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Where was Roy Truly Right after the last Shot was Fired?

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OK. Here's the skinny [and it's obviously not Occhus Campbell].

I truly believe that your Truly#1 truly isn't Roy Truly.

I truly believe it's more likely that your Truly #2 may truly be Roy Truly.

I hope you truly understand that my point was to attempt to inject a moment of humor into a very serious subject.

And apparently I failed.

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OK. Here's the skinny [and it's obviously not Occhus Campbell].

I truly believe that your Truly#1 truly isn't Roy Truly.

I truly believe it's more likely that your Truly #2 may truly be Roy Truly.

I hope you truly understand that my point was to attempt to inject a moment of humor into a very serious subject.

And apparently I failed.

Truly, you jested?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Hi Thomas

Going over the photos and testimony, there appears to be no question that the "Truly" seen down near the traffic light cannot actually be Roy Truly, and that the real Roy Truly can be seen exactly where he claimed to be, out in front of the steps of the TSBD.

That being said, I still question Truly's testimony in which he describes a large panicky crowd congealing around him, and bearing him back to the steps of the TSBD. For one thing, there just weren't that many people standing in front of the steps, and most of them can still be seen near their original positions in the Couch film. We also do not see anyone falling to the ground in the Couch film, as described by Truly and, considering he was looking toward the steps in the Couch film, prior to Baker's arrival, he would have had to observe this crowd action before leaving his position beside Campbell.

What we have here is a man who appeared to be in too much of a rush to get back inside the TSBD, almost as if he had an appointment to keep.

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Hi Thomas

Going over the photos and testimony, there appears to be no question that the "Truly" seen down near the traffic light cannot actually be Roy Truly, and that the real Roy Truly can be seen exactly where he claimed to be, out in front of the steps of the TSBD.

That being said, I still question Truly's testimony in which he describes a large panicky crowd congealing around him, and bearing him back to the steps of the TSBD. For one thing, there just weren't that many people standing in front of the steps, and most of them can still be seen near their original positions in the Couch film. We also do not see anyone falling to the ground in the Couch film, as described by Truly and, considering he was looking toward the steps in the Couch film, prior to Baker's arrival, he would have had to observe this crowd action before leaving his position beside Campbell.

What we have here is a man who appeared to be in too much of a rush to get back inside the TSBD, almost as if he had an appointment to keep.

Hi Robert,

Good to hear from you again.

I think you are probably right in your analysis -- Truly may have had an "appointment" to keep inside the TSBD regarding the assassination (But what, exactly -- to implicate Oswald somehow? To help the shooter get away?), and when he and Baker encountered Oswald (Prayer Man) right outside the front door or just inside it in the lobby / vestibule / storage closet, Campbell and probably Reid happened to be there and witness said encounter, too.

If they did see Oswald in the small storage room by the front stairs, maybe Lee had stashed his apple or his cheese sandwich in there and he went there to retrieve it....

But Prayer Man is still outside the front door when Baker leaps up onto the sidewalk (and, IMHO probably runs up the steps just to the left of the center hand railing) in Couch / Darnell, and Truly and "Big Boy" Campbell turn and start walking towards the front entrance. I seriously doubt that Oswald / Prayer man ran through the front door as Baker was bounding up the steps towards it. So why did Campbell, in his 11/22/63 statement to the New York Times Herald reporter, (which was published the next day on 11/23/63) say, "We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor"?

If Prayer Man was indeed Oswald, then I guess the only logical answer to that question is that Oswald would look too innocent if he was already outside the front door, whereas he would look a little more guilty if he was found inside the building in a storage room, suggesting that he was hiding there, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Tommy et al,

I just figured out how to use "google photos" so I can upload my photos there, then post links to them here.......hopefully..... So here goes....

Here's Sooy's Obit (credit to James Richards!): https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DLi-SwefmiEAX6gKXbU47Jxws_6r1oZVvnf9S3Mtk64=w510-h663-no

(Well, cr*p! just don't get it...I tried clicking on the "image" icon above, inserting the URL and clicking "ok," but it only inserts a little square "dead gif" icon. So, after several attempts just posted the link! Sorry about that! If someone could tell me how to get this to work so things show up, I'd appreciate it.)

