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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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After attack of VSU of Slavyanoserbsk, about 90 houses are destroyed. (Video)

I prepared for the publication
Vovan Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The English word "occupy" means "to borrow", "take control", "to keep under control" or even "to rent". And perfectly knowing English and German Vladimir Putin, naturally, knows all these word meanings. And if at you to this word only negative connotations, it is problems of your perception.

Because when students held a meeting on the Wall Street, it was "occupation". When you have a hotel accommodation is too "occupation". And even when you sit in a toilet on a toilet bowl is too "occupation". Also it is quite so written on plates in hotels and on indicators of locks of toilets.

Also it is impossible to deny that the USSR kept under control (or I "occupied") part of Germany after its release from nazis. In the same way, however, as it was done by French, British and Americans with the parts of Germany after its section (attention!) on OCCUPATIONAL ZONES.

Pang Yatsenyuk will make a claim to the British and American invaders? Isn't present? I for some reason and thought.

However Yatsenyuk whom by means of the old interview of Putin which is dug out of archives supporters of junta try to protect, didn't tell "occupation", he told "invasion", the overwound option angliyskono "invasion", "invasion".

Putin told something about invasion? Isn't present? Video with Putin pripleteno absolutely to a place means, a gebbelsyata made a blunder (it constantly happens to them, in view of low vocational training and poor erudition).

And here "invasion" is a word with unambiguously negative context (if you not about "invasive influence" in the form of a xxxxx in a soft place). But whether there was the Soviet invasion into Ukraine? Wasn't, and couldn't be because Ukraine from the moment of creation of the USSR was its component, and to intrude most in itself it is impossible. Though, I of course don't know, such strange flexibility can in a body at sir Yatsenyuk that he can in himself, but more precisely nobody can.

And if to take the Russian Empire earlier, that, as it is known from history, Ukraine was its part voluntary, having signed "the act of a zluka" on Pereyaslavskoy Rada. And the leader of liberating war against eurointegrators Zinoviy Bogdan Khmelnytsky said historical "With Russia forever".

Moreover, Russia also had to do some fighting for liberation of Ukraine from Poles in the Russian-Polish war that the Polish shlyakhta ceased to do the favorite thing – a sazhaniye of Ukrainians on a stake. Forgot, mankurts?

And the only option when the USSR could intrude in Ukraine, it after the illegal declaration of its independence in 1991 violating the existing Constitution of the USSR (and at the same time the father Hmel's precepts). But Moscow didn't begin to do it, having let Ukraine go in peace, and here Kiev in a similar case with Donbass preferred to cover the region with blood.

So we see just invasion of Kiev on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk, declared independence as a result of a referendum. In Kosovo, by the way, the referendum wasn't! We see repetition of 1991 in a miniature (only at DNR and LNR of legal basis for independence more), but not with peaceful Moscow any more, and with blood-thirsty Kiev.

If sir Yatsenyuk wants to lyustrirovat "the Soviet invaders", I with big pleasure will give out it several.

I look forward immediate lustration of these invaders.

Alexander Rogers

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The rebel of LNR army with a call sign "Horned owl" told about an operational situation at the front.

"The artillery worked. We were lost even in approximate calculations of losses of VSU, we too have the 200th, war can't be without loss.

VSU all night long covered from RSZO our positions at Novotoshkovka, on the 31st block, the line of defense between the 31st and 37th posts and height 175,9. We answered from barreled arts.

In Crimean at the night of an ukra tried to make a crossing, but gunners of "Engineer" destroyed and having stolen also a crossing.

Since morning collisions began. Our groups again storm Nut and Donetsk. We traditionally a cut the 27, 28, 29, 30, 37 posts from artillery. VSU didn't make attack attempts yet.

At Debaltsevo advance proceeds: our forces faded there, but come. I know that Nikishino's militia attacks VSU, also attacks are with Redkoduba.

Now the militia storms VSU positions in Miusa. In attack "Ghost", a company of Cossacks and part of National Militia of LNR feel. Also art duels are conducted with Chernukhino and Debaltsevo.

Gorlovsky rebels broke through Noise and since evening conduct battles near Magdalinovka. Also the militia stormed Mayorsk, but isn't successful yet. Dolomitnoye remained for VSU, and Travnevoye passed to a militia already as the second day. There strengthening works were carried out."

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


"There is such profession — to protect the Homeland". This long ago the phrase, known on the legendary movie "Officers", from lips of the commander of a company of Management of the 4th separate crew of the Ministry of Defence of LNR of the captain A.A.Saratov — the guy with open and very Russian (simply classically Russian!) the person — I sounded so as if he said it for the first time: so naturally and simply it was told them.

Artyom — from those people who with advantage and by right can tell about himself that he shed the blood for Novorossiya! In one of fights it got the hardest wound with serious damage of part of a skeleton. Now there is a process of intensive recovery of health.

- Artyom Anatolyevich, you — the person in the war after all not casual, continue a military officer dynasty …

- There is such profession — to protect the Homeland. An embodiment of this truth for me always were mine the brother and the stepfather — the Kingdom to it Heavenly! Both served. Equaling on them, I learned the price to such concepts as a debt, honor. Now the Homeland is in danger, my turn to protect it came!

- At what moment you understood, what "time has come"?

- When Ukrainians suited the Maidan and behaved outrageously in Kiev, we continued to work at Donbass to feed all country. And as soon as we dared to be indignant with the events, to express the opinion against impostors in power, the fascist junta directed against us the troops to kill civilians. Ukronatsista hear only themselves, but not the people. I in a root don't accept all this and I will fight for justice, as well as in the first fight with nazis.

- Where and under what circumstances it occurred?

- In the middle of the spring we with my companions happened to storm regional assembly point in Lugansk. We then understood mean, cowardly essence of "national reptiles" from "The right sector". Them was the person 40, maybe, more. Having sat down at building depth, they hid behind backs of two hundred of "conscripts". It didn't rescue them …

- And how you appeared then in Lugansk?

- While time passed a referendum, and I took in it active part. I didn't want to stand aside, considered that it is my debt — to promote its carrying out.

- You got wound there (Artyom still goes, leaning on a crutch — an edition)?

- No. It was wounded much later, at August defense of the city the Red Beam. Then "ukra" began calling on our positions from Dmitrovka and nearby settlements. Our main forces began a re-deployment, and we covered maneuver. Didn't manage to depart, got to an environment. There, in an environment of "national reptiles", were the whole week. If not a reinforcement, hardly in general would get out. Us there was a handful, them is dug three hundred with support of tanks, BMP, mortars.

- What losses were suffered by chasteners in attempt of a capture of the Red Beam?

- Only one equipment we destroyed about four hundred units. And "fennel" put there much...

- And what you had then arms?

- It is difficult to believe in it, but military operations in general began many of us with fowling pieces. Machine guns in hands — it at best! Some children even with "melkashka" went on "natsik", and they were armed that is called to the teeth!

We got the first more or less decent trophies in fight with "ukra" near Lysychansk on May 22. Then we were resisted by the 5th battalion of the 30th mechanized crew and the developed company of the battalion "Dnieper-2". They tried to enter the city from Rubezhny. Rebels there were about 45 people. By the way, all children from Lugansk and Stakhanov. The benefit to us that they didn't know, how many us. We competently moved on "brilliant green", changed positions — and it seemed to the opponent that there is a lot of us. As a result, from our party — eight "two-hundredth" (on old, still the Soviet tradition, military transport marking "freight 200" meant coffins with bodies of the lost soldiers, i.e. "killed" — an edition) and about fifteen "three-hundredth" ("freight 300", i.e. "wounded" — an edition) . From their party — under "zero" also the battalion of the Ukrainian army, and a company from "Dnieper-2" were destroyed.

That day when for support of army part "having stolen" the division from "Dnieper-2" approached, to us from the city Anthracite Cossacks who fine helped came to the rescue. Struck from the flank … I will remember this date forever. Then near Lysychansk my friend was lost. In the war with nazis I already lost many good companions. Also it is one more serious motivation to struggle with their anti-human ideology to the bitter end.

- Speaking about brutality, you mean also events in the settlement the Metalworker, adjacent to Lugansk which direct participant you happened to be? There after all everything was very serious …

- Yes, it was very serious there. On this settlement and on us they, generally "worked" with artillery. From their party there were tanks, BMP. From air they were supported by the helicopter. Many good children were lost then — what here to hide! Big losses were — about 120 dead, it for three days of fights for the Metalworker! When from a convenient skyscraper "fennel" worked with the 120th mortars, the account of the victims went on tens. Thus they didn't spare also the. Their mines then because of a close arrangement of mortars flied on a cool parabola and blew up in air at the height of 50-60 meters, covering with splinters and the divisions.

- How you consider, it is simple lack of skills and ability from fighters of the Ukrainian mortar calculations or the principled stand — not to spare even the?

- No, it just their principled stand … And how many they then, in August when tried to take the Red Beam, in fields dug the. Simply dug out trenches and sent the dead there. Then, as I spoke, only one equipment about 400 units were burned by us. You can present what losses were at them …

- In it the main difference of nazis from defenders of Donbass. That feeling of improbable raising of fighting spirit which is peculiar to the rebels with "melkashka" and fowling pieces leaving against tanks is probably alien to them. At simple and, in general, normal guys from the Ukrainian army whom violently as "gun meat" is driven on unnecessary them and, by and large, sinful war against the slav brothers, there is no that strong motivation which is peculiar to defenders of LNR and DNR …

- Yes, it is. And seeing as far as we are rallied as the spirit of a fighting brotherhood is really high at us, their administration starts thinking out tales that on our party professional Russian military are at war! (In this regard words of the rebel from other division who with a smile told the author of this interview are remembered that during fight on one of hot positions they heard about themselves at radio interception as the Ukrainian officers in a panic on air called them … the Russian special troops of GRU which "now will kill all of them", and that it is necessary as soon as possible "to bring down" from here — an edition)

As a rule, the set in division occurred so: to us guys came, we talked to them, communicated, talked — and found out upon, what purposes in life and what living position at them. And if the person accurately said that he was bothered by this "mess", and he wants to go to beat these uninvited reptiles who don't consider us even for people and which call us by third-rate cattle, its position was clear.

And concerning "melkashka" — it, really, the truth. Children simply were engaged in sports firing in circles: here also took them with themselves as the weapon. Others did sawn-off shotguns of hunting guns — for more convenient firing …

We are at war with the truth which supports us from a back and stands behind our backs. In our ranks is, of course, fighters from Russia who arrived fraternally us to support, but the majority — people local, peace professions. We were united by aspiration together to struggle with the evil under the name the Kiev junta.

- And whom you were before war by profession?

- Mining engineer. I graduated from profile higher education institution … And especially peace professions have the majority of us.

- In other words, to carry on military traditions of your dynasty and war forced to take up arms you after all, by and large, … You don't see the future as a part of Ukraine at any deal?

- No. I don't think of life as a part of Ukraine any more. This country betrayed us. It lifted army against the people. And its ideology — it simply isn't discussed … We will defend the republic of which we will be proud!

Validly, according to known expression, the army shoots at the people only once, then it shoots already at the people for it the STRANGER!

Alexey "Monomakh"
Central news agency of Novorossiya


As write the Ukrainian mass media, the chairman Harkovskoy YEAH Igor Baluta is happy with actions of law enforcement authorities for fight against Kharkov Guerrillas group which is accused of bombings in the territory of the city. Baluta reported about it "Radio Freedom", known for the ardent Russophobic position since the USSR.

"Our children behave very effectively, I mean law enforcement agencies. That SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs made, led to that is so easy as they (i.e. "the Kharkov guerrillas" — an edition) planned to work, it is impossible to them" — Baluta declared. In other words, translating this phrase from bird's-official language, allies of a militia of LNR and DNR in the back of the enemy quite effectively work, and SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is possible to interfere with performance only of some insignificant part of the tasks set by our brothers from the Kharkov underground.

As define its ukrosm, "subversive and terrorist" group "Kharkov Guerrillas" which allegedly "direct from Russia" (according to SBU — well and as on another: "hands of Moscow" aren't present only at front windows of the White house and in production of kitten food!), I worked in the Kharkov area within five months. "Law enforcement authorities" (read, to "pravokhoronitel" — how lawlessly they got up in power) managed to find out participation of members of the organization in commission … 12 diversions!

So to Novorossiya's rebels is, than to be encouraged. In the back of the Kiev junta crowd together by no means not only members of "the right sector" and specialbattalions, whose brains are reformatted by promotion of dark and secret forces of Europe and the USA, but the real patriots of Ukraine who understand that the true benefit for the last — in the union with Novorossiya and the mother Russia, but not in doubtful "wedding" with Europe which even more often call "Geyropoy" today live and act.

Alexey "Monomakh"
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Rebels reflected attack of the Ukrainian troops which tried to break on the territory of the airport of Donetsk from the settlement Sand. Losses of chasteners made to 15 people the killed. 4 tanks and 1 BMP are destroyed. Having suffered defeat the opponent, having thrown in the battlefield the dead, I ran.

In a day invaders about 15 times fired at militia positions, and also the Kiev and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, Gorlovka and a number of settlements.

In Gorlovka there are victims among civilians and rebels, the exact number of victims is specified so far. Attack fell on Bessarabk's region in the north of the city, on settlements Mercury, Kurganka, Nikitovk and the Komsomol member.

Attack was conducted with side of the cities of Artemovsk, Dzerzhinsk and Mayorsk where the artillery of armed forces of Ukraine is located.

Rebels opened a reciprocal gun-fire. In the north of the city rebels entered shooting fight with the Ukrainian security officers, from their party there was an attempt of tank break. Attack is beaten off.

Intensive attacks of Gorlovka proceed three days. "In fact, it is war" — one of local rebels characterized a situation.

According to the Ministry of Defence of DNR, "artillery duels" between a militia and security officers proceed also near the settlement Granite (the Telmanovsky area, the South of Donetsk region), about the city of Novotashkovka in the west of Lugansk area and in the village Lugansk in the east of LNR. Also the satellite town of Donetsk of Avdeevk was damaged.

Armed forces of Ukraine during attack of the airport of Donetsk were used by phosphoric ammunition. The fighter of a militia suffered from vapors of phosphorus, medical care was necessary for it.

The airport of Donetsk is one of the most hot spots of opposition of rebels and security officers. On Friday the Ministry of Defence of DNR declared a capture under control of the airport in Donetsk, having specified that in ruins of the new terminal still there is about ten Ukrainian security officers, but they ceased fire.

There is information that at the Ukrainian military personnel defending at the Donetsk airport ammunition comes to an end.

The rebel of LNR army with a call sign "Horned owl" reported about the proceeding difficult fights on fronts of the Lugansk National Republic.

"Our divisions continue to storm VSU in Nut Donetsk.

There are powerful fights with application of all types of arms — tanks, BBM (armored combat vehicles), mortars of barreled and jet artillery, and also AGS and RPG.

If to appear in this fight it is possible to go crazy — everywhere the earth, explosions is plowed by stray bullets. In fight this commonplace, but here simply maximum level of chaos. I visited there and felt it.

Attack of positions of VSU on all front proceeds. Work on all front and front positions of VSU!

In the Debaltsevsky pocket the militia will be taken just about by Mius. But to Mius from Debaltsev reinforcements — 2 companies everyone with 6 tanks hurry.

So that, perhaps, the opponent will stand and it is necessary to us will be rolled away".

The rebel of DNR army also reported to "the Russian Spring" that "on fronts a hell", clashes near Donetsk proceed, the blow of "Gradami" is around the city struck, in Dokuchayevsk the siren of "air-raid warning", and Novotroitsk without light earned.


