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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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I'm not afraid of the Cinque/Fetzer label some on the forum try to smear others with. I'm not at all certain that it was Lovelady wearing that plaid shirt.

Let me tell you something I found when I was checking out Ralph Cinque's claim. Like him, I had a hard time believing that the guy in film wearing the plaid shirt (just outside the TSBD entrance) was Lovelady. Because the guy in the film is thicker, and has a different forehead shape. In fact, the only similarity I could see was that the were both experiencing male pattern balding.

So what I did was compare the ear sizes of the two, Lovelady and the plaid-shirt wearing guy. First I normalized their head sizes and then I measured the ears. I found the ear on the plaid-shirt wearing guy to be much wider than Lovelady's ear. Not a surprise because it looks much wider.

The odd thing is this... I had TWO IDENTICAL photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy (I think one was color and the other B&W), and the ear on one of them DID match the size of Lovelady's ear!

Naturally I was quite surprised. I took the two photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy, made them identical in size, both in height and width (because aspect ratio is sometimes accidentally altered), and guess what? True enough, the ears were different sizes, even though the images were otherwise identical, being from the very same frame of the film!

The point is that somebody intentionally altered the ear on one of the images. Why would somebody do that?

With all the bad "rap" Cinque gets, I naturally wondered if he had made the ear larger so as to support his theory. (I also wondered why he would do something that could so easily be discovered.) Turns out that Cinque's photo was correct.

So, not only was Cinque right in that the ears don't match, but somebody had apparently taken it upon himself to debunk Cinque's theory by altering the photo. (That is, I assumed I'd gotten the photo from somebody trying to debunk Cinque. But I couldn't remember for sure.) Now, who would be so stupid to change the ear size -- hoping to debunk a CTer -- and not realize something so obvious, that his trick would easily be discovered? Sounds like the work of an LNer to me. But this is beside the point.

My point is that the guy wearing the plaid shirt may indeed not be Lovelady. (BTW, I do know that Robert is not saying this. I am the only one here saying it.)

One thing I've noticed when discussing WC fabricated stories is that it seems like the cover-up artists would take what evidence they had, including videos, and would fabricate whatever story they needed based upon what evidence they had. For example -- hypothesizing -- they needed to discredit Victoria Adams. They look a the videos and decide that the two guys walking down the extension will go to the rail yard and afterward enter the rear door of the TSBD so that they can discredit Victoria Adams. They decide the two men will be Shelley and Lovelady.

This is the reason I see Robert's line of reasoning very relevant. It may turn out that one or both those guys are not who we think they are.

I currently accept that they are Shelley and Lovelady. But I'm no ideologue and I'll jump that ship in a heartbeat if I find compelling reason to do so.

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I'm not afraid of the Cinque/Fetzer label some on the forum try to smear others with. I'm not at all certain that it was Lovelady wearing that plaid shirt.

Let me tell you something I found when I was checking out Ralph Cinque's claim. Like him, I had a hard time believing that the guy in film wearing the plaid shirt (just outside the TSBD entrance) was Lovelady. Because the guy in the film is thicker, and has a different forehead shape. In fact, the only similarity I could see was that the were both experiencing male pattern balding.

So what I did was compare the ear sizes of the two, Lovelady and the plaid-shirt wearing guy. First I normalized their head sizes and then I measured the ears. I found the ear on the plaid-shirt wearing guy to be much wider than Lovelady's ear. Not a surprise because it looks much wider.

The odd thing is this... I had TWO IDENTICAL photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy (I think one was color and the other B&W), and the ear on one of them DID match the size of Lovelady's ear!

Naturally I was quite surprised. I took the two photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy, made them identical in size, both in height and width (because aspect ratio is sometimes accidentally altered), and guess what? True enough, the ears were different sizes, even though the images were otherwise identical, being from the very same frame of the film!

The point is that somebody intentionally altered the ear on one of the images. Why would somebody do that?

With all the bad "rap" Cinque gets, I naturally wondered if he had made the ear larger so as to support his theory. (I also wondered why he would do something that could so easily be discovered.) Turns out that Cinque's photo was correct.

So, not only was Cinque right in that the ears don't match, but somebody had apparently taken it upon himself to debunk Cinque's theory by altering the photo. (That is, I assumed I'd gotten the photo from somebody trying to debunk Cinque. But I couldn't remember for sure.) Now, who would be so stupid to change the ear size -- hoping to debunk a CTer -- and not realize something so obvious, that his trick would easily be discovered? Sounds like the work of an LNer to me. But this is beside the point.