Here is a screen capture from the DCA film where I first found "Sooy" at 6:15. When the camera pans over to him - this is how we see first him: walking toward the camera from the direction of the TSBD steps. My first thought was.... where the heck had he just come from? And had he been inside the TSBD "helping" Truly et al with the investigation?!https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOjESn6eOyJ_obH2l6_Rsg3mqbOHxk_5eh7Q6kI

This is a comparison I made from a late 50's Navy photo of Sooy and multiple screen captures of "Sooy" from the DCA film. NB: both of them seem to have big ears as well. : https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOrFUzlvd5QE4LSgAMV2EUq5kMLgOGKdLTOhjRx

Here's a 40's or 50's photo of a much younger Sooy and his good buddy Frank Krystinik - also ONI. Krystinik worked at Bell Helicopter and was a good friend of Michael Paine's. I think I also got this from James Richards: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOSWx40bJcFiWLEy2O0a1t8RTVwBpkI_oCD3RSq

This is a crop I made of the guy seen over the windshield of the Queen Mary in Altgen's 6. I think he looks a lot like "Sooy". A little heftier but it could be the lighting on Sooy's cheekbones in the DCA film, vs this guy whose is not facing southward into the sun and looks a little fuller.


And this is a guy I cropped from a Skaggs photo - he's right in front of the TSBD and looks a great deal like "Sooy" (and the Queen Mary guy), but he looks heftier so I think he may be different guy - unless it's just lighting? Also his hat looks black vs "Sooy's" hat is gray w/a black band. Whoever he is he's a really big guy and looks authoritative to me - he's got an intelligence vibe. I wonder who he is? Anyone know? https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipPq8y_vuAHKc-pa2p-_h0EUqTAZSJjKK-mNmLOM

Finally, we don't know where he parked - my feeling was probably in the Elm Extension he might have had the best view, but then I found this coup parked on the west side of the TSBD that might be his - but IF he stayed in the car (which I doubt), his view would be blocked by spectators across Houston. I think this screen capture might be from the Cook/Cooper film: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipPHWaCp9sxPxGdFiAcNlXhT6_jS9shNdjfhh0fe

Ok... there's some food for thought! :idea


I have some bad news, and then I have some really bad news.

First, the bad news. The only links that work for me are the newspaper's obituary and the DCA video. The six "googlephotos" links don't work. Try clicking on them to see what I mean.

Now for the really bad news. I disagree with you when you say the guy at 6:15 in the video is not the same guy who is standing on the "island" during the assassination with his arms crossed and a white handkerchief in his breast pocket. There are too many similarities. The handkerchief, the suit, the lighter-than-its-hatband hat, the white tie. The faces are close enough for me. He was smiling on the "island" and practically frowning at 6:15 in the video. It's understandable that his face would look different because of the facial contortions he's going through.

So we don't divert this thread any farther from the question "Where was Truly right after the last shot," I'm going to start a new thread and call it "White Tie And Handkerchief Guy -- ONI Officer David Aubrey Sooy?," or something like that. Please feel free to put your posts on my "6:15 Guy" and your Sooy there.

--Tommy :sun

bumped for Linda

re-bumped for Linda

can anyone help her post the photos she's trying to post?

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OK. Here's the skinny [and it's obviously not Occhus Campbell].

I truly believe that your Truly#1 truly isn't Roy Truly.

I truly believe it's more likely that your Truly #2 may truly be Roy Truly.

I hope you truly understand that my point was to attempt to inject a moment of humor into a very serious subject.

And apparently I failed.

LOL! OK, Mark....My apologies!!!! :P I'm new here and don't know a lot of people, including you and, unfortunately, I can also be very gullible when people tease me. Sometimes i just don't get the joke. So sorry about that! :peace

Edited by Linda Giovanna Zambanini
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Robert Prudhomme said:

"What we have here is a man who appeared to be in too much of a rush to get back inside the TSBD, almost as if he had an appointment to keep."

