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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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Dear Altgens gents

This is a thread to discuss Prayer Man. Prayer Man is not in Altgens. Billy Lovelady is in Altgens. Now that you have shown that Lovelady's arm is actually attached to his body could you please take Mr Lovelady and the Altgens comments with you to another thread.

One that is for the discussion of Altgens.

James, apologies about persisting with this but from my discussions with posters on other threads (people who are otherwise quite knowledgeable about the assassination) there seems to be a great deal of confusion between Prayer Man and Doorman. Please do not let EF add to this confusion by allowing this current Altgens discussion to remain on this thread.

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David, this article is the first notable write up regarding the whole situation covering that area.

PM, the term that is, was made up by Sean Murphy who picked up this part of the case after (!) and delved deeper in it. Around 2007 (Wallace's post is from 2005 if I am not mistaken)

Chris, if you know who is then please state and link, there is already enough conjecture in these threads as it is.

Thank you.



Very few people knew of this Weigman version back when it was available.

Sean was working on a timing project back then (relating to Lovelady/Altgens) and asked for help.

I created a disk image of the "Death In Dealy Plaza" program DVD back in October of 2005. Sent Robin Unger a copy way back when.

The quality of photos/movies was much better than what had been previously available. imo

When Sean inquired about Lovelady, we were more concerned about the Lovelady/Oswald scenario in Altgens, than anything else.

PM,as he was named by Sean sometime later I believe,was known to us back in 2007, we just didn't associate his possible importance until Sean Murphy followed through with his fantastic work later on.

This is how I remember it evolving,if someone has earlier information for PM, I'm not aware of it but can "stand to be corrected".



thanks a lot for the info and the pic.

Is this the Weisberg archive pic?





No,it is not the Weisberg frame(see link above) that Robin introduced.

The version I supplied is from the TV special "Death In Dealy Plaza".


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So, if he [Doorman] is standing behind the black man, is he also scratching the front of the black man's neck?

Good question about Doorman, Robert.

But what do you think Prayer Man is holding?

Here's a weird thought: Could a light or reflection be shining on him?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Guest Mark Valenti

Interesting thought Tommy, that's certainly flipping the script. There's a lot that's confusing about the PM image. But why should it be any different from every other facet of this case?

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Interesting thought Tommy, that's certainly flipping the script. There's a lot that's confusing about the PM image. But why should it be any different from every other facet of this case?

Exactly, Mark.

Why indeed.

So, what exactly is the point you're making here?

That the JFK assassination is a very complicated and confusing case?

Thanks, but I already knew that.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Going back a couple of pages to the blow-up of 'Lovelady' from Altgens 6, I can very clearly see Lee Oswald's face in profile. I can see the right side of his face & he's looking towards where the camera cars would be parking in a few seconds. The right half of Lovelady's face is obscured by Oswald's profile. What can be seen of Lovelady is the left side of his face & he's looking towards Ike Altgens. The right side of his face (the side closest to the TSBD) is Oswald's right profile. Cover the left side of Lovelady's face (the side closest to the street) with your hand or sheet of dark paper & look solely at the right side of it (side closest to the TSBD). That's Oswald, folks.

If I need to attach something to help those that don't see this, let me know. I may need some instructions of attaching photos because I'm a rookie at these things. It appears to me PM (Oswald) peered out towards the direction of LBJ's Lincoln just before Darnell, Couch & Wiegman all caught a brief glimpse of PM further back.




Please do, as I have no idea what you're talking about.

When you say something about "the left side of Lovelady's face," for example, are you talking about the left side as we're looking at it (which in actuality would be the right side of his face)?


--Tommy :sun

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That's ok, Vanessa. I'll remove it here. I wanted to make a point for those waiting for better scans of PM that there is a side profile of PM in Altgens6.

That point being made, the professional visual experts can take it from there, if they so desire.

I don't ride buses.


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That's ok, Vanessa. I'll remove it here. I wanted to make a point for those waiting for better scans of PM that there is a side profile of PM in Altgens6.

That point being made, the professional visual experts can take it from there, if they so desire.

I don't ride buses.


Never did "see" what you were talking about.

Too bad you can't post better graphics.

--Tommy :sun

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Assuming Ms. Loney is room monitoring this thread on behalf of the moderators and/or administrators, I don't know if I should comment or not, Tommy. I've run across anti-Altgens6 rhetoric in other forums & blogs. It wasn't my intention to strike a nerve.

The folks that saw what I posted & can 'see' PM's profile that do visuals work know where to look & where to utilize their enhancement skills. That served my purpose. I don't bother with that visual stuff because some people wouldn't 'see' the ocean if they fell into it face first.

Sorry to say, there will be no better attachments in the future. That was my 1st & last one.



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Those that remember the old Lancer forum and the fighting that took place over whether Altgens6 was altered or not will recognize that question as 'xxxxx bait'.

When visitors that don't comment (lurkers) observe someone bullying posters & no moderator/administration action taken to insure a fair exchange of communication for all contributors taken, visitors will assume that the bully is acting on behalf of the folks running the website.

What I see is important only to me, convincing others what they should see is what YOU do, Mr. Graves. Others with a similar purpose in life don't always agree with your spin on things. For example, the identification of Billy Lovelady in the doorway of the TSBD is analyzed entirely different here:


One thing we all share together is none of us were present when JFK was murdered and never will be. Snake oil salesmen don't need LSD or other drugs, what they peddle online & how they conduct themselves is poison enough.


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First, it is unclear what the question that you suggest is "xxxxx bait" actually is?

Second, your observation "When visitors that don't comment (lurkers) observe someone bullying posters & no moderator/administration action taken to insure a fair exchange of communication for all contributors taken, visitors will assume that the bully is acting on behalf of the folks running the website" I do not recognise that as ever having been policy at JFKLancer. Even more important it is not the policy here. If such behaviour does escape notice it is not ever because the administrators are sanctioning it. If it happens it is because we may not have noticed it - and that is how was able to continue.

Normally the content of this post would be private, however I wished to make public that this administration has never sanctioned bullying. And that is the reason your post has not been hidden. Your reference to Thomas Graves is unacceptable and would have normally warranted your post being hidden.


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