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Was Oswald an Intelligence Agent?

Jon G. Tidd

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I do not believe in a pre-planned cover-up.

The cover-up occurred naturally.

The assassination was planned carefully. Setting up Oswald was planned carefully. If Tippit's murder was part of the assassination plan, it was planned carefully.

James Humes's behavior was not pre-planned. It may have been orchestrated, but it was not pre-planned.

OK, Jon, now look at the implications of this position - if the JFK Cover-up was unplanned, then it wasn't part of the JFK Murder -- which was carefully planned.

IMHO, this is a revolution in JFK research -- every source (that I know about) has presumed that the Cover-up of the JFK murder in some way supported the JFK Kill Team.

Most JFK conspiracy materials just crumble away into dust when we separate the Cover-up Team from the Kill Team.

Lee Harvey OSWALD remains an innocent Patsy -- but now the JFK Killers aren't seen as part of the US Government. This is a paradigm shift.


--Paul Trejo

And it disregards what Newman, Scott, and Simpich have written regarding the Mexico City Oswald-Kostikov "connection" which was put together by people who impersonated Oswald over the phone there.

Did Edwin Walker arrange that, too?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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OK, David, once again by the numbers:

(1.0) I have no problem with the fact that McGeorge Bundy called Air Force One on the afternoon that JFK was murdered, while LBJ was on board, to indicate the "Lone Nut" theory.


(1.1) That occurred at 2:38pm (slightly before 3pm) CST. That could easily correspond to Dr. Wrone's claim that J. Edgar Hoover came up with the "Lone Nut" alibi in Washington D.C. before 3pm CST.

So you think Hoover was in the Situation room (I don’t recall him being referred to on the tapes) or had spoken to Bundy first? And Bundy would take his word at 3pm on 11/22 - why?

(1.2) The matching context is that McGeorge Bundy called from Washington DC -- the location where Hoover was. The theory was Hoover's, and evidently LBJ heard it first through Bundy.

Again, how does this “theory” get to Bundy from Hoover? – any type of corroborating evidence beyond they were both in DC at the time would be helpful. Getting LBJ into the picture would be nice too - and please dont tell me he was in DC too... as he was on AF-1.

(2.0) As for the autopsy issue, I'm confident that LBJ left that mess to the FBI. It was the problem of the FBI to manipulate all evidence in the JFK case that might tend to contradict Hoover's "Lone Nut" scenario.

Sorry to disagree here but the FBI was kept out of the autopsy room for almost an hour after the 7:17 entry (which says nothing about the 6:35 casket flown to Bethesda by... Wehle and the Military. Hoover was not in a position to tell Galloway or Burkley a thing – unless you have something to offer which substantiates this claim.

(2.1) The FBI would make it very clear that there could be no evidence of "accomplices" or "conspiracy." Nothing could be allowed to contradict the "Lone Nut" theory.

Agreed – their role, once told that no conspiracy evidence would be accepted – was to produce the incriminating evidence where ever they could. (In my final chapter on Mexico we will learn that during the month of November the FBI tried in vain to find anyone from over 22 of their “communist watching” informants in Mexico City who was aware of “Oswald” acting a communist.

btw – Maydon, the man who supposedly stamped an Oswald’s Visa coming into Mexico said he was with 2 women and another man in a car. When he left CHAPA’s stamp is on the visa yet “Vieja en Auto” is not on this form. The FM-11 only takes info from these forms. US consul CASH, as I posted above, claims that the visa did not state the mode of transportation.

When you read my work you wil find that CASH is at the Nuevo Laredo Mexi Immigration Office when Kline calls Tijerina. He just happens to have the info Kline needs which we find does not match the original forms they came from. If an “Oswald” was driven into Mexico by Hall and Howard while our Oswald was meeting with Odio and traveling with 2 Cubans, we need more than just someone’s word. There are even more records kept for cars entering Mexico City so if they did enter that way, there would be even more forms to deal with falsifying.

(3.0) LBJ was under the control of nobody. LBJ simply trusted the FBI to do "whatever" to ensure the construction of the "Lone Nut" theory for the American Public.

Disagree Paul. LBJ was certainly not at the top of that food chain by any means. And to think that Bundy did not simply expand his power and control during this time is to dismiss history. Bundy was a direct connect to the power elite. Harriman, McCloy, Dulles, Bush and behind them the money.