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The group of Banderovites sent the letter to the president of the Czech Republic to Stepan Bandera's protection. On what Milos Zeman wrote to Facebook: "Dear Ukrainians! I would like to ask you two questions: The first: whether you know Bandera's order – "Kill each Pole between the sixteenth and the sixtieth year of life?" and the second – whether you agree with it? If you don't know, then you aren't Ukrainians and if you know, then I finish our discussion"

Further Milos Zeman taught to Banderovites short history of Ukraine:

"I, to your data, would like to note that Stepan of Bander intended to create the puppet nazi Ukrainian state, vassal in relation to Germany. It had Alfred Rosenberg's support, but as Hitler decided that after the victory he will occupy Ukraine the German farmers, the project was cancelled, and Bander was banished in a concentration camp. Something similar occurred, however, and in our territory in case of Jana Ryse RozsévaKa, the admirer Bandera. Besides I would like to pay your attention that already the president Yushchenko declared to Bander the national hero, and the similar declaration concerning mister Shukhevich famous for prepares now that in 1941 in Lviv shot thousands of Jews".

In summary Milos Zeman emphasized: "I can't congratulate Ukraine at all that it has such national heroes". We will remind that earlier the president of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman condemned torch procession of Banderovites in Kiev in honor of the 106th anniversary since the birth of the leader of the Organization of the Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera". Zeman compared this procession to marches of nazis at the time of Hitlerite Germany and noted that "to Ukraine there is something bad..."



Simple Poles thanked the Czech President for such position: "We thank the president of the Czech Republic for those words for which we wait, but, unfortunately, we can't wait from our selling politicians".

Here that the author of the letter which came to our edition writes:

"The feeling of indignation of injustice and big anger grows in me.

I as the Pole and the descendant of those who managed to avoid the hell planned by Bandera, categorically disagree on any help for the neo-fascist government of Ukraine eulogizing on each step of executioners of our nation. Many citizens of our country also don't wish that Poland interfered in any way with this conflict and, especially, supported Ukraine.

Really our politicians are so noncritical, what can't understand it? Really exclusive idlers operate us? Really they have no honor? What with these people?!

Of course, the people of the West see that occurs in Ukraine. Only our politicians don't see it. But don't see - because of money of oligarchs. Were on sale for silver coins.

But I heard Ivinsky's statement yesterday. Too policy. And, apparently, in the Polish policy the first information signs of the truth start making the way.! He told that 1/4 money allocated to Ukraine for arms simply "disappears". I recognized that manifestation of nationalism are the Ukrainian everyday life, and also that oligarchs have private armies. That is the armies which aren't containing the state. And it means that, according to international law, it are criminals, and, so the oligarchy is also criminals!

I know that 85% of property of Ukraine are in hands about 100 oligarchs. And it means that actually Ukrainians have nothing to fight. Because they fight for property of oligarchs. Not for itself and the good - and for oligarchs. Oligarchs don't fight for property of ordinary Ukrainians. It turns out that Ukrainians fight for getting to mental and material servitude. Fight for it to be slaves?!

Bravo, President Zeman!

And what "the outstanding historian" - the President of the Polish republic Bronislaw Komorowski who is more than 4 years in power about it will tell? Who, at last, will speak our Polish, national, domestic interests?

Our President has gaps in knowledge of history and forgot about important and very essential historical events.

Perhaps, it has to use, in that case, knowledge of the priest Tadeush Isakovich-Zalesky or my teacher of history Yvo Werschler who endured "the Volynsk slaughter"?

It is some paradox: The president of the Czech Republic - is more courageous, than all our politicians!

I reflect: to that did our president study on department of history? Really he doesn't understand, what support of the Ukrainian inquiries without thinking about the past for us - as a time bomb? For the simple people it is simple a signal: he will be allowed to kill moreover and helped murderers! That allowed Poroshenko to address ambassadors without coordination and an apology from the state and the Ukrainian nation for the Volynsk genocide is a scandal! Surprises me why descendants кресовян don't direct the statement of claim to Strasbourg about prosecutions of the Volynsk criminals?

Bravo, President Zeman!

We express you the most profound and sincere gratitude on behalf of millions of normal Poles who from the Polish politicians and from the Polish mass media (for 99% redeemed by Germans and the Austrians) have no opportunity to hear such words of the truth - about the brutal genocide of Poles made by the Ukrainian degenerates executioners of OUN and unitary enterprise 70 years ago. We thank you, sir president that you say loudly that all see normal people! Say openly that in Ukraine praise of criminals of OUN and unitary enterprise that it is inconceivable for civilized people and the states proceeds!

For me, the Pole, very unpleasantly, something whom I was Bander and what orders he published, the President of the Czech Republic remembers and is able to say directly it to the Ukrainian defenders of Bandera directly, and our politicians and experts are ready to make the Polish hero of Bandera only because he didn't love Russians... Our selling politicians and experts serving them most willingly would dump "the Volynsk slaughter" on Putin (though then he wasn't born yet), and in OUN-UPA saw the defenders submitting some strange, alternative version of history.

I don't consider Putin and Russia as great friends of Poland, but I consider the Ukrainian admirers of Bandera as enemies! Also doesn't convince me that they fight against Russia now. The enemy of my enemy shouldn't be my friend, especially at all when his "fight" follows from some mafia and oligarchical systems in Ukraine connected with imperial plans of the USA.

I support voices of Internet surfers: shame for Poland that the historical truth concerning "the Polish genocide" in Ukraine was demanded by the politician of the foreign country, and the Polish politicians neglect this fact!"


Polsky Pan
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Heavy fighting for the airport. On January 17 VSU made a counterattack attempt (to the 2nd baht. infantry and 15 tanks). Counterattack is beaten off, artillery duels proceed.


Donetsk airport on January 16, 2015 (photo: Maxim Fadeyev)

To the North from Mariupol the Ukrainian troops and neo-Nazis left the positions. Rebels occupied them and came to suburbs of Mariupol. Exchanges of blows in the area Granite - Telmanovo and Volnovakh - Dokuchayevsk.

In the Debaltsevsky pocket of the 16th укр. the artillery and RSZO tried to beat out rebels from busy settlements. Intensive fights in Nikishino. the 17th the militia began approach to Mius, in the settlement fights.

In St. Lugansk - Happiness exchanges of blows, in the Village attack of VSU is beaten off, their positions got under a massive attack - a large number of equipment, a warehouse with ammunition is destroyed.

Heavy fighting of high intensity follows Novotoshkovskoye, the 31st post and Nut and Donetsk. Very high density of fire. For two days at rebels heavy losses (15 dead and to 50 wounded). VSU, according to a militia, have more loss (to 200 people only the killed).



On the night of January 16 and all next day on the western suburbs of Donetsk artillery duels proceeded. The Petrovsky area underwent a massive attack. About 20 houses on streets Aksaysky, Student's, Gladkovsky, Murmansk, Fighting, Dorokhova, etc. are destroyed. The gas pipeline on st. of Kirov is damaged. In a warehouse of the enterprise ZAT "SOUTH Firm" there was a fire. After it was extinguished found four dead from fragmental wounds.

Attack consequences

In total from attacks from the Ukrainian party for morning of the 16th 4 persons were lost, are wounded 6, about 25 houses are destroyed (5 in the Kiev and Kuibyshev areas). The Northern water knot in this connection interruptions in water supply are observed is again disconnected.

At night, is closer to morning, to the Ukrainian party allowed to evacuate from the airport of 8 wounded and some bodies (the number is unknown).

Fighters of divisions "Sparta", "Somalia", "East" were fixed in the new terminal of the Donetsk airport. According to rebels in days about 10 soldiers of the opponent were destroyed, about 10 more ran to the region of the destroyed dispatching office of a tower and occupied defense there. 1 rebel was killed in battles for the new terminal, 8 got wounds.

According to Kiev, they have 1 dead and 11 wounded. Thus the military management of junta declares that continues to control the new terminal - "panic information on an environment of the Ukrainian defenders of airfield isn't true".

Early in the morning, around 04:00, from Avdeevki the Ukrainian artillery struck blow to Putilovka. Then, around 06:00, heavy attack of the airport (including the new terminal), and the vicinities Sand was opened, for Putilovke, Shopping Center Metro.

During the day the opponent several times opened fire (mainly from the avdeevsky direction) on the airport and the residential areas of Donetsk. The artillery and RSZO of armed forces of DNR conducted counterbattery fight. Avdeevki's inhabitants reported that the Ukrainian artillery fires from positions at the Central city hospital.

In the first half of day some tanks and the opponent's BMP/BTR with assistance of infantry tried to come nearer to the airport from Skilled, but got under a mortar artillery attack from a militia and with losses receded.

In the afternoon the head of DNR Zakharchenko visited the airport. The commander of division of "Somalia" reported on attempt to organize counterattack from Skilled. In Zakharchenko time spent at the airport Ukrainian the parties I fired at the new terminal ammunition with chemical toxic agents (allegedly hlorosoderzhashchy). One fighter got poisoning.

Airport, new terminal, on January 16, 2015

Use of ammunition with chlorine at the doneky airport

In the evening fights in the southwest of Donetsk became more active. After 17:00 from Maryinki and Krasnogorovki the opponent struck blows to the Petrovsky area. On Trudovsky light was gone. Around 19:40 to the Petrovsky area from Mikhailovka struck blow to RSZO.

On the night of January 17 of VSU subjected to a massive attack the area of the Donetsk airport. Around 03:00 on terminals, Putilovke, by Shopping Center Metro released not less than 5 full packages of "Hail". Under cover of a rocket gun-fire to the new terminal two units of armored machinery tried to break. Both were lined.

About attempt of break to the new terminal on the night of January 17, 2015

Along with attack of the airport blows and to inhabited sector were struck. As a result of hits on residential quarters on st. of Kirov the shell got to a house. 2 persons were lost.

In the morning because of fog in Donetsk it was quiet. The Petrovsky area underwent about 10:00 shelling. Houses on Lukyanchenko, Glazunov, Korganov, Gaidar's streets are destroyed/are damaged. On Komsomola St. of Ukraine are seriously injured the woman (tore off a foot).

After 11:00 artillery duels around the airport were resumed. In the afternoon the opponent fired and Sand and RLS tried to break through (or I imitated break) from outside. During the day the airport and its vicinities were exposed to attacks not less than 15 times. The artillery and RSZO of a militia suppressed activity of the Ukrainian troops in Sand and on the avdeevsky direction, density of backfire was too very high.

Around 18:00, after the next rocket shelling, the opponent made an attempt of storm of the Donetsk airport by forces to 15 tanks and two battalions of infantry.

About the beginning of counterattack of VSU on the airport on January 17, 2015

The Ukrainian nationalists conducted approach from Skilled through a runway on new and old terminals. On distant approaches from RPG-7 and PTUR 5 tanks were destroyed. Then heavy fighting went more than three hours in close proximity to the new terminal where not less than 3 tanks and 1 BMP opponents were destroyed/is damaged.

Attacks to the new terminal went to four "waves". Attempts of break alternated rocket artillery attacks on the airport and residential quarters of Donetsk. The Kiev and Kuibyshev areas underwent strong attack. the 15th site and October underwent attacks of heavy artillery, RSZO and incendiary shells. Light was gone in many areas. Also Yasinovataya and the Petrovsky district of Donetsk were exposed to attacks. The artillery and RSZO of a militia struck intensive massive attacks.

Approximately by 21:30 counterattack of VSU on the airport was beaten off. At 21:40 the artillery of VS DNR struck massive rocket artillery attacks to a runway and Skilled. Under cover of darkness and the fallen fog the opponent took out from the area of the airport of the killed (according to Kiev 3 persons) and wounded (23 people). According to other data, the opponent lost only the killed to 20 people.

About reflection of storm of the airport

After approximately hour respite, around 22:20, the opponent again tried to advance to the attack from the area Sand. Around the airport intensive fight was again started. The artillery of a militia continued to strike blows to Sand and Skilled. The exchange of blows proceeded and on the night of January 18. About 00:30 fierce firefight was started in Sand.


Within two last days Gorlovka was exposed to intensive attack from the northern direction (Dzerzhinsk, Mayorsk, Artemovsk). Especially fierce blows are around the city struck with approach of a night-time. Both private, and multi-storey buildings are damaged. There are victims and victims (exact data aren't present).

Under blow the Komsomol member, Nikitovka, Mercury, Kurganka get generally the mine 6-7 settlement, жилмассив. the 16th on Amstora the package of "Hail" is let out.

It is known that from Gorlovka divisions of DNR army make attempts to promote to the direction Svetlodarsk but as far as they are successful it isn't known.

In the evening on January 16, around 20:00, from Dzerzhinsk the opponent made an attempt of storm of defensive positions of a militia in the north of Gorlovka. Some tanks with assistance of infantry were pushed forward, but encountered fierce resistance and receded.

As a result of backfire on positions of VSU and nationalist formations the blindage in Zaytsevo was destroyed (5 soldiers of the opponent are killed). Under blow also artillery positions of the 57th crew of VSU got - 4 fighters and a howitzer are killed.

In the morning on January 17 in Gorlovka there was a calm, military operations on northern suburbs became more active in the second half of day. In the evening artillery duels were resumed.

Dokuchayevsk - Volnovakh

Between Volnovakhoy (укр.) and Dokuchayevsk (ополч.) exchanges of blows proceed. the 16th the Ukrainian military fired on the way to Dokuchayevsk at the bus with workers. 1 person was lost (the woman, 45 years).

On January 17 the parties conducted attack of positions of the opponent from heavy artillery and RSZO. In the evening, around 16:10, in Dokuchayevsk the siren of "air-raid warning" worked. As a result of attack from the Ukrainian party the N of the item remained without electricity. Novotroitsk.

Telmanovo - Mariupol

Between Granite and Telmanovo there are periodic exchanges of blows. New Maryevka is mainly under control of a militia, but are exposed to attacks and, apparently, can't be fixed here. From positions from under Granite militia positions in the area Taurian - Chermalyk are fired.

Since January 16 the artillery of a militia made active blows to the opponent's positions near Mariupol. the 17th VSU and fighters of neo-Nazi paramilitary groups left positions to the North from Mariupol and receded to the city. The thrown positions were taken by divisions of VSN therefore rebels appeared on suburbs of the city.

Debaltsevo - Nikishino

After retreat from Redkoduba and Novoorlovki VSU the last two days try to suppress artillery and RSZO the positions taken by divisions of VSN. Fire from Maloorlovki, Olkhovatki, Kamenka is periodically opened. Heavy fighting follows Nikishino, positions of a militia are exposed to continuous attacks.

On January 17 parts of VS LNR from Fashchevki undertook approach to Mius. Fights were started in the settlement. Of their result so far it it isn't known.


Happiness - the Village Lugansk

In the evening of the 15th, on the night of January 16 and in the morning the artillery and RSZO of a militia struck massive attacks to the opponent's positions in the Village Lugansk. The Ukrainian troops tried to promote to the direction of Lugansk, but from attacks suffered considerable losses in equipment and manpower.

In the morning near the Village Lugansk the warehouse with ammunition was destroyed. Long time was observed ignition, the detonation was audible.

On the night of January 17 of division of armed forces of LNR took the offensive in the Village Lugansk. During intensive street fights all southwest part of the settlement was taken under control. In the afternoon on January 17 VSU during the day tried to counterattack not less than 6 times of a militia position with assistance of armored machinery, but couldn't beat out them.

During the day exchanges of blows to all front from St proceeded. Lugansk to Happiness. On the night of January 18 the artillery and RSZO of a militia continued destruction of strong points of VSU near the Village Lugansk.

Pervomaisk - Stakhanov

In the evening on January 15, around 23:00, the Ukrainian troops resumed attacks Pervomaisk from Popasny and the vicinities. Attack by artillery and "Gradami" proceeded on the night of the 16th.

On the night of January 17 attacks of Pervomaisk proceeded. A set of buildings in the city were damaged and destroyed. There are victims. One of shells got to the social dining room. Despite it in the afternoon work of the dining room was resumed, to the building where daily eat to 2000 people, urgent repair is required.




Pervomaisk after attack

Within the last two days Mr. Stakhanov and his vicinities also underwent shellings. "Gradami" destroyed school in the settlement Diamond (to the southwest from Stakhanov), the two-storeyed house burned, gas pipelines are killed. One woman was lost, some people got wounds.

