Paul Trejo Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 (edited) Here is another one by Caufield that Trejo missed: At this point in the book, Caufield also fails to mention the Russian test that Oswald took while in the military. He therefore avoids another compelling indication that Oswald was being groomed by the Office of Naval Intelligence for a CIA assignment as a false defector to Russia. Later on, when Caufield does mention this test, he deals with it in a remarkable manner. In his ongoing vendetta against Jim Garrison, he tries to weaken the former DA’s argument about Oswald getting training in the Russian language in the Marines. (see p. 227) .... The weakness of your argument, James, is that you twist the fact that LHO took a Russian Language test while in the Marines into a "proof" of whatever you want it to prove. You want it to prove a CIA plot. Yet you are making giant leaps of guesswork. While the Russian Language test that LHO took in the Marines does show that LHO had above-average intelligence, it certainly did not help his spelling -- nor did it help his ability to write in English. We have lots of texts by LHO that show his mediocrity in writing. Was LHO ever CIA material? The CIA did say in 1962 that they considered "laying on of interviews" -- but LHO was still only 22 at the time, and there is no further evidence about it. What is more likely (as former CIA agent Victor Marchetti explained) is that the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) recruited Oswald to go to the USSR in 1959 as part of a larger project of "dangles". Yet Oswald evidently quit that job on his own accord when he married Marina, and broke his contract. So, Oswald would have a chit against him for all Intelligence employment thereafter. When we find Oswald in Texas in 1962/1963, we find an unemployed guy, who can't hold down a job, while his wife is pumping out babies. A pitiful character -- with no comparison to CIA agents who own their own homes and drive new cars. No, Oswald wasn't a CIA agent -- but he *wanted* to be. Yet he was too head-strong and impulsive. So, the best he could do was to work for Guy Banister in New Orleans (as Jim Garrison proved), probably believing that he *was* in a way working for the CIA (which Guy Banister gladly lied about), or that his work for Guy Banister would lead to a job in the CIA. So, actually, Oswald was a semi-employed, semi-employable youngster who got tangled with Guy Banister and his rag tag band of Radical Right extremists -- virtually none of whom was truly in the CIA, but many of whom lied about it and claimed to be CIA (e.g. David Ferrie, Fred Crisman and Jack S. Martin) . Based on this real-life scenario, James, you and your CT just make the rest up. You *want* to see a CIA Oswald, in order to support your CIA-did-it CT, which is already a half-century old and moldy. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited June 10, 2016 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Blank Posted June 10, 2016 Share Posted June 10, 2016 (edited) yeah, jim, you just want it to be a CIA job because that's what the facts say Edited June 10, 2016 by Martin Blank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James DiEugenio Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 PT: The weakness of your argument, James, is that you twist the fact that LHO took a Russian Language test while in the Marines into a "proof" of whatever you want it to prove. What baloney. This is not about a CIA plot or what I think happened. That is a shell game by you. This is about you trying to sell us Caufield's book, without pointing out the myriad of problems in it. For instance, his denial of Oswald's acquisition of Russian in the service. I have now listed about four major problems with the book. You did not point out any. All you did was summarize chapters of the book--period. As if all of it was to be taken as being the gospel truth. You know, the big breakthrough you talked about. Absolute malarkey. Caufield's book leads us nowhere. Even on its own terms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted June 12, 2016 Share Posted June 12, 2016 (edited) ...And furthermore, Marina Oswald begged for Ruth Paine's help in September 1963, when Marina was eight-months pregnant, and Lee Harvey Oswald was unemployed and had no health insurance. Ruth Paine, because of her Quaker charity, agreed to take care of Marina through her childbirth and for three months afterwards (i.e. until January 1964). Lee Oswald was grateful for this -- because he wasn't yet finished with his service to Guy Banister (there was still the Mexico City episode) and he had only a few dollars left. Ruth Paine agreed to take care of Marina -- but she didn't agree to take care of Lee Oswald. Still, Lee Oswald took advantage of the situation (i.e. by sending his magazine subscriptions to Ruth's home, and living there on weekends without paying a nickel). Yet for her Christian Charity, the CIA-did-it CT group ruthlessly attacks Ruth Paine, accusing her of being a CIA agent. Thank goodness for Jeff Caufield's new book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015), which comes closest to solving the JFK murder than any other publication in the past half-century. . Reading Jeff Caufield is a must. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited June 12, 2016 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ernie Lazar Posted June 24, 2016 Share Posted June 24, 2016 (edited) I can now definitively address one of the assertions made in the past which claims that Harry Dean was in contact with FBI Special Agent in Charge, Wesley G. Grapp. Dr. Caufield discusses the general details of Dean’s story on pages 590-606 of his book. First, let’s summarize what Dean has previously claimed with respect to his alleged contacts with Wesley Grapp. The following quotations appear in Paul Trejo’s e-Book about Harry. According to Harry, his first contact with Wesley Grapp allegedly occurred in July 1961 with respect to the Fair Play For Cuba Committee. His subsequent contacts with Grapp were allegedly with respect to “the JBS plot” against JFK but you will notice some dating discrepancies in Harry’s story. After the quotations – I will present some factual information which is based upon Wesley Grapp’s personnel file. Page Harry’s Comment 22………”Not long after we arrived in Los Angeles, Wesley Grapp of the local FBI contacted me out of the blue.” [Note: Harry moved from Chicago and arrived in Los Angeles in early July 1961.] 65……….”In the first days of October [1963], Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge Wesley Grapp drove out to my place in Rowland Heights [California] where I told him all about the Rousselot-Walker plan. I outlined the roles of the Birchers, Robert Welch, and Guy Galbadon and everyone.” 81………..”…before November [1963] ended, Wesley Grapp called me on the phone. ‘Harry’ he murmured, ‘I think we should review what you told me last month.’ ” 82………….”In January 1964, the FBI finally called me to recount what I’d seen in Southern California in 1963. FBI Agent Wesley Grapp drove out to my place and invited me into his car. He had reviewed his notes from last September and he recounted my story as well as he could. He was basically correct one hundred percent and I added nothing significant.” 117………….In discussing the Warren Commission Report, Harry refers to one of their statements which he described as “a lucky guess” which he attributed to “they used my testimony to Wesley Grapp back in September of 1963.” 150………….”I’ve been telling people my recollections since the days I first told FBI Agent Wesley Grapp about it in the autumn of 1963.” In addition, Harry answered an inquiry from John Simkin which asked Harry when he first began giving information to the FBI about the JBS plot – and Harry answered “September 1963” – which in the context of his other answers presumably means he told Wesley Grapp starting in September 1963. I will now address Harry’s statements – using the page number as the identifier: 22 = Notice that Harry describes Grapp as being a “local” FBI Agent (i.e. assigned to the Los Angeles FBI field office circa July 1961). In reality, Wesley Grapp had just been assigned as Special Agent in Charge of the Miami field office on April 7, 1961. Grapp previously was SAC of Oklahoma City from September 21, 1958 to April 1961. Prior to taking over the Miami field office, Grapp met with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in Washington DC. Aside from the customary review by Hoover of weaknesses in the Miami field office which Hoover wanted Grapp to immediately address, there was an even more significant matter that dominated their attention. Starting in January 1961, an FBI Agent assigned to the Oklahoma City field office (William W. Turner) made some extremely serious and career-ending derogatory allegations against SAC Grapp. Among the charges which Turner made: (1) Grapp was a very heavy drinker, (2) Grapp had demanded discounts for repairs to his personal automobile from a local Miami repair shop as well as demanding discounts from a local electronics company for sound equipment for his daughter, (3) during his service as SAC in Oklahoma City, Grapp had been stopped by an Oklahoma Highway Patrol officer and given a ticket for speeding at 80mph which Grapp covered up, and (4) Grapp had exhibited an arrogant, overbearing attitude when dealing with the public as well as with various law enforcement agencies and (5) Grapp had engaged in a biased personal vendetta against former FBI Agent William Turner whose performance in OKC Grapp rated “unsatisfactory” –and that rating resulted in Turner’s suspension and eventual dismissal from the FBI. During the first half of 1961 (and particularly during June-July 1961), Turner’s allegations were the subject of an exhaustive multiple-office investigation which required Grapp to prepare sworn affidavits and be interviewed several times to answer every charge. Meanwhile, Grapp was busy settling into his new responsibilities as SAC in Miami, FL. The FBI’s Inspection Division then spent countless hours interviewing numerous people (inside and outside the FBI) who had any kind of awareness of, or specific knowledge about, Turner’s charges. The investigation also looked into Grapp’s attitude and personal behavior when dealing with non-employees. Sections 3 and 4 of Grapp’s personnel file consists of 408 pages. About 75% of those pages are devoted entirely to Turner’s charges, along with the interviews conducted and the affidavits prepared, and the resulting reports about each specific charge. It strains credulity to think that somebody facing this massive assault upon his integrity, character, and professionalism (which could be career-ending) would somehow have interest in (or time) to call Harry Dean – particularly when there is absolutely NOTHING in Grapp’s file to indicate that he even knew Harry Dean existed. Furthermore, on Wednesday, July 5, 1961, an official of the American Collectors Association wrote a letter to J. Edgar Hoover commending Grapp for the speech he gave in Miami “last week” at their annual Convention. 