I don’t think he was afraid of investigating a Communist conspiracy, I think he wanted to stay away from any conspiracy discussion. You really must consider Alvarado’s role, story and connection to the CIA to understand the Phase 1 and Phase 2 aspect of the cover-up.

(3.1) Again, David, the "Lone Nut" theory of OSWALD was by the JFK COVER-UP Team, and it was diametrically opposed to the "FPCC Communist" theory OSWALD by the JFK KILL Team.

Had you considered that the PHASE 1 elements were to insure that no one dug too deeply into ANY elements of the “conspiracy”? The false story of the Mexico City Oswald as of 11/23 made it impossible not to consider the communist plot. The State Dept virtually jumped at the chance to brand him a communist – in fact I have an 11/22 memo from FBI SA Heitman to SAC, Dallas stating:

“CLARK ANDERSON…, called at 7:16pm and advised the US Amb, Mex City felt that there was probably more to this matter than simply a “nut” shooting the president” This is the “deep snow” memo. This is the first mention of “nut” in any documents I’ve seen.

If Hoover had forced the LONE NUT theory at 3pm... do you think this helps your case by assuming that Anderson tells MANN what Hoover tells him (but when) that it's a LONE NUT and this is Mann's reaction? (We just need to prove that Hoover and Anderson speak prior to this cable)

(3.2) By promoting the "Lone Nut" theory along with Hoover and the FBI, President Johnson was opposing the JFK Kill Team, who wanted to (i) invade Cuba by killing Fidel Castro; and (ii) roll-back all Civil Rights.

You seem to be forgetting the entire point of this… to kill JFK. Cuba was basically worthless to the US other than being leverage to try and go after Russia. You get this right Paul? LeMay and the others only saw Cuba as the step to a first strike against Russia. I mean you obviously don’t believe it just ends with the US invading Cuba, right?

(3.3) As history shows, LBJ did neither of those things.

Correct, the MICC was not going to get their war with Russia, but they were sure as hell not going to let Vietnam fall – at least that was the story. The expenditure of weapons, men and machinery along with the lure of billions in black drug money made Vietnam much more attractive to the CIA and by direct extension the MICC than Cuba could ever be. This was NEVER about Cuba Paul. The history and picture was much, much bigger than that.

(4.0) Respectfully, David, Hoover had a lot more power over Bethesda and Parkland than you give him credit for.

Proof please. The FBI was barely allowed in the room at Bethesda and can you name the FBI agent in charge at Parkland for me please… I see there was Hosty and Shanklin. Can you tell us what control Shanklin had over Kellerman and Greer and the rest of the SS… thanks

Mr. STERN. Do you know why you were sent to Parkland Hospital?
Mr. HOSTY. No. We were just told they wanted four cars to proceed to Parkland Hospital to stand by for further orders.

(4.1) But it wasn't on a personal basis -- the FBI, by virtue of its special authority in the USA has a lot of weight and credit with the US Military, with the CIA, with the Federal Government, and so also with all their subordinates.

Ok… but that doesn’t actually say or prove anything. The FBI hated the CIA, especially after Mexico, so while a nice blanket statement – you need to actually prove any of these relationships had anything to do with these theories and the timing.

(4.2) The FBI exerted tremendous influence at both Parkland and Bethesda -- probably through the Secret Service and various US Military lieutenants.

PROOF PLEASE. Cite something Paul – we are looking for evidence of what you claim, not opinions.

(4.3) Yet their purpose, IMHO, was to enforce Hoover's (and now LBJ's) mandate that anything that contradicted the "Lone Nut" scenario had to be squashed.

So you think that Sibert or O’Neill told Burkley or Galloway to do what they did ? – to tell their subordinates to do what they did? The FBI was in contact with the SS during the autopsy. We have the Belmont to Tolson memo related to 9:18pm that night mentioning the 2 separate bullets the SS was aware of, the one in hand and the one behind JFK’s ear.

Please provide anything that corroborates the FBI had influence over the goings on at Bethesda. From my POV the SS, Rowley and the Navy/Military was in charge of everything that night. The FBI got the table scraps so-to-say but this was well after Bundy and the Sit room declared it a non-conspiracy

(4.4) Naturally this would compromise the medical data more than any other data.

Of course. Yet the FBI had little if anything to do with the autopsy info. The SS took control of it all while the FBI only got copies and reports after the fact. Other than Sibert and O’Neill there were no other FBI agents there.

