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Was Oswald an Intelligence Agent?

Jon G. Tidd

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Paul Trejo,

My point, not well made, is that the facts about Oswald were turned into fiction about him by the Warren Commission and its defenders. Oswald was turned into a poorly adjusted loner. Turning Oswald into a poorly adjusted loner was someone's job, IMO. It was a job calling for creativity and skill, skill at shading, ignoring, inventing facts about the true Oswald.

Peace be with you.

None better suited for that job than our very own FBI of the era....

While not the greatest of books, the insider look offered by Swearingen's book http://www.amazon.com/To-Kill-President-Finally-An-secrecy/dp/1419693824

is quite interesting. The faking of informants, of overtime, of leads or whatever it was that Hoover wanted or needed was accomplished by upwardly mobile agents.

I'm sorry if this now appears hackneyed, The Evidence IS the Conspiracy.... none of it is used to even contemplate the possbility of Oswald's innocence...

while the amount of self-incriminating evidence is overwhelming.

The EVIDENCE shows that a seperate and distinct individual existed other than the Lee Oswald born in New Orleans. John will be the first to tell you that he only uncovered it and followed it to its logical conclusion.

To all the none-believers out there let me share one piece of evidence which is impossible to overlook or explain away.


  1. Boot camp is 13 weeks, followed by three weeks of either the School of the Infantry or Marine Combat Training. Boot camp is located at Parris Island Recruit Depot, SC on the east coast and San Diego Recruit Depot, CA for those on the west coast. All women will attend recruit training at Parris Island. Answers To the Top Marine Corps Questions | Military.com www.military.com/join.../marine-corps-recruiting-faqs.html

CE1961 states that Oswald entered bootcamp on Jan 20, 1957 and left Feb 26, 1957. 5 weeks of bootcamp according to the WC, 13 weeks according to the man who attended with him.

16 weeks of training (13 + 3) from Jan 20 brings us to mid May 1957. We assert that LEE was in the Marines before Harvey and that it is LEE who is ahead of Harvey at these locations.

That Harvey "followed" Lee appears to be by design so that "date mix-ups" could be offered as excuses.

There's no way to get around the reality that Lee and Harvey are co-joined in the evidence. The more difficult aspect remains the purpose of NYC in 1952 and the conflicts in these records moving forward in time until the marines.

Is it so far-fetched to believe that two men who are similar as adults would look similar as children - and vice versa? I do not think we can begin to know the mindset of Dulles, Angleton and the CIA with respect to post WWII "intelligence" activity. With the magnitiude of immigrants after WWII and the beginnings of the US-USSR rift, I believe the OSS/CIA/SIS of the time were well aware of what the Nazis & Russian had been doing. That they would try some of the techniques is noo real surprise




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Paul Trejo,

My point, not well made, is that the facts about Oswald were turned into fiction about him by the Warren Commission and its defenders. Oswald was turned into a poorly adjusted loner. Turning Oswald into a poorly adjusted loner was someone's job, IMO. It was a job calling for creativity and skill, skill at shading, ignoring, inventing facts about the true Oswald.

Peace be with you.

None better suited for that job than our very own FBI of the era....

While not the greatest of books, the insider look offered by Swearingen's book http://www.amazon.com/To-Kill-President-Finally-An-secrecy/dp/1419693824

is quite interesting. The faking of informants, of overtime, of leads or whatever it was that Hoover wanted or needed was accomplished by upwardly mobile agents...

Quite right, David. FBI Agents were the ones who -- out of ambition for promotion -- pushed the Lone Nut scenario of Lee Harvey OSWALD as hard as they possibly could.

They started falsifying evidence of every kind, the minute they got the order (around 3pm 11/22/1963) from J. Edgar Hoover.

You cited former FBI Agent Wesley Swearingen, who swears he had additional information showing a conspiracy in Chicago for the JFK murder in Dallas -- but this was stomped on hard by other FBI Agents.