Slavyanoserbsk - Novotoshkovskoye

Near Slavyanoserbsk and on the "bakhmutovsky" route there was especially heavy fighting. Fighters of a militia were fixed in Novotoshkovskom, but on the night of January 16 the positions taken by fighters of VSN underwent massive attacks from all types of artillery systems and RSZO. At the same time to Novotoshkovsky's direction some units of armored machinery moved forward to a battalion of infantry also. Not smaller forces attacked the former 31st post.

The most part of night around Novotoshkovki and the former 31st post there was a heavy fighting. By the morning the opponent suffered serious losses and receded. A militia too from shellings and during clashes suffered heavy losses (to 15 fighters was lost, about 50 got wounds). There were fights near Orekhovo in the afternoon, the artillery of a militia conducted attack of 29, 30, 37 and 28 posts of VSU.

At the same time the opponent conducted attacks of half-ruined Slavyanoserbsk and neighboring settlements. Rebels had to reflect attacks of VSU and fighters - neo-Nazis near Sokolniki and village Prishib.

At the height of 175.9 rebels well became stronger - blindages and firing positions - therefore from shellings here the minimum losses are built from concrete plates (for two days of 3 dead, 7 wounded). From height on the Ukrainian positions SAU "Acacia" beat.

In the evening of the 16th the opponent started over again to build a pontoon crossing through river the Seversky Donets around Crimean, but the artillery attack was struck to it. The crossing was destroyed.

On the night of January 17 the opponent conducted massive attacks of Novotoshkovsky. In the morning attacks бывш were resumed. 31st post. There was heavy fighting for the settlement Nut and Donetsk in the afternoon, both parties use everything - from armored machinery to RSZO. Very high density of shooting and mortar fire.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya





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Probability of a collapse of the front: Sand. Avdeevka. Mariupol.

After unsuccessful approach panic "tactical" retreat usually begins. That now also show VSU. Courageously give the back.
In command of VSU the wild panic accrues. The acquaintance from MO of Ukraine wrote an hour ago that at them there "all run on walls and isterit".

The friend from the Militia by phone told that figs they will leave to the Ukrainian nazis Avdeevka. And where Avdeevka, there and Mariupol - everything, I think, understand interrelation. Data arrive that ours slowly and surely take Sand.
In Mariupol the panic began. "Svidomye" are going to run with wild squeal to Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev.
Dear rebels, it isn't necessary to come so sharply. You frighten to an usrachka the svidomykh of patriots. It is necessary more softly, more gently. smile emoticon

Sand. Avdeevka. Mariupol. Ours already go.

Dmitry Dzygovbrodsky


Citizens of the Donetsk National Republic!

Analyzing information on the Internet, the gazetnakh, television of Ukraine, it is possible to find the mass of messages it seems:
- "Cyborgs made impossible … defended the airport …"
- "Terrorists tried to beat out the Ukrainian army from the airport, but suffered heavy losses and receded …."
– "In the territory of the airport everything is quiet … cyborgs hold positions …" – "In Donetsk interruptions in food, hunger … begins"

We see how the Ukrainian mass media purposefully shake information situation. They want to plunge inhabitants of DNR into a panic, to discredit an image of rebels and the government.

And at the same time, want to show to inhabitants of other areas of Ukraine that resistance is useless that all attempts of office, dissent are cruelly stopped.

Only there is one BUT ….и the most important BUT … UKRAINE AS the COUNTRIES is NOT PRESENT MORE!!!

For these days intensity of a shelling, provocations from VSU increased. The main goal of attacks – to frighten us, citizens of DNR and LNR, to force to doubt the choice.

Kiev can't still reconcile to thought that still nobody forced Donbass to the knees, and to anybody isn't allowed to deliver.

That the militia of DNR and LNR, as well as in days of the Great Patriotic War, regenerates in victorious army.

We learned to be at war and learned to win … Yes, we know bitterness of losses, but we know also taste of victories.

Both the most important and main victories ahead! Only together with the people the army can win!

Only together we will achieve success!

DNR army won't recede, won't depart, won't be frightened.

Inhabitants of Donbass, Brothers and sisters – together we make history.

Time of great victories came!


Alexander Nikishin
Central news agency of Novorossiya

18.01.15. 13:25 Message from a militia of Gorlovka.

"The artillery of chasteners again and with a new force beats on all districts of Gorlovka. In the Kharkov Region at 13:00 in the sky three couples attack planes rose, went towards Donbass! Air is confirmed at 13:18!

The VSU planes in the sky over Gorlovka! To Deep fennel pulled together equipment. Deep - in apartments there shouldn't be nobody! Ours beat off, STRONG fight on posts.

Report about a set of hits on жм. Builders, the Komsomol member, 5m quarter, the 245th quarter, Deep, Mercury, Kurganke, on Lenin Ave., 88, is a lot of hits to apartments, the victims are. At 13:09 - there are more messages from the neighboring cities - a rumble in air, an air-raid warning.

The artillery doesn't cease to beat on the Komsomol member. Across all Gorlovka the large caliber on the areas lays down. If it is honest, it is terrible to write the report: messages arrive and videos from all city - many killed and wounded deliver in mountains. hospitals. Such wasn't yet! Ukra attack! All sit in cellars! VSN holds the fort on blocks and in suburbs, natsik will never not enter Gorlovka!"


Armed forces of Ukraine wipe out Gorlovka. Already practically days don't stop massive attacks of this city located in the territory of the Donetsk republic.

"Massive attacks of Gorlovka of unprecedented force don't stop already almost days. Shells of VSU reach the center and kill civilians" — it is told in the message of Donetsk news agency.

According to the latest data, on the city cluster bombs fall. Planes (the exact number isn't specified yet) are noticed over the Central district in at 13:26 (Moscow time).
"Gorlovka is equaled with the earth in all calibers: the artillery of VSU beats on ALL districts of Gorlovka! Over TsGR planes, one or two are noticed, is unclear: hoots, people saw one in the sky, to us in the cellar is audible. Cluster bombs FALL, but is unclear where. The Ukrainian Satanists break to Gorlovka. In the north of the city ours stand on blocks as a steel wall, they are whipped by bullets and sokolka, but they don't depart on meter. In Donetsk an artillery hell. From Avdeevki shells to Putilovki's district arrive. From Novoselovki's direction to VSU hit from RSZO into the district of a waste heap of Panfilovskaya Highway. Enakiyevo's planes — Gorlovka are noticed. RSZO arrivals "Hail" to the district of the 1st platform. Arrivals of shells on the Petrovsky district, fall hundreds of shells on the areas" — "Self-defense of Gorlovka" in social networks reports.

In different districts of the city there are dead, a large number of victims. All inhabitants urge to hide urgently in shelters. At 13:13 security officers pulled together equipment to Glubokaya St. Around Bessarabki shells land, fire captured Korolenko St. Locals suspect that security officers used "Tochku-U".
About attacks of Gorlovka it was reported both on Friday, and on Saturday. This morning the most massive attack of the city for the entire period of carrying out power operation in Donbass began. Some areas even remained without electricity in the morning. The number of the victims inevitably grows. Tens civilians are at the moment already killed.
Today also it became known that VSU received the order from Poroshenko to begin massive attack in sector B. Donetsk is fired, since the morning serious destructions and damages of infrastructure are recorded.

Life-News reports:
"DNR army turned into counterattack on Sand and Avdeevka. After one of attacks of VSU to the Donetsk airport of the Ukrainian military drove away back to their positions. DNR army beat off during the day, six attacks of the Ukrainian army to the Donetsk airport and turned into counterattack. As representatives of a militia told to our correspondents, fights already go at the settlement Sand in close proximity to positions of the Ukrainian army. Information on counterattack was confirmed by the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko: "Now there are difficult offensive combats on all front line, beginning from Mariupol finishing with Gorlovka.".

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


As write ukrosm, ignition of the tank with gasoline at railway station "Shebelinka" that is located in the Balakleysky region of the Kharkov area, an event in the evening on January 16, diversion is qualified as …! About it, in particular, it is said in the statement of the press service of prosecutor's office of the Kharkov area. Upon this fire the criminal proceedings according to Art. 113 are begun ("diversion") of UK of Ukraine.

"Pre-judicial investigation is made by USBU in the Kharkov area. The consequence is on control of the management of prosecutor's office of area" — it is told in the message.

At research of a place of this emergency on one of tanks with fuel external damage is revealed.

The first about this incident were reported by the certain Kharkov businessman and the volunteer who is the cofounder of World and Order fund. As he reported on the page in "Facebook": "Just in the Kharkov area, the Balakleysky area, at Shebelinka station the next terrorist attack was conducted. Allegedly, on the tank with fuel the shot from the grenade launcher was made. Three tanks burn already, the structure totals 50 tanks. All services are connected, try to unhook the burning tanks from structure".

This incident once again testifies that activity of the Kharkov underground increases!

Alexey "Monomakh"
Central news agency of Novorossiya


The junta declared the beginning of new approach to the airport, than actually undersigned that yesterday's attack ended with failure.

"The Ukrainian command made the decision on massive operation on return and transfer to our fighters of the territory which now is in the Donetsk airport" — the speaker of the SNBO information center Andrey Lysenko declared at a briefing, reports TASS


So during the day it is worth expecting as massive artillery attacks on a complex of constructions at the airport and attempts to break there by forces of armored machinery and infantry on armor. The main difficulties consist in overcoming of a zone of an effective gun-fire as it is necessary to come on the open district controlled by VSN UAVs which correct blows of artillery. Thus even in case of large-scale break to the terminal, advance will lead only to renewal of fights for constructions that as the previous practice shows, can proceed as much as long.

That remarkable in these approaches, so it that they are conducted to remove a roller in the new terminal and to report, "we returned there". Information component of war in this case prevails over the military. People perish in many respects in order that the population could see the flag on a site of doubtful value. But as in the conditions of information society if the victory isn't fixed on a photo and video, consider it and wasn't, now it isn't enough to win, it is necessary still surely a roller about it to remove from places. The main problem of junta that her stories about "control over the airport" rollers aren't confirmed, and here at VSN - very much even.

Therefore it is necessary urgently to change something, differently the propaganda myth will fail. Therefore the decision to curtail the myth about "cyborgs" won't be made yet, attacks to the airport will proceed. Because if from the military party loss of couple of structures at the airport isn't enough on what influences, from the point of view of a propaganda sensation, there is a real crash - one of creeds collapses. And it is impossible to reconcile to it and for this artificial myth very many people will die soon.

Paraphrasing Napoleon and Lariston's known dialogue where pertinently to replace them with Poroshenko and Muzhenko:

I need a roller from the airport. Roller by all means... any roller! It is not about control of the airport any more — business concerns a legend of "cyborgs", and you, Muzhenko, will become history as the savior of a legend of "cyborgs"...

It will turn out to rescue at junta the scattered myth in the next few days, we will look - the first attempts of success didn't bring.

"News of the Donetsk Republic"

Messages from Novorossiya.

18.01.15. 16:20. The message from Dmitry Steshin and Alexander Kots.

"So far went, a column circle Uralov, KamAZ. Where that carry didn't understand yet. In total in an adult way. On Uspenk's frontier transition wild turns from DNR to Russia, cars with the Mariupol and Dnepropetrovsk male numbers run from mobilization. Habitual posts on entry into Donetsk amplified additional constructions. All fighters in a uniform form, it is already similar to army. Several times parted with the columns carrying ammunition - one went on the airport, others towards the coast. There too hot. Donetsk is shaken from a roar, we such didn't hear even in August. Level positions in ATO in Sand and Avdeevke without them the airport is necessary to nobody."

The message from Odessa: "Fifteen "fast" meet at the airport a board from the East. Most likely from Dnepropetrovsk since there the three-hundredth couldn't be placed already practically. Those to whom "fast" it isn't necessary - home go simply by trucks. It is very convenient to nazis to take out "200" in the winter x - refrigerators aren't necessary, nakidat a body floor and forward. Benefit of winter campaign is available!"

From a militia: "Ours press! One of firing positions having stolen at 16:00 near Maryinkaya it is destroyed".

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Today 5 Ukrainian tanks about the armored personnel carrier and infantry broke through the suburb of the settlement Spartak to VS DNR post at Putilovsky Bridge. It is a zone of responsibility of the battalion East. Chasteners came into the back of positions of a militia, into the area where VSN tanks filled up a unit of fire.

As a result to breaks three tanks of Novorossiya were destroyed. However the fighters of "Somalia" and a task force performing a special task in this place instantly reacted and beat off attack of chasteners, having destroyed three tanks and the armored personnel carrier of invaders. Losses of invaders are specified so far, at us one rebel is seriously injured.

Excellent the group of staff of commandant's office of Donetsk worked. The group quickly moved forward to a break place, and covered tankmen of "Somalia". They deployed the STORAGE-23-2 and its fire destroyed the armored personnel carrier and some weapon emplacements of chasteners.

In Spartak there is a fight, in the city some DRG of chasteners is revealed, the part from them is destroyed. MGB works. The place of break is reliably blocked. One flight of Putilovsky Bridge is destroyed in a course of action.

Addition: The militia of DNR reports about the settlement capture Sand which is in close proximity to the Donetsk airport eyewitnesses report. The break of chasteners preceding it to Putilovki's region was localized. There the Ukrainian security officers got to an environment and left in the battlefield not less than 3 tanks. Losses of Banderovites in manpower are specified so far.

Addition 2:
The army of the Donetsk National Republic beat off during the day, on January 18, six attacks of the Ukrainian army to the Donetsk airport and turned into counterattack. As representatives of a militia told to correspondents of LifeNews, fights go at the settlement Sand in close proximity to positions of the Ukrainian army.

Information on counterattack was confirmed by the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko.

Now there are difficult counteroffensive combats on all front line, beginning from Mariupol, finishing with Gorlovka — the leader of DNR reported.

According to LifeNews, security officers six times attacked positions of DNR army, trying to take the airport in pincers and to cut off from Donetsk down the street of Stratonauts. One group of the Ukrainian infantry with assistance of tanks moved forward from Sand, and another — from Avdeevka through the settlement Spartak and Putilovsky Bridge. During one of such attacks the bridge was destroyed, and security officers managed to be rejected to their positions in Avdeevke, and on other flank — to Sand.



Addition 3:

Motorola it is live:

It is interviewed literally some minutes prior to the next attack of the Ukrainian troops from Avdeevki and the settlement Spartak through Putilovsky Bridge

Addition 4:

18.01.15. The message from Dmitry Steshin.

"In Donetsk on Tsetkin Street a direct hit of a mine in the elderly man. On snow a pool of blood, hundreds of Soviet cards which it for some reason somewhere bore also half of loaves of white loaf. Peremoga... Donetsk returned to an August state on the atmosphere."

The message from a militia.

"In Mariupol intensity increases. It is reported that rebels under the city somewhere covered a post of chasteners from the Hail, no details by this minute are known. In the city the volleys both entering, and proceeding are audible. Svidomye just as at the beginning of September run from the city. In Enakiyevo, Gorlovka and other front cities occupations at schools are cancelled tomorrow. Sources from "East" claim that attack by Yasinovata from Avdeevki began. The part of chasteners refused to go in the form of gun meat for storm of the airport and deserts. The barreled and jet artillery of VSN continues to cover junta positions in the area Sand. Ammunition doesn't save".

Addition 5:

Rebels report that attack of invaders on Bakhmutka to Sokolniki, 31y a post and height 175,9 was beaten off, and parts of VSN turned into counterattack. At the moment there are strong fights around the 37th post, the 29th post, under Crimean and in Nut Donetsk. In Nut Donetsk defense of VSU was hacked in the afternoon - forces of a militia began release of the settlement.

Divisions of Lugansk National militia fire and attack Debaltsevo, Chernukhino, Trotsky, Alder, Crimean, Nut and Donetsk, the Village Lugansk. In the Village Lugansk street fights proceed.

Addition 6:
"Cyborgs" don't want in the airport any more

The heavy losses suffered near Donetsk demoralized the Ukrainian invaders. Poroshenko's adviser Yury Biryukov who wrote reports about it in the Facebook that voluntary battalions refuse to take part in storm of the airport in Donetsk.

