolf Blitzer is broadcasting worldwide..''

Will the invited ticket holding guests, be in evening wear...???OH MY...b

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