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Count me among the sacrilegious, but I believe the throat wound may have been one of exit

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On 10/5/2015 at 10:15 AM, Robert Prudhomme said:


That is the most ridiculous video I have ever seen [...]

And you don't know the half of it, dear Bob! You ain't seen nothing... The 2nd. part of the video:


FF to Minute 1:00"

impossibilitates (negates, nullifies) any movement! Forward or reverse! With a tangential shot there is no way for the "Alvarez Effect" or the competing "Herrera Effect" to occur:



Therefore, the following is a lie, ordered by prof. Blakey.



NB about Nomenclature:

Alvarez Effect == Jet Effect. It is extremely weak and rare. Depends on a closed chamber.

Herrera Effect == Parkland Doctors Effect == Sucking Cup Effect. Also depends on a closed chamber.

Extremely common, has maximum energy transfer. It is the only scenario which can make an adult airborne.

Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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The most basic mistake they made in that video, as you point out, is to maintain the lie of the entrance wound in the cowlick; four inches higher than the entrance wound in the external occipital protruberance reported by Humes during the autopsy.

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At this point, it is necessary to clarify terms.

There are 2 classes of shots:

( A ) Those which can move the subject on impact.

( B ) Those which cannot move the subject on impact.

They are further categorized by the sizes of the holes and angles.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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At this point, it is necessary to clarify terms.

There are 2 classes of shots:

( A ) Those which can move the subject on impact.

( B ) Those which cannot move the subject on impact.

They are further categorized by the sizes of the holes and angles.

The only shots which can actually move the subject are the two shots shown in the upper half of the diagram.

- The sese shot is known as "Alvarez Affect" or "Jet Effect".

- The seLE shot is known as the "Herrera Effect" (or "Parkland Effect").

Note: The uppercase denotes an EXPLOSION, which requires a large hole AND has the accumulated energy to make an adult airborne (without the use of his gluteal muscles).

The Grassy Knoll shooter was to be enabled only if, after a certain point Kennedy still had the head attached to the rest of his body. The assassin's orders were to perform the lower-left shot (which could have been neatly falsified during the autopsy). However, if there is a God, he intervened and nudged the elbow of the shooter about 5 degrees to the right. As a result the shot became seLE, and therefore the crime can be solved mathematically.

The lower-right shot is a lie, ordered by professor Blakey.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Why is it necessary to misrepresent or ignore the prima facie case for conspiracy -- entrance wounds front and back -- and drag The Fact of Conspiracy into realms of doubt like the head wound/s evidence?

What "essential" function does this serve?

To ground the research into eternal debates over Proofs of Conspiracy?

Note the language of the header of this thread -- "Sacrilegious"

As if acknowledging the obvious is the same as holding a religious belief.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Herrera Effect == Parkland Doctors Effect == Sucking Cup Effect. Also depends on a closed chamber.

Extremely common, has maximum energy transfer. It is the only scenario which can make an adult airborne.


I have read all the posts, watched the videos, etc. Your hypothesis here is spread out over multiple posts, and you have not responded directly to questions from several members. Thus it is still unclear how your "Sucking Cup Effect" functions. Please state the forces at work here, and how they are created, step-by-step, beginning with a small entrance wound in the skull.

A 'verbal' explanation will suffice. i.e. a video is not required...


Edited by Tom Neal
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Herrera Effect == Parkland Doctors Effect == Sucking Cup Effect. Also depends on a closed chamber.

Extremely common, has maximum energy transfer. It is the only scenario which can make an adult airborne.


I have read all the posts, watched the videos, etc. Your hypothesis here is spread out over multiple posts, and you have not responded directly to questions from several members. Thus it is still unclear how your "Sucking Cup Effect" functions. Please state the forces at work here, and how they are created, step-by-step, beginning with a small entrance wound in the skull.

A 'verbal' explanation will suffice. i.e. a video is not required...


Tom: You are absolutely correct. I am going step by step, waiting, implicitly asking the audience:

"Are you boys and girls with me so far?"