J. Edgar Hoover had mandated: 'It was a Lone Shooter, with no accomplices who are still at large.'

This was taken as Gospel Truth by most FBI Agents -- especially the more powerful ones -- and those who were not on board with this were "relocated" to the boonies. Former FBI Agent Don Adams is another case in point.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul Trejo,

My point, not well made, is that the facts about Oswald were turned into fiction about him by the Warren Commission and its defenders. Oswald was turned into a poorly adjusted loner. Turning Oswald into a poorly adjusted loner was someone's job, IMO. It was a job calling for creativity and skill, skill at shading, ignoring, inventing facts about the true Oswald.

Peace be with you.

None better suited for that job than our very own FBI of the era....

While not the greatest of books, the insider look offered by Swearingen's book http://www.amazon.com/To-Kill-President-Finally-An-secrecy/dp/1419693824

is quite interesting. The faking of informants, of overtime, of leads or whatever it was that Hoover wanted or needed was accomplished by upwardly mobile agents...

Quite right, David. FBI Agents were the ones who -- out of ambition for promotion -- pushed the Lone Nut scenario of Lee Harvey OSWALD as hard as they possibly could.

They started falsifying evidence of every kind, the minute they got the order (around 3pm 11/22/1963) from J. Edgar Hoover.

You cited former FBI Agent Wesley Swearingen, who swears he had additional information showing a conspiracy in Chicago for the JFK murder in Dallas -- but this was stomped on hard by other FBI Agents.

J. Edgar Hoover had mandated: 'It was a Lone Shooter, with no accomplices who are still at large.'

This was taken as Gospel Truth by most FBI Agents -- especially the more powerful ones -- and those who were not on board with this were "relocated" to the boonies. Former FBI Agent Don Adams is another case in point.


--Paul Trejo

Even the commissioners were amazed at the declarative conclusion offered by the ever so careful FBI and Hoover.... (from the 1-22-64 Exec Session)


I wouldn't go so far to say that the FBI (Hoover) was the one who decided to push the Lone Nut scenario...

It was Hoover who wrote his Sr Staff on 12/12 stating that he felt they should not assume it was Oswald alone... even though the FBI report on Dec 9th had already stated so.

Surely does not look like Hoover is getting to make his own decisions as to the Lone Nut aspect - that he was TOLD to do so due to the Alvarado story and its possibilities.


11:35 a.m. December 12, 1963









Mr. Lee Rankin called from New York to check in with me on the matter of the Commission. He wanted to work out an arrangement with me which he thought might be satisfactory. He said he understood Mr. Belmont handled the investigation.

I told Mr. Rankin that Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen and I handled the preparation of the report and will handle additional leads as they come in.

Mr. Rankin asked how he should handle anything that comes up, things the Commission will want developed further, in regard to the FBI - whether they should be handled directly with me or somebody I would designate.

I replied that I will designate someone. I explained that I sent Mr. Malley down to Dallas to handle all of our angles down there; that he was on the ground there; and that I think he probably would be the man who would be more familiar with things Mr. Rankin should further explore. I stated Mr. Malley is in Dallas at the present time but will be ordered back tomorrow; that he will be available; and that we will be glad to run out any additional men as he may want.

Mr. Rankin of the difficulty about the Department's desire to issue certain conclusions; that they wanted to issue a statement before the report went to the Commission with the conclusion Oswald was the assassin, no foreign or subversive elements involved, and Rubenstein and Oswald had no connection; that I flatly disagreed; they took


Memorandum for Messers. Tolson, Belmont, Mohr, December 12, 1963

page 2

Conrad, Deloach, Evans, Rosen, Sullivan

it up with the White House and the President agreed with me that we should reach no conclusion; nevertheless the report does reach two conclusions in substance.

