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LHO not a intelligence asset? Ok explain this...

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In the Mary Ferrell database is this FBI document:


It seems to be a summary (it notes that a document is being sent under separate cover) of a more detailed page in the NARA file (toward the end - sorry - it's a multipage PDF):


In the NARA file are the comments:

"No microdots or hidden cavities were found in the examination of Q503 through Q544"


"Nothing of secret writing significance was noted during the examination of Q..."

Is that standard procedure, i.e. the search for microdots and secret writing, for suspects who everyone insists are NOT assets of any intelligence organization?

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Intelligence agents provide information to their handlers.

If Oswald (Marina's husband) was an intelligence agent, to what intelligence service was he providing information? What was the nature of the information?

Oswald doesn't strike me as an intelligence agent for several reasons. The most significant is that he never had access to information the Ruskies or anyone else wanted.

Agents get worked hard by their handlers. Is there any sign Oswald was being worked hard by anyone? I don't see it.

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Antonio Veciana admitted this year that David Atlee Phillips was meeting with Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas in September 1963. Maybe they were just discussing the weather. That event would though, seems to meet the requirement of agent meeting asset.

My question is why would the FBI be examining the belongings of Lee Harvey Oswald for microdots well after the assassination when the "myth" that he was a lone gunman of little importance was well established?

Edited by Chris Newton
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sometimes the information they want show someone like oswald would be handled. who knows what his mission in russia really was? maybe john paisley knows but he ain't taking.

some people here have the idea that if someone doesn't look and act like james bond they can't be an agent.

but as jefferson airplane sang: look further on past the surface

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Martin Blank,

I draw a distinction between intelligence operations and what are called covert operations.

Intelligence operations have one, important objective: to obtain hidden information of value. Think of John Walker and Aldrich Ames. Classic intelligence agents, serving the Soviet Union. Hardly James Bond types.

The James Bond character is pure fiction. He is a suave action figure who doesn't seek information from others but who seeks to disrupt others' plans. This is all good entertainment. The closest one gets to James Bond in post-war reality is, for example, the U.S. "commandos" who just recently freed some hostages from ISIS captivity in Iraq. The "commandos" weren't "intelligence assets." They were action assets, who acted upon what was deemed by U.S. commanders to be reliable information from intelligence agents.

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Martin Blank,

I draw a distinction between intelligence operations and what are called covert operations.

who doesn't. this is not at issue.

Intelligence operations have one, important objective: to obtain hidden information of value. Think of John Walker and Aldrich Ames. Classic intelligence agents, serving the Soviet Union. Hardly James Bond types.

who said they were?

The James Bond character is pure fiction. He is a suave action figure who doesn't seek information from others but who seeks to disrupt others' plans. This is all good entertainment. The closest one gets to James Bond in post-war reality is, for example, the U.S. "commandos" who just recently freed some hostages from ISIS captivity in Iraq. The "commandos" weren't "intelligence assets." They were action assets, who acted upon what was deemed by U.S. commanders to be reliable information from intelligence agents.

were they driving a tricked up aston-martin?

​so you've seen all the russian, american, etc. files on oswald and know what his mission was. please share

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The summary that the FBI Agent sent to J. E.Hoover lists the items that they were given by Robert Oswald that Robert said belonged to his brother, Lee.

The details of the summary were sent under different cover, in a different memo as described in the summary.

The FBI checked these items for microdots, secret compartments and secret writing as noted in the detailed memo.

This is a check you would make if a suspect were involved in espionage.

It is not a series of examinations done for a person who is an "everyday joe".

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Devil's Advocate:

Since Oswald had had interaction with several governments and was a suspect in the assassination, and since investigators had found books or papers among his possessions with letters cut-out from them, wouldn't it have made sense to at least check-out the possibility that he used such tradecraft?

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Devil's Advocate:

Since Oswald had had interaction with several governments and was a suspect in the assassination, and since investigators had found books or papers among his possessions with letters cut-out from them, wouldn't it have made sense to at least check-out the possibility that he used such tradecraft?

Maybe, but making clippings from magazines is how people saved things they wanted to read for a century. Which letters were missing?
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Martin Blank,

I draw a distinction between intelligence operations and what are called covert operations.

Intelligence operations have one, important objective: to obtain hidden information of value. Think of John Walker and Aldrich Ames. Classic intelligence agents, serving the Soviet Union. Hardly James Bond types.

The James Bond character is pure fiction. He is a suave action figure who doesn't seek information from others but who seeks to disrupt others' plans. This is all good entertainment. The closest one gets to James Bond in post-war reality is, for example, the U.S. "commandos" who just recently freed some hostages from ISIS captivity in Iraq. The "commandos" weren't "intelligence assets." They were action assets, who acted upon what was deemed by U.S. commanders to be reliable information from intelligence agents.

The James Bond character is pure fiction. really, they've made several movies about his exploits and now we learn that they are just movies. hmmmm

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Devil's Advocate:

Since Oswald had had interaction with several governments and was a suspect in the assassination, and since investigators had found books or papers among his possessions with letters cut-out from them, wouldn't it have made sense to at least check-out the possibility that he used such tradecraft?

Maybe, but making clippings from magazines is how people saved things they wanted to read for a century. Which letters were missing?

You had to ask... I have a memory of it, maybe some other reader can find it. I seem to recall that it was a book stored at the Paine house, with individual letters cut out, not the sort of article clippings a normal person would make. I think it was even turned over to NSA for their observations.

If I recall correctly, I can't imagine that kind of thing not making the investigators curious about any other such activity.

I found this at MFF, which makes reference to it:


Edited by Stephen Roy
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If I recall correctly, I can't imagine that kind of thing not making the investigators curious about any other such activity.

Let's assume there was a book with missing letters, (because, of course, everything I've ever seen you post was either a.right or b.pretty darn close), wouldn't this espionage tradecraft discovery effort take the authorities right down the "conspiracy road?. If it was a book at the Paine's, we should find out all we can about it.

Thanks Stephen

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Intelligence agents provide information to their handlers.

If Oswald (Marina's husband) was an intelligence agent, to what intelligence service was he providing information? What was the nature of the information?

Oswald doesn't strike me as an intelligence agent for several reasons. The most significant is that he never had access to information the Ruskies or anyone else wanted.

Agents get worked hard by their handlers. Is there any sign Oswald was being worked hard by anyone? I don't see it.

Intelligence agents provide information to their handlers.

If Oswald (Marina's husband) was an intelligence agent, to what intelligence service was he providing information? What was the nature of the information?

Oswald doesn't strike me as an intelligence agent for several reasons. The most significant is that he never had access to information the Ruskies or anyone else wanted.

Agents get worked hard by their handlers. Is there any sign Oswald was being worked hard by anyone? I don't see it.

*** The most significant is that he never had access to information the Ruskies or anyone else wanted.

how in the world is this so easily ascertained?

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I found this at MFF, which makes reference to it:

http://www.maryferre...ecurity agency"

Thanks Stephen! That's great. The document seems to say that they entirely discount the theory (that the information missing is related to espionage) but are sending it to NSA - just in case! It even states they thought the clipper was just saving "words and letters" in a printed format. That almost sounds like they are suggesting writing a "ransom note" type message. It's very strange.

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