Can you please be specific about what control you feel was exerted and provide some proof.

(4.5) The JFK X-rays had to be hidden for decades -- because they showed damage from at least six bullets, some of which were Full-metal-jacket, and some of which were Frangible bullets. Proof of "accomplices."

Speculation at best Paul. If Humes did what we think he did, we have no idea from the evidence left us what happened in Dealey plaza.

(4.6) The JFK brain had to "disappear" -- because it showed fragments of multiple bullets -- both FMJ and Frangible.

And that has what to do with the Hoover-started-the-Lone-Nut thing? Furthermore I disagree… the brain had to go because it showed the tell tale signs of extensive and poorly done surgery. I’ve covered this in other posts. The brain does not just FALL OUT of a skull. I’ve posted the craniotomy steps involved and since there was “no damage to the left hemisphere” all the attachments of Brain to sac to Skull were still intact… even is some of them were damaged… the entire spinal cord was surgically cut…. All you need do is search my name and Humes to find the conflicts.

(4.7) This was not the doing of the JFK Killers -- they wanted OSWALD to look like a part of a Communist Conspiracy. The multiple bullet holes would have been praised by them.

That’s a nice speculation unless the entire idea was to scare the puppets into covering it all up. As I said, the goal was to kill JFK, find and kill scapegoat and free up the MICC to do as they pleased. Planes were on the way to Cuba and called back… Another scare tactic. Presidents come and go my friend. The Military is eternal and hadbeen doing intelligence well before the CIA, OSS or SIS ever came along.

(4.8) On the contrary, manipulation of the medical evidence was done by the highest levels of the US Government for purposes of National Security. LBJ himself mandated it. How could they possibly refuse?

Proof please. LBJ was just as scared of being killed as anyone. If you feel that LeMay and the other JCS were going to do what LBJ told them – I think you might want to rethink that.

(5.0) In no way did the JCS or the "military-industrial complex" stand above LBJ, Hoover and CIA. Clearly the US needs the military to enforce its laws and treaties -- however, that does not prove that they ever refused to follow civilian orders according to the Constitution.

Quite naïve there Paul… believe what you will

(5.1) The US Military also cooperated with the FBI and the whole Federal Government in Hoover's "Lone Nut" theory which had now become LBJ's mandate for National Security.

(5.2) How could they possibly refuse...according to the Constitution?

(5.3) I repeat -- Hoover came up with the "Lone Nut" theory before 3pm CST, and told LBJ (evidently through McGeorge Bundy) and LBJ thought it was a GREAT IDEA. LBJ quickly adopted it and presented it as his own opinion.

(5.4) It was not a PLANNED idea. It was entirely UNPLANNED. But it was a matter of National Security. Without it, the USA would probably have burst in to riots in the streets -- at the peak of the Cold War.

(5.5.) LBJ gave the order. The whole Federal Government obeyed their Commander in Chief. FBI, SS, CIA, JCS, State Department -- everybody.

(5.6) The US Military *always* -- repeat *always* -- takes orders from its funding source -- the US Congress and the Commander-in-Chief.

(6.0) By all the evidence I can see, David, it was only Guy Banister and Company in NOLA that painted Oswald as a Cuban/Russian conspirator.

(6.1) Nor did this 1963 phenomenon start on October the 8th. Rather, it started on April the 14th.

Whatever that means Paul…

With regards to these other opinions you offer, fine. I simply ask that you provide a little authenticated evidence in support of your ideas. That you believe the Military of post 11-22 took orders from LBJ is quite the joke. You also think LBJ ran the Vietnam war too?

(7.0) Nobody seriously doubts the Mexico City episode anymore -- not after the late CIA release of of The Lopez Report in 2003.

Paul, IDK what that means. There is not a shred of proof that the Lee Harvey Oswald who was shot by Ruby was ever in Mexico City. The evidence that attempts to get him there and back is all FBI bullsh!t which changed over time as the impossibility of what was offered as his travel was found to be impossible.

As for the man at the embassies, it most certainly was not Oswald per the two people who saw this person Duran and Azcue or the FBI agents who heard the tapes in DC

As for the calls on Saturday the 28th… they were NOT Oswald or Duran. Oswald was NOT allowed into these embassies on the weekend and as MANN said, other than the embassy/consulates there is no evidence that Oswald was anywehre else in Mexico on any of these other days...