63 = In a section captioned “September 1963 with Gabby, Hall and Howard”, Dean claims that “One day, FBI Agent Wesley Grapp came by for a visit.” 65 = According to Harry Dean, Grapp “drove” to Harry’s home in “the first days of October” (1963). This is entirely a fabrication by Harry. First of all, Grapp was SAC of Miami field office in both September and October 1963. In addition: from September 23rd through October 4th, 1963, Grapp was in Washington DC for a “Criminal Intelligence” training class. During this time, he also completed his required annual firearms test. Notice that Harry also changes the date of his alleged encounters with Grapp. In all other instances, he says that he first began “meeting” with Grapp in September 1963 but on pages 65 and 81 of Paul Trejo’s e-Book, the date changes to “the first days of October”. As might be expected, there is absolutely nothing in Grapp’s file to indicate that he had any kind of contact with Harry Dean nor any contact with any informant matching Dean’s description nor is there any report of any kind which mentions the Birch Society or anybody connected to the Birch Society. As retired Special Agent Wesley Swearingen has pointed out, FBI Special Agents in Charge DO NOT perform field work (i.e. they don’t conduct phone or in-person interviews, investigations, casework, nor do they contact or monitor informants etc). SAC’s are Administrators and public relations officials. Significantly, Grapp’s file contains numerous letters from J. Edgar Hoover commending Grapp for the work done by his Agents in Miami field (including development and use of informants inside Miami’s territory). AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 1963 In order to evaluate the credibility of Harry Dean’s recollections regarding his alleged “meetings” or “contacts” with Grapp, it would be useful to summarize Grapp’s history during the months of August-September 1963. 8/5/63 = Grapp completed and submitted his death beneficiary form which listed his wife as beneficiary. Grapp input his address at this time as North Miami Beach, FL. 8/28/63 = Grapp went to the U.S. Naval Hospital in Key West FL for his annual medical exam. 9/6/63 – 9/11/63 = Grapp attended the American Legion National Convention in Miami 9/23/63 – October 4, 1963 = Grapp attended Criminal Intelligence training class in Washington DC 9/24/63 = Grapp attended a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover in Washington D.C. at which they discussed issues which a recent inspection of the Miami office indicated should receive prompt attention Does this sound like someone whose responsibilities and schedule gave him time to travel from Miami to Los Angeles to “meet” and “drive” Harry Dean around Los Angeles County for hours? 82 = In January 1964, Dean again claims that Grapp “called” him and "drove out to my place". However, Grapp was still SAC in Miami. Furthermore, Harry's Los Angeles file shows NO FBI contact with him in January 1964. Also noteworthy is that personnel documents pertaining to Grapp during the period when Harry Dean claims they were in contact and meeting with each other show that Grapp was routinely collecting overtime IN MIAMI for his work there. Grapp reported to work as SAC Los Angeles on March 2, 1964 at 8:14am. On March 3, 1964, Grapp informed FBI HQ that he had found a new residence in southern California at 2919 W. 129th Place in Gardena. I have received an email inquiry concerning my previous May message (above) pertaining to Harry Dean's assertions concerning his alleged contacts with Wesley Grapp. The wording in my original message was a little sloppy so let me take this opportunity to clarify what I presented above--as follows. 1. Harry Dean claims he was in contact with Wesley Grapp first in "July 1961" -- soon after Harry moved from Illinois to southern California. However, Grapp's personnel file shows that he was appointed as SAC Miami in April 1961. In addition, during the period from January through July 1961, Grapp was interviewed numerous times (while he was SAC Oklahoma City or when he was the new SAC in Miami) with respect to accusations made by former Special Agent William W. Turner who had made very derogatory allegations concerning Grapp. 2. On several occasions, including during the last week of June 1961, Grapp submitted affidavits from Miami to FBI HQ in response to Turner's accusations. 3. In addition, on 7/5/61, John W. Johnson of the American Collectors Association wrote a commendation letter to J. Edgar Hoover regarding Grapp who "accepted an invitation to speak on our convention program in Miami Beach last week." "Last week" would cover some date during the time period starting Monday, June 26 thru Saturday, July 1st, 1961. 3. On July 7, 1961, J. Edgar Hoover sent an airtel to Grapp in Miami, asking him to explain the circumstances regarding recent visits by Grapp to law enforcement and civic organizations in the Miami area. Grapp's July 10, 1961 reply pointed out that he (Grapp) had attended the Dade County Chiefs of Police Association meeting on June 30, 1961. 