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How Did They Get Roscoe White To Lean Like That And Not Fall Over?

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Guest Rob Caprio

The clue to what might have been done to the BYPs can be found in the WCR.

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Captain J.W. Fritz exhibited to Lee Harvey Oswald a photograph which had been obtained by the Dallas Police Department in a search, by a search warrant, of the garage of the residence of Mrs. Ruth Paine, located at Irving, Texas, which photograph reflects Oswald holding a rifle and wearing a holstered pistol. He stated that the head of the individual in the photograph could be his but that it was entirely possible that the POLICE DEPARTMENT HAD SUPERIMPOSED THIS PART OF PHOTOGRAPH OVER THE BODY OF SOMEONE ELSE. He pointed out that numerous news media had snapped his photograph during the day and the possibility existed that the POLICE DOCTORED up this photograph. (emphasis mine) (WCR, p. 625)


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In this recap LHO blames the DPD for superimposing his head onto the body of someone else. Of course Roscoe White was associated with the DPD at this time.

P.S. I don't know what happened to my photo. Tried reloading it, but it didnt work. Any suggestions?

Edited by Rob Caprio
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you see in my post 40 that the rightward inclination of the fence in the right part image was also seen in one modern picture which shows the backyard seen from a very similar view angle.

Some of the posts supporting the platform/stairs appear like that they never were perfectly straight and perpendicular to the ground. This may also relate to the downward inclination of the picket which can be seen in almost all pictures of this backyard. If someone would lift the right side of the photographic plate during repeated shooting of the picture, the gate would point upwards, not downwards, and the heights of individual posts would be increasing towards the right. If the left side of the plate would be lifted, we would see anomalies predominantly in the left part of the picture. It would be necessary to see the result of Mr. White's experiment (keystoning) to confirm that this manipulation has occurred.

While I also believe that especially CE133B and C were manipulated, I think that CE133A was actually the picture shot by Marina. It is likely that the CE133A was manipulated in the head/face region which would be what Mr. Oswald indicated during his interrogation.


No, CE 133-A is also manipulated. The square chin is the first clue. Also, the thick neck, the broad shoulders and the lumpy right wrist. All these belong to Roscoe White.

Further, look at the right knee on CE 133-A. Now look at your right-knee in the photo you shared. Your leg is STRAIGHT. Now look at LHO's knee -- it is bent backward.

Actually, look at the line of the horizontal fence-post that intersects the vertical knee point. There is re-touching there.

No, CE-133A is also manipulated. We no longer have the single photo that Marina took. But even Marina herself was fooled -- as LHO was a superb deceiver. He reveled in it.


--Paul Trejo


you may have not read my comment properly - I admit that manipulations in the head/face area occurred in CE133A, while you try to make an impression that I deny any manipulations in CE133A. The rest of your examples of manipulations are illusory. The right leg is stretched and as the shin is in a slightly unnatural angle, latched into the knee, however, the leg is not bend backwards. The trouser around the knee makes a fold which creates a bil of illusion that the leg is bend in opposite direction. The right wrist in CE133A appears normal to me. The shoulders are not particularly broad - I was modelling this figure in Poser and had to reduce the standard size of the shoulders to match the picture.

Now, what would be the reason for Marina taking pictures of Roscoe White? Or did she photograph Lee, and then Lee's figure was replaced with Roscoe's figure, and then Roscoe White's head again by Lee's head. Naturally, tilting of the right (or left?) side of the picture would be a good ingredient to this mess. And if Roscoe was photographed - how did he achieve this specific pose if the pose would be impossible?

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you may have not read my comment properly - I admit that manipulations in the head/face area occurred in CE133A, while you try to make an impression that I deny any manipulations in CE133A. The rest of your examples of manipulations are illusory. The right leg is stretched and as the shin is in a slightly unnatural angle, latched into the knee, however, the leg is not bend backwards. The trouser around the knee makes a fold which creates a bil of illusion that the leg is bend in opposite direction. The right wrist in CE133A appears normal to me. The shoulders are not particularly broad - I was modelling this figure in Poser and had to reduce the standard size of the shoulders to match the picture.

Now, what would be the reason for Marina taking pictures of Roscoe White? Or did she photograph Lee, and then Lee's figure was replaced with Roscoe's figure, and then Roscoe White's head again by Lee's head. Naturally, tilting of the right (or left?) side of the picture would be a good ingredient to this mess. And if Roscoe was photographed - how did he achieve this specific pose if the pose would be impossible?