I said in an earlier post that Truly probably was borne back to the steps by the crowd, just like he said, because we see him separated from Campbell and Reid - it just wasn't captured on film. But you make some very convincing points...and your summary is golden! I would have to agree now.

Edited by Linda Giovanna Zambanini
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"I feel very confident - handkerchief or no handkerchief in Truly#1's breast pocket - that Truly#1 on the left, is not Truly because his face and cheeks are very chubby and it looks like he has sort of a pug nose."

So then...I suppose you're saying that apparently Truly #1 truly isn't Truly.

OK...back to seriousness, folks.

Correct, Mark.

Linda and I have determined that the guy I've been calling call "Truly #1," the man who's wearing a dark suit and fedora and standing on the edge of the "island" with his arms crossed in Wiegman, is not Roy Truly.

Linda and I think we have found, in an enhanced clip from Dave Wiegman's film, the real Roy Truly, O.V. Campbell, and Jeraldean Reid standing near each other on the sidewalk in front of the front steps, and we think that their actions a few seconds after the shooting, as captured in Darnell and Couch, suggest that Campbell was telling the truth when he told a newspaper reporter on 11/22/63 (published 11/23/63) that "We" (probably Campbell and Reid, and perhaps Truly and / or Marion Baker) "went through the the front door shortly after the shooting stopped and encountered Oswald in a first floor storage room." (paraphrasing a bit here)

Linda and I mildly disagree on whether or not "Truly #1" is also visible starting at 6:15 in this video. I say he is, Linda says it's a different man.

Yours truly,

--Tommy :sun

Hi Tommy!

Sorry, I've not replied to all your posts and the others' posts sooner! I've been busy with other things this w/e and in the last day I have also been working on Sooy's genealogy and findagrave connections and have done more research reading old news clippings about Sooy I hadn't read before. (And I did find two really great ones!)

So, from your post it appears we disagree about the man in the DCA Film at 6:15 (whom I say is Sooy), being the same man as "Truly#1". Correct? Yes, I guess we do disagree about that. I think "Sooy" in the DCA film is taller and thinner faced - and has different glasses than "Truly#1". But do you agree with me that DCA-man could be Sooy??

And btw...I read your post earlier about how almost none of my googlephotos links are working, so I thought, cr*p!! So, before I even got online to reply just now - and without even testing the links - I went to imgur and set up an account and uploaded my Sooy/Krystinik photos there. They all have ".png" extensions so, I figure, for godsakes THEY had better work - if they don't, just shoot me!

But then I got online just now and before replying or trying to post them here, I clicked on the googlephoto links in my post as you suggested and each and every one of them work! What the heck?! I was using google Chrome so I thought, maybe they don't work in IE? And maybe you're using IE?! So I opened this page in IE and - again - each and ever one of those links worked for me! So I'm really baffled that they aren't working for you! Can you try them again and let me know if they work? The only other thing I can imagine is going on is that there is some sort of privacy setting in googlephotos so that *I* can see my googlephoto links but *you* and others can't! At any rate...I now have a nice imgur Sooy gallery set up with all the photos in it which I would like to post.

I have NO Idea how this works. So I'm going to just try posting the URL of my "Sooy/DCA-man comparison" photo from my "Sooy & Kyrstinik" album here and see if it does anything. There are 9 photos in the album, total (plus one "photo" is his obit, and another photo is of a news clipping I came across from June '65. It states that Sooy - I believe in Aug '63, it's confusingly worded - is about to marry the new female Cmdr. of the Dallas Naval Air Station, Cmdr. Nadine Niehouse (aka: Evelyn Nadine Niehouse)!