4. On several occasions during both June and July 1961, inquiries were sent to Grapp in Miami from FBI HQ concerning William Turner's accusations. 5. During all the times when Harry Dean claimed he was in contact with Grapp (July 1961 and September-October 1963) -- Grapp was located in Miami functioning as SAC Miami. In addition, during those months, his personnel file reflects that he was being paid overtime for his work in Miami. 6. Lastly, there is no reference whatsoever in Harry Dean's Los Angeles field file which reflects that anybody from the FBI contacted him in July 1961 or in September or October 1963. This is the timeline of Harry's contacts with the FBI from June 1961 through November 1963. June 7, 1961 = Harry was informed by Chicago FBI Agents that his assistance was not desired because of background information about his past. August 21, 1962 = Harry contacted Los Angeles FBI Special Agent William McCauley by phone. [McCauley was the FBI's specialist regarding Cuban activities in southern California. Harry reported to McCauley what he claimed was his previous "informant" role for the FBI in Chicago regarding FPCC.] August 22, 1962 through November 18, 1963 = NO contacts between Harry and the FBI November 19, 1963 = Harry wrote a letter to J. Edgar Hoover but did not mention Grapp, or the JBS plot or Guy Galbadon or anybody else whom Harry claims had told him about the imminent murder of JFK. IN ADDITION: FYI: I still have FOIA requests pending for: (1) the personnel file of former FBI Special Agent Donald A. Adams (2) the personnel file of former FBI Special Agent William W. Turner who was terminated from the FBI in July 1961 (3) the personnel file of former FBI SAC, Guy Banister as well as Guy Banister and Associates (4) Annual Convention of the Constitution Party which was held in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Marott Hotel in October 1963 which the FBI originally created with this file caption: “BAPBOMB-Meeting of Right Wing Groups, Indianapolis, Indiana 10/18-20/63, Racial Matters” (5) Roy Elonza Davis Sr. (6) A bunch of New Orleans field office files which pertain to right wing extremists and their organizations Edited June 24, 2016 by Ernie Lazar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 I hope we can get back to the theme of this thread, which is Jeff Caufield's book: General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015). I maintain that Caufield's book provides the most accurate solution to the JFK murder conspiracy of any book in the past half-century. Caufield completely wipes out the nonsense of the CIA-did-it CTers. Regards, --Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted July 3, 2016 Share Posted July 3, 2016 (edited) There are over 1,100 posts in this thread that was started by William O'Neil one year ago, to announce the forthcoming book by Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015) William O'Neil started this thread a few months before Dr. Caufield's book was published, giving us lots of time to establish our positions even before reading it. Some readers might be wondering whether they should pay $30 for this 900 page book -- and invest all that time reading it -- without a better idea of what it contains. So, to help you make this decision, I've selected 33 posts which contain actual quotations from Dr. Caufield's new book. (The post numbers are found in the upper-right-hand corner of each post. The current post, for example, is #1147.) Here are the 33 post numbers: #770, #771, #772, #802, #817, #851, #863, #871, #873, #892, #909, #914, #918, #919, #922, #923, #924, #928, #930, #938, #950, #953, #954, #957, #958, #969, #979, #980, #997, #1023, #1027, #1028, #1037 I've made very effort to ensure these posts are faithful to Caufield's own texts. Judge for yourself whether Dr. Jeffrey Caufield has really come closest to solving the JFK murder than any other writer in the past half-century. Best regards,--Paul Trejo Edited July 3, 2016 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Blank Posted July 3, 2016 Share Posted July 3, 2016 I hope we can get back to the theme of this thread, which is Jeff Caufield's book: General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015). I maintain that Caufield's book provides the most accurate solution to the JFK murder conspiracy of any book in the past half-century. Caufield completely wipes out the nonsense of the CIA-did-it CTers. Regards, --Paul Trejo you can say anything you want in a work of fiction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenneth Drew Posted July 4, 2016 Share Posted July 4, 2016 It's probably been over a year since I read or wrote on this thread, mostly because I lost interest rather early because it contain(ed) nothing new or reasonable at that time. It seems as if it is mostly someone trying to blame someone else for the assassination. A little 'mis-direction' perhaps. Until someone can actually say who pulled the trigger(s) in Dealey Plaza that day, there is no way that anyone can say who planned it. There is no doubt that LHO was not one of the shooters, or that he never owned a rifle. I realize the plotters did a good job of setting LHO up, but not good enough that they were ever able to put a gun in his hand. To try to blame 'right wing' for the conspiracy is just the way democrats do things. The people that gained politically by the assassination, were all democrats. The business people that benefited were a mixture of right and left. I especially like the statement by Martin Blank just above: "you can say anything you want in a work of fiction" This is clearly a book whereby the plot is all fiction, bolstered by just enough facts (which could apply to most scenarios) to make it seem slightly possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James DiEugenio Posted July 4, 2016 Share Posted July 4, 2016 Paul doesn't get the message does he? Ok Paul since you don't learn by experience or humor, how about by mimesis example? Here is a favorite scene of mine from one of Lumet's best films. Get it now Paul? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) All the wise-cracks and jokes aside, the new book by Jeffrey Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015), is no work of fiction -- it's the best historical review of the data about Joseph Milteer and Willie Somerset ever published in the past 50 years. And y'all know it. And you have nothing to match it. Your silly CIA-did-it theories have failed for 50 years now. FBI Agent Don Adams knew about this history of the JFK assassination, but the National Security restrictions on Don Adams prevented his knowledge from being publicized, and no less a power than J. Edgar Hoover himself stomped all over Don Adams to ensure the TRUTH of the JFK conspiracy was never heard in his lifetime. The Don Adams web site is supplemented by many YouTube videos of this outspoken FBI Agent, for example, at this URL: James DiEugenio is getting better at wise-cracks, but Don Adams has the real facts about the JFK conspiracy. To get closer to the real truth behind the real JFK conspiracy, start with this new book by Jeff Caufield -- way beyond anything that the CTKA has ever published. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited July 5, 2016 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 It's probably been over a year since I read or wrote on this thread, mostly because I lost interest rather early because it contain(ed) nothing new or reasonable at that time. It seems as if it is mostly someone trying to blame someone else for the assassination. A little 'mis-direction' perhaps. Until someone can actually say who pulled the trigger(s) in Dealey Plaza that day, there is no way that anyone can say who planned it. There is no doubt that LHO was not one of the shooters, or that he never owned a rifle. I realize the plotters did a good job of setting LHO up, but not good enough that they were ever able to put a gun in his hand. To try to blame 'right wing' for the conspiracy is just the way democrats do things. The people that gained politically by the assassination, were all democrats. The business people that benefited were a mixture of right and left. I especially like the statement by Martin Blank just above: "you can say anything you want in a work of fiction" This is clearly a book whereby the plot is all fiction, bolstered by just enough facts (which could apply to most scenarios) to make it seem slightly possible. Well, Kenneth, this thread is not quite one year old, so it hasn't been as long as you think. While some people might claim that Jeff Caufield's new book (2015) isn't new, this is because some of the information about Joseph Milteer and Willie Somerset has been widely known. But nothing tothe extent that Jeff Caufield has written. Who were the shooters? They were among the Dallas Police. They formed a Dallas-led Conspiracy, with the Radical Right in Dallas at the helm. It was led by Ex-General Edwin Walker, the only US General in the 20th century to resign his command and forfeit his US Army Pension -- the leader of the Old Miss racial riots of 1962. The answer to the JFK conspiracy is finally known. Read all about Jeff Caufield's new and exciting data on Joseph Milteer and Willie Somerset. You'll be glad you did. Regards, --Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Blank Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 don adams, huh. that's a wowzer. if memory serves me well (thanks for that one bob) this means you are bringing the famed maxwell smart (aka agent 86) and his shoe phone onto the investigative team (bravo for you!). as if that weren't enough we get inspector gadget and underdog along with him. i'm certain control can now beat kaos. we can't lose just one thing before i enter the cone of silence: do you know if agent 99 is seeing anyone? she is hot. yr. friend tennessee tuxedo smile everyone. jim valvano says we should do that everyday Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) Like I said -- all the CIA-did-it fellows have to contribute anymore are wise-cracks. No substance. The tide has shifted. Read Dr. Jeffrey Caufield's new book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015). It's 900 pages long and costs only $30 on . If you act now you can get a copy for a low as $23.65 plus S&H. Come up to present time. Find the real solution to the actual Conspiracy to Murder JFK. You'll be glad you did. Best regards, --Paul Trejo Edited July 6, 2016 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Blank Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 i will say this: ruth paine was a helluva an actress but her job as an intelligence agent demanded it. just remember they can make you be anyone they want you to be while you're thinking you're someone else entirely Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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