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Video: Jesus was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald

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This video fails on many levels. The Oxford Review, a talented group of students at Oxford, performs funnier material.

Also, this could be seen as anti-Christian. An Education Forum should not denigrate believers of any religion, or non believers.

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I think the video is relevant because it drives home the problem faced by those of us who want to further knowledge of the general public concerning there being a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination.

Almost everyone interviewed in the video was born at a much later date that the assassination. Their replies to the questions drive home the point that to there is appalling ignorance of who was the alleged assassin. The replies of some raise the issue of whether they even know who Jesus was, much less Lee Harvey Oswald.

Posting this video is the same category as posting the results of a public opinion poll. It is not scientific but it is realistic.

There has been discussion in recent times of the dumbing down of the general public. The video is evidence of the relevance of that discussion.

Those who believe there was a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination must face the dilemma that as the 50th anniversary fades into distant time there will be more and more persons who will likely reply to a question about Lee Harvey Oswald as these persons did. This is the challenge we face.

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Mr Dice is obviously a LN'er. Now if he had asked if James Files had killed Jesus....

(I'm sorry I couldn't resist)

It really is an indictment of our education system which has been terrible for a long time. I took some classes at a community college on the GI Bill back in the 80's and I was surprised to learn that an entire classroom of high school graduates had no idea who Ernest Hemingway was.

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Mr Dice is obviously a LN'er. Now if he had asked if James Files had killed Jesus....

(I'm sorry I couldn't resist)

It really is an indictment of our education system which has been terrible for a long time. I took some classes at a community college on the GI Bill back in the 80's and I was surprised to learn that an entire classroom of high school graduates had no idea who Ernest Hemingway was.

Even sadder, our Canadian youth today know more about American history and politics than they do Canadian, thanks to American TV.

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