I said I personally believe Oswald was the assassin; that the second aspect as to whether he was the only man gives me great concern; that we have several letters, not in the report because we were not able to prove it, written to him from Cuba referring to the job he was going to do, his good marksmanship, and stating when it was all over he would be brought back to Cuba and presented to the chief; but we do not know if the chief was Castro and cannot make an investigation because we have no intelligence operation in Cuba; that I did not put this into the report because we did not have proof of it and didn't want to put speculation in the report; that this was the reason I urged strongly that we not reach conclusion Oswald was the only man.

Edited by David Josephs
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David Josephs,

The uncertainty as to Oswald's role, if any, in the assassination that Hoover expressed in writing tells me a couple of things. First, that if LBJ had told Hoover to uncover the truth, Hoover would have tried to do so. Second, that Hoover played no role in JFK's assassination (apologies to Madeleine Brown).

The BIG question for me about Hoover is whether on the night of 11/22 and the early morning of 11/23 Hoover ordered FBI agents to create phony records of a rifle purchase by Oswald from Klein's. I've leaned toward believing the discovery of the money order allegedly used to purchase the rifle was in fact an FBI plant. But on the morning of 11/23, Hoover seems uncertain that Oswald was the assassin. Which causes me now to believe the money order, found in a Virginia FRB at about 5:00 a.m. on 11/23, was not an FBI plant. It was a plant, but not an FBI plant. And which now causes me to ask whether the owner of Klein's helped to frame Oswald.

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David Josephs,

The uncertainty as to Oswald's role, if any, in the assassination that Hoover expressed in writing tells me a couple of things. First, that if LBJ had told Hoover to uncover the truth, Hoover would have tried to do so. Second, that Hoover played no role in JFK's assassination (apologies to Madeleine Brown).

The BIG question for me about Hoover is whether on the night of 11/22 and the early morning of 11/23 Hoover ordered FBI agents to create phony records of a rifle purchase by Oswald from Klein's. I've leaned toward believing the discovery of the money order allegedly used to purchase the rifle was in fact an FBI plant. But on the morning of 11/23, Hoover seems uncertain that Oswald was the assassin. Which causes me now to believe the money order, found in a Virginia FRB at about 5:00 a.m. on 11/23, was not an FBI plant. It was a plant, but not an FBI plant. And which now causes me to ask whether the owner of Klein's helped to frame Oswald.

[emphasis added by T. Graves]

Which just might pull one Gerry Patrick Hemming into the conversation, because if memory serves, he listed Klein's as a reference in his application for work with the CIA? Something like that.

--Tommy :sun

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Let's assume Klein's management was willing to do things for the CIA and for Party X.

Party X might be the Chicago DPD. Or Country Y. Or the FBI. Or the CIA.

Is it your conclusion, based on my assumption, that Party X and the CIA are one in the same?

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Let's assume Klein's management was willing to do things for the CIA and for Party X.

Party X might be the Chicago DPD. Or Country Y. Or the FBI. Or the CIA.

Is it your conclusion, based on my assumption, that Party X and the CIA are one in the same?


Not to be rude, but if you haven't "figured it out" by now, I have no conclusions. I'm just an instigator and catalyst here.

Let me know when you arrive at some sensible "conclusions."

BTW, why didn't you respond to my most recent jab at the Harvey and Lee (and Henry) theory?


--Tommy :sun

PS In your question above, why even involve a "party X?" Refresh my memory, please, as to what your "party X" did.

Does "party X" stand for the really really really bad guys?

Couldn't your "party X" simply have been a small, "rogue" part of the CIA?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Do you know who was behind the JFK assassination?

Of course, Jon. But it's on a "need to know basis."

Just kidding, Mr. Tidd.

Actually, I don't have a clue.

My hunch is that it was probably whoever selected those two or three young boys (who ended up several years later looking so much alike that they fooled all those witnesses) and mingled their life stories and timelines so effectively as to be able to manipulate one of them into becoming the "patsy" for the killing of a President who was, at that time, still a U.S. Senator. Or any other "wet jobs" that might come along five or six years later.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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David Josephs,

The uncertainty as to Oswald's role, if any, in the assassination that Hoover expressed in writing tells me a couple of things. First, that if LBJ had told Hoover to uncover the truth, Hoover would have tried to do so. Second, that Hoover played no role in JFK's assassination (apologies to Madeleine Brown).