Andrej, I thought you said you believed that Marina herself took CE-133A, which, in my reading, makes CE-133A the original photo, before manipulation.

As for Roscoe White -- of course Marina never met the man -- as I read her testimony.

Instead, IMHO, we have Lee Oswald dressing all in black (which were not his own clothes) and surprising Marina as she was hanging laundry outside one day in early March, to demand that she take his picture with their cheap, Imperial Reflex camera.

She objected, and said she didn't know how to work the camera. LHO insisted, and told Marina which button to press. Marina said repeatedly that she took one and only one picture -- of Lee only -- dressed in this "costume" of all-black. She put it out of her mind, because she thought it was ridiculous.

Now -- the photographs of Roscoe White were therefore taken by LHO himself. Not by Marina. Probably the black clothes were Roscoe's in the first place -- because LHO had no black clothes, according to the evidence, in my reading.

Again -- the pose is impossible; it is faked by photo manipulation.

And after Roscoe posed for FOUR BYPs -- LHO then manipulated these photographs by inserting his own head in all four. He did this with JCS equipment around the same time that he made his fake A.J. HIdell ID cards. He did this by taking photographs of the photographs, and retouching and taking more photographs of the photographs.

As for the weird slant of the photo -- it was achieved by lifting one end of the photo before the final photo of the photo was taken. LHO did this deliberately.

Finally, Roscoe's knee is bent backwards in the photo -- and that isn't a crease in his pants. It's clearly re-touching of the photo, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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you may have not read my comment properly - I admit that manipulations in the head/face area occurred in CE133A, while you try to make an impression that I deny any manipulations in CE133A. The rest of your examples of manipulations are illusory. The right leg is stretched and as the shin is in a slightly unnatural angle, latched into the knee, however, the leg is not bend backwards. The trouser around the knee makes a fold which creates a bil of illusion that the leg is bend in opposite direction. The right wrist in CE133A appears normal to me. The shoulders are not particularly broad - I was modelling this figure in Poser and had to reduce the standard size of the shoulders to match the picture.

Now, what would be the reason for Marina taking pictures of Roscoe White? Or did she photograph Lee, and then Lee's figure was replaced with Roscoe's figure, and then Roscoe White's head again by Lee's head. Naturally, tilting of the right (or left?) side of the picture would be a good ingredient to this mess. And if Roscoe was photographed - how did he achieve this specific pose if the pose would be impossible?

Andrej, I thought you said you believed that Marina herself took CE-133A, which, in my reading, makes CE-133A the original photo, before manipulation.

As for Roscoe White -- of course Marina never met the man -- as I read her testimony.

Instead, IMHO, we have Lee Oswald dressing all in black (which were not his own clothes) and surprising Marina as she was hanging laundry outside one day in early March, to demand that she take his picture with their cheap, Imperial Reflex camera.

She objected, and said she didn't know how to work the camera. LHO insisted, and told Marina which button to press. Marina said repeatedly that she took one and only one picture -- of Lee only -- dressed in this "costume" of all-black. She put it out of her mind, because she thought it was ridiculous.

Now -- the photographs of Roscoe White were therefore taken by LHO himself. Not by Marina. Probably the black clothes were Roscoe's in the first place -- because LHO had no black clothes, according to the evidence, in my reading.

Again -- the pose is impossible; it is faked by photo manipulation.

And after Roscoe posed for FOUR BYPs -- LHO then manipulated these photographs by inserting his own head in all four. He did this with JCS equipment around the same time that he made his fake A.J. HIdell ID cards. He did this by taking photographs of the photographs, and retouching and taking more photographs of the photographs.

As for the weird slant of the photo -- it was achieved by lifting one end of the photo before the final photo of the photo was taken. LHO did this deliberately.

Finally, Roscoe's knee is bent backwards in the photo -- and that isn't a crease in his pants. It's clearly re-touching of the photo, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo

Dear Paul,

Could you please tell us why Oswald took photos of Roscoe White, holding a rifle and Communist newspapers, in Oswald's own back yard?


-- Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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The House Select Commitee experts tested the Imperial camera allegedly used to shoot the backyard photographs. One of the tests carried out at RIT was the analysis of curvatures produced by the lens. The left panel is the HSCA exhibit FIGURE RIT 4.1 which can be downloaded as http://jfkassassination.net/russ/infojfk/jfk6/6figrit4ap188.jpg .