As for the photo of Oswald on Oct 1st – it was taken October 2nd and lied about by Goodpasture. The Mystery Man photo in the WCR is from Oct 4th.

If you like, CTKA has 5 of the 6 articles I’ve done on the Mexico City travel and stay evidence. The final article is in the works now to chronologically take us thru what was known from Oct 8th on. At the core of this is whether Hoover is the architect of the LONE NUT scenario with the insistence of LBJ. If that be the case it would have to be in response to being alerted to the fact that Bundy, the MICC and the loyal NSC staffers had decided there was no conspiracy.

I am always open to evidence which can sway opinion. If you can offer these in support of the above assertions, I would be glad to read and discuss them with you.


This is yet another ANDERSON to HOOVER communication which I address in my final Mexico Article. Between 10/18 and 11/22 the FBI has been searching for any sign of Oswald in Mexico City.

The line about "last known information" is a lie. On the 16th of October Win sends a note to Ambassador MANN with a CC to IN&S who in turn tells Hosty who in turn informs FBI HQ. The Oct 16th cable contains the Kostikov info and info about the 28th.

When/IF you find any proof that our Oswald was in Mexico I would greatly appreciate the heads up... I've been doing nothing but Mexico for the last few months and everything I;ve found points to this being a complete set-up for reasons that probably had nothing to do with JFK until it needed to be.


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I agree with David Josephs: Oswald did not travel to Mexico City.

Assuming Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, can one be sure the impersonation was for the purpose of setting him up for JFK's murder?

Further question: Is it possible that the story of Oswald going to MC and the story of his being impersonated there were cooked up post-assassination?

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...I agree with David Josephs: Oswald did not travel to Mexico City.

Assuming Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, can one be sure the impersonation was for the purpose of setting him up for JFK's murder?

Further question: Is it possible that the story of Oswald going to MC and the story of his being impersonated there were cooked up post-assassination?


On top of this, you have the FREE book by Bill Simpich, State Secret (2014), which explains in great detail the impersonation of Oswald and Duran in Mexico City. Have you neglected to read this important new book? There's no excuse -- it's free (on the Mary Ferrell site) and it's by a stellar author and genuine authority on the topic.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Regarding my theory of the opposition of the JFK Cover-up Team from the JFK Kill Team, Tommy wrote:

And it disregards what Newman, Scott, and Simpich have written regarding the Mexico City Oswald-Kostikov "connection" which was put together by people who impersonated Oswald over the phone there.

Did Edwin Walker arrange that, too?

--Tommy :sun

You're mistaken, Tommy, that I'm disregarding what Bill Simpich wrote regarding the Mexico City and Oswald-Kostikov connection.

On the contrary, I include Bill Simpich as among the highest authorities in my theory.

John Newman and Peter Dale Scott aren't worthy to lace Simpich's shoe laces, IMHO.

John Newman was perhaps the first to publish data about newly released CIA documents on the Mexico City incident, and so he has a flag on the hill -- but so what. He had to retract many of his hasty remarks, and his book, Oswald and the CIA (1995), is so full of guesswork that it is a distraction today.

I highly recommend just bypassing that book and moving directly to Larry Hancock and Bill Simpich, who have reviewed the latest CIA released documents after 2001, and are far more careful.

As for Peter Dale Scott, to speak of "Deep Structures" is mere marketing baloney, IMHO. I find nothing whatsoever redeeming in this English Professor speculations about politics. He's unworthy of our attention, IMHO.

But Hancock and Simpich are great sources, and they -- to some degree -- support my theory.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I agree with David Josephs: Oswald did not travel to Mexico City.

Assuming Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, can one be sure the impersonation was for the purpose of setting him up for JFK's murder?

Further question: Is it possible that the story of Oswald going to MC and the story of his being impersonated there were cooked up post-assassination?


If not to set up Oswald as the assassination "patsy," can you think of any other reason for someone's impersonating Oswald and Silvia Duran, and maybe even the Russian on the other end of the phone in Mexico City, which impersonations either intentionally or unintentionally connected Oswald to Kostikov (whom Angleton at one time believed was a KGB officer in notorious "wet affairs" Department 13)?

I'm open to your ideas on this.

--Tommy :sun

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...I agree with David Josephs: Oswald did not travel to Mexico City.