Unsociable persons I declared that fighters of the voluntary battalion "Dnieper-1" were frightened and didn't go together with the 93rd crew to the aid to the terminal of the airport.

Later the adviser of "president" removed "information on cowardice of fighters of a voluntary battalion at the Ministry of Internal Affairs" and noted that from now on it – "a question of official investigation".

Other volunteer Tatyana Rychkova confirmed that "the volunteers wishing to lend a shoulder to military at the airport weren't neither in the battalion "Dnieper-1", nor in "The right sector" though command of VSU asked them for the help". Rychkova removed this record, but it managed to repost.

Alexander Nikishin
Central news agency of Novorossiya

According to the Ukrainian pro-government mass media, fighters of "The right sector" and the battalion "Aydar" managed to break to Donetsk. Now they are in Putilovk's residential district.

As reports "TV Gromadsk" with reference to "the commander "Of the right sector" with a call sign "Black", "The right sector" and the battalion "Aydar" already in Donetsk. They managed to bypass militia positions. Also the source told to journalists that parts of the 93rd crew punched a corridor to the airport of Donetsk from the settlement Sand which is in only several kilometers from the capital of the Donetsk national republic. "Our troops entered Donetsk and now smooth out Putilovka", – it is told in the message of a battalion "Azov" on social networks.

As it was reported earlier, the corridor from Peskov to the Donetsk airport was punched for security officers. Thus, they had one more under control territory. Also it was reported that the wounded "cyborgs" are doomed to death to territories of the Donetsk airport. To go and them colleagues refuse, being afraid to get under attack.

According to messages of mass media of DNR, six VSU tanks tried to break through defense near Putilovsky Bridge (The Kiev district of Donetsk). Attack was beaten successfully off. Three tanks of the Ukrainian chasteners were destroyed. The losses suffered by VSU in manpower during attempt of break are specified.

Putilovsky Bridge in Donetsk after attempt of break of an armored group of VSU



Urgent appeal of the Ministry of Defence of DNR

Citizens of the Donetsk National Republic! Analyzing information on the Internet, newspaper editions, television of Ukraine, it is possible to find the mass of messages of type:

- "Cyborgs made impossible … defended the airport …"

- "Terrorists tried to beat out the Ukrainian army from the airport, but suffered heavy losses and receded …."

– "In the territory of the airport everything is quiet … cyborgs hold positions …"

– "In Donetsk interruptions in food, hunger begins …"

We see that the Ukrainian mass media purposefully shake information situation, they want to subject inhabitants of DNR to a panic, to discredit an image of rebels and the government. And at the same time to show to inhabitants of other areas of Ukraine that resistance is useless that all attempts of office, dissent are rigidly stopped. As if speak to them – live quietly and peaceful …

It doesn't concern you, and we (the real power of Ukraine), know that to do and as to fight against it. Only there is one BUT ….и the most important BUT … UKRAINE is NOT PRESENT MORE!!! For these days intensity of a shelling, provocations from VSU increased. Which main goal us – citizens of DNR and LNR to frighten, force to doubt. But Kiev can't still reconcile to thought that Donbass still nobody forced to the knees … that a militia of DNR and LNR, as well as in days of the Great Patriotic War, regenerates in army. During this time we learned to be at war and learned to win …

Yes, we know bitterness of losses, but we know also taste of victories. Both the most important and main victories ahead! Only with the people the army can win! Only together we will achieve success! DNR army won't recede, won't depart, won't be frightened. Inhabitants of Donbass, Brothers and sisters – together we make history. Time of great victories came!


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Consequences of a morning artillery attack of VSU to Gorlovka.

The broken city and corpses of civilians on streets...


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The Donetsk national republic supports dialogue, but in case of continuation of aggression from Kiev is ready to protect the boundaries and to turn into counterattack, the representative of DNR at negotiations on peaceful settlement Denis Pushilin declared at a press conference today.

"Everything that we hear now (the amplified attacks of Donetsk – primas. A look), are echoes of not contractual capacity of the Ukrainian party, echoes of that Ukraine isn't capable to make independently the decision, – Pushilin told. – We see there domination of warring parties that doesn't conduct to the world".

"We show that, unlike them, we for peaceful dialogue, for dialogue at a negotiating table. But we could strengthen defense capability and if the situation aggressively develops, we are ready and to protect the boundaries, and to turn into counterattack", – the representative of DNR who quotes "Donetsk news agency" emphasized.
Meanwhile the Ukrainian security officers on Sunday morning started massive attack of Donetsk from all types of arms, shells reach the downtown.

Before it the adviser to the president of Ukraine Yury Biryukov reported that the group of the Ukrainian troops received the order to open massive fire "on positions of rebels".

Kiev declared "large-scale operation" on occupation of the Donetsk airport

The Kiev authorities decided to begin large-scale operation on return under the control of the Donetsk airport, reported in National Security council and defenses (SNBO) of Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian command made the decision on massive operation on return and transfer to our fighters of the territory which now is in the Donetsk airport" — the speaker of the SNBO information center Andrey Lysenko declared at a briefing, reports TASS.

According to him, the airport "is under control of security officers". However in the proclaimed Donetsk National Republic (DNR) approve the return.

Meanwhile Gorlovka, according to messages of locals, is exposed to the strongest attacks: even more rigid, than Donetsk.

By words горловчан, all districts of the city are fired from all types of heavy arms. Attacks don't stop here 16 hours. Public transport service is completely stopped. On all city on streets bodies of the lost civilians whom there is no opportunity to clean because of attacks of unprecedented force lie.

The number of the victims increases every minute. About 70% of Gorlovka are without electro - gazo-and water supply.

Attacks are conducted from rocket launchers "Hail", "Smerch", heavy artillery, heavy mortars. Allegedly, the number of the dead passed for one hundred. According to locals, the dead more than 300 people.


17.01.15. The message from the rebel Alexander Zhuchkovsky.

"There are big reasons for optimism.
I became more active "военторг", serious cars and serious children came. It is a lot of cars and many children.
So you watch news (either deep break, or secure on a case of full-scale approach of the opponent here).
To in total you kind, Ukrainians."

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


18.01.15. The message from the resident of Dokuchayevsk.

"From 7th morning Ukrainians fire at Dokuchayevsk from Novotroitsk (closer to the route Donetsk-Mariupol), attack was conducted from Gradov and SAU. About the razrusheiyakh not a known half of the people on cellars sits.

My heart grabbed, and itself I can't leave. Beat from 7th morning and still! Beat with PGT of Novotroitsk and the village of Nikolaevka, and Grada arrive with Volnovakhi. At 10:30 through Novotroitsk there passed the column: tanks of 2 pieces, бмп 3, and jeeps. From Elenovka acquaintances called (live - the house on the route).

Were attached by Vsushnye BMP i ZIL with soldiers between 2 buses. Dnrovtsa managed to pass the bus first, on BMP something heavy drank, there is on the bridge a padded. From ZIL soldiers ran up on fields, "catch up" with them from machine guns. The second bus without incident passed further.

Four soldiers are killed directly near it, with the others caught up on a pumping station - (the road on Shandrovka somewhere, is definitely not aware). Children - rebels came back, said that caught up. In a their way, caught up likely, forever, caught up. As prisoners weren't conducted (carried). Whether and all caught up - a question".

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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"Motorola" and "Givi": "The airport - ours! Further - Kiev!" (VIDEO)

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Information from a camp of the enemy. Story of the chastener.

"The other day I talked on Skype to the acquaintance from the Chernigov area. She told terrible story in the severe truth about the son of the employee.
The guy is 20 years old. Four months it stayed in zone ATO.

I arrived home – mother cries and sobs – an absolute tumble-down house: from wound in the head sight fell to 0.4, lame from the foot whipped with splinters. The digestive tract is destroyed: of each meal vomiting and diarrhea, intolerable constant kidney pain which is extinguished by soothing preparations. The mentality is broken: at night the state which is absolutely suppressed sleeps with groans, shouts.
And everything began with the urapatrioticheskikh of moods and bravura voluntary expeditions on the southeast: to kill and destroy the Russian aggressors and separatists. The son got to an ivaylovsky copper. I got wound, splinters from the head extended a screw-driver, week didn't recognize anybody, then long didn't rise, lameness – all foot whipped with splinters. But didn't give leave, - again on a front line. Holidays weren't given, only once in 4 months visited at home incidentally when brought the sworn brothers in coffins to relatives. A distance to it couple of days to see the native.
And here only in 4 months gave holiday for 10 days. Mother sits at work, cries and tells story of the son: "Mother, here I think – for as for whom we are at war? For what we kill the same Ukrainians, as well as we? Constantly Makarych – the rebel, the 27-year-old guy from Odessa whom we shot is always on my mind. He lies, eyes open, looks in the blue sky, and so he is similar to me. Then at me for the first time jammed heart and there were thoughts that we do something not so. Every night in a dream now it comes to me. Will appear, costs and looks reproachfully, and I sob and I howl, asking from it forgiveness. And he costs and simply looks, smiling, light, kind, as Christ. Would shout at me better, I frightened, and that simply costs and looks. Mother I don't want to be at war any more".
But here the military registration and enlistment office all the same sends such cripple to the front. When came to a military registration and enlistment office, I brought all references from hospital, it was closed in an office, and the new military commissar Banderovite from "The right sector" told: it is suitable, you will go again to be at war, but you won't go – we will put. Now mother looks for all opportunities that didn't take away. But also here problems – to go to simple hospital to be treated, are necessary huge money. To lay down in military hospital to be treated free of charge, it is necessary to rise on turn which lasted for many years, or to give a big bribe.
The son tells that at them in part are at war almost deaf and blind, yazvennik, pochechnik – the word, in an ukroarmiya take away all at whom a hand and feet are whole. All his sworn brothers suffer also now from vomitings and from ponos. Than their, укровояк, feed there, what they kill in themselves all digestive tract? Something is poured.
And their commander of a company now – violently pushed in Halyavino (the Chernigov madhouse) ukrovlast there, consider that he went crazy. And actually the man began to see clearly: rings round all the fighters and speaks: "Give up this business, don't go to fratricidal war at all. It is a sin. We are brothers, but not enemies". All madhouse is hammered by participants of ATO, even the turn – who was built and the truth went crazy and who is a draft-dodger.
And after all in the spring mother too beat breast: the son went to be at war, and I too would go. But the destiny of the son forced to argue on everything correctly: "If to return everything back, let we would be with Russia. As I envy inhabitants of the Crimea now! They have no war, at them everything is all right. And these swine in Kiev – that they arranged! What hell in Ukraine".
There is a wish to ask: for as for whom you are at war – ukropatriota? Slowly ukra start beginning to see clearly. But here is how the nation, Ukrainians probably won't remain any more. After all in the ukrakh everything is destroyed at the front: stomach, liver, kidneys, genital functions, and, above all, normal mentality. And to whom such cripples will give birth?"


19.01.15. The message from the rebel with a call sign "Horned owl".

"VSN didn't manage to smooth out Nut and Donetsk, VSU reinforcement approached. But our fighters didn't become puzzled and fixed in the middle of the settlement. VSU began Kryakovki's attack from mortars. Now VSU also conduct attack of a crossing.

Our counterattack on on the 29th, 37th and 28th posts was beaten off by VSU. Losses of VSU-3 tanks and to 50 people "200" and "300". Our-2 tanks and 2 armored personnel carrier - 7 people were lost 15 are wounded.

I want to comment on the report on the rebel "Engineer" that the line passes on the Collum. In principle it so, but is such holes as Kryakovka, Lobochevo, Lapaskino, Bolotenoye and Valuyskoye who are controlled by a militia. Valuyskoye causes many disputes, but after all the fact that VSN control almost all settlement.

I have an information from Mariupol. There too was a peculiar approach. Lebedinskoye which was disputable and it was controlled by a militia not completely - it was smoothed out and assigned to a militia. Also VSU posts near Mariupol were covered. Fights go under Grape there.


19.01.15. The message from journalists on a situation near Mariupol.

"By the night ours strengthened a shelling of positions of the opponent near Mariupol. In recent days on the Mariupol direction the number of attacks of positions of the Ukrainian military increased. It is told about it in the message of the press center of ATO. It is reported that today in the first half of day rebels opened fire towards the armed forces of Ukraine which are deployed near Mariupol three times. Attacks were conducted from anti-tank missile systems and BM-21 "Hail". It is reported that from a 122-mm howitzer of D-30 the Ukrainian gunners fired on the attacking militia forces. Earlier it was reported that near Mariupol rebels from mortars fire at a post which is protected by the voluntary battalion "Saint Maria". At 21:22 the local resident observed the Hail volley from a post on the concrete road, in North east direction, glow from explosions aside was well visible to Talakovki. Locals, speak there at home shook."


18.01.15. Interview to Givi.

"The commander of BTG "Somalia" with call signs of "Givi", declared that, the quote: "Motorola" it is live and healthy, tea sits drinks. He spent night with our collective. It with us, we on a front line and the airport don't hand over." Givi told that the Ukrainian troops continue attempts of break on the territory of the Donetsk airport: "We protect the airport. There are attempts of break of equipment, from them 20 with kopeks is destroyed already".

The message from a militia.
"The militia extinguished "Styrene" in Gorlovka, threat of emission of chemicals isn't present more. At Donetsk fights proceed: chasteners to the city didn't pass, they have heavy losses in PM and equipment. VSU don't stop firing at the city on the areas. Just nazis made attack from RSZO "Hail" (a full package) to Putilovki's district. There was a "Hail" arrival to the district of a waste heap of Panfilovskaya Highway. On Sand severe shooting fight. And from there shelling to the district of a waste heap of Oktyabrskaya Highway. Our artillery struck blow to firing positions of nazis at the village Vodyanoye-Peski with two volleys from RSZO".

18.01.15. The message from the general Petrovsky of "The bad soldier".

"Unfortunately, is confirmed all conclusions stated by me in the Analytical note about a month ago. 1) - No later than January 15 - 20 of VSU will make an attempt to take Donetsk. Massive attacks, including for abstractedly will be struck to Gorlovka for this purpose. For the first time from summer fights the aircraft will start being used. Under cover of art blows DRG will enter the capital. For destruction of staffs, arrangements of military units and important objects a number of dot blows to them, most likely with use of attack aircraft and the Point - will be AT THE SAME TIME put At. All the same it with is written then on a militia. Videos of the address of residents of Donetsk with gratitude of VSU are already prepared. So far ALL scenario, unfortunately is confirmed. And I in Rostov."

18.01.15. 16:30. The message from Vladimir Skobtsev.
"Our sand!"

The message from Irina Belokolos (Pravda-DNR edition): "Sand are beaten off. Ours!".
The message from a militia: "Ukra start information about break to Putilovke-it is a fake. Donetsk strong costs. Ukra increase power of attacks: from positions at Novosyolovka they just made a volley from RSZO around the city, concrete the purposes aren't present, they work on squares at destruction. The artillery of a militia continues to burn out precisely batteries and weapon emplacements of chasteners in vicinities of Donetsk. Near Gorlovka chasteners receive powerful blows of the Hail that reduces their activity."

18.01.15. The message from DNR army:

- Break of parts of VSU in the area
Putilovke appeared a trap of DNR army. Equipment and manpower of the opponent
are destroyed. Losses on manpower are specified, Ukraine lost not less
two tanks.
- Sand completely under control of armed forces of DNR. Troops are fixed.
- 14 take-off of enemy aircraft are recorded. She couldn't strike blows because of weather. Anti-aircraft weapons were on call.

18.01.15. The message from the assistant to the speaker of VS DNR Oleg Frolov

"On the Motorola — he is living! Ukra beat so that mother don't grieve. Fire approximately from 03:00, in general without stopping. Rebels conduct counterbattery firing. Yesterday on the Petrovsky area seven 200th civil. On fight for the airport: 6 tanks and 1 BMP, to 15 of the 200th from their party. Today there was a hit on the downtown of Panfilov, 20 and 20B. Also there was a hit on the center of the World — these are houses opposite "Donbass Arenas". It is a lot of hits on the Petrovsky area, it is a lot of destructions. Kirovsky district, Svoboda Square there was a hit. The cannonade doesn't stop. If there were breaks between shots earlier, now it doesn't stop for a second. Counterbattery firing from all types of jet and barreled artillery is conducted".