I have rectified the left vertical edge of the middle square which appears to be well mounted. This is illustrated in the right panel. Interestingly, the right vertical edge line is not parallel to the left one, instead it diverged rightwards creating an open angle towards the top of the picture. The horizontal lines were supposed to be orientated perpendicular to the left vertical edge, however, they rather show a decline towards the right of the image.

Could the optical features of the lens be the cause or at least a contributing factor in the divergence of the vertical lines (fence) in the right part od the backyard picture?


Edited by Andrej Stancak
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The clue to what might have been done to the BYPs can be found in the WCR.

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Captain J.W. Fritz exhibited to Lee Harvey Oswald a photograph which had been obtained by the Dallas Police Department in a search, by a search warrant, of the garage of the residence of Mrs. Ruth Paine, located at Irving, Texas, which photograph reflects Oswald holding a rifle and wearing a holstered pistol. He stated that the head of the individual in the photograph could be his but that it was entirely possible that the POLICE DEPARTMENT HAD SUPERIMPOSED THIS PART OF PHOTOGRAPH OVER THE BODY OF SOMEONE ELSE. He pointed out that numerous news media had snapped his photograph during the day and the possibility existed that the POLICE DOCTORED up this photograph. (emphasis mine) (WCR, p. 625)


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In this recap LHO blames the DPD for superimposing his head onto the body of someone else. Of course Roscoe White was associated with the DPD at this time...

Rob, most of us here agree that the BYP were forgeries, made by pasting LHO's head onto another photograph. Many of us here believe that the body-double in the BYP is Roscoe White.

The question here isn't whether the BYP were forgeries -- the question is exactly who created the forgeries. A few people have guessed that LHO himself created the forgeries, deliberately, for plausible deniability.

Roscoe White became a Dallas police officer trainee only in October of 1963. The BYP were seen by people as early as March 1963 (e.g. Michael Paine admitted in 1993 to Dan Rather that he saw a BYP on April 2, 1963).

If (and only if) the body-double in the BYP is Roscoe White, then we must research the connection between Roscoe and LHO long before Roscoe became a Dallas police officer.

Actually, we have some evidence that Roscoe and LHO knew each other in the Marines.

Also, Ron Lewis (FLASHBACK, 1993) places Roscoe White in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.

Finally, as most people here know, Roscoe White's son, Ricky White, claims that his father left a confession in writing in which he claims responsibility for shooting both JFK and Officer Tippit. He is a mysterious fellow, this Roscoe White. Further, his wife was once a worker at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.

I believe Ricky White.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Guest Rob Caprio

Thank you to admin for fixing my photo. I appreciate the assistance.

The clue to what might have been done to the BYPs can be found in the WCR.

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Captain J.W. Fritz exhibited to Lee Harvey Oswald a photograph which had been obtained by the Dallas Police Department in a search, by a search warrant, of the garage of the residence of Mrs. Ruth Paine, located at Irving, Texas, which photograph reflects Oswald holding a rifle and wearing a holstered pistol. He stated that the head of the individual in the photograph could be his but that it was entirely possible that the POLICE DEPARTMENT HAD SUPERIMPOSED THIS PART OF PHOTOGRAPH OVER THE BODY OF SOMEONE ELSE. He pointed out that numerous news media had snapped his photograph during the day and the possibility existed that the POLICE DOCTORED up this photograph. (emphasis mine) (WCR, p. 625)http://historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0325a.htm

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In this recap LHO blames the DPD for superimposing his head onto the body of someone else. Of course Roscoe White was associated with the DPD at this time.

P.S. I don't know what happened to my photo. Tried reloading it, but it didnt work. Any suggestions?

P.S.S Thank you to admin for fixing my photo. I appreciate the assistance.

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Guest Rob Caprio

Just note that the Imperial Reflex camera was never shown to be LHO's camera. During Marina Oswald's initial testimony in February 1964 she said that LHO owned two cameras - a Russian one and an American one, but the American one was not the Imperial Reflex camera.

This camera was never discovered by the DPD during their two searches of the Paine residence. It was allegedly found by Ruth Paine in the beginning of December, and instead of giving it to the police she instead gave it to Robert Oswald.

The camera was not operable at the time of discovery. In fact,it was only used twice supposedly to take the BYPs and the alleged surveillance photos of Walker's house.

The Imperial Reflex camera was difficult to use so the idea that Marina could use it effectively when she had no experience with cameras also stretches the bounds of reasonability IMO.

She initially said that the photographs were taken in late February, but then changed it to late March. She initially said that she took just one photo, but then changed it to two. But she also said that she burned one additional photo. Then it was two that she burned. But then it was just one again. This would mean that she really took three photos as the one burned was a different pose, but she never said that she took three photos.