Sooy, had retired in July 1960, I discovered from going thru military records on a genealogy site. And he obviously had divorced his first wife, Josephine Zillah Moore, whom he married in 1930 (even though I still haven't been able to find a divorce record for them, or a new marriage certificate for him and Niehouse. But he definitely married Niehouse. Her name is on Radaris as "Evelyn Nadine Sooy" or "Evelyn Niehouse Sooy", along with his name and addresses, even though he passed away back in '95. She must still be alive but in her 90s - I haven't found an obit of findagrave page for her. Ok, here goes...fingers crossed! :hotorwot


WOWZA!!!! It worked!!! Happy dance!! I hope you can see it too?! :clapping:cheers

Ok now I will post other Sooy/Kristinik stuff on the other thread you set up. I just wanted everyone here to see who I'm talking about. I think he is not the same man as "Truly#1" I think he's Sooy. And seriously... even if he did "sit in his car" like he said, to watch the motorcade (which I don't believe for an instant), post assassination it's not believable that this guy who is ONI and the former Cmdr. of the D-NAS, and who is about to marry the new Cmdr. of the D-NAS, would just sit in his car - or leave - without getting out to assess things, or help out, or "help out".

PS Keep in mind that the Sooy comparison photo is from some time in the late 50's so he will look older if this is him.

Edited by Linda Giovanna Zambanini
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Tommy said:

But Prayer Man is still outside the front door when Baker leaps up onto the sidewalk (and, IMHO probably runs up the steps just to the left of the center hand railing) in Couch / Darnell, and Truly and "Big Boy" Campbell turn and start walking towards the front entrance. I seriously doubt that Oswald / Prayer man ran through the front door as Baker was bounding up the steps towards it. So why did Campbell, in his 11/22/63 statement to the New York Times Herald reporter, (which was published the next day on 11/23/63) say, "We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor"?

If Prayer Man was indeed Oswald, then I guess the only logical answer to that question is that Oswald would look too innocent if he was already outside the front door, whereas he would look a little more guilty if he was found inside the building in a storage room, suggesting that he was hiding there, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

It's always possible he ducked into the lobby when he saw Baker coming. He was right there by the door and I know from a blowup I did of the last frame of Darnell as Baker arrives at the steps that PM saw Baker and reacted. Furthermore, have you noticed that it looks as though someone already has the glass door propped open a tad behind Frazier? It would be quick and easy for PM to duck into the lobby with the door already cracked open for him. Check out the door:


But, great point Tommy about making him look more guilty. If he didn't duck into the lobby or the storage closet - I 've come across another possible explanation of just "why" this story about him being in the storage closet after the shots was put forward. It always did seem a little silly to me that he would try to hide in the storage closet, which could be seen as sort of suspicious. I knew I saved this clipping for a reason - it wasn't exactly apparent at the time - now maybe it is!!!

This is from a correspondence between Harold Weisberg and "S". In it they discuss - months before the WC Report even came out - that 2 respected journalists swore to them that O.V. Campbell told them that he saw Oswald in the front lobby storage closet BEFORE the assassination not after! This makes more sense!

If it happened this way it would explain why Campbell would put forward this story of seeing him in the closet afterward - when actually he had see him in the closet beforehand (for some probably very legitimate reason like getting supplies or something - not nervously "hiding" in the aftermath of the assassination and seeing Officer Baker rushing up)! Thus, Oswald's perfectly innocent action - like getting something out of the closet - is turned into "hiding" in the closet during the aftermath to help patsy him up!

IMO, Baker either rushed right by Oswald on the landing and then yelled "where are the stairs?!" at which point he stepped into the lobby to tell him - before Truly arrived and took over as the boss; OR Oswald had gone inside (Who knows why... To call his handler? Get his stuff to quickly leave and meet up with someone at the theater as previously arranged?) and Baker encountered him there just inside the front door in the lobby and asked him where the stairs were - again until Truly arrived and took over.

In fact, the whole scenario of Baker aggressively pointing a drawn gun at Oswald in the front closet, then Truly telling him to cool it because Oswald was an employee, never made any sense whatsoever to me. Why would you point a gun at a guy who is right by the front door? A guy who obviously, he didn't have time to run down from the top of the bldg. in that short amount of time. It seems totally concocted. Fishy...very, very, fishy story!

Yes, it's entirely more logical that this "in the closet" business actually happened PRIOR TO the assassination - just as these journalists insisted OV Campbell had recounted to them! :


(It's moments like these I wish Sean were here to put in his two cents... I can hear him now! :) )

Also keep in mind early on Truly, Baker, and Campbell probably didn't even think about there being film of Baker sprinting into the bldg w/in 10-15 sec of the last shot! So they figured they could lie through their teeth and get away with it!