Did you read the copy of my original Usenet post? The one in the Physics Newsgroup in 2013? It is in this thread, #42. That is about 80% of the explanation. I still owe you the last 20%.

Thanks for keeping me honest!!


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Herrera Effect == Parkland Doctors Effect == Sucking Cup Effect. Also depends on a closed chamber.

Extremely common, has maximum energy transfer. It is the only scenario which can make an adult airborne.

I have read all the posts, watched the videos, etc. Your hypothesis here is spread out over multiple posts, and you have not responded directly to questions from several members. Thus it is still unclear how your "Sucking Cup Effect" functions. Please state the forces at work here, and how they are created, step-by-step, beginning with a small entrance wound in the skull.

Tom: You are absolutely correct. Did you read the copy of my original Usenet post? The one in the Physics Newsgroup in 2013? It is in this thread, #42.

Of course. If you will read my post #31, you will see that I specifically responded to point #1 within. I also noted that points numbered 2-6 are contingent upon point #1, so I won't respond to them yet.

That is about 80% of the explanation. I still owe you the last 20%.

Thanks for keeping me honest!!


As you get deeper into this subject I believe you will discover that it is even more complex than it appears. Alvarez, who SURELY knows better, deliberately avoids a number of factors in his "jet effect" theory.

Looking forward to hearing your response, and hoping you have uncovered some info that is new to me,


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As you get deeper into this subject I believe you will discover that it is even more complex than it appears. Alvarez, who SURELY knows better, deliberately avoids a number of factors in his "jet effect" theory.

Looking forward to hearing your response, and hoping you have uncovered some info that is new to me.


Hi Tom:

If you have not done so, please read my 2 related threads:

"2D Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of a bullet inside a fluid"

"How can a bullet so narrow knock out such a large piece of bone?"

And the brief of my Contest:

https://www.freelancer.com/contest/contest.php?project_id=281621 [Click on "View Brief"]

Notice that we are testing my hypothesis first, but my only interest is the truth. If it becomes clear that the "Herrera Effect" is impossible, I am not married to it. We will move on and test/simulate other scenarios.

In short, the Herrera Effect says the following:

If a person is run by a bus which going from East to West, chances are that the body will NOT go West to East.



Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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If you have not done so, please read my 2 related threads:

"2D Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of a bullet inside a fluid"

"How can a bullet so narrow knock out such a large piece of bone?"

And the brief of my Contest:

https://www.freelancer.com/contest/contest.php?project_id=281621 [Click on "View Brief"]

In short, the Herrera Effect says the following:

If a person is run by a bus which going from East to West, chances are that the body will NOT go West to East.


Yes, I've already read all of the above...

Now would be a good time to start answering my questions.


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Why? Because such scenario impossibilitates (*) the violent back snap.

Only if you are assuming the extant Zapruder film is intact and unaltered and the "violent" movement is not an artifact of editing.

I think Chris is exactly correct here. This section of the film was almost certainly altered, and IMO this was done to remove evidence of two almost simultaneous shots.

Personally, I haven't decided *exactly* what was excised from the film at this point, but I'm convinced it does *not" represent reality. IMO there were 2 closely spaced headshots, one from the rear, and one from the front that impacted somewhat tangentially. i.e. The path of the bullet did not traverse the center point of JFK's head, it passed to the right of center with respect to JFK's body.


The extant Zfilm.


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Why? Because such scenario impossibilitates (*) the violent back snap.

Only if you are assuming the extant Zapruder film is intact and unaltered and the "violent" movement is not an artifact of editing.

I think Chris is exactly correct here. This section of the film was almost certainly altered, and IMO this was done to remove evidence of two almost simultaneous shots.

Personally, I haven't decided *exactly* what was excised from the film at this point, but I'm convinced it does *not" represent reality. IMO there were 2 closely spaced headshots, one from the rear, and one from the front that impacted somewhat tangentially. i.e. The path of the bullet did not traverse the center point of JFK's head, it passed to the right of center with respect to JFK's body.


The extant Zfilm.



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