IMO no one should rely on Marina for anything in this area.

Edited by Rob Caprio
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Guest Rob Caprio

Hey Rob, long time no see! Still slugging it out with all the trolls over at Dunc's forum? I miss that place like a molar with a big cavity in it LOL. :)

Hi Robert. Good to see you here. I still post there for a few reasons. First of all, Duncan has been gracious with me posting my series (415 installments in one of them so far) as some other sites wouldn't let me post it. I won't post it here because I am sure everyone knows the case well. Doing it has taught me so much that I didn't know even after many years of study.

Secondly, I use it as a testing ground for things that I am studying. If his group of WC supporters can't shoot it down then it has some merit IMO.

Thirdly, it keeps me sharp on the case. If we all agree on things I tend to learn things at a slower rate. They can get rough and a few of them go too far, but most are okay. They have their beliefs and I have mine.

The difference is that I am open to changing mine if supporting evidence is presented.

Thanks for the welcome.

Edited by Rob Caprio
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Hey Rob, long time no see! Still slugging it out with all the trolls over at Dunc's forum? I miss that place like a molar with a big cavity in it LOL. :)

Hi Robert. Good to see you here. I still post there for a few reasons. First of all, Duncan has been gracious with me posting my series (415 installments in one of them so far) as some other sites wouldn't let me post it. I won't post it here because I am sure everyone knows the case well. Doing it has taught me so much that I didn't know even after many years of study.

Secondly, I use it as a testing ground for things that I am studying. If his group of WC supporters can't shoot it down then it has some merit IMO.

Thirdly, it keeps me sharp on the case. If we all agree on things I tend to learn things at a slower rate. They can get rough and a few of them go too far, but most are okay. They have their beliefs and I have mine.

The difference is that I am open to changing mine if supporting evidence is presented.

Thanks for the welcome.

It's good to see you posting here, Rob. I miss your fiery "take no prisoners" approach to debating. :)

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Just note that the Imperial Reflex camera was never shown to be LHO's camera. During Marina Oswald's initial testimony in February 1964 she said that LHO owned two cameras - a Russian one and an American one, but the American one was not the Imperial Reflex camera.

This camera was never discovered by the DPD during their two searches of the Paine residence. It was allegedly found by Ruth Paine in the beginning of December, and instead of giving it to the police she instead gave it to Robert Oswald.

The camera was not operable at the time of discovery. In fact,it was only used twice supposedly to take the BYPs and the alleged surveillance photos of Walker's house.

The Imperial Reflex camera was difficult to use so the idea that Marina could use it effectively when she had no experience with cameras also stretches the bounds of reasonability IMO.

She initially said that the photographs were taken in late February, but then changed it to late March. She initially said that she took just one photo, but then changed it to two. But she also said that she burned one additional photo. Then it was two that she burned. But then it was just one again. This would mean that she really took three photos as the one burned was a different pose, but she never said that she took three photos.

IMO no one should rely on Marina for anything in this area.

I rely on everything Marina said under oath -- however, Marina herself admitted that she knew very little -- mainly what Lee told her, and he was often an unreliable source.

As for the Imperial Reflex camera -- even granting your one-sided observations and suspicion about Ruth Paine -- photographic experts at the very least concluded that the BYP were made with the Imperial Reflex camera -- to the exclusion of all other cameras.

Marina claimed ignorance about cameras as she claimed ignorance about rifles and guns. In the early 1960's, that was common for females. Very little of USA life was co-ed in the early 1960's -- it was very much like the 1950's until JFK was assassinated.

Do you wish to review Marina's testimony about the Imperial Reflex in this thread, Rob? I believe it is defensible. IMHO, Oswald used both the cheap Imperial Reflex camera as well as the expensive, sophisticated camera equipment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall to create at least four different BYP's himself -- deliberately -- for plausible deniability.

He used the assistance of Roscoe White for this purpose.

After having done this back in March 1963, when LHO was confronted on November 23, 1963 with one of the BYP by Captain Will Fritz, LHO predictably said, "That photo is a Fake! It is my face stuck on somebody else's body! I know a lot about photography and I can prove that!"

In other words, LHO had immediate plausible deniability -- and he had rehearsed that little speech for six months! Every word he said there was true!


