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Please delete my account and ALL of my posts since I joined this Forum in 2005

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Guest Duncan MacRae

Reason: Preferential and Inconsistent Censorship and Non Censorship of Posters and Posts By Admins

For example,

I am censored for jokingly posting that Robert Prudhomme doesn't visit Earth very often, but not censored for posting that Ed Ledoux does not visit Earth that often.

This is total incompetent Admin inconsistency, a pattern which is sadly a frequent fixture of this once great Forum.

Robert Prudhomme is allowed a free reign to post in all seriousness that I am a paid government agent

Where is the Admin all member's are equal justice policy in Prudhommes comment............. It doesn't exist.

I'm off. This place is a farce, and member's don't know what is what here anymore.

I expect my request to be respected and my account and posts to be deleted, not hidden, immediately on this post being read by an Admin.

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You object to being inconsistently censored? Maybe the thing to do would have been to avoid censorship altogether. It really isn't that hard to do. In your case, it seems all you would have to do is avoid counting the number of Earth visits made by some posters here.

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You object to being inconsistently censored? Maybe the thing to do would have been to avoid censorship altogether. It really isn't that hard to do. In your case, it seems all you would have to do is avoid counting the number of Earth visits made by some posters here.

As one who also has been referred to as a paid disinformation agent and / or an idiot by Prudhomme, Duncan's transgressions were minor by comparison, IMHO. At least I wasn't accused of altering the images by others, as Duncan was.

I for one wish he wouldn't delete his posts.

Didn't anyone notice that Duncan correctly pointed out that Prayer Person's "buttons" were visible in the images which Sean had originally posted?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I for one wish he wouldn't delete his posts.

I agree. I believe he posted quite a bit about Prayer Man (or Woman, as the case may be).

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Yes, Duncan, by all means, stay. The posts hidden by a moderator were insulting in tone, and failed to offer much analysis beyond the insult. The Ed Forum has always tried to keep such comments at a minimum. Nobody pretends that every insult gets caught, or that every insult that gets caught is worse than every insult that gets through. But the forum's moderators have long felt the need to catch some of the insults, lest all heck break loose.

We're kind of like the Highway Patrol. We need to bust some of the speeders, some of the time, or most everyone will speed, most of the time.


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I echo Pat Speer. Please stay.

You bring valuable thoughts and information to this forum.

I disagree routinely with you, but you always display good humor. Which I like.

Like you, I dislike censorship.

The censorship here is not governmental but private.

I suggest you ignore any private censorship and forge ahead.

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You object to being inconsistently censored? Maybe the thing to do would have been to avoid censorship altogether. It really isn't that hard to do. In your case, it seems all you would have to do is avoid counting the number of Earth visits made by some posters here.

As one who also has been referred to as a paid disinformation agent and / or an idiot by Prudhomme, Duncan's transgressions were minor by comparison, IMHO. At least I wasn't accused of altering the images by others, as Duncan was.

I for one wish he wouldn't delete his posts.

Didn't anyone notice that Duncan correctly pointed out that Prayer Person's "buttons" were visible in the images which Sean had originally posted?

--Tommy :sun

I might have thought he was right till I found other images which had the "buttons" running vertically in the frame and down a womans head scarf.

Duncan had 'adjusted' the brightness and contrast from the original to wash out the button artifact on the womans head scarf.

Duncan will admit his poor photo shop skills are what led to his own downfall.

Where as the image itself pre-duncan shows a different story.


Duncans claim to the buttons was a farce from the start but perpetuated by him using poor photo skills.

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Nice work Ed.

If he wants to depart, fine.

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Nice work Ed.

If he wants to depart, fine.

Let's try to encourage Duncan to stay, Jimbo.

This "boat" needs to be "rocked" from time to time. LOL

He does have an excellent sense of humor, doesn't he.

And I think he actually proofreads what he writes before he posts it , and checks it afterwards, just to make sure it's intelligible, unlike some people I know. (Hint, Hint)

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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The administrators are fed up with fire fights that have occurred between members. Members have - in the past - had their posting privileges removed. Sometimes without warning.

In the case of Duncan we have not done that. Aside from the present issue - and particularly with regard to PM - he has made posts that ( had they been made by other members ) would have incurred a more active response.

It was me who hid the post that Duncan is concerned about. In addition to hiding the post I PM Duncan and asked that he moderate his language. That was all.

Normally I would delete a members membership when requested, but on this occasion I wish to take time to think about it.

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