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Challenge for Thomas Graves

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The above is why Davey will never be an investigator or a lawyer. Pretty soon he will find someone who will say, heck, we can mail a letter from New York to China in 48 hours. He will then put it on his web site. And then say, well that is that. :sun

Let us do something that does not happen here very often. Let us simulate a real trial.

Now, if Lance was Oswald's lawyer and he was presented with the above facts, what would be do?

Not sure, but I know what Bob Tanenbaum or DIck Spargue would do.

1. They would, first: go the Dallas main postoffice. Ask them: How long does it take to truck in the daily mail from a tributary post office? Then how long does it take to sort it by city destination that is out of the state? And then to deliver it to the Dallas airport?

2. I would then talk to the pilot and ask him when he makes his delivery to Chicago and ask if its a straight shot or does he stop in other cities first?

3. I would then talk to the post office in Chicago and ask them: when does that plane come in, and how long it takes to get the cargo to the main station?

4. I would then ask the post master in Chicago, OK how long does it now take to sort it by local destination and local post office?

5. How long does it take to drive it there on an average day?

6. I would then go to the local post office near Klein's and ask: Once you get the mail from the main postoffice, how long does it take to sort it out and give it to the hand carrier?

7. I would then talk to the hand carrier and ask: Where is Klein's on your route?

8. I would then go to Klein's and ask them: What time do you get your mail? How long does it take you to sort out a day's funds? Or do you not do it by the day? Is it every other day? Or do you wait to get a certain amount in the drawer.

9. I would then ask: How often do you then go to the bank to make a deposit?

10. I would then go to the bank, and ask them, once a person comes to the bank to make a deposit from a merchant, how long does i take to account for it all? Then, from that point, how long does it take to process it into that company's account?

I would do this, not just because this is what good attorney's do, and Bob and DIck are very good, but because I would know that what the prosecution is maintaining is simply not credible. And this would blow it up. And I would look forward to presenting each and every witness in the chain.

Heck, I would even fly them in from Chicago just to hear them talk. And then watch the look on Harry Holmes' face as his little caper was exposed.

See, that is the real world. That is the defense Oswald never got.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Heck, I would even fly them in from Chicago just to hear them talk. And then watch the look on Harry Holmes' face as his little caper was exposed.

Harry Holmes himself, a postal inspector for the U.S. Post Office Department --- i.e., a person who would certainly know how long it takes for mail to travel from one city to another --- verified that Oswald's rifle order could have gone from Dallas to Chicago in LESS than one day....

"He could have bought it that morning and that he could have gotten it by airmail that afternoon." -- Harry D. Holmes (WC Testimony)

Naturally, DiEugenio thinks Holmes lied in his testimony cited above too. Right, Jimmy?

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Davey, why stop at Holmes? I mean, his family apologized for his actions in the case. Or did you not know that? Stu Wexler proved him a xxxx years ago.

Why not use Allen Dulles next? Or Hoover?

When Armstrong's article comes out, you will have Harry Holmes all over your face.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Pretty soon he [DVP] will find someone who will say, heck, we can mail a letter from New York to China in 48 hours, and he will then put it on his web site. And then say, well that is that.

I utilized the Groucho Marx audio clip merely to prove that an air mail letter could easily travel 3,000 miles across the country--overnight. Or is this guy from the L.A. helicopter service part of a plot to frame Oswald too--in 1952?!

And, btw, Jim, can you PLEASE tell us WHY your patsy framers were all so incredibly inept? According to you, they manufactured the ENTIRE paper trail for the rifle from the GROUND UP. And that includes Waldman #7 and the money order. And yet they decided to make it look as if the rifle order was processed by Klein's the next day (March 13)---which you say is impossible. Why did "they" do that, Jim, when they could have very easily stamped ANY date at the top of Waldman #7? Why did they choose "MARCH 13TH"? Were your plotters all retarded or what?

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You are really funny sometimes.

Do you think Hoover was worried about David Belin calling him on this?

Do you really think Belin did not know that it was the wrong rifle?

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When Armstrong's article comes out, you will have Harry Holmes all over your face.

Ah, yes. Of course! We all must bow down to Armstrong the God of CTers! The same Armstrong who thinks there were two Marguerite Oswalds. (Oh, brother.)

Now it's really time for an LOL break.

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Do you really think Belin did not know that it was the wrong rifle?

What a pathetic broken record you are, Jimbo.

This "wrong rifle" schtick of yours has been reasonably explained a million times. (Dozens of times by me.) But you just keep on playing your ridiculous "Wrong Rifle" refrain, never once acknowledging the obvious non-sinister explanation. Geesh. How embarrassing for you.


Edited by David Von Pein
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You didn't answer the question.

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The question doesn't really require an answer --- because what you think is the "wrong rifle" is, of course, not anything of the kind. The C2766 rifle IS the rifle that Klein's positively mailed to Oswald.

And David W. Belin of the Warren Commission was obviously smart enough to know that any slight 36-inch vs. 40-inch discrepancy in the Klein's advertisements does not indicate massive fraud when it comes to the rifle. It's a discrepancy that is very easily explained by just looking at the remainder of the Klein's ads for the rest of 1963.

Plus, yet again, I ask --- Why did your plotters supposedly do something they could have avoided if the whole rifle transaction was simply INVENTED from whole cloth?


Why did the plotters want to make it look as though the patsy was ordering a 36-inch weapon....but then "they" arranged to frame him with the C2766 40-inch Carcano?