Morning message of Information bureau of a militia of Novorossiya.

"The situation on the line of contact of divisions of DNR and LNR with troops of junta remained intense. The Ukrainian invaders systematically fired at positions of rebels and objects of civil infrastructure. Not the set of cases of use of the weapon by chasteners is recorded.

On Lugansk direction:

in 18.20 and 3.00 from Crimean the shelling, and at 20.15 fire blow by jet systems of volley fire on the positions of divisions of the Ministry of Defence of LNR located near Slavyanoserbsk was made;

at 18.40 from Popasny artillery of Banderovites the division of the rebels defending on Kirovski's suburb is fired;

at 20.10 from Kondrashovskaya the rest house territory underwent mortar attack. "Disyul";

at 20.15 jet systems of volley fire from Trekhizbenki, and at 3.05 artillery from Crimean struck fire blows to positions of defenders of Donbass near the Red Estuary.

Across Lugansk and its suburbs during the night a shelling wasn't conducted by invaders.

On the Donetsk direction:

at 17.35 from Mayorsk the shelling on the Izotovsky district of Gorlovka was conducted. Three houses are damaged;

in 19.50 and 21.00 from Debaltsevo and Novoorlovki from RSZO the positions of the Ministry of Defence of DNR located on the suburb of the city of Kirovsk were fired;

at 20.55 from Uglegorsk the fire blow was put with jet systems of volley fire on positions of rebels around Enakiyevo;

at 1.00 from Avdeevki with application of RSZO attack of Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk was conducted. Losses among civilians and destructions are specified.

During the night five fire blows by jet systems of volley fire were struck to positions of divisions of the Ministry of Defence of DNR defending at the airport ukrafashist:

at 0.25 from Avdeevki;

0.25 and 1.05 from Skilled;

at 20.40 from Water;

at 0.20 from outside Sand.

Groups of troops of a national militia continue to hold busy boundaries and areas in the appointed zones of responsibility and carry out the fortification equipment of positions".

18.01.15. 13:50. The message from Ivan Okhlobystin.

"From Donetsk in funeral notes write that never so bombed them. Simply destroy. Forgive me that I can't help!"

From a militia.

"Gorlovka is equaled with the earth in all calibers: the artillery of VSU beats on ALL districts of Gorlovka! Over TsGR planes, one or two are noticed, is unclear: hoots, people saw one in the sky, to us in the cellar is audible. Cluster bombs FALL, but is unclear where. The Ukrainian Satanists break to Gorlovka. In the north of the city ours stand on blocks as a steel wall, they are whipped by bullets and sokolka, but they don't depart on meter. In Donetsk an artillery hell. From Avdeevki shells to Putilovki's district arrive. From Novoselovki's direction to VSU hit from RSZO into the district of a waste heap of Panfilovskaya Highway. Enakiyevo's planes - Gorlovka are noticed. Arrivals of RSZO "Hail" to the district of the 1st platform. Arrivals of shells on the Petrovsy district, fall hundreds of shells on the areas".

From the rebel with a call sign of "22nd"
: "On our position fight was started". Good luck, guys! It is about the advanced positions of our protvotankovy artillery near Gorlovka!"

Donetsk underwent the most powerful attack for half a year! Shells fly on all city!
Residents of the capital of Donbass didn't sleep today - in the city the real hell is created. Shells fly in all districts of Donetsk; apparently, troops of DNR actively strike artillery attacks to positions of the Ukrainian army, and those hit into the answer around the city.

Shoot from howitzers, mortars, RSZO. Since summer I don't remember such firing in my area! People speak, "otvetka" arrived on Peace.

The nightmare proceeded all day yesterday, volleys of artillery didn't cease at night, and in the morning shellings were resumed with a new force. Information on the dead, injured people and destructions is specified.
Yesterday in the second half of day GPP 1 and GPP 2 of the PAO "DTEK PES-Energougol" municipal enterprise owing to what, there is no power supply at most of subscribers in the Kiev district of the city were disconnected. Energy drinks had no opportunity to leave on places of damages, military operations so are so conducted. Besides, still remains the Northern water knot is disconnected.
As a result of conducting military operations, for last days, there are mass damages of housing stock, infrastructure and communications of the city:

- st. is 50 years old of 133 of the Soviet Ukraine. The house of 15х20 in size, is destroyed completely;

- Svetlichnaya St. house 22. The inhabited two-storeyed house of 12Х15 in size, is destroyed completely;

- Lutugin St. house 33. The house of 5Х9 in size, is destroyed completely;

- Panfilov Ave., 20 and - a glazing;

- Panfilov Ave., 20 - hit in the 3rd floor;

- Shchors's hit / Panfilova, burns the Buffet reception;

- ave. Kiev, 61-children's hospital;

- Panfilov Ave., 20 hit (glazing);

- Panfilov Ave., 21 hit (7th case);

- Nedelin St., 44 hit (roof);

- Artem St., 277 hit in the 9th floor (is closer to a roof);

- Partizansky Ave., 72a - hit of a shell in a playground;

- Partizansky Ave., 37 - got a shell to the base;

- Zasyadko Ave., 2 - hit in a roof;

- Buslayev St., 31 hit in the 4th floor;

- Manpower reserves, 20 glazing;

- Krenkel St., 16 hit (glazing, verandah, summer kitchen, garage);

- Krenkel St., 18 hit in a wall;

- Krenkel St., 20 hit in a house corner;

- 66th school, hit Red Plowman;

- мкн. Nitric, 23 direct hit;

- Matrosova, 17 hit to the yard;

- st. of Yershov, 85 hit of a shell;

- Seversk, 23 - hit (in rayone7-8 floors);

- st. of Engels, 101 hit (two persons are wounded);

- Artem St., 277 and Olimpiyeva, 113 direct hits;

- hit Kuibyshev regional department, Shvernika (2 floor house burns, the substation is disconnected);

- Resident of Smolensk hit Kirov electric networks;

- Partizansky Ave., 72 "and" a direct hit (the house is disconnected from heat supply);

- st. of Engels, 101 - it is damaged a glazing;

- Жд the Appetite shop, is victims;

- Kiyevsky Ave. - an arrival around the 18th hospital;

- a minibus 25, as a result of explosion tore off the engine, information on victims isn't present;

- Svetlichnaya St. - burns the house;

- Poligraficheskaya St. and Political fighters (data on the victims to destructions are specified);

- Kutuzov Ave., 3 (two direct hits);

- ул Kalman, 19 (direct hit, destructions).

Data on the dead and wounded are specified.

152 transformer substations, in Kuibyshev, Kiev and Petrovsky districts of the city are around the city disconnected.

Emergency and recovery crews of the municipal enterprises can't leave on places of damages because of continuous shellings.

18.01.15. 11:25. The message from a militia.

"Preliminary data on losses came: in days 3 attacks are beaten off having stolen on AP, at a militia of 17 people is killed and wounded, losses having stolen 20 killed and 54 wounded. Chasteners now beat on the center of Donetsk, at 11:10 shells arrived to the district of park of Scherbakov, from outside VSU Sand continue to conduct mortar attack of waste heaps of October and Panfilovsky mines. At 11:20 VSU continues to beat around the city, arrives approximately to the area Kiev, to Artyom's region. On Kuibyshev shells lay down to the yards, splinters fly to apartments and senut windows! There is information on attempt having stolen to counterattack the Apostle. From Kramatorsk and from Krasnoarmeysk big columns of equipment of VSU are noticed. Across Gorlovka: report that Ukraine again used Hurricanes. The Komsomol member - it is audible bells! Temples of the city clang bells as GO sirens to warn citizens. The electricity, water and the Internet are absent in many districts of the city, with places houses burn, continually in all districts of the city shells land, including. what is. The militia urges people not to leave shelters. It is a lot of corpses in all areas! Enakiyevo too under massive attack".

18.01.15. 10:44. The message from a militia.

"VSU again resumed counterattack attempt: from outside Sand and Avdeevki there are tanks and infantry. From outside VSU Sand conduct attack of waste heaps of mine October and Panfilovsky. From Avdeevki fire to the area the Airport - the Subway. Chasteners conduct attack with two positions, also from Novosyolovki made a volley of RSZO "Hail" to Putilovki's district. Two landings of shells from VSU around Central Department Store. The artillery of army of Novorossiya started conducting fluent backfire on VSU positions near Donetsk and Gorlovka. We load Hyacinths, the handheld transceiver from reports is broken off, we don't manage to process on direction ukra. As a result of the proceeding Enakiyevo's attack some areas in the city are disconnected, there are interruptions in water. Around Filtering hit in houses and those. constructions. In Gorlovka the strongest attack proceeds. Information on several "200" - x peace in TsGR, and a set "300" arrived - x., the victims were at a stop, people didn't hide. TsGR, the Komsomol member without light, some houses without glasses, Kurganka too without light. In Kondratyevke the house is destroyed. Who didn't make yet a water-supply and at whom else goes - do probably waters there will be no long time."

18.01.15. 09:44. The message from the rebel Evgeny.

Night passed in Donetsk extremely tensely. All night long the cannonade sounded and attacks were conducted. Chasteners continue attack of AP (airport) and the area Sand. Fire from SAU and barreled artillery. Ours very precisely and effectively answer from Yasinovatoy. At night OUN and 93 (crew) of VSU from outside Sand broke again. There 9th my company. Zhora calmed them (and and I upokoit many) with the group. By the way, the 2nd company of the East now holds positions in Maryinke. Aleksandrovka - is neutralized DRG group of fennel and there are prisoners. The infantry of VSU in the city isn't present! They departed and fire artillery from suburbs. Part from them are killed still yesterday. The block in Aleksandrovka costs the nobody's. A motor-beater it is live and healthy, ukra for the 100-th time about it started a misinformation. Gorlovka too under blow, I don't know details, but there too wild osbtrela, especially from the North".

18.01.15. The message from bloggers.

"Ukrainians hide from mobilization, but demand declaration of war of Russia. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the draft of the decree of the president Poroshenko on carrying out three waves of mobilization in 2015. Under action of the decree the military personnel of a stock will get generally, and in a year about 200 thousand Ukrainians, including, and women are planned to mobilize all.

However, the maydauna which were actively supporting "revolution of advantage" persistently don't want to battle. Those who could - I left. Those who couldn't, look for the evasion reasons from a compulsory military service and shout - at first declare war of Russia and stop trading with the Russian Federation Roshen candies, and then we will go to be at war under shouts "For the homeland! For Poroshenko!". Expecting such reaction (only 25% of Ukrainians agree with the called colors) at the president prepared armor-piercing argument which immediately reaches mind, heart and a liver of any svidomit: under "war" of money the international partners won't give.

The adviser to the President of Ukraine Yury Biryukov in Facebook reported that the announcement of the martial law will stop the international financial aid.

"It is war. There are storms, there are victories, there are defeats. To me to spit on all exclamations "call war - war, but not timid ATO". I it shouted all summer, then to me on paper showed why we now can't make so", - he noted. According to the adviser to the President, that in Ukraine ATO war will call, at the airport of Donetsk "it will become easier for fighters not".

"Introduction of the martial law will stop the international financial help - without it we go to an economic corkscrew. And deep into - there is even more difficult and worse", - I marked out Unsociable persons on the specifying question why it is impossible to declare war. Really, corkscrew available: The IMF didn't send the next tranche, and the hryvnia beat the next historical minimum and passed a mark in 20 for a dollar. Therefore the more buyers and sellers of currency to equip on the front, the position in the currency market in general and in economy in particular is stabilized quicker. To whom is that not clear?"

Alexander Zhuchkovsky

Ours (the Semyonovsky battalion) - in combat readiness on the southern direction. At guys of a hand scratch, they demand continuation of a banquet in Mariupol. I hope, the September scenario won't repeat, and we on this direction are waited by either a victorious battle march, or slow, but right expression of the opponent from the city soon (including by an environment).

I left till Tuesday in the Russian Federation - to receive valuable freight, to buy to fighters equipment, to meet recruits. So "to conduct with fields" - after the 21st.

By the way, the flow of the Russian volunteers after holidays sharply increased, I don't manage to respond to the requests (as in old kind summertime). It is interesting that the percent arriving with combat experience grew.

And here colleagues transfer (a heading "Began"):

Rebel Kryzhin (Gorlovka):
"We have a full combat readiness on a division and the command to occupy perimeter defense is given. There is a probability that really began, till today such teams weren't given since that moment as we stopped being group and became a howitzer division - that is somewhere three months."

Rebel "Horned owl" (LNR):

"Also I want to note that strongly earned военторг - the last 6 days. It not sickly worked earlier, but if on five-point system that from September to January - on 3, and now on everything 6!"

Vladislav Brig

4 h. ·
The sonderkommando "Prikarpatye" is disbanded for mass desertion. The remained staff is scattered on other divisions.

8 h. ·
Ingenious course
1) In the Kharkov area from law-enforcement bodies about 500 employees who refused to go to a zone of carrying out so-called anti-terrorist operation are dismissed
2) The jobless citizens of Ukraine consisting on the account in the centers of employment will be called up first of all for military service when carrying out new mobilization

9 h. ·
In the declaration of the USA on protection of territorial integrity of Ukraine one essential detail for some reason isn't specified - whether they will protect Ukraine, as Korea and Vietnam (in half) or as Afghanistan and Iraq (to pieces).

14 h. ·
Human Rights Watch published a set of certificates of that Ukraine refuses to distinguish the military purposes and civilians as that is demanded by laws and customs of war, - the head Kenneth Roth reported it.
According to the executive director, human rights organization in November and December of last year at a meeting with the Ukrainian officials provided detailed information on cases of violations of the rules of war, including date, time and a scene.
- All ideas of Yatsenyuk's conflict have prejudiced character. It, Yatsenyuk, and many others probably consider impossible that someone can objectively apply laws and customs of war to both parties, - the head of HRW speaks, adding that the organization regularly reports on a situation as with that, and on the other hand.
- Instead of denying messages on abuses of the military, Kiev should recognize obvious and to stop conducting chaotic military operations.
Kenneth Roth also emphasized that the new Ukrainian government should remember that ability to recognize a mistake is considered the first readiness test for reforms.
We will remind, during the visit to Germany, Arseny Yatsenyuk too emotionally answered a question of the journalist of the Frankfurter Allgemeine edition of attack by the Ukrainian security officers of settlements in Donbass with cluster bombs, and also from the Hail installations. The prime minister of Ukraine started saying loudly that still "it doesn't have any proofs! Any proofs".

18.01.15. The message from the bad soldier:

"The main trouble of DNR not a position of Moscow and even not mythical wrecking of Surkov, namely "the real men" of Donbass who total number to MILLION didn't lift in May - June the..., didn't arm with okhotnichy guns and a pitchfork and didn't take the same Artemovsky warehouses, and still either on a sofa or on a grant in Russia.
Only Donetsk region 5 million minus a half of women minus children and old men - differently one million turns out (from 16 to 60 (comments).
When AI addressed to donchana in Slavyansk - some thousands responded in total, and this is at most one of two hundred "men". There were no 2-3 percent even, at most 0.5.
Usual standard demagogy of a hataskraynik - me all have to, are obliged...
Paskudstvo is in military age to go to DNR army, to VSU, even not to stay at home, and to live in Russia on a grant, to try to obtain citizenship and thus to stink on Putin for the small size of this grant. By the way exceeding the rebel's salary."