My point is that the guy wearing the plaid shirt may indeed not be Lovelady. (BTW, I do know that Robert is not saying this. I am the only one here saying it.)

One thing I've noticed when discussing WC fabricated stories is that it seems like the cover-up artists would take what evidence they had, including videos, and would fabricate whatever story they needed based upon what evidence they had. For example -- hypothesizing -- they needed to discredit Victoria Adams. They look a the videos and decide that the two guys walking down the extension will go to the rail yard and afterward enter the rear door of the TSBD so that they can discredit Victoria Adams. They decide the two men will be Shelley and Lovelady.

This is the reason I see Robert's line of reasoning very relevant. It may turn out that one or both those guys are not who we think they are.

I currently accept that they are Shelley and Lovelady. But I'm no ideologue and I'll jump that ship in a heartbeat if I find compelling reason to do so.

Dear Sandy,

For your information, the "barrel-chested Neanderthal-looking" guy who was wearing a boldy-striped, reddish-colored plaid shirt on the front steps of the TSBD was smoking a cigarette, and was caught on film jutting his jaw out and exhaling smoke through his mouth, thereby distorting his face.

The guy who was caught on film with a bald spot on the top of his head and sitting in a chair while the police took Oswald past him was wearing the same shirt as the TSBD front-steps-cigarette-smoker, and, FWIW, had a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket.

Do you really think Fetzer - Cinque's "unidentified" smoking-and- plaid-shirt-wearing "Neanderthal Man" was taken to the Homicide and Robbery Department for questioning during that critical period of time on 11/22/63, or do you think it just might have been Billy Nolan Lovelady?

Who was "Neanderthal Man," Sandy? And who was the guy sitting in the chair in the Homicide and Robbery Department watching LHO walk past him? And most importantly of all, who was the guy with the bald spot and wearing the boldly-striped plaid shirt while walking down Elm Street Extension?

Answer to all three, Sandy: Billy Nolan Lovelady.

-- Tommy :sun

PS You can get a fleeting glimpse of the bald spot on the top-back part of "Neanderthal Man's" head at 01:41 of the Robert Hughes film:

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I'm not afraid of the Cinque/Fetzer label some on the forum try to smear others with. I'm not at all certain that it was Lovelady wearing that plaid shirt.

Let me tell you something I found when I was checking out Ralph Cinque's claim. Like him, I had a hard time believing that the guy in film wearing the plaid shirt (just outside the TSBD entrance) was Lovelady. Because the guy in the film is thicker, and has a different forehead shape. In fact, the only similarity I could see was that the were both experiencing male pattern balding.

So what I did was compare the ear sizes of the two, Lovelady and the plaid-shirt wearing guy. First I normalized their head sizes and then I measured the ears. I found the ear on the plaid-shirt wearing guy to be much wider than Lovelady's ear. Not a surprise because it looks much wider.

The odd thing is this... I had TWO IDENTICAL photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy (I think one was color and the other B&W), and the ear on one of them DID match the size of Lovelady's ear!

Naturally I was quite surprised. I took the two photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy, made them identical in size, both in height and width (because aspect ratio is sometimes accidentally altered), and guess what? True enough, the ears were different sizes, even though the images were otherwise identical, being from the very same frame of the film!

The point is that somebody intentionally altered the ear on one of the images. Why would somebody do that?

With all the bad "rap" Cinque gets, I naturally wondered if he had made the ear larger so as to support his theory. (I also wondered why he would do something that could so easily be discovered.) Turns out that Cinque's photo was correct.

So, not only was Cinque right in that the ears don't match, but somebody had apparently taken it upon himself to debunk Cinque's theory by altering the photo. (That is, I assumed I'd gotten the photo from somebody trying to debunk Cinque. But I couldn't remember for sure.) Now, who would be so stupid to change the ear size -- hoping to debunk a CTer -- and not realize something so obvious, that his trick would easily be discovered? Sounds like the work of an LNer to me. But this is beside the point.

My point is that the guy wearing the plaid shirt may indeed not be Lovelady. (BTW, I do know that Robert is not saying this. I am the only one here saying it.)