Assuming Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, can one be sure the impersonation was for the purpose of setting him up for JFK's murder?

Further question: Is it possible that the story of Oswald going to MC and the story of his being impersonated there were cooked up post-assassination?


On top of his, you have the FREE book by Bill Simpich, State Secret (2014), which explains in great detail the impersonation of Oswald and Duran in Mexico City. Have you neglected to read this important new book? There's no excuse -- it's free (on the Mary Ferrell site) and it's by a stellar author and genuine authority on the topic.


--Paul Trejo

Paul -

Lopez himself tells us that his investigation started with the assumption that the WCR got it right about Oswald being in Mexico. He never bothered to challenge it.

There is no evidence from Mexico City that connects our Oswald to anything that occurred there... again my friend, post the evidence if you have some... I've looked.

The man on the 27th was not identified as Oswald by Duran. She states he never returned after that. The 28th is a complete lie and is used to corroborate the Oct 1st transcript where this person finally states his name, "this is LEE OSWALD CALLING" except the FBI heard these tapes and knew it was not Oswald. The Tarasoff's connect the calls since the man's voice is the same - this does not prove the person saying he is Oswald was Oswald, just that the voices were the same.

Have you read any of my CTKA Mexico City work? I come to find that the TRAVEL aspect has not been addressed by many at all and not in much depth excpet maybe Armstrong and even he does not mention the key sources and what they did. I am hoping to finish the last article and then re-edit the entire 250 pages into a source document on the Mexico City Travel Evidence and why it shows that it was created either cover the fact an impersonator did make the trip in a different way, or that no trip was made at all while the man impersonating Oswald in Mexico and the "bus" rider have nothing to do with each other.

I've spoken at length with Bill Simpich. For HIS PURPOSES the impersonation and the real Oswald have nothing in common. Bill's focus is on the operation that caused the name Oswald to be brought up in these phone intercepts in the first place and what the CIA, FBI and Mexicans were doing to each other.

Paul - reread what you said about Bill's book. He explains the IMPERSONATION, not that Oswald was really in Mexico City. That a person was there on the 27th is not argued yet the evidence shows that was the only day Duran interacted with an Oswald and this Oswald was not the man Ruby killed. Odio, at the same time, and her sister tells us Oswald was at her home the evening of Sept 27th. There is no doubt Ozzie is not in Mexico but someone pretending to be him. This person could NOT have arrived on the manner the FBI offers - so they are hiding something.

Duran says this man was about 5'3" and 120lbs...

Azcue tells us the man e fought with and the man Ruby killed are not the same person

(Blakey-Azcue interview, p. 18; all of Azcue's statements are translated from the Spanish).

BLAKEY. When you saw the passport, did you see any difference between the picture in the passport and the person standing in front of you?

AZCUE. No, no. . . . You see, it's usually the secretary that deals with all these matters. But the difference I noted was between the man who came to the consulate and the one that was assassinated [by Jack Ruby]

Better yet Paul... post anything you think proves he was there



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Do you believe Oswald and possibly others were impersonated in Mexico City?


You ask whether or not I believe Oswald and others were impersonated in M.C.

Yes, I do.

Your asking me this question suggests to me that you don't.

Please explicate, if you will.

Or do I have to show my cards first?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Well Jon, that's what the CIA and FBI found as well...



Edited by David Josephs
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David Josephs, in response to your long response to my long post, I'll reply by the numbers, without quoting.

(1.1) In my theory, it does not matter if Hoover was in the Situation Room or not. I say that sometime between 1:50 and 2pm that the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald was reported to J. Edgar Hoover personally. Hoover immediately demanded to see the FBI file on Oswald. According to Dr. Wrone, before even one hour passed, J. Edgar Hoover saw the problem – and got a flash of inspiration for the solution.

In my theory, Hoover quickly realized that OSWALD, a known FBI informant, had been exploited by Ex-General Walker and Guy Banister, who had FRAMED OSWALD perfectly as an FPCC Communist. Clearly they were seeking to start a war with Cuba’s Fidel Castro. They can’t get away with it. Hoover just as quickly got a brilliant flash of inspiration. If Lee Harvey OSWALD was a “Lone Shooter” with “no accomplices who are still at large,” then Ex-General Walker’s plot can be foiled. It was brilliant. Hoover called the White House immediately to relay a message to LBJ. This was approximately 2:40pm CST on the day JFK was murdered. Bundy called LBJ and told him right away. LBJ, being a brilliant politician, immediately understood the full message and all its implications.