History about that the call sign "The bad soldier" from where undertook.
"To year so in 2002 there arrived to AI to Grozny the assistant the young officer. I took it to me to get acquainted - to work together. I looked at it (Mother expensive...) - with a growth 1.50 on it the helmet hanging on ears, a bullet-proof vest of an old sample is lower than knees and for some reason SVD striking a butt on the ground. On a question you who is he is proud answered - "I am a Bear", on what my almost two-meter "Bear cub" terribly took offense and said the phrase legendary subsequently: "Bear, what of you? You are a Koala.... No, Panda... No. you are the bad SOLDIER". And I got accustomed for the officer, it seems his Lesha called this call sign. And at a forum I took it that AI didn't doubt that I it I.
Following the results of fights that Lesh was excellent both the officer and the person."

18.01.15. The message from the inhabitant of Donetsk:

"Donetsk battles! I see it and I hear today everywhere in the central regions where visited any places. Videla – for a moment, not for long, but impressed wounded. I listened to a roar of all types among skyscrapers. I came into the good and cheerful company where one person spoke: "The father, you have a sleep – Lena, it not a call sign, it we call him so, it the senior here, at it the house near the airport, it left the grandmother there while can't get there, but keeps the good fellow, the man is seventy three years old, and it too at us the fighter!", and another: "And here – they on the trawler pull a network once – and in it the penguin, angry got confused, the infection, hisses something, bites still, they his hook on a head crack – it fell, and the friend speaks: give it in the freezer, I will make an effigy of it! - threw and forgot, and in two days open – and the penguin there happy, nearly hoots with laughter, fish all perezhrat, and the main thing, a reptile, all right one packing would clean, and that from all gradually … - Here the third person, stroking a bag with cartridges, asked: "And the penguin didn't shout there: I in paradise! I in paradise!"? And the story-teller with laughter continued: "No, I didn't shout, but I bit even more angrily, than earlier! They it by the scruff, under the back of a kick – you went, an animal! – through a board".
Here behind a window banged, the huge pack of crows rushed in all sky, and on my question that it was, the third of interlocutors told: "Popadalovo. Take down inhabited sector". And the first called by phone: "Fine, brother, well you there? And, well good fellow. Well, of course, it took your three-hundredth body and incurred, and that you still there still would lie as this lies, it already lies days, well, all see it, and think that it, maybe, the live.
And, aha, your three-hundredth body was put on cold is that you didn't deteriorate, huh? Well as I then lay twenty four hours! Well anything, will heal …" - Here the third inserted: "Don't forget to tell: as on a dog!" - On what that laughed, told "as on a dog" and continued: "And you has to be on figs, you are a Spartan, and I am a Spartan". After these words I can't get off feeling that the legend fanned me as a morning flaw, I shrouded as if a veil, and I so shrouded also go. My way back lay by the disturbing impenetrable places which suddenly plunged into darkness, around everything shook from a roar, was desert, but I on mind had only from what sort people I happened to communicate just. What else fear? What attacks? Yes they went – that, the first time, perhaps? I and told when the sister of darling called with a question, whether it is terrible to me. Not terribly. And much around in the same way. I saw itself. Donbass – the hero.
Roar Gradov and glow from one our treasured party, lingering whistle on the Big Arch and far explosions all in the same place, where the airport! The junta receives what deserves! So it, Donetsk! Shook. Similar to hits. As speak, somewhere about "Beacon" or the 3rd East. People, you keep. All the same doesn't shine freaks.
Ukra let broadcast that want - though that they are ancestors of amoebas though that the Moon moustached and with oseledets. I remember how at the beginning of June my colleagues ran with squeal that on Kiyevsky Avenue there are Ukrainian tanks. I then sat down - a leg on a leg - and took an interest, whether beautiful natsgadik on them sit. The freshest - me! That still I wait, I looked through all windows, all pillows I cried. And now same hogwash!"

Social networks

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Analytical comment of Boris Rozhin:

"Tomorrow with very high probability the airport Sand will proceed "рубилово" in the area. Ukra throw large reserves from the southwest direction right now. It is a lot of tanks, BMP and the armored personnel carrier.

After an obvious failure of attempts to solve a situation a compromise (on the terms of the Kremlin the USA refused to admit Novorossiya to structure of Ukraine flatly, and on the terms of the USA the Kremlin refused to capitulate), military operations became inevitable. In general - the USA wanted war and they received it. Dispersal went since January 15 and the 18th it reached the maximum tension. As it was already told during the fall and December, the moment when the menacing preventions from Novorossiya's military coincide with reality will come. In recent days we visually saw as the military operations predicted since fall renewed in almost full volume.

1. The junta lost the new terminal and despite all attempts to return it, suffered tactical defeat here. Today's attempt to strike in a joint between the settlement Spartak and a complex of structures of the airport ended with fight at Putilovsky Bridge where break was liquidated. The infantry of VSN holding already couple of days the new terminal at support of artillery quite surely beat off attacks of junta. Failure of junta however doesn't mean that during the night or tomorrow new attempts to return control over the new terminal won't follow.

2. Along with it, forces of VSN took the offensive to Sand, having broken through to the settlement and having started there street fights where ours slowly but surely move ahead. The opponent shows desperate resistance that doesn't let speak about complete control over the settlement yet. Both parties actively apply barreled and jet artillery, throwing up to Sand reserves in view of what prompt development of success doesn't happen, there is a fight on exhaustion. Also to the strongest artillery attacks positions of artillery of junta under Sand are exposed, to Avdeevkaya and Krasnogorovkaya, and also junta positions around Maryinki. The intermediate purpose of this work - to reduce intensity of attacks of residential quarters is obvious. Also ours came to Avdeevki's suburbs that says that storm of the settlement can already begin at night.

3. The cities of DNR and LNR strongly suffer from terrorist attacks of fascist junta. Today most of all got to Gorlovka, where shells zalatel not only in the private sector, but also to the downtown. Exact number of the victims and volume of destructions it is still unknown, but most likely the number of victims will be two-digit. Also across Gorlovka without special effect for the first time since summer the aircraft of the opponent fulfilled. that eloquently points to gravity of intentions. On approaches to Gorlovka the opponent besides attacks, carried out developing attack where however I didn't make special success. The main forces, despite high intensity of military operations, the opponent doesn't engage to action so far.

4. Near Bakhmutskaya Route and Slavyanoserbsk attempts of the parties to take the offensive meanwhile didn't lead to serious change of a situation - activity of the parties is extinguished by a gun-fire. Attempts of counterattack on the Village Lugansk after unsuccessful actions of junta on this site, also didn't lead to powerful results, the settlement still behind junta.

5. Near Mariupol, despite the general superiority in forces, VSN doesn't take the offensive so far, conducting artillery preparation on the opponent's positions. In a number of points the opponent didn't sustain fire and departed. The opponent still keeps reserves in depth of construction being afraid of blows of the mechanized connections of VSN.

6. Indicative activity of "voyentorg" has under itself the foundation laid in November when there took place purposeful work on preparation of an intensfikation of its work, including training of "workers" and operational development of "tools". Intensification terms all the time moved for a week for political reasons but as soon as the diplomatic deadlock which started appearing after Milan became obvious, the starting signal was received and rates of work of "voyentorg" in few days exceeded August volumes. Prepared "военторг" not just like that because in November the understanding started ripening that the events can will end only with war which despite all mantras will begin not in the spring, and in the winter as the USA aren't ready to wait until Putin deigns to give up them.
Naturally, having access to this information since November, it was a little amusing to observe hysterics of "putinslivshchik" on "all merged" and a roulade of "hitroplanovets" on "Novorossiya's delivery to uniform pro-Russian Ukraine". I think much now my muted optimism, in December-January will be clear. From the point of view of military planning, the current behavior of junta was predicted since November. Preventions of military investigation of DNR, the Ministry of Defence of DNR, Strelkov, Petrovsky and others (it besides collection of information on own channels) in this or that look reached "directors of a voyentorg" and there practical measures (some of which copresent can see on Novorossiya's roads) concerning possible threat were taken. Certainly, the knowledge in itself, doesn't give 100% of a guarantee that counter-measures for 100% will be effective (certain doubts in it I heard from quite persons, competent of this question) - military operations will show, how well those to whom follows, fulfilled threat.

7. Certainly, the scenario which is realized before our eyes extremely complicates possibility of return to the "Minsk" or "Norman" format especially as these formats will only be necessary to junta in case she starts suffering a military defeat, and the USA these negotiations and for nothing aren't necessary. Therefore against the going military operations, attempts to return a situation to the diplomatic scenario, will be consciously torpedoed by Kiev and Washington. Russia certainly didn't want this scenario and in every way aspired from it will evade (and moreover, will try to jostle paste back in a tube), but in accordance with the circumstances and persistent desire of "the Good citadel" to evade it didn't turn out and now it was necessary only to win (having inflicted one or several defeats over troops of junta) because military failure in Novorossiya in these conditions is unacceptable for Russia. It is necessary to expect that at defeats of junta, to Russia diplomatic and economic influence will be sharply strengthened.

We will wish to fighters of VSN and workers of "voyentorg" of courage and progress in fight against fascist junta. Ahead they have a lot of work. I want to warn against shapkozakidatelsky mood - fight will be heavy, persistent and bloody, it is impossible to underestimate the opponent. And yes, Novorossiya under the power of junta won't return."

Boris Rozhin

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The head of investigation of DNR general Petrovsky told about the vision of further development of approach of VSU.

"Voyentorg is ready (to approach of VSU), residents aren't ready.

Now beat even on the center — got to a high-rise building on Mira Ave. 27. It is necessary to beat out URGENTLY having stolen from a track — to take Avdeevka, differently the panic will begin in the city.

If to analyse all previous approaches of VSU that the tendency is accurately traced — at active ukra resistance completely exhaust for 4, well at most 5 days and if receive shock in the form of, for example, the positions or columns covered with Gradami — that and znachitalno fall earlier into a stupor, management vanishes completely.

So, today the SECOND day of an active phase, means it is possible to expect continuation of attacks only on Monday and Tuesday, with the minimum share of probability also on Wednesday. It doesn't belong to artillery.

At having stolen forces will be enough only for ONE resolute approach, but they will carry out it SURELY.

I about it wrote — that will be enough for one approach of forces at VSU and it before approach крещенско February frosts will be obligatory.

I think will use tactics of a scorched earth — to bear Gradami quarter after a quarter and to enter on ruins.

Plus DRG. If it is serious, they won't take Donetsk, but will destroy very strongly".

Rebel: The 9th company of crew the East takes Sand. There is a fight

In PS Sand and 93 VSU are rejected on the southwest of the settlement. Attack of their positions from artillery is conducted. Continuous firefights. Work our as the prelate. It is a lot of 300kh from both parties.

In OUN Sand almost I died out, and in attempt of break on Putilovka, fennel lost most of all. Across Avdeevka I don't know. There in the help the artillery from Yasinovatoy works. There is a fight.

By the morning there was a tank attack in Sand. About 15 pieces of equipment of VSU tried to beat off the positions. Already ours work ПТУРы. To the 7th morning attack of VSU was beaten off! The 9th company of crew the East takes Sand. There is a fight. I think, it is a high time to run to pravoseka.

Ukra, for Gorlovka will be responsible me!

Since yesterday ukra try to attack on the yasinovatsky direction, but anything it is impossible to them, we give worthy repulse.

Last two days, impressions: "Военторг" - sale! There was a heap of posts new. A slaughter on all front.

On materials of Internet mass-media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

When the Kiev junta unilaterally left a ceasefire regime (which, it, it is necessary to recognize, not strongly and I observed), it, obviously, didn't expect so powerful and resolute answer of Novorossiya.

Peacefulness and readiness for negotiations of the management of DNR and LNR were interpreted in Kiev as weakness of the National Republics. Strategists of junta were sure that the destroyed infrastructure, winter, problems of supply and internal contradictions made the business and resistance to the coming chasteners will be weak.

But the first hours of fights seriously disappointed Kiev. Chasteners were stopped, and then VSN turned into counterattack which successfully develops on all major directions.

Meanwhile it isn't necessary to speak about any strategic progress of defenders of Donbass. However loss of an initiative by troops of junta is available. Besides, there are all bases to speak about a psychological change.

It is no secret that August-September defeat of invaders which brightest symbol was Ilovaysk, made the extremely negative impact, both on the Ukrainian paramilitary groups, and on all society, having undermined belief that chasteners will be able to get the best of defenders of Donbass. The troops beaten, which aren't believing in the victory can't win.

For this reason throughout all truce the Ukrainian promotion assured that VSU get stronger day by day that the whole world arms Ukraine, and fighting capacity of troops of junta is incredibly high.

But nevertheless the victory was extremely necessary at least small, but. And the Donetsk airport and the "cyborgs" who sat down at it had to represent it (as christened "immortal" chasteners of an ukrosma).

The new terminal and dispatching tower was represented, as Ukrainian "The Brest fortress", "Stalingrad" and "Immortal fortress Bamut" rolled into one and triumph of a martial spirit of Ukrainians.

For such inconvenient moments as the rotation of "cyborgs" allowed by rebels and transportation of products in "the Ukrainian Brest fortress", the Kiev propagandists tried not to focus attention. As well as that "cyborgs" with firmness kept exactly until, didn't undertake them seriously so far.

But put even not in it, and that such obsession of the Kiev propagandists and politicians with the airport turned in public consciousness of Ukraine this, in general, minor object nearly into the sacral center, in such "кащеево egg" juntas. And its loss pulls down all carefully built house of cards of the Ukrainian martial spirit and belief in "peremoga".

As a result psychological value of release of the airport from invaders is much more, than purely military advantages which received VSN, having cleared its territory of chasteners.

Recognition of the fact of loss of the airport by Kiev easily can provoke political crisis and cause overthrow (or rather rotation) juntas.

For this reason Poroshenko demands to beat off by all means at least part of the territory of airfield and there to be fixed (that already led on the night of January 16 the Ukrainian formations to big losses). And ukrosm continue to claim that "the airport remains under control of the Ukrainian military".

OSCE, trying to help Kiev with this deadlock, I suggested the head of DNR to give to the airport razed to the ground the status of "the demilitarized zone" and to disengage from there all troops, on what Alexander Zakharchenko reasonably answered "monitors" that the airport can have only one status — the territory of DNR.

Thus, the junta appeared in a trap of own promotion and now doesn't know how to get out of it.

Social networks

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Active resistance of Novorossiiya compels Kiev to remember the world
The next attempt of the Kiev security officers in defiance of the Minsk agreements to make blitzkrieg in Donbass, suffered a failure.

As report Donetsk mass media, only for the last days armed forces of Ukraine lost about 200 people the killed and wounded. Besides, the militia established control over the settlement Sand. Losses from rebels – 8 people the killed and over 300 wounded. During the specified period 56 shellings of settlements of DNR and positions of a militia were recorded. And to the city of Gorlovka on which the air bomb weighing about 500 kg was dumped, Poroshenko and team, seemingly, prepared a fate of the Spanish Guernica. We will remind, in 1937 Franco's regime with assistance of the German aircraft as a result of hours-long bombing tried to wipe out this settlement.


The Serbian voluntary group "Serbian Hussars" created in the Donetsk National Republic took part in combat operation near Donetsk. It was the first large combat operation of neogenic Serbian division, reports Novorossiya news agency.

Together with fighters of the battalions "East" and "Stronghold" of a militia of Novorossiya the Serbian volunteers took part in operation on occupation of the settlement Sand near the airport of Donetsk.

150 fighters, 5 tanks and three VS DNR armored personnel carrier took part in approach to Sand. By recognition of one of the Serbian volunteers with a call sign "Deacon", approach wasn't crowned with success. Fighters of a militia managed to approach Sand on distance in 300 meters then on them heavy fire was opened.

Bad coordination of actions and strong Ukrainian defense in the settlement nullified efforts of the coming. Command made the decision to stop approach. The Serbian division didn't suffer losses. One rebel from structure of other unit was lost.

– We were compelled to stop approach. Fulfilled the Pochuch perfectly well: I covered our retreat and the last I left itself, – the Serbian volunteer with a call sign "Deacon" told journalists.
The Serbian volunteers are at war as a part of armed forces of Novorossiya both in the territory of DNR, and in the territory of LNR.