One thing I've noticed when discussing WC fabricated stories is that it seems like the cover-up artists would take what evidence they had, including videos, and would fabricate whatever story they needed based upon what evidence they had. For example -- hypothesizing -- they needed to discredit Victoria Adams. They look a the videos and decide that the two guys walking down the extension will go to the rail yard and afterward enter the rear door of the TSBD so that they can discredit Victoria Adams. They decide the two men will be Shelley and Lovelady.

This is the reason I see Robert's line of reasoning very relevant. It may turn out that one or both those guys are not who we think they are.

I currently accept that they are Shelley and Lovelady. But I'm no ideologue and I'll jump that ship in a heartbeat if I find compelling reason to do so.

Dear Sandy,

For your information, the "barrel-chested Neanderthal-looking" guy who was wearing a boldy-striped, reddish-colored plaid shirt on the front steps of the TSBD was smoking a cigarette, and was caught on film jutting his jaw out and exhaling smoke through his mouth, thereby distorting his face.

I've never known a smoker whose forehead changes shape and ears grow when taking a drag on a cigarette.

The guy who was caught on film with a bald spot on the top of his head and sitting in a chair while the police took Oswald past him was wearing the same shirt as the TSBD front-steps-cigarette-smoker, and, FWIW, had a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket.

Oh yeah, the other plaid-shirt wearing guy who looked like neither Lovelady nor the plaid-shirt wearing guy standing in front of the TSBD. I admit he could be Lovelady. But not the other guy. (He actually looks like a friend of mine.)

Do you really think Fetzer - Cinque's "unidentified" smoking-and- plaid-shirt-wearing "Neanderthal Man" was taken to the Homicide and Robbery Department for questioning during that critical period of time on 11/22/63, or do you think it just might have been Billy Nolan Lovelady?

Who was "Neanderthal Man," Sandy? And who was the guy sitting in the chair in the Homicide and Robbery Department watching LHO walk past him?

I don't know.

And most importantly of all, who was the guy with the bald spot and wearing the boldly-striped plaid shirt while walking down Elm Street Extension?

Answer to all three, Sandy: Billy Nolan Lovelady.

Lovelady said he wore a striped shirt that day. Not plaid.

I consider this an unsettled issue.

-- Tommy :sun

PS You can get a fleeting glimpse of the bald spot on the top-back part of "Neanderthal Man's" head at 01:41 of the Robert Hughes film:

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I'm not afraid of the Cinque/Fetzer label some on the forum try to smear others with. I'm not at all certain that it was Lovelady wearing that plaid shirt.

Let me tell you something I found when I was checking out Ralph Cinque's claim. Like him, I had a hard time believing that the guy in film wearing the plaid shirt (just outside the TSBD entrance) was Lovelady. Because the guy in the film is thicker, and has a different forehead shape. In fact, the only similarity I could see was that the were both experiencing male pattern balding.

So what I did was compare the ear sizes of the two, Lovelady and the plaid-shirt wearing guy. First I normalized their head sizes and then I measured the ears. I found the ear on the plaid-shirt wearing guy to be much wider than Lovelady's ear. Not a surprise because it looks much wider.

The odd thing is this... I had TWO IDENTICAL photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy (I think one was color and the other B&W), and the ear on one of them DID match the size of Lovelady's ear!

Naturally I was quite surprised. I took the two photos of the plaid-shirt wearing guy, made them identical in size, both in height and width (because aspect ratio is sometimes accidentally altered), and guess what? True enough, the ears were different sizes, even though the images were otherwise identical, being from the very same frame of the film!

The point is that somebody intentionally altered the ear on one of the images. Why would somebody do that?

With all the bad "rap" Cinque gets, I naturally wondered if he had made the ear larger so as to support his theory. (I also wondered why he would do something that could so easily be discovered.) Turns out that Cinque's photo was correct.

So, not only was Cinque right in that the ears don't match, but somebody had apparently taken it upon himself to debunk Cinque's theory by altering the photo. (That is, I assumed I'd gotten the photo from somebody trying to debunk Cinque. But I couldn't remember for sure.) Now, who would be so stupid to change the ear size -- hoping to debunk a CTer -- and not realize something so obvious, that his trick would easily be discovered? Sounds like the work of an LNer to me. But this is beside the point.

My point is that the guy wearing the plaid shirt may indeed not be Lovelady. (BTW, I do know that Robert is not saying this. I am the only one here saying it.)