The BIG question for me about Hoover is whether on the night of 11/22 and the early morning of 11/23 Hoover ordered FBI agents to create phony records of a rifle purchase by Oswald from Klein's. I've leaned toward believing the discovery of the money order allegedly used to purchase the rifle was in fact an FBI plant. But on the morning of 11/23, Hoover seems uncertain that Oswald was the assassin. Which causes me now to believe the money order, found in a Virginia FRB at about 5:00 a.m. on 11/23, was not an FBI plant. It was a plant, but not an FBI plant. And which now causes me to ask whether the owner of Klein's helped to frame Oswald.


The FBI took Klein's microfilm with the orders http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/html/WH_Vol19_0133a.htm and when my friend John Armstrong was at the archives he tells me that the cannister is missing now.

What these orders looked like - other than the one they chose to print - can never be known. (Note: I've always said that if other C20-T750 orders were shipping the bigger 40" FC rifle instead of the 36" TS rifle ordered, the evidence would be on this and other rolls from this time period. We are not shown a single order for a C20-T750 with scope where a 40"FC rifle is shipped. Means to me that the TS rifle with a scope was indeed shipped which in turn opens up another can of worms related to Feldsott's affidavit about the June 1962 order to Kleins which included C2766.

WCD881 https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11277&relPageId=14 attempts to explain the process (IOW bury the fraud in a mountain of fact)

The report is dated April 30th over Hoover's signature. Most of this information is offered on April 22, 1964.

https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10408&relPageId=195 is Gemberling's WCD7 with a recap of the goings on at Klein's on the 23rd....

On page 188 we are told that Waldman KEEPS THE FILM and places it in a safe place (I believe it was a safety deposit box)

On page 189 we are told he was given a receipt for the film (bottom)

And in the middle of the page is a recap claiming that FBI SA Dolan took the film (https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=328937 is a report of the FBI describing some information on evidence specimans forwarded to a handful of FBI office - it includes Dolan's delivery of the microfilm to FBI onthe 23rd)

Could anything have happened to the film or the creation of "orders" at the FBI lab? Can we compare the microfilm image with the printed version? not in your lifetime... not ever.

And what we find is that this evidence is finally dealt with in March 1964. Taking some time to wade thru this nightmare of evidence we come to find that the 100 rifles the FBI and WCR claims was rec'd in Feb, 1963 was actually the order rec'd in June 1962. (as Feldsott's affidavit said http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/feldsot.htm ). There is no evidence available that allows anyone to trace C2766 thru Rupp to Kleins. The entire mountain of Rifle evidence is very misleading and deceiving.

What's important to remember is that I found FBI reports from Sept 1964 that were back dated to Dec 1963 for evidentiary reasons.

Also to remember is that the FBI took all the evidence in the evening of 11/22 and returned more than they took on Nov 26th, only to take it once again.

As you know, major breaks in the Chain of custody can only be overcome by personal statement of marking the evidence itself at the time of collection. and even then a broken chain of custody, or an unverifiable chain makes authentication of the evidence more faith than fact.

WHEN evidence was seen and by whom - and whether what we see was what we got is again - a crapshoot. Evidence only needed to implicate, to, in the words of Redlich:

"Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy,

but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions

that Oswald was the sole assassin."


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I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
I shouted out,
";Who killed the Kennedys?";
When after all
It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Not sure if we will ever know who was "behind" the assassination - we do know who covered it up and some of the WHY it was covered up and why it happened.

Unless the real Lee Oswald was shooting at JFK, an Oswald was not involved in the killing of JFK directly. The rest is 10 million pages of hay to hide the needle



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I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

I shouted out,

"Who killed the Kennedys?"