We will note that at the moment Sand, after two unsuccessful storms are already exempted by defenders of Donbass from the Ukrainian chasteners.

Meanwhile on the route Kharkov — Rostov-on-Don (a distance Slavyansk — Artemovsk) two self-propelled artillery Peony installations of the Ukrainian army moving towards Artemovsk were noticed.

Areas of military operations, both under Debaltsevo, and near Gorlovka can be a terminal point of following of "Peonies".

Self-propelled Peony tools are the most large-caliber, from all artillery systems which are on arms of army of Ukraine. The caliber of "Peonies" makes 8 inches (203,2 millimeters).

The maximum range of firing of "Peonies" — 47 kilometers. In case of expansion around Debaltsevo, or near Gorlovka, these long-range large-caliber tools will be able to hit the targets located in Enakiyevo or in the districts of Gorlovka remote from a front line.

Feature of artillery Peony system is also that these tools are capable to shoot the uncontrollable and operated shells. Now investigation of DNR finds out an exact place of arrival "Peonies, and also, whether the operated shells which are included in their fighting package are thrown in a zone of military operations, along with Peony systems.

On materials mass media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


"In view of increase in attacks of settlements of the Donetsk national republic, the number of victims among civilians increased. In recent days with wounds 44 persons, including 4 children were brought to medical institutions (one child is in a serious condition in reanimation). 9 people, including the child (the girl, were lost 4 years)" — it today, on January 19, was declared to journalists by the second-in-command of the DNR MO case Eduard Basurin.

According to him, as a result of yesterday's shelling 81 destructions of inhabited and non-residential premises are recorded. "For the last days 56 attacks on settlements are recorded, it only attacks by heavy artillery, since 82 mm to 150 mm of tools are considered.

Attacks by smaller calibers weren't considered. All districts of the city of Donetsk, except for Proletarsky district of the city underwent attack. 81 destructions of inhabited and non-residential premises are recorded. There are violations of work electro - and heating systems" — Basurin told.

He reported that the Ukrainian troops broke the truce mode, making attacks and attempts of break. "Military operations go on all front line, since the South (Sea of Azov) and finishing with the North. Everywhere the opponent applies heavy arms.

In some places the opponent tries to go for break. The statement the Ukrainian party about ceasefire at 00:00 on January 19, 2015, the Ukrainian party isn't carried out. In an interval 10 violations of arrangements were recorded from 00:00 till 10:00" — Basurin stated.

The representative MO DNR noted that only for yesterday of VSU lost 16 pieces of equipment. "From them 4 BMP, 2 tanks (one of them is captured by us), 7 armored personnel carriers. About 200 people were killed and wounded. For only two days the opponent lost 37 units of various military equipment and about 700 people of the killed and wounded of manpower.

Losses among a militia, that we can officially call — 8 people of the killed and 33 are wounded" — Basurin emphasized. He also reported that yesterday, on January 18, the center Gorlovka underwent strong shelling. Aircraft of VSU from big height on the city was air bombs, allegedly with a weight of 500 kg are dumped.

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Fluently about a situation at the front.

1. The main structures of the Donetsk airport strongly are kept by infantry of VSN. On our positions around the airport the junta periodically fulfills artillery. The junta can't show any proofs of existence of the forces around terminals, because of absence of real, but not propaganda progress. In general, as expected last week, by Monday VSN started controlling key objects of the Donetsk airport densely. Strategically not God knows, but from the propaganda and symbolical point of view, for junta this obvious defeat to which she meanwhile can't reconcile and doesn't want.

2. Having reflected blows to the airport, VSN put counterstrokes still yesterday near Donetsk that allowed to leave to Avdeevki's suburbs (the truth about occupation of the settlement the speech meanwhile doesn't go) and to start fights directly in Sand. I will remind that earlier already I made similar attempts of VSN and there were even bravura statements that Sand took or just about we will take, but everything didn't develop in any way. This time, really came into Sand seriously and there street fights where using superiority in forces were developed, the opponent was forced gradually out from the most part of the territory of the settlement. Resistance was shown very strong, there is a certificate of the Serbians storming Sand on at least one attack which is beaten off by junta. But resistance is overcome and in the afternoon the junta was compelled to recognize that the part of the settlement isn't controlled by it. It is expected that fights under Sand will last at least 1-2 more days and VSN still it is necessary to make certain efforts to squeeze out the remains of local garrison from Sand and to secure perimeter. One of key factors of successful advance of VSN is excellent work of our artillery which not only put in fights of the last days considerable losses to the opponent, but also the infantry of junta led to decrease in intensity of fire of artillery of junta therefore artillery support of the airport and garrison sharply weakened Sand, and near fight as well as earlier transfers quite badly. Losses of the parties in these fights obviously will be considerable.


3. Terrorist attacks of Donetsk and Gorlovka proceeded today. They as well as have earlier no military value, it that the war crime built in system. In the cities of DNR there are new destructions and the victims, it is impossible to suppress all firing positions only counterbattery work at this stage. Local authorities constantly urge locals to hide for the period of an intensification of attacks in cellars and air-raid shelters as that the junta will suddenly cease to kill civil and to destroy the cities very few people trust.

4. A front line Stanitsaluganskaya - Slavyanoserbk and the Debaltsevsky pocket of essential changes didn't undergo. The parties still exchange blows of artillery and RSZO, periodically trying to probe defense of the opponent. In general here so far there is rather position war and there was a situation of dynamic balance.

5. Near Mariupol, ours continued to process junta positions artillery and using waste of the divisions of junta which aren't maintaining fire, moved ahead towards the city to the East and the northeast a little. Advance is complicated by both a reciprocal gun-fire, and minefields which the junta poked here in the fall waiting for a throw of tank connections of VSN to Berdyansk and Zaporozhye bypassing the city.

In general, it isn't necessary to speak about large-scale approach, both parties of a periodcheska take local offensive actions, solving generally tactical problems. At junta it for the last couple of days turned out badly - special achievements aren't present, and sensitive losses are. VSN can brag of the busy new terminal, part Sand and several settlements it is less. Therefore it is possible to speak with confidence that fights of the last two days developed to benefit for VSN, though we also had sensitive losses.

Situation at the front on January 19

In Kiev wait for inspection from "black mister" headed by the top military commander of the USA in Europe Hodges in the next few days. Hodges most likely will have to estimate a situation on a place and to provide to the White House and Committee of Chiefs of Staffs of the recommendation about rendering military aid (in the Senate requirements to begin deliveries of "lethal" arms just the other day became more active) and to give an objektivka on a real situation at the front.
Hodges is uporoty "hawk" in the spirit of McCain so it isn't difficult to present that it will recommend.

Until hands of Russia are tied by Ukraine, the countries on perimeter of Russia have two-three years to be prepared for the similar scenario © Hodges

Well you understood, will set fire on all perimeter.

In general, the situation continues to remain very difficult at the front. Showdown ended not in favor of junta which suffered a number of small tactical defeats and one great propaganda defeat at the airport. The main forces aren't engaged to action yet therefore the situation of strategic uncertainty remains.

Source: DNR24


Garik Sukachyov, Alexander Sklyar and Ivan Okhlobystin - Dedication to Donetsk

Garik Sukachyov, Alexander Sklyar, Ivan Okhlobystin with the Moscow rock musicians devote the song "Let's Light, the Companion, on One" to residents of Donetsk at whom troops of the Kiev Satanists on the Holiday of the Baptism of the Lord fire.


On the materials Internt-SMI
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s inability to make up his mind whether to opt for an escalation of combat operations in the south-east of the country or the search for settling the crisis by peaceful means is a sure sign of how dependent he is and how strong the external pressures on him are, the president of the International Centre for Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, retired, has told TASS in an interview.

Last weekend Kiev launched a massive offensive against the positions under the control of the Donetsk People’s Republic militias. The Donetsk Republic’s Defense Ministry says the Ukrainian military carried out 50 massive artillery bombardments of Donetsk. Fierce fighting for the militias-controlled Donetsk airport lasted throughout January 18.

Read also
Mobilization announced in Ukraine
New spate of drafting to Ukrainian Armed Forces fraught with full-scale war in Europe
Russian official says any truce in Ukraine's east increases discontent
Ukrainian army attempts to reconquer Donetsk airport fail — Donetsk republic leader
Ukrainian forces launch 56 shelling attacks on Donbas in one day — DPR republic

According to Russian presidential press-secretary Dmitry Peskov Kiev on January 15 dismissed President Vladimir Putin’s proposal addressed to both parties involved in the conflict - the Ukrainian forces and Donbas militias - for taking urgent steps to put an end to mutual bombardments and immediately withdraw heavy armaments in compliance with the Minsk Memorandum. On Monday, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry came out for signing a timetable for the implementation of the Minsk Accords and for enforcing ceasefire as of January 19.

“The inconsistency displayed by the Kiev authorities and Petro Poroshenko in person is a sure sign the Ukrainian president is a dependent figure. He is exposed to heavy pressure from the US Administration, to which he has promised to clear the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of militias. It is not accidental that the United States had plans for shale gas development in the territory of Donbas, and son of US Vice-President Joe Biden was going to start his own company there,” Ivashov said.

“Under Washington’s scheme by launching another Ukrainian army offensive against militias in Donbas Poroshenko was expected to provoke Kremlin to retaliate, to lure Russia into a war with the European Union. Besides, there is the so-called 'party of war' that has been pushing the Ukrainian president towards an escalation of combat operations - the head of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr Turchynov, the Dnepropetrovsk Region’s governor, Igor Kolomoisky, Right Sector leader Dmitry Yarosh, chairman of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko and others. None of them is eager to fight a war, but all have been pushing the supreme commander-in-chief towards a continuation of hostilities,” Ivashov said.

© Stepan Petrenko/TASS

Ukrainian army regrouping in east of the country, additional troops moved in — Poroshenko

“The two weeks of truce have changed the balance of force between Donbas and Ukraine in Kiev’s favor. Poroshenko used the January 13 provocation that looked like an artillery attack against a passenger bus near the town of Volnovakha and the death of twelve civilians there to accuse the militias of a terrorist attack against civilians and on that pretext to try to regain control of the Donetsk Airport. But the January 18 attempt to storm the airport ended in failure, and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry came out with a proposal for a ceasefire starting from January 19.

“The air gate of the Donetsk airport is currently useless. The fighting has razed it to the ground, and its restoration will require years and hundreds of millions of dollars. But at the same time it is a strategic stronghold, from where the Ukrainian military can shell Donetsk and nearby communities. As for the Donetsk Republic’s militias, they can use the airport for offensive operations to defend Donetsk, force the Ukrainian artillery pieces and rocket launchers leave their positions close to the residential areas, and to straighten the frontline. This explains the ferocity of the fighting for the airport,” Ivashov believes.

“I believe that the yet another ‘peace initiative’ the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry came up with on January 19 indicates Kiev was able to see for itself the operation to storm the Donetsk airport had been poorly prepared, so it decided to backtrack to take a pause. It is merely one in a series of ploys to build up forces to keep fighting,” the analyst said.

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The Ukrainian military draft for 2015 has come into effect. It’s expected to see 100,000 people joining the army in three stages throughout the year. The self-proclaimed Donetsk republic says the process is undermining peace agreements.

The first stage of the draft, starting on Tuesday, will last ninety days and will seek 50,000 recruits. Two more stages will follow in April and June.

The main aim of the mobilization is said to be replacement for those on the front line in eastern Ukraine, who were recruited last year.

Those eligible for draft are primarily reserve servicemen aged from 25 to 60. They are supposed to get a month of training before they actually go to the battlegrounds in eastern Ukraine. Women – mostly nurses and psychologists - are also subject to mobilization,

The Ukrainian military’s new offensive against the breakaway republics in Donbass renders any anti-Russian sanctions immoral, and demonstrates the West’s true objectives, says Sergey Naryshkin, the State Duma speaker.

VIENNA, January 20 /TASS/. The Ukraine army is using forbidden means and methods of warfare in a bid to regain control over the Donetsk airport, Andrey Kelin, Russia’s Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), told journalists on Tuesday.

“The military are trying to regain their positions by using forbidden means and methods of warfare such as air bombardments and heavy bombardments of the city’s central districts causing human casualties and destroying the infrastructure,” Kelin said.

DONETSK, January 20. /TASS/. All Ukrainian soldiers taken hostage on Tuesday during fighting at Donetsk airport will be handed over to their relatives, head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Alexander Zakharchenko.

Zakharchenko also promised that all Ukrainian soldiers killed in attacks at Donetsk airport would be handed over for burial in their homeland with military honors.

He also called on Ukrainian citizens to come to their senses and “do not let their children go to the fratricidal war.”

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Did a Russian Parliamentarian Just Commit Treason? (LINK)


An interesting thing happened in Washington recently, and it had nothing to do with Beltway politics, Democrats vs. Republicans, or any of the other standard fare for the middle of the week in mid-January. Rather, a relatively small, little publicized event took place at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a prominent liberal-leaning think tank in Washington.

The event, “Russia’s Opposition in a Time of War and Crisis,” featured prominent Russian liberal opposition parliamentarian (member of the Russian Duma) Ilya Ponomarev, a noted critic of Russian President Putin, providing a detailed presentation regarding the current political climate in Russia, and the potential for the ousting or overthrow of the Russian government. Yes, you heard that right. A Russian elected official came to the United States to give a talk about how best to effect regime change in his own country

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Tanks of LNR army broke on Bakhmutka, occupied page. The fillet is also stormed by the 29th post, the 24th crew under the threat of an environment and sustains losses.

20.01.2015 - 17:01
The Ukrainian army couldn't beat off attack of LNR army and recedes on Bakhmutk Route. The Ukrainian military and journalists report about it. Recently about it the fighter of the battalion "Donbass" Evgeny Shevchenko wrote on the page on Facebook.

"Tanks broke on Bakhmutka, and the militia already came into the village. Fillet. the 24th crew, having suffered losses, under storm fire of all types of artillery arms I left the 31st post. There is a fight for the 29th! We are ready to a meeting!" — Shevchenko explained.

Also information was confirmed by the Ukrainian journalist Sergei Ivanov: "rebels destroyed the 31st post on Bakhmutka. After 6-hour shelling from everything that is only possible, tanks went. Ours burned one, however still isn't clear, what number of forces and equipment is involved in this operation which has the purpose to surround page. Crimean, having locked the 24th crew of VSU which is based there".

Earlier the ex-battalion commander of the battalion "Donbass" Semyon Semenchenko reported about fights around the 31st and 29th posts on Bakhmutka. "On the 31st and 29th posts of Lugansk area there are fights, in army divisions there are victims".

About it the people's deputy and the battalion commander of "Donbass" Semenchenko wrote to Facebook. "31 and 29th post. Lugansk area. Since morning, as a result of 6 hour artillery preparations, serious damages are put to 31 posts, the blow is struck by heavy machinery of terrorists. In the army divisions holding strong points, a significant amount "300", given on "200 "no" — he wrote.

Comment: Screeched, national reptiles... Means presses their militia, on the play course... And it isn't weak...

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Probably, not only I - many of us am not abandoned the last months by this chilling feeling of a deja vu. After all everything that occurs now in distressful Novorossiya, already was - Khatyn, Babi Yar, trophies in parcels for native muter and kinders...

Not only information on spare parts of "cyborgs" comes from zone ATO. The survived "hero" send by "New mail" or transmit through fellow countrymen "trophies", among which rotangovy furniture, cribs, ware.

However, the craftiest marauders get also more valuable things, than children's matrasik or tulle curtains. Here that my friend told about the relative from Slavyansk who took out in May of children from Donbass to the Western Ukraine, to Rakhov where good acquaintances agreed to shelter them:

Just now I went to take away sons - after all in Slavyansk rather quietly, the house was tinkered, it is necessary to children in school. And just at this time to their hospitable hostess the parcel from the son who is at war not the first month in zone ATO came. "Peredachka" was brought by the colleague. And in it - rings, gold chains, ear rings, and even... gold crowns. The guest in horror: "How it is so possible? Same great sin!". On what the hostess, displaying "good" on caskets, quietly, without shadow of doubt answers on a melodious mova "What it is a sin? It is removed from animals!".