One thing I've noticed when discussing WC fabricated stories is that it seems like the cover-up artists would take what evidence they had, including videos, and would fabricate whatever story they needed based upon what evidence they had. For example -- hypothesizing -- they needed to discredit Victoria Adams. They look a the videos and decide that the two guys walking down the extension will go to the rail yard and afterward enter the rear door of the TSBD so that they can discredit Victoria Adams. They decide the two men will be Shelley and Lovelady.

This is the reason I see Robert's line of reasoning very relevant. It may turn out that one or both those guys are not who we think they are.

I currently accept that they are Shelley and Lovelady. But I'm no ideologue and I'll jump that ship in a heartbeat if I find compelling reason to do so.

Dear Sandy,

For your information, the "barrel-chested Neanderthal-looking" guy who was wearing a boldy-striped, reddish-colored plaid shirt on the front steps of the TSBD was smoking a cigarette, and was caught on film jutting his jaw out and exhaling smoke through his mouth, thereby distorting his face.

I've never known a smoker whose forehead changes shape and ears grow when taking a drag on a cigarette.

The guy who was caught on film with a bald spot on the top of his head and sitting in a chair while the police took Oswald past him was wearing the same shirt as the TSBD front-steps-cigarette-smoker, and, FWIW, had a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket.

Oh yeah, the other plaid-shirt wearing guy who looked like neither Lovelady nor the plaid-shirt wearing guy standing in front of the TSBD. I admit he could be Lovelady. But not the other guy. (He actually looks like a friend of mine.)

Do you really think Fetzer - Cinque's "unidentified" smoking-and- plaid-shirt-wearing "Neanderthal Man" was taken to the Homicide and Robbery Department for questioning during that critical period of time on 11/22/63, or do you think it just might have been Billy Nolan Lovelady?

Who was "Neanderthal Man," Sandy? And who was the guy sitting in the chair in the Homicide and Robbery Department watching LHO walk past him?

I don't know.

And most importantly of all, who was the guy with the bald spot and wearing the boldly-striped plaid shirt while walking down Elm Street Extension?

Answer to all three, Sandy: Billy Nolan Lovelady.

Lovelady said he wore a striped shirt that day. Not plaid.

I consider this an unsettled issue.

-- Tommy :sun

PS You can get a fleeting glimpse of the bald spot on the top-back part of "Neanderthal Man's" head at 01:41 of the Robert Hughes film:

Dear Sandy,

Please note the big central "notch" in Lovelady's receding hairline in the 1967 image of him on the left, and the 11/22/63 one on the right.


BTW, do you think the FBI or the CIA went out and bought Lovelady that shirt sometime after the assassination?

-- Tommy :sun

PS Here's another shot of Lovelady's bald spot. There are three male TSBD workers in this still from the Martin film: Bonnie Ray Williams, Danny Arce (partially hidden), and Billy Lovelady.


Edited by Thomas Graves
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There seems to be some misunderstanding here, which is quite typical for this forum.

If you read my posts carefully, you will see I am not attempting to argue that Lovelady was not wearing a plaid shirt the day of the assassination. I know he had a plaid shirt on. There are more than enough photos to prove this.

What I am wondering is why the FBI was so intent on claiming Lovelady stated he was wearing a red and white vertically striped shirt on 22/11/63.

"On February 29, 1964, Billy Nolan Lovelady was photographed by Special Agents of the FBI at Dallas, Texas. On this occasion, Lovelady advised that on the day of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, at the time of the assassination, and shortly before, he was standing in the doorway of the front entrance to the TSBD where he is employed. He stated he was wearing a read and white vertical striped shirt and blue-jeans."

Howdy Bob,

If you really do accept the fact that Lovelady was wearing his red and white and black and grey plaid shirt on 11/22/63, then you should be able to admit to yourself that Lovelady was captured on film walking down Elm Street Extension just a few seconds after the assassination. Why? Because he was wearing the same darn shirt. When you see that distinctive shirt in and around Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, you know it's being worn by Billy Nolan Lovelady.



-- Tommy :sun

I hate to keep raining on your parade, Thomas, but, what was Shelley wearing as he walked down the Elm St. extension? I don't think Shelley had a plaid jacket on that day but, doesn't he appear to be wearing plaid or checks in the stills in your post?

BTW, have you found out how tall Shelley was yet?


On closer examination, Shelley's and Lovelady's heads appear to be plaid or checked, as well. Half the people in these photos look to be plaid or checked.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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There seems to be some misunderstanding here, which is quite typical for this forum.

