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What became of the Back of the Head?

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From the Warren Commission testimony of SA Clinton J. Hill, Secret Service:

"Mr. SPECTER. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital?

Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head."

Does anyone know what became of the "right rear portion" of JFK's head, seen lying in the rear seat of the limo by Clint Hill?

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Your post goes to whether there was there was body alteration or body substitution.

Some author, I don't recall his name, maintains J.D. Tippit's body was substituted for JFK's. That strikes me as quite a stretch, although Tippit apparently resembled JFK, and RFK upon looking into the burial casked said the body in the casket didn't look like JFK.

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I am seriously asking where the "right rear portion" of JFK's head, seen by SS SA Clint Hill on the back seat of the limo, on the way to Parkland, ended up.

Does it not officially exist? Is their no chain of evidence for it? Hill definitely saw something on the back seat, whether it was the back of JFK's head or not.

Where did it go?

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I am seriously asking where the "right rear portion" of JFK's head, seen by SS SA Clint Hill on the back seat of the limo, on the way to Parkland, ended up.

Does it not officially exist? Is their no chain of evidence for it? Hill definitely saw something on the back seat, whether it was the back of JFK's head or not.

Where did it go?

Could this have been the piece that Jackie handed to one of the surgeons?

It had to be.

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From the Warren Commission testimony of SA Clinton J. Hill, Secret Service:

"Mr. SPECTER. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital?

Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head."

Does anyone know what became of the "right rear portion" of JFK's head, seen lying in the rear seat of the limo by Clint Hill?

Hi Bob,

JFK's limo and the SS follow-up car were carried back to DC in a USAF C-130. While in flight Sam Kinney inspected JFK's limo. On the rear seat "just where Clint Hill said it was" he found the rear piece of JFK's skull. When asked if he was certain that's what it was, he replied, "I don't see what else it could be." He called Burkley via a phone patch while enroute. He stated that he gave it to Burkley or one of his aides. Presumably when in DCA and speaking directly to Burkley, Kinney asked, "What should I do with it?" and Burkley replied "Get rid of it!" I have no idea what transpired after this conversation, but to the best of my knowledge that's the last time this piece of skull was seen.

The above is sourced in a number of places, but I believe that ALL of this info came from Vince Palamara's many interviews with Sam Kinney. All of the above can be referenced in VP's outstanding "Survivor's Guilt."


PS Bob, if you want any more details it would probably be easier to PM me.

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What if it ended up back where it started from, in the back of JFK's head?

The mortician's were explicit that they sewed a rubber sheet across that opening, so it could only have been done after the mortician's released the body.

Considering Burkley's statement to Kinney and the fact that it's never been seen again leads me to believe it was disposed of. That however is strictly conjecture on my part.

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I am seriously asking where the "right rear portion" of JFK's head, seen by SS SA Clint Hill on the back seat of the limo, on the way to Parkland, ended up.

Does it not officially exist? Is their no chain of evidence for it? Hill definitely saw something on the back seat, whether it was the back of JFK's head or not.

Where did it go?

Could this have been the piece that Jackie handed to one of the surgeons?

It had to be.

From all reports, it appears that Jackie actually handed over to a surgeon a fairly large portion of JFK's brain; possibly being what she retrieved from the trunk lid of the limo.

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I have a loosely gathered together and slowly evolving theory regarding the back of JFK's head. It is by no means complete and may sound just a bit crazy but, please bear with me. If you have any ideas, feel free to help me out.

It seems that those autopsy witnesses who did not report a large gaping wound in the right rear of JFK's head and who did report the back of the head to be intact all made a similar observation. While reporting the back of the head to be or at least appearing to be intact, it was reported that the skull bones just under the scalp, at the rear of the head, were quite shattered and broken up. An analogy was made to the skull being similar to the shell covering a hard boiled egg that had been broken up prior to removal.

While I have always resisted joining those who believe in severe alterations to the head wound(s), I am slowly warming up to the possibility this is what may have actually occurred. While many aspects of the coverup were likely still being developed at the time of the autopsy, one thing would have been known for certain by this point, and that was there could only be one shooter, and that shooter simply had to be behind JFK to make the coverup work.

Therefore, with the obvious exit wound in the rear of JFK's head, something had to be done to hide this wound, and that something may have been the replacement of the scalp and bone that had been blown out. Outside of another corpse, where could they find scalp and bone that would fit into this wound? Why not simply utilize the section that came out of that wound?

While it might have been possible to temporarily re-attach scalp and bone to JFK's skull (glue?) and to hide this work with blood and other matter from those observers in the audience just long enough to maintain the charade of a rear entrance wound, the real question that comes to my mind is who had the opportunity to perform this work and where and when would it have been possible to do this work undetected?

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Think casket charades, Bob.

6.35 p.m Shipping casket arrives.

Dr Humes "the President's body, as I recall, arrived about 7:30 or 7:35"

Plenty of time for hanky panky.

Yes, it would be, wouldn't it.

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FWIW there were two morgues at Bethesda. An old one (no longer in use, presumably) and the new one. Perhaps work was done in both morgues that night.

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FWIW there were two morgues at Bethesda. An old one (no longer in use, presumably) and the new one. Perhaps work was done in both morgues that night.

That would be RATHER handy.

Ron, do you know where the 'old morgue' was located relative to the one that was used to perform the "official" autopsy?


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