The acquaintance seized children in an armful - and run from "solar Zakarpatye". Here such history from the "uniform kraina" series.

Olga Talova
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Talking heads of "ATO", namely the adviser to the president Yu. Biryukov borrowing also and a position of the assistant to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, started in rotation the fable about the framework of the airport which is brought down today for the purpose of preparation of the public for recognition of the fact of full loss by "cyborgs" of the Donetsk airport. The famous journalist Alexander Chalenko suspected the Ukrainian propagandists of such adventure.

It is impossible to fill up what isn't present: cyborgs long ago in the grobikakh


In his opinion, the mode spodruchny to prove a failure a building collapse, than to recognize that staunch "Atlases cyborgs" completely blew opposition to "nedochelovekam-Motorolas".

"Now the Ukrainian command trains the Ukrainian citizens for news that the airport is taken by a militia not to explain and that it is Atlases cyborgs of a prosr*la the airport to some nedochelovekam-Motorolas, Biryukov's lips composed the fable that the second floor at the airport failed and filled up cyborgs. Perhaps it there also failed, but it was a few days ago. Today at the airport couldn't fill up anybody simply because there long ago there are no cyborgs. All of them in the grobikakh or were winded", - the journalist writes.



On materials of Internet mass-media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya



Active resistance of Novorossiiya compels Kiev to remember the world
The next attempt of the Kiev security officers in defiance of the Minsk agreements to make blitzkrieg in Donbass, suffered a failure.

As report Donetsk mass media, only for the last days armed forces of Ukraine lost about 200 people the killed and wounded. Besides, the militia established control over the settlement Sand. Losses from rebels – 8 people the killed and over 300 wounded. During the specified period 56 shellings of settlements of DNR and positions of a militia were recorded. And to the city of Gorlovka on which the air bomb weighing about 500 kg was dumped, Poroshenko and team, seemingly, prepared a fate of the Spanish Guernica. We will remind, in 1937 Franco's regime with assistance of the German aircraft as a result of hours-long bombing tried to wipe out this settlement.

The received repulse from rebels with counterattack prospect on the positions controlled by Kiev forces Poroshenko's command to remember September maneuver in Minsk. That is, to return to the negotiating table. As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin, Kiev at last declared, "ripened" to cooperate with Moscow in providing a ceasefire regime in Donbass. The Ukrainian authorities are ready to realize the schedule of the Minsk arrangements which was agreed on November 13. Moreover, they are, allegedly, ready to cease fire since January 19. The algorithm of a pacification of the parties offered OSCE assumes three stages: ceasefire (in two days), branch of heavy arms (on it five days are given) and cultivation of forces through differentiation according to the Minsk memorandum (21 days).

It is indicative that the Russian President Vladimir Putin last Thursday sent the written message to the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko who contained the plan offer to the parties about branch of heavy artillery. However then this peace initiative of Moscow was ignored. Instead of what Kiev preferred to taste once again Donbass in military sense. At the same time, Poroshenko signed the law on mobilization (already the fourth), and under Volnovakhoy, the regular bus in which civilians went was fired. 12 passengers were lost, 18 people got fragmental wounds.

In spite of the fact that Kiev continues to be at war not only with rebels, but also with civilians, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine hypocritically declares that the country "steadily adheres to all points of the Minsk agreements and demands it from Russia". This time it is offered to agree in "a Norman format" (that is, without Americans and rebels). At first in the form of consultations of tripartite contact group, a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia, and further - the summit of heads of these states and governments in Astana.

If Kiev really wanted to stop military operations, it would occur even in the summer after defeat near Ilovaysk, the deputy director of the center of an ukrainistika and a belorusistika of Lomonosov Moscow State University Bogdan Bezpalko considers.

– Every time when the mode suffers a defeat in the battlefield, he asks respites. In this quality, actually, ceasefire also acts. Just to the accompaniment of the most cruel and ruthless attack of Gorlovka and Donetsk from all types of heavy arms "march of the world" in Kiev took place pharisaic.

Experts of OSCE recognized innocence of rebels in execution of the regular bus. Respectively, responsibility for this crime is born by the Kiev authorities. Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk's team izovratsya already so frankly, what even at OSCE the patience comes to an end.

Rebels bore blow of the Ukrainian military who accumulated forces during all so-called "truce". Now they, on the contrary, turn into counterattack. The Ukrainian party counts that will stop it by means of diplomatic levers. Further to accumulate forces. The ambassador of Azerbaijan in Kiev, in fact, sounded this strategy. Having stated a wish that Ukraine recovered the breath, I saved up forces and again I advanced to the attack for return of the lost territories (it is impossible to exclude that among the last the diplomat meant also the Russian Crimea - an editor's note).

"Joint venture": – Why during the last clashes of rebels was lost much less, than the Kiev security officers?

– It is connected with high degree of motivation of defenders of Novorossiya in comparison with the mobilized soldiers of VS of Ukraine. At the same time, I would be skeptical about figures which give both parties. In general it is very difficult to establish exact losses. We will tell if hit of a shell in the tank which completely broke off is recorded, it is possible to assume that all its crew was lost. But, if the artillery after drawing on it counterbattery fire, let us assume, ceased to answer, anybody can't count number of the dead. Because the firing position is at very long distance. In principle, rebels took for the rule, not to exaggerate loss of the opponent. And always honestly to speak about the. Simply not to give the chance to manipulate information to the opposite side.

"Joint venture": – At Kiev, on the contrary, the propaganda refrain "losses was created isn't present".

– It is clear that it pursues the aim to lower degree of uneasiness and irritation the proceeding military operations among citizens.

"Joint venture": – What prospects of implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement and November arrangements in general?

– Prospects the foggiest. Novorossiya's leaders perfectly understand that the Kiev security officers simply try to repeat the August scenario. When after defeat on the military front, the power tried to organize to themselves a respite. That after some time again to take the offensive. In turn, Moscow sees that all its efforts to affect a position of rebels don't lead to release of pressure from the West.

Therefore neither Russia, nor rebels won't trust the West and its Kiev proteges. But they will conduct negotiations. Because diplomacy provides the answer to any offer to enter negotiations. That is they will be conducted, but on essentially other positions.

"Joint venture": – Whether will invite representatives of Donbass to sit down at a negotiating table?

– It would be extremely desirable. But with a strong pressure from the West, it is necessary to present rebels, most likely, to the Russian Federation. That it, in principle, de facto already also does. Now speak about "a Norman format" (Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine). Americans aren't present here, they pretend that, allegedly in general at anything. Representatives of DNR and LNR too aren't present, but Moscow, I consider, has to turn on them in negotiations. As arrangements of conflicting parties, but not simply intermediaries are most effective. At the same time, if Russia defends rather rigidly positions of DNR and LNR, it will be enough.

In Kiev two power groups which try to win the tender which is held by the USA, for retraction of Russia in war with Ukraine work, the cochairman of the social movement "Popular Front of Donbass" Vladimir Rogov claims.

– Poroshenko now is on the verge of revolution. As a result of which he can be killed, and Yatsenyuk, Turchynov and the same Kolomoysky will come to the power. Not incidentally, we see rigid approach to business of the last from Poroshenko. To prevent revolution during which the president will be declared by the traitor of Ukraine, it began full military operations.

We see that the major role in them is played not by retaliatory groups and various private battalions, and active armed forces which submit to Poroshenko. In turn, Kolomoysky's battalion "Dnieper-1" refused to take part in military operations. That is the present scenario is written to Poroshenko, but not his opponents on imperious team. It the Stranger contra of the Predator" reminds fight "– whoever won, war will proceed all the same.

The main task of the Kiev puppets is what to involve Russia in the conflict. It had to occur in May of last year. But because of Novorossiya's emergence, these plans weren't fated to come true. Further date was postponed for October when generals from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence nearly promised to arrange solemn parade in Sevastopol.

Problem of Kiev that the number of the zombie Ukrainian people ready to become suicides in Donbass comes to an end. Not incidentally Poroshenko declared the fourth wave of mobilization. If in the first 37 thousand people, in the second 40, in the third 60 were called, is now planned to put under the gun 50 thousand more.

Thus the number of the Ukrainian troops under control to Kiev doesn't increase. And rotation as that, isn't carried out.

"Joint venture": – Then where tens of thousands of people disappear?

– They remain in the State of Donbass. About ceasefire, it is absolutely hypocritical initiative. Taking into account the level of destructions in the cities of Donbass and that humanitarian disaster which covers this territory. Probably, Poroshenko then it is necessary to leave with the plate "I – Gorlovka". By analogy with the Kiev meetings on which the driven students and workers of housing sector hold plates with an inscription "I is Volnovakh". After this logician Clinton I had to go with the poster "I — Belgrade".

"Joint venture": – How rebels will react to the offer to give to the enemies the next chance to take breath and to collect the strength?

– The matter is that all forces support a truce, except the USA. And it is the main player from opposite Russia the parties. Whatever representatives of the EU, Ukraine or OSCE told it will be mere words. Proteges of the USA carry out "marches of the world" in Kiev, but thus are engaged in mass destruction of the population of Donbass. I will remind that attacks of Donetsk and Gorlovka from systems of volley fire proceed two days in a row. Moreover, for the first time for the last five months the fighting aircraft was applied. That there are 500 kg. bombs which were dropped on Gorlovka.

I will believe in sincerity of peace initiatives only when the Ukrainian party stops attacks on all line of contact. The same airport of Donetsk had to be given for control of forces of a militia in September (under the Minsk agreements). However, it didn't occur. Moreover, representatives of mission of OSCE in an emphasis didn't see those terrible crimes which from the territory of the airport were committed by the Ukrainian military. And, right after that as this object was released, OSCE immediately expressed concern about death of people. Also I offered joint patrol of the airport by the Ukrainian troops and Novorossiya's army.

I will remind, about 16 meetings of the UN on the Ukrainian question took place. At the suggestion of the USA they had not constructive character how to stop violence and to cease fire and how to punish Russia that it doesn't allow to destroy the population of Donbass finally.

"Joint venture": – It turns out, to agree with Kiev it is useless, it is necessary to contact their owners in which plans independent Novorossiya's existence doesn't appear directly.

– War in Ukraine is necessary for Washington for avoidance of a default to which promptly there are USA. Poroshenko arrives by the principle "die you today, and I tomorrow". He perfectly understands that the termination of war gives him the chance to escape to the same Belarus and to escape from physical elimination. Though it all the same won't rescue it from revolution. In turn, continuation of war with loss of control over the increasing part of the territory of Ukraine, allows it to stay in a presidential chair few days. As in September I said that the temporary truce can't be constant, and today I approve the same.

Vasily Vankov

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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DONETSK, January 21. /TASS/. Militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have taken 16 Ukrainian servicemen captive, spokesman for the DPR Defense Ministry Eduard Basurin said on Wednesday.

“Today 16 Ukrainian servicemen have been taken captive. They were brought from the airport where they were under the rubble of a new terminal for three days. At their request, they were provided aid. The rubble was cleared to remove people,” he said.

Six prisoners have been hospitalized and four people have been provided aid in a trauma center. Two Ukrainian servicemen are in grave condition, Basurin said.

The leader of the Donetsk national republic Alexander Zakharchenko declares that VSU in fights on Donbass sustain huge losses.

He declared it during a press conference at which there was captured Ukrainian military personnel.

"For example, three persons survived a company of these children. 4 hours of fight – and we destroyed the whole company, - Alexander Zakharchenko told. - Losses of the Ukrainian army are estimated in hundreds here.

I want to address to the government of Ukraine, I don't address to the president Poroshenko any more, hardly he will arrive here … You know, I want to tell the following: unlike this junta which seized power in Kiev, the people of Ukraine – it actually, great.

I want to address to that lieutenant colonel who had honor to talk to me near the airport. I promise this lieutenant colonel that I will bring together all killed at the airport, those whom we will be able to find and bring together, - the soldier of the Ukrainian army. We can transfer the killed to this person that they were buried near native on the earth. We – I promise that we will pay all military honors to these people because they adequately battled, they really heroes, in own way. And as opponent we respect them for heroism and courage", - the leader of DNR declared.

"It, probably, the biggest task of military any, any officer – to appreciate courage and dignity of people who battle against you. Therefore – I don't know, unfortunately, what is his name, but I promise you, the lieutenant colonel that I will give you these your fighters, your children".

Renewal of attack of the Kiev army to Donbass responded surge in noble rage at his defenders. Fighters of the 3rd motor-rifle battalion also addressed to the Ukrainian army with the prevention that it is waited by inevitable payment for crimes which she repairs on Donbass, and, first of all, concerning civilians.

"It not we came to you, it you came to us. You kill civilians and you kill our children. Now wait when soon we come to you. And then you feel on the skin that such to lose close and native. You shoot not at military, you shoot at civilians: on old men, on children. So even terrorists don't arrive. You aren't people, you – creatures. Children, you want to pobodatsya, give with us. It isn't necessary to fire at the peace cities, we have enough with you filled green. When you cease to show that you kill us on 1000 people, it you perish in hundreds every single day. Wait, you won't become soon at all. We won't hand over Donbass, fascists will be punished!", - fighters promise.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The German edition "Die Welt" in Ukraine called the next mobilization "a set of gun meat", to wait from which victories it isn't necessary. Reports Ruposters about it.

"Ukraine can't win this war. Obviously, the tragedy of Ukraine can't be finished. The president Poroshenko declared mobilization of 50 thousand recruits aged from 16 to 60, and in the summer 2015 – about the same quantity. Thus, the quantity of the mobilized has to make 100 thousand. After three weeks of trainings they will be sent to the front to regions of Donetsk and Lugansk where there is still heavy fighting", – writes the edition.

Giv took "alive" eight Cyborgs at break to the airport

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Participants of demonstration gathered at the building of the regional state administration with the slogans "Is Not Present to War in Ukraine", "Down with Junta" and "Will Be Enough to Listen to Overseas Puppeteers", transfers TASS.

Protesters also accepted the address to the president, the government and parliament of Ukraine with the requirement to stop war, to increase pensions and salaries and to stop growth of tariffs and the prices in the country.

We will remind, active military operations in the east of Ukraine were resumed on January 18. Contrary to statements of the president of Ukraine that he wishes the world in Donbass, the Ukrainian security officers conduct massive attack of Donetsk and its vicinities.

"It is already obvious that the present Ukrainian power isn't eternal because the power which gives orders on destruction of civilians, in fact is criminal, as well as actions of performers of such orders. Also doesn't raise any doubts that all of them should be responsible for the actions sooner or later"

The representative of SK also reminded to whom from the Ukrainian figures charges are already brought. Among them not only the woman-pilot Nadezhda Savchenko and commanders of battalions of national guard Sergey Litvinov and Andrey Biletsky, but also representatives of the authorities — Igor Kolomoysky, Arsen Avakov, Valery Geletey, Victor Muzhenko, Igor Mosiychuk and others.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany: "The situation in Ukraine becomes more dangerous, and it is necessary to reach a consent through differentiation and to branch of heavy machinery. People perish. The parties don't want, or can't settle the conflict. The price is too high. Foreign Ministers of "the Norman four" will try to find the solution".

While Pyotr Poroshenko was going to speak at plenary session of a Davos forum, approaches to the building of Congress Palace were occupied by the Russians and Ukrainians living in Switzerland, and also Germans and French. They developed the slogans "Remember Odessa" and "Fascism Will Not Pass", lifted banners in traditions of a new world trend "I am Donbass" and "I am Mariupol", cried out slogans "Poroshenko — the murderer!".

Vitaly Churkin, constant representative of the Russian Federation to the UN: "Attack of the passenger bus under Volnovakhoy was used by Kiev for instant, without consequence and court, charge of this crime of rebels. However according to the conclusion of Mission of OSCE attack was conducted with North North east direction where there could hardly be rebels. Thus the Ukrainian authorities on the full used the tragedy for forcing of military hysteria".

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