When after all

It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Not sure if we will ever know who was "behind" the assassination - we do know who covered it up and some of the WHY it was covered up and why it happened.

Unless the real Lee Oswald was shooting at JFK, an Oswald was not involved in the killing of JFK directly. The rest is 10 million pages of hay to hide the needle



[punctuation mistakes graciously corrected and emphasis added by T. Graves]

Wow, Jo-Jo! Holy $h!t ! Those are A$$-kickin' great lyrics!

How creative!

I never knew you were so, ... so ...... accomplished!

Me? I'm just an amateur gold prospector who rolls a few stones out of the way from time to time... (And, yes, I'm growin' old.)

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I wouldn't go so far to say that the FBI (Hoover) was the one who decided to push the Lone Nut scenario...

It was Hoover who wrote his Sr Staff on 12/12 stating that he felt they should not assume it was Oswald alone... even though the FBI report on Dec 9th had already stated so.

Surely does not look like Hoover is getting to make his own decisions as to the Lone Nut aspect - that he was TOLD to do so due to the Alvarado story and its possibilities.


11:35 a.m. December 12, 1963









Mr. Lee Rankin called from New York to check in with me on the matter of the Commission. He wanted to work out an arrangement with me which he thought might be satisfactory. He said he understood Mr. Belmont handled the investigation.

I told Mr. Rankin that Mr. Belmont, Mr. Rosen and I handled the preparation of the report and will handle additional leads as they come in.

Mr. Rankin asked how he should handle anything that comes up, things the Commission will want developed further, in regard to the FBI - whether they should be handled directly with me or somebody I would designate.

I replied that I will designate someone. I explained that I sent Mr. Malley down to Dallas to handle all of our angles down there; that he was on the ground there; and that I think he probably would be the man who would be more familiar with things Mr. Rankin should further explore. I stated Mr. Malley is in Dallas at the present time but will be ordered back tomorrow; that he will be available; and that we will be glad to run out any additional men as he may want.

Mr. Rankin of the difficulty about the Department's desire to issue certain conclusions; that they wanted to issue a statement before the report went to the Commission with the conclusion Oswald was the assassin, no foreign or subversive elements involved, and Rubenstein and Oswald had no connection; that I flatly disagreed; they took it up with the White House and the President agreed with me that we should reach no conclusion; nevertheless the report does reach two conclusions in substance.

I said I personally believe Oswald was the assassin; that the second aspect as to whether he was the only man gives me great concern; that we have several letters, not in the report because we were not able to prove it, written to him from Cuba referring to the job he was going to do, his good marksmanship, and stating when it was all over he would be brought back to Cuba and presented to the chief; but we do not know if the chief was Castro and cannot make an investigation because we have no intelligence operation in Cuba; that I did not put this into the report because we did not have proof of it and didn't want to put speculation in the report; that this was the reason I urged strongly that we not reach conclusion Oswald was the only man.

-- J. Edgar Hoover

Well, David, here's my take on this important memo from J. Edgar Hoover himself.

It is dated 12/12/1963, a mere twenty days after the JFK murder. According to History Professor David Wrone, J. Edgar Hoover got the bright idea of interpreting Lee Harvey OSWALD as a "Lone Nut" at about 3pm CST, and told LBJ right away, who loved the idea.

LBJ said these words to J. Edgar Hoover:

"I've got more confidence in your judgment than anybody in town. So you just put down some of the things you think ought to happen and I won't involve you or quote you or get you in jurisdictional disputes or anything, but I'd like to at least advocate them as my opinion."

Soon after LBJ called Senator Richard Russell, who didn't want to join the Warren Commission and told him, "

DR "...I can't do it...I haven't got the time...with all my Georgia items in there..."

LBJ "Well, we're just going to make the time... there's not going to be any time to begin with.. all you'll do is evaluate the Hoover report he has already made..."