If your patsy framers get any sloppier, Jim, you should have them all fired.

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Slight discrepancy?

Wrong length, wrong weight, wrong classification.

You can bet that Belin did know it was the wrong rifle Davey. That is why he kept it out of the record. Even though he had all the information right in front of him.

The order form does not match the rifle in evidence.

Now, how long did it take for that information to get out there even into a small stream of the public?

I would say almost 30 years. Through Martha Moyer and the late Ray Gallagher.

You never have to pull the perfect crime. Just control the cover up.

That is it for me. Your so called case has just been exposed to be full of holes again. See, assumptions are not a case.

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The order form does not match the rifle in evidence.

Klein's simply ran out of 36-inch rifles, Jim. That fact couldn't be more obvious. Especially when you look at the info Gary Mack supplied me in 2010 from the American Rifleman ads.

Plus: the stock numbers match exactly. On the Klein's ordering coupon, Oswald ordered Catalog No. C20-T750. And Waldman #7 confirms that Oswald/"Hidell" was shipped that exact Catalog number -- C20-T750....



Why do you continue to sing the "Wrong Rifle" tune, Jim? You know that a perfectly logical explanation exists to reconcile the differences. Why pretend otherwise?

Edited by David Von Pein
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Give us all a break Davey.


If that had been the perfectly logical practice and standard, Belin would have brought it up and you know it.

Show me where he did OK?

BTW, DVP is the guy who also said the post office kept a special box for the private express mail company REA's orders. They then carried them over to their competitor-- and that is how Oswald ordered his hand gun. More LOL.

I mean how many of these Rube Goldberg contraptions are you selling in your snake oil truck these days?

For the record, to the ingenues who do not know this fact which DVP, and his buddy Lance the Lawyer, are trying to hide:

The WC says that Oswald ordered a 36 inch carbine, weighing about 5 lbs.

The rifle in evidence is a 40.2 inch short rifle weighing about 7 lbs.

Belin and the WC, in 19,000 pages, never thought to tell the reader that the rifle that the DPD says they brought down from the TSBD is not the rifle Oswald ordered.

I guess that wasn't important was it? Like hell it wasn't.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Give us all a break Davey.


If that had been the perfectly logical practice and standard, Belin would have brought it up and you know it.

Show me where he did OK?

BTW, DVP is the guy who also said the post office kept a special box for the private express mail company REA's orders. They then carried them over to their competitor-- and that is how Oswald ordered his hand gun. More LOL.

I mean how many of these Rube Goldberg contraptions are you selling in your snake oil truck these days?

For the record, to the ingenues who do not know this fact which DVP, and his buddy Lance the Lawyer, are trying to hide:

The WC says that Oswald ordered a 36 inch carbine, weighing about 5 lbs.

The rifle in evidence is a 40.2 inch short rifle weighing about 7 lbs.

Belin and the WC, in 19,000 pages, never thought to tell the reader that the rifle that the DPD says they brought down from the TSBD is not the rifle Oswald ordered.

I guess that wasn't important was it? Like hell it wasn't.

Relax, Jim.

I mean. Take some deep breaths.

Look at it this way. If Kleins was out of 36" carbines, it was better business practice, for their own profit and customer-satisfaction wise, for them to send Hidell, or whomever, a 40.2" rifle rather than nothing at all.

Which wouldn't have been the case if the customer had ordered a 40.2 inch rifle and they had sent him a 36 inch carbine, instead. Sending the customer a letter of explanation and an offer to send a carbine would have been the right thing for them to do in that case.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Yeah Tommy.

This happens all the time with my shoes. See, I order them special from Maryland.

See, I order a size 10 , black tassel, but they know better and send me what I really want, a size 9 burgundy tassel.

I can't fit into them, but I sell them at a swap meet on weekends. I lose about forty bucks each time, but hey I get to meet people at the swap meet.

Its a nice arrangement really.

Take some deep breaths Tommy, :sun and go chase Morales with your buddy Trejo to Walker's house.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Yeah Tommy.

This happens all the time with my shoes. See, I order them special from Maryland.

See, I order a size 10 , black tassel, but they know better and send me what I really want, a size 9 burgundy tassel.

I can't fit into them, but I sell them at a swap meet on weekends. I lose about forty bucks each time, but hey I get to meet people at the swap meet.

Its a nice arrangement really.

Take some deep breaths Tommy, :sun and go chase Morales with your buddy Trejo to Walker's house.

Relax, Jim.

Shoes aren't rifles.

You can't wear shoes that are too small for you, and shoes that are 10% or 12% too big for you don't work very well, either.

But you can shoot a carbine or a rifle with pretty much equal results, can't you.

A mail order company like Kleins just might send a cheap rifle in lieu of a cheap carbine if they are out of the latter, and hope that the customer is satisfied with it. I mean, the guy's getting "more bang for the buck," literally and figuratively speaking, right?

Why do you keep trying to connect me with Trejo, anyway, Jim?

Is that your way of trying to "get even"?

Have I ever said anything about Edwin Walker's being the mastermind of, or even involved in, the conspiracy?

No, I haven't Jim.

What's wrong with my being suspicious of Morales anyway, especially since I think I've spotted him monitoring Oswald in New Orleans on 8/09/63?

Aren't lots of CTers suspicious of Morales?

Aren't you suspicious of Morales, Jim?

Have you even read my posts on the "David Morales" thread?

Or have you avoided them, out of spite?

You're way too emotional, Jim. IMHO.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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