(1.2) I have no confirming evidence yet – since so much FBI and CIA data on OSWALD is still classified top secret by the US Government. But I do expect that the evidence, when finally revealed, will confirm my theory.

(2.0) As for the FBI being locked out of the autopsy room at Bethesda – that means nothing at all. Does one suppose that FBI mandates can only be heard in person – or that some FBI officer must be present in a room before the FBI mandate can be known and obeyed? Long before JFK’s body arrived at Bethesda, the uppermost officers of Bethesda were already contacted by those indicated by LBJ, to ensure that the “Lone Shooter” mandate from J. Edgar Hoover was being fully enforced. Remember that LBJ told Hoover that he wanted to make Hoover’s opinion on this matter his very own. Bethesda marched to the orders of LBJ and his official representatives.

(2.1) I have not read your work, David Josephs, so please direct me toward your materials. We do agree on some essentials.

(3.0) LBJ was clearly and emphatically at the top of the political food chain in Washington DC after JFK was gunned down. No amount of money in the USA could control LBJ at that time. (Jim Garrison falsely claimed that the JFK Killers blackmailed LBJ forever after – to do the JFK Cover-up. Jim Garrison was flat out mistaken – again. When it comes to New Orleans, I give five stars to Jim Garrison; but when it comes to Dallas or Washington DC, Garrison’s opinions are nearly worthless.) The Cover-up Team, I have often repeated, was opposed to the JFK murder Team.

(3.1) In my reading, David, the very first elements performed by the FBI, only 2.5 hours after JFK was killed, was to manipulate all JFK case evidence to make it look like a “Lone Shooter.” It is vital to grasp that every single instance of tampering with evidence in the JFK case was supervised by the FBI to support the “Lone Shooter” scenario.

The number of shots, the Magic Bullet theory, the washing of the limo, the washing of JFK’s clothing, the hiding of the JFK X-rays, the losing of JFK’s brain, the denial of countless witnesses who insisted that shots came from the Grassy Knoll area, altering photographs – all of it. Besides, David, it wasn’t the Mexico City episode that proved a Communist Plot on the part of OSWALD, but rather OSWALD’s passing out FPCC flyers in New Orleans -- which was even caught on film.

(3.2) You say, David, that killing JFK was the key goal – I say you’re mistaken – that was the secondary goal – the key goal was to invade Cuba and depose Fidel Castro in the interests of the Monroe Doctrine. Ex-General WALKER said this in writing during September 1962. JFK refused to do this, and it had to be done, according to the extreme-right wing. Otherwise, why have a Communist Patsy?

While the USSR was clearly a bigger target, the problem of a USSR ally only 90 miles from the USA was unacceptable (to use Walker’s word). The USSR was the long term goal, but Cuba was the short-term goal – the immediate goal. That was also true for JFK as well as LBJ, and not just by General LeMay and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That was US Policy and that was their business.

(4.0) I don’t have proof that Bethesda bent to Hoover’s wishes, but I have some pretty strong evidence, IMHO, namely, that Hoover mandated before 3pm CST 11/22/1963 that OSWALD was a “Lone Nut” and “had no accomplices that are still at large.” LBJ bought this strategy – also before 3pm. The goals of LBJ and Hoover were the same with regard to the “Lone Nut,” and that is why Bethesda did – at great effort – exactly what Hoover mandated – manipulated all JFK evidence to supply “proof” for the “Lone Nut” theory. What Bethesda did was – ultimately – to hide the JFK X-rays, and “lose” JFK’s brain.

(4.2) No FBI agent was required on the premises; they would obey Hoover’s mandate. This is strong evidence, IMHO, that the actual medical evidence, when it is finally revealed, will establish proof of multiple shooters at JFK.

(4.6) Losing JFK’s brain was necessary to support Hoover’s “Lone Nut” mandate, because the actual brain shows proof of two different bullets – one FullMetalJacket and the other one Frangible.

(6.1) The framing of Lee Harvey OSWALD did not begin on October the 8th (as you said, David) 1963; rather, IMHO it started on April the 14th, which was Easter Sunday 1963. This was the day that Mrs. Voshinin called the FBI with the report that George De Mohrenschildt had just delivered to her, namely, that OSWALD had been WALKER’s shooter four days before that (courtesy Dick Russell, TMWKTM, 1993).