If you read my posts carefully, you will see I am not attempting to argue that Lovelady was not wearing a plaid shirt the day of the assassination. I know he had a plaid shirt on. There are more than enough photos to prove this.

What I am wondering is why the FBI was so intent on claiming Lovelady stated he was wearing a red and white vertically striped shirt on 22/11/63.

"On February 29, 1964, Billy Nolan Lovelady was photographed by Special Agents of the FBI at Dallas, Texas. On this occasion, Lovelady advised that on the day of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, at the time of the assassination, and shortly before, he was standing in the doorway of the front entrance to the TSBD where he is employed. He stated he was wearing a read and white vertical striped shirt and blue-jeans."

Howdy Bob,

If you really do accept the fact that Lovelady was wearing his red and white and black and grey plaid shirt on 11/22/63, then you should be able to admit to yourself that Lovelady was captured on film walking down Elm Street Extension just a few seconds after the assassination. Why? Because he was wearing the same darn shirt. When you see that distinctive shirt in and around Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, you know it's being worn by Billy Nolan Lovelady.



-- Tommy :sun

I hate to keep raining on your parade, Thomas, but, what was Shelley wearing as he walked down the Elm St. extension? I don't think Shelley had a plaid jacket on that day but, doesn't he appear to be wearing plaid or checks in the stills in your post?

BTW, have you found out how tall Shelley was yet?


On closer examination, Shelley's and Lovelady's heads appear to be plaid or checked, as well. Half the people in these photos look to be plaid or checked.

Howdy Bob!

Why do you keep avoiding the subject of Billy Lovelady's bald spot and his distinctive plaid shirt in the photos Bart posted above, Bob?

Do you think the bold geometric pattern of his shirt was photoshopped in, or that it's just the result of "photographic artifacts caused by the development process"?

And look how "barrel chested" he is, too! Just like that smoking Neanderthal Dude (with the bald spot in exactly the same place!) who was captured on film while standing on the TSBD steps with Bonnie Ray Williams and Danny Arce in the Martin and Hughes films!


-- Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Looks to be altered to me, Thomas. If you enlarge these photos, even their heads look plaid.

Howdy Bob,

Just a little erratic spider-webbery "pattern," or a bold and easy-to-see, geometrical plaid on their faces, Bob?

How could the "altering" of Lovelady's shirt have affected the people's faces, Bob?

Did the magical incantations and the hoodoo chemicals the alterationist used get a little out of control?


Edited by Thomas Graves
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I believe that Ralph Cinque has some valid questions. For example, how is it that Lovelady's hair got so much thicker for his FBI photo? (Or maybe the question is, did Lovelady REALLY lose so much hair between 1963/64 and 1967?)

1663/64 FBI Photos, lots of hair on top:


1967 photo on the left, very little hair on top:


Ralph Cinque has better examples to make this point. It seems that hair was added to the FBI photos.

BTW, notice how skinny Lovelady's left ear is in the FBI photo compared that to the left ear of the guy standing in front of the TSBD:


The ear difference is very difficult to explain away. The slope difference between the forehead and face is another thing that's hard to ignore. The difference in posture. These are not the same guy.

There are definitely problems here.

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It seems that hair was added to the FBI photos.

BTW, notice how skinny Lovelady's left ear is in the FBI photo compared that to the left ear of the guy standing in front of the TSBD:


The ear difference is very difficult to explain away. The slope difference between the forehead and face is another thing that's hard to ignore. The difference in posture. These are not the same guy.

There are definitely problems here.

Dear Sandy,

The combination of different days, different camera angles, different lighting, and different cameras can make the same person look different, especially when he's exhaling cigarette smoke in one photo but not in the other.

Regarding Lovelady's hair, it looks like he needed a haircut on 11/22/63. Wouldn't surprise me if he got a haircut and took a shower and shaved, etc, for the FBI.

Hey, Sandy. I'm not going to argue any more with you or Prudhomme on this. I'm personally convinced that Shelley and Lovelady were filmed walking down Elm Street Extension a few seconds after the assassination, and that at a certain point Shelley started crossing over towards the "island" while Lovelady started running towards the Parking Lot.

You guys are free to believe any darn thing you want to.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I believe that Ralph Cinque has some valid questions. For example, how is it that Lovelady's hair got so much thicker for his FBI photo? (Or maybe the question is, did Lovelady REALLY lose so much hair between 1963/64 and 1967?)