And finally...speaking of the golden boy, here is a post of Sean's that I snipped out and saved from the PM thread a while back. Kent Biffle, the DMN reporter that wrote one of these early stories about encountering Oswald in the entry, said Truly was the one that originally recounted to him that he and Baker "met" Oswald as they rushed into the bldg. NB: he said nothing about a "storage closet" or a pulled gun! This, indeed, is probably how it went down - not pointing a gun at a "suspicious" Oswald, cowering in a closet!


Thoughts? (Sean if you're reading this....please come back!)

Addendum: I forgot to highlight this sentence of the Weisberg correspondence which is very telling:

"I have been told that it's almost as hard to talk to Campbell now about the assassination as it is Wesley Frazier!"

EDIT POSTED 8/20/15: The above should read: "...1 of 2 respected journalists swore to them that O.V. Campbell told them that he saw Oswald in the front lobby storage closet BEFORE the assassination not after!" (not 2 journalists - sorry I misread the correspondence).

Edited by Linda Giovanna Zambanini
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Linda and Tommy, thanks for the postings, I think this is a most interesting thread and shows some great research. Linda, I found your most recent post very interesting - that scenario would explain a great many otherwise mysterious things. Keep up the good work! Larry

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Linda and Tommy, thanks for the postings, I think this is a most interesting thread and shows some great research. Linda, I found your most recent post very interesting - that scenario would explain a great many otherwise mysterious things. Keep up the good work! Larry

You're welcome, Larry! And thank you! Yes, I'm really enjoying it too! And you are so right! When Tommy posed that question about "why" Campbell would say that, suddenly the lightbulb went off in my head and that old clipping spoke from the past and explained all these contorted stories that never quite made sense!

Edited by Linda Giovanna Zambanini
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"Also keep in mind early on Truly, Baker, and Campbell probably didn't even think about there being film of Baker sprinting into the bldg w/in 10-15 sec of the last shot! So they figured they could lie through their teeth and get away with it!"

Unfortunately, there is no film showing Baker sprinting into the TSBD front entrance. The Couch film shows him within a few feet of the TSBD front steps, but pans away to the left at the crucial moment. To add further mystery to this matter, no witness on the front steps, including Molina and Frazier, could recall seeing a white helmeted motorcycle cop going past them. This is especially strange when one considers Baker would likely have had to move Frazier out of the way to go through the front door.

As everything involved in pinning the patsy tail on the Oswald donkey on the 2nd floor seems to hinge on split second timing, here is something I would like you to consider: What if Baker did not sprint up the steps, with Truly in hot pursuit, seconds after the last shot was fired?

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Tommy et al,

I just figured out how to use "google photos" so I can upload my photos there, then post links to them here.......hopefully..... So here goes....

Here's Sooy's Obit (credit to James Richards!): https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DLi-SwefmiEAX6gKXbU47Jxws_6r1oZVvnf9S3Mtk64=w510-h663-no

(Well, cr*p! just don't get it...I tried clicking on the "image" icon above, inserting the URL and clicking "ok," but it only inserts a little square "dead gif" icon. So, after several attempts just posted the link! Sorry about that! If someone could tell me how to get this to work so things show up, I'd appreciate it.)

Here is a screen capture from the DCA film where I first found "Sooy" at 6:15 . When the camera pans over to him - this is how we see first him: walking toward the camera from the direction of the TSBD steps. My first thought was.... where the heck had he just come from? And had he been inside the TSBD "helping" Truly et al with the investigation?!: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOjESn6eOyJ_obH2l6_Rsg3mqbOHxk_5eh7Q6kI

This is a comparison I made from a late 50's Navy photo of Sooy and multiple screen captures of "Sooy" from the DCA film. NB: both of them seem to have big ears as well. : https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOrFUzlvd5QE4LSgAMV2EUq5kMLgOGKdLTOhjRx

Here's a 40's or 50's photo of a much younger Sooy and his good buddy Frank Krystinik - also ONI. Krystinik worked at Bell Helicopter and was a good friend of Michael Paine's. I think I also got this from James Richards: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipOSWx40bJcFiWLEy2O0a1t8RTVwBpkI_oCD3RSq