(7.0) David, we seriously disagree about the Mexico City episode. So far, your reasoning on this point amounts to mere cynicism. You ask me for proofs, but I can also ask you for proofs. Many more dots connect with my theory, as I see it, David. Yet I’m willing to read your work – just direct me to it.

(8.0) Regarding the Anderson to Hoover memo you posted, I must first ask you this question – have you read Bill Simpich’s State Secret (2014) yet? If so, I invite you to review all your data with the consideration that the JFK Cover-up was a reaction, unplanned, to the JFK Murder. That said, I’ll comment on the content of the Anderson memo.

Dated on 11/22/1963, this letter from Anderson to Hoover was evidently in response to Hoover’s demand for data about Lee Harvey Oswald immediately after OSWALD was arrested on suspicion of killing JFK. Anderson reports about a mission he was on, namely, “Investigation Mexico” which his supervisor gave him on 10/18/1963, to find out what trouble OSWALD had gotten into there in Mexico City.

So far, Anderson had no information to share. The last thing he heard was from the CIA who told Anderson in SECRET to ask the US Agent in the USSR Embassy in Mexico City for information regarding 9/28/1963 thru 10/01/1963.

This is, by my reading, an entirely harmless memo with no direct relationship whatsoever to the conspiracy to murder JFK. Do you see something else there, David?


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul -

Lopez himself tells us that his investigation started with the assumption that the WCR got it right about Oswald being in Mexico. He never bothered to challenge it.

There is no evidence from Mexico City that connects our Oswald to anything that occurred there... again my friend, post the evidence if you have some... I've looked.

The man on the 27th was not identified as Oswald by Duran. She states he never returned after that. The 28th is a complete lie and is used to corroborate the Oct 1st transcript where this person finally states his name, "this is LEE OSWALD CALLING" except the FBI heard these tapes and knew it was not Oswald. The Tarasoff's connect the calls since the man's voice is the same - this does not prove the person saying he is Oswald was Oswald, just that the voices were the same.

Have you read any of my CTKA Mexico City work? I come to find that the TRAVEL aspect has not been addressed by many at all and not in much depth excpet maybe Armstrong and even he does not mention the key sources and what they did. I am hoping to finish the last article and then re-edit the entire 250 pages into a source document on the Mexico City Travel Evidence and why it shows that it was created either cover the fact an impersonator did make the trip in a different way, or that no trip was made at all while the man impersonating Oswald in Mexico and the "bus" rider have nothing to do with each other.

I've spoken at length with Bill Simpich. For HIS PURPOSES the impersonation and the real Oswald have nothing in common. Bill's focus is on the operation that caused the name Oswald to be brought up in these phone intercepts in the first place and what the CIA, FBI and Mexicans were doing to each other.

Paul - reread what you said about Bill's book. He explains the IMPERSONATION, not that Oswald was really in Mexico City. That a person was there on the 27th is not argued yet the evidence shows that was the only day Duran interacted with an Oswald and this Oswald was not the man Ruby killed. Odio, at the same time, and her sister tells us Oswald was at her home the evening of Sept 27th. There is no doubt Ozzie is not in Mexico but someone pretending to be him. This person could NOT have arrived on the manner the FBI offers - so they are hiding something.

Duran says this man was about 5'3" and 120lbs...

Azcue tells us the man he fought with and the man Ruby killed are not the same person (Blakey-Azcue interview, p. 18; all of Azcue's statements are translated from the Spanish).

BLAKEY. When you saw the passport, did you see any difference between the picture in the passport and the person standing in front of you?

AZCUE. No, no...You see, it's usually the secretary that deals with all these matters. But the difference I noted was between the man who came to the consulate and the one that was assassinated [by Jack Ruby]...

David -

Lopez affirmed that the WC correctly stated that OSWALD was in Mexico City. I find nothing suspicious in that affirmation. He had no reason to challenge it -- it was his own position.

The Lopez Report is solid evidence from Mexico City that connects Lee Harvey OSWALD to the visits on September 27th.

It is at least possible that OSWALD sent a decoy to the Cuban Consulate, because he feared the threat from Richard Case Nagell that if OSWALD succeeded in getting passage into Cuba, Nagell would have to kill OSWALD. Yet I find it unnecessary to postulate that scenario at this time.