Given this context, here's my take on the Hoover memo you cited above, David. The next nine months of the Warren Commission are already set in stone -- before their coffee-machines were first unboxed. They are only going to "evaluate" and remark upon J. Edgar Hoover's foregone conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the "Lone Shooter."

This is not speculation -- it's proved by the fact that FBI leaked the "Lone Shooter" story to every news outlet in the USA, including Backyard Photographs of Oswald with his "deadly" weapons. The FBI did their utmost to ensure that the USA accepted the "Lone Nut" scenario from coast to coast.

Yet not everybody in the Warren Commission was inside on the secret -- and they had to put up appearances, especially in the early days -- like the first month, when Attorney Rankin tried to figure out if the game was fixed. NATURALLY J. EDGAR HOOVER HAD TO DENY THAT THE WARREN COMMISSION WAS RIGGED.

That's my take on Hoover's letter above.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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...WHEN evidence was seen and by whom - and whether what we see was what we got is again -- a crapshoot. Evidence only needed to implicate, to, in the words of Redlich:

"Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole assassin."

What is also important about this quote from Norman Redlich to Warren Commission Attorney J. Lee Rankin, is that it's dated: 27 April 1964 -- five months after the start of the Warren Commission.

By this time the "Lone Nut" bias of the Warren Commission was finally common knowledge amongst most of the participants.

No matter what evidence was presented -- the FBI modified it to force it into the "Lone Nut" paradigm. This is, IMHO, part of the proof that the JFK Cover-up (unlike the JFK murder) was UNPLANNED -- as its cracks are obvious to the casual observer.

Nor did the Warren Commission lie about lying to us -- Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren told us that he could not release the Truth to us -- until 75 years had passed. We were promised the Truth in 2039.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Very interesting POV Paul...

Thanks for sharing it.

Bundy's call to AF-1 on 11/22 where it is said that Ozzie was the man and there is no conspiracy - you buy into that as fact?

I simply do not believe LBJ was that smart to understand what would be necessary at the autopsy.

He would be under the control of the same people who just killed his boss and were now putting a target on his back should he not play along.

Hoover was not involved with Bethesda.

Hoover did not steal the body from Parkland.

The Joint Chiefs and their associated "Industrial Congressional Complex" stood head and shoulders above LBJ, JEH and even the CIA. Without the Military, the CIA was toothless (imho)

All Hoover and LBJ could do was follow orders and engage the cover-up. FBI to create the necessary evidence, LBJ to create the Commission, CIA to confuse the issue as much as possible and

NOBODY - repeat NOBODY bothered the military. Not ONI, not MIA or MID. The CIA runs interference for the Military at every turn. The State Dept, CIA and IN&S were painting Oswald into a Cuban/Russian conspiracy starting on October 8th. And even after proving it was not Oswald in Mexico, the evidence continues to tell us that Oswald was there. Alvarado tells an amazing story of a deep conspiracy while we come to learn that he was a CIA asset. Phillips even gets in on interrogating him...

Do you believe that Hoover and/or LBJ could tell LeMay, Anderson, McDonald & Wheeler what to do with their command?

Now what about Bundy and Harriman?

Who would have told Galloway and Burkley to do what they did? IMO certainly not LBJ or Hoover...

At the time Navy reps were Anderson and McDonald yet from 1961-1963 there was quite a bit of shuffling going on.

I will most certainly look more deeply into the "Lone Nut" situation per Wrone - thanks for the assist.


btw - A great read on the subject of the relationshiup between JFK and the JCS is chapter 7 of:


A History of the Join t Chiefs of Staff

1942 – 1991

By Steven L. Rearden

edit: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2544&page=47#entry291910 is another discussion of the Wrone says it was Hoover conclusion... I have to agree with Cliff - until you offer some real evidence that Hoover had/expressed these thoughts, when on the 23rd we have the conversation with LBJ about the "second man" down in mexico.

Edited by David Josephs
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