This is a crop I made of the guy seen over the windshield of the Queen Mary in Altgen's 6. I think he looks a lot like "Sooy". A little heftier but it could be the lighting on Sooy's cheekbones in the DCA film, vs this guy whose is not facing southward into the sun and looks a little fuller.:


And this is a guy I cropped from a Skaggs photo - he's right in front of the TSBD and looks a great deal like "Sooy" (and the Queen Mary guy), but he looks heftier so I think he may be different guy - unless it's just lighting? Also his hat looks black vs "Sooy's" hat is gray w/a black band. Whoever he is he's a really big guy and looks authoritative to me - he's got an intelligence vibe. I wonder who he is? Anyone know?: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipPq8y_vuAHKc-pa2p-_h0EUqTAZSJjKK-mNmLOM

Finally, we don't know where Sooy parked - my feeling was probably in the Elm Extension he might have had the best view, but then I found this coup parked on the west side of the TSBD that might be his - but IF he stayed in the car (which I doubt), his view would be blocked by spectators across Houston. I think this screen capture might be from the Cook/Cooper film: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP8G30f8d8q0Rhb3cWeCKJ9om9vpnFNvXuBHcFN/photo/AF1QipPHWaCp9sxPxGdFiAcNlXhT6_jS9shNdjfhh0fe

Ok... there's some food for thought! :idea


Except for the Obit. and the 6:15 links, none of the other links in this post work for me yet in Google Chrome. This is the GOOGLE message I get:

"404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know."

I have just now looked at your 1950's photo of "Navy Guy" Sooy and the four images of "White Tie Guy / DCA Guy" next to it which you posted a few hours ago on this thread, and I'm sorry to say I'm not convinced they're the same guy, but I am trying to keep an open mind.

I'm looking forward to seeing your other photos of Sooy, and hopefully we'll find a photo or two of Campbell someday, too.

Keep up the good work.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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"Also keep in mind early on Truly, Baker, and Campbell probably didn't even think about there being film of Baker sprinting into the bldg w/in 10-15 sec of the last shot! So they figured they could lie through their teeth and get away with it!"

Unfortunately, there is no film showing Baker sprinting into the TSBD front entrance. The Couch film shows him within a few feet of the TSBD front steps, but pans away to the left at the crucial moment. To add further mystery to this matter, no witness on the front steps, including Molina and Frazier, could recall seeing a white helmeted motorcycle cop going past them. This is especially strange when one considers Baker would likely have had to move Frazier out of the way to go through the front door.

As everything involved in pinning the patsy tail on the Oswald donkey on the 2nd floor seems to hinge on split second timing, here is something I would like you to consider: What if Baker did not sprint up the steps, with Truly in hot pursuit, seconds after the last shot was fired?


Then in all due respect to you, I'd have to ask you where did Baker run to if not up the front steps, and why did none of the witnesses say anything about his sprinting to the corner, or down the side of the building, or climbing up the fire escape ladder, or running up to them to ask them some questions?

I don't think it's so strange that none of the witnesses other than Truly (who in Darnell was looking right at him and turned to watch him go by) remembered and reported seeing Baker run up the steps.

And as I've tried to point out, Baker's easiest route up the steps was just to the left of the center hand railing, which would explain his last-second veering in Darnell.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Well, there is this possibility. Baker did go up the stairs and into the TSBD, but not within 20 seconds of the last shot. He may have gone to the corner first, conferred with officers there, and then gone into the TSBD 2-3 minutes later. By that point, Frazier, Molina AND Oswald may have re-entered the building, along with Truly, Campbell and Mrs. Reid. Remember, Campbell only said that "we" saw Oswald in a 1st floor closet near the main entrance; he never actually said Baker was part of that group.

If this story had been told, far too much time might have elapsed to make a 2nd floor lunchroom encounter believable.


This scenario would also make believable Shelley's and Lovelady's stories about remaining on the steps 3-4 minutes, conferring with Calvery, heading to the rail yard and looking back to see Truly and Baker ascending the steps.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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