You offer no solid evidence to warrant your conclusion that the data on the 28th is a "complete lie". Insofar as the IMPERSONATION of OSWALD (by David Morales and crew) was a full weekend activity, this is easily explained.

The data about OSWALD's trip to Mexico City is still classified top secret by the FBI, because it shows that OSWALD had accomplices -- and was not therefore a "Lone Nut." That data is missing by design, so any attempt to draw a conclusion without it must always be incomplete.

IMHO, this trip by OSWALD was neither by bus nor was made alone. It was made by car, and specifically, the car driven by Loran Hall. OSWALD had accomplices.

I'm convinced that the IMPERSONATION of OSWALD had nothing to do with the real OSWALD, but was entirely a CIA plot to portray OSWALD as close to KGB Agent Valery Kostikov. The purpose for this was to FRAME OSWALD as a "Communist" activist. Whether this framing was intended to fool the USSR or to fool the USA or both -- this is still unclear.

As for Bill Simpich, his work presumes OSWALD was in Mexico City on the 27th.

As for Silvia Odio, you are simply mistaken when you claim that "Odio...and her sister" tell us that OSWALD was at her home on Sept. 27th. That's simply false.

In fact, Silvia Odio and her sister both insisted -- multiple times -- that they could not remember the actual date of the visit -- only that it was during the final week of September 1963.

If you are basing your timetable on Odio's testimony, then you should quote Odio directly -- and you'll see that she FAILED to recall the exact date of the visit.

As for Eusebio Azcue, he notes that the person presenting himself as OSWALD on 27 September 1963 at the Mexico City Cuban Consulate (where Azcue was Consul) also presented JFK Exhibit F-408 -- which has a photograph of OSWALD affixed to it.

Azcue was 67 years old when he testified his doubts that this man was not the same man that Jack Ruby killed -- but he had only seen OSWALD for one hour in his life -- and that was 15 years before his testimony to Blakey.

Azcue never said that the photograph on the Visa application wasn't the same as the man that Syliva Duran interviewed -- so we can easily regard Azcue's claims about OSWALD to be mistaken.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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CTKA.net and then look for my name in the main box of new articles.

When you're done, let me know so we can have a more detailed discussion.

There are over 200 pages in these 5 articles with the evidence embedded with links...

Take your time as I start in the early summer of 1963 and carry us thru Oct 3rd by the end of the 5th article...

Just a thought, is attaching a photo (one that the FBI could not find a location for anywhere in Mexico City - just like that bracelet)

to a piece of paper that difficult to fake? You really need to take another step or two with the evidence before you declare VICTORY.

My premise remains that the Evidence IS the Conspiracy... Azcue says that the man he spoke to who claimed to be Oswald was not the man Ruby killed...

Discussing a photo on a piece of paper before even attempting to authenticate it when we already have a direct statement as to the ID of the man is to me grasping at straws.

You don't suppose Azcue sees a photo of Oswald prior to the 1975 interview? That he does not see him in Nov 1963 and knows right away is was not the man he met?

Read my work first Paul... then we can talk.



http://www.ctka.net/2014-Josephs/Josephs_Mexico%20City_Part%201.html is a link to the first article yet you'll still need to go back to the main page for the rest.

I hope you enjoy the read...

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I believe {a} Oswald never traveled to Mexico City. {b} Any impersonation of Oswald in Mexico City was false.

Mr. Tid,

Every impersonation is, by definition, "false" isn't it.

I guess you're saying that the two impersonations of Oswald over the phone in Mexico City (on Saturday, September 28 and on Monday, October 1), never happened but were only manufactured on paper after the assassination?

If you're right, I wonder why Mexico City's Anne Goodpasture, known for her meticulous work, would go to the trouble of making the untruthful statement that a photograph taken of an American-looking man outside either the Cuban Consulate or the Soviet Embassy -- can't remember which right now -- was taken on October 1 instead of when it was really taken, October 2 ? And equally puzzling is why she would mention that particular photograph in a cable about Lee Henry (or was it Harvey?) Oswald in the same cable and juxtaposed in such a way as to suggest (without actually saying it) that this dude, our famous "Mexico City Mystery Man," was the same guy who had called the Soviet Embassy and identified himself as "Oswald, O-S-W-A-L-D" who had spoken with a "dark" Russian Embassy official. By the name of Kostin, or something like that?


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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