1663/64 FBI Photos, lots of hair on top:


1967 photo on the left, very little hair on top:


Ralph Cinque has better examples to make this point. It seems that hair was added to the FBI photos.

BTW, notice how skinny Lovelady's left ear is in the FBI photo compared that to the left ear of the guy standing in front of the TSBD:


The ear difference is very difficult to explain away. The slope difference between the forehead and face is another thing that's hard to ignore. The difference in posture. These are not the same guy.

There are definitely problems here.

Dear Sandy,

The combination of different camera angles, different lighting, and different cameras can make the same person look different, especially when he's exhaling cigarette smoke in one photo but not in the other.

-- Tommy :sun

And some things are impervious to those factors.

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It seems that hair was added to the FBI photos.

BTW, notice how skinny Lovelady's left ear is in the FBI photo compared that to the left ear of the guy standing in front of the TSBD:


The ear difference is very difficult to explain away. The slope difference between the forehead and face is another thing that's hard to ignore. The difference in posture. These are not the same guy.

There are definitely problems here.

Dear Sandy,

The combination of different days, different camera angles, different lighting, and different cameras can make the same person look different, especially when he's exhaling cigarette smoke in one photo but not in the other.

Regarding Lovelady's hair, it looks like he needed a haircut on 11/22/63. Wouldn't surprise me if he got a haircut and took a shower and shaved, etc, for the FBI.

Hey, Sandy. I'm not going to argue any more with you or Prudhomme on this. I'm personally convinced that Shelley and Lovelady were filmed walking down Elm Street Extension a few seconds after the assassination, and that at a certain point Shelley started crossing over towards the "island" while Lovelady started running towards the Parking Lot.

You guys are free to believe any darn thing you want to.

--Tommy :sun


PS The question you and Prudhomme really ought to be asking yourselves is: "Who the heck is this guy, if not Billy Nolan Lovelady?"


Edited by Thomas Graves
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It seems that hair was added to the FBI photos.

BTW, notice how skinny Lovelady's left ear is in the FBI photo compared that to the left ear of the guy standing in front of the TSBD:


The ear difference is very difficult to explain away. The slope difference between the forehead and face is another thing that's hard to ignore. The difference in posture. These are not the same guy.

There are definitely problems here.

Dear Sandy,

The combination of different days, different camera angles, different lighting, and different cameras can make the same person look different, especially when he's exhaling cigarette smoke in one photo but not in the other.

Regarding Lovelady's hair, it looks like he needed a haircut on 11/22/63. Wouldn't surprise me if he got a haircut and took a shower and shaved, etc, for the FBI.

Hey, Sandy. I'm not going to argue any more with you or Prudhomme on this. I'm personally convinced that Shelley and Lovelady were filmed walking down Elm Street Extension a few seconds after the assassination, and that at a certain point Shelley started crossing over towards the "island" while Lovelady started running towards the Parking Lot.

You guys are free to believe any darn thing you want to.

--Tommy :sun


PS The question you and Prudhomme really ought to be asking yourselves is: "Who the heck is this guy, if not Billy Nolan Lovelady?"


A 2012 post by Richard Hocking:

Posted 24 May 2012 - 02:38 PM

To followup on the TSBD employees who went to the Dallas Police Station:

In CE 1381, the following men state they went and gave statements. Each one gave a time reference as to when they left the TSBD or when they arrived at the Station.

Danny Arce: about 1:00

Jack Dougherty: Left at 1:30

Charles Givens: About and hour after the shooting [1:30]

Billy Lovelady: 1:45

William Shelley: about 1:30 [mentions he saw LHO at the police station]

BR Williams: shortly after 1:00

DPD Officer Senkel: Brown and I left the Texas School Book Depository with witnesses William Shelley, Bonnie Ray Williams, and Danny Garcia Arce.


That leaves Lovelady, Givens and Dougherty presumably getting a lift from someone else.

Please note that the clock on the stand behind Lovelady says 2:02.
[Chris Davidson gif]
-- Tommy :sun
Edited by Thomas Graves
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The cut of the material patterns on the shirts in both photos match perfectly.


Thanks, Ray. Excellent observation. Look at how the shirt's stripes line up identically in both photos.

Note the same face (photographed in different "profiles," from different angles, and possibly with different focal-length lenses), too.

It's Lovelady, as far as I'm concerned.

-- Tommy :sun

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