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Marina’s testimony raises serious doubts because of the points you mentioned. It will be difficult to find out the full truth about these pictures which had damned Oswald, but also Marina, so much. Mrs. Marina Porter is alive and there is still a small chance to learn more details about these pictures from her. Actually, Marina has admitted taking the pictures because Lee asked her to do so:


There is a woman’s handwritten note in perfect Russian “Ochotnik za faschistam, hoi-ha-ha!” on the back of one of the backyard pictures. It is very likely that it was actually her note. If so, that would indicate her good knowledge of the pictures. If it is true that she has destroyed one of the pictures right on the 23rd or 24th of November, then she understood very well how damaging these pictures were both for Lee and herself as the one who potentially assisted the President’s assassin. The pictures not only show Mr. Oswald as a potential political aggressor, they also pointed to his association with the infamous rifle. Marina was in a difficult position and had tried to tune down her role in taking the pictures by only reluctantly admitting taking one, then two pictures after being shown the other picture. She might have admitted taking more pictures during her WC testimonies if additional pictures would be submitted to her. Thus, she clearly revealed as little as possible about the backyard pictures. It is true that she did not present herself as a very trustworthy witness, however, her situation was such that this little what is in her testimonies may still be the minimum truth she was willing to concede. Her interviews (links above) suggest she indeed took the pictures, and maybe more than two.

I have tried to check the likelihood of the pictures being taken on March 31. The shadows cast by the man’s figure in CE133A would match Sunday, March 31, for the period between 11.30 and 12.00, very likely 11.37. It is a very indirect yet at least some empirical support for the possibility that the pictures were taken by Marina on Sunday morning when Lee was at home and not at work.

Lee’s denial of the pictures may have had also the purpose to protect Marina as the pictures made her a potential accessory to the fact. His denial and his accusation of DPD involvement in these pictures were maybe also his big mistakes comparable to exclaiming he was a patsy or trying to call his cut out in North Carolina. The right people had realised he would not take the blame and that he knew about them.

Edited by Andrej Stancak
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I’m adding more anagrams to my work-in-progress post #76. A few patterns are emerging in my admittedly highly subjective work: A “Roman” theme (that exists in other areas of the ICO puzzles), the notion that two body doubles were used in the ICO-created Backyard Photos - Roscoe White, and Buell Wesley Frazier (a bad guy, and a good guy, in that order), and the apparent possibility that lead (the metal) was added to the body-double’s left shoe somehow.

Since there are several new additions to my work-in-progress post #76, I’ll merely show what the list looks like now.

LEE HARVEY OSWALD anagrams to:





(5) “A HELLOVA SEEDY R.W.” (RW = Roscoe White)

(6) “RW: EH DEALEY SALVO” (EH = Edgar Hoover)



214 WEST NEELY STREET anagrams to:



(3) “1944 WESLEY CENTER. 18-BT”










[“ROMAN” anagrams to “A RN MO”]

"ROSCOE WHITE" anagrams to:

(1) "SWITCHEROO '4'" (there are 4 versions of the BYP)

(2) “i.e. WES COHORT”













[Historic Diary puzzle #10 is “how easy to die”, anagram: “WHITE AD: SOOEY”]




IMPERIAL REFLEX” anagrams to:

(1) “411 FIREARM, 411 PIX”



(4) “411 ELM PIX ARE RF. I”





Note that I’m not doing any real decoding on this thread, I’m just looking for pertinent and possibly intended anagrams.

Andrej, I’m looking into a possible metaphoric connection between the Backyard photos and things Roman, or Italian. The tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, for example, has varied between 3 and 5 degrees since the completion of the bell tower circa 1400. Today, after some heavy duty engineering, it sits at about 4 degrees off plumb.

Can you make a guess at Oswald’s tilt, and a guess at your tilt too? I’m asking because there are some puzzle indications as to what Oswald's tilt angle was designed to be.


Number/Letter translation device:


Edited by Tom Hume
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Guest Rob Caprio

The clue to what might have been done to the BYPs can be found in the WCR.

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Captain J.W. Fritz exhibited to Lee Harvey Oswald a photograph which had been obtained by the Dallas Police Department in a search, by a search warrant, of the garage of the residence of Mrs. Ruth Paine, located at Irving, Texas, which photograph reflects Oswald holding a rifle and wearing a holstered pistol. He stated that the head of the individual in the photograph could be his but that it was entirely possible that the POLICE DEPARTMENT HAD SUPERIMPOSED THIS PART OF PHOTOGRAPH OVER THE BODY OF SOMEONE ELSE. He pointed out that numerous news media had snapped his photograph during the day and the possibility existed that the POLICE DOCTORED up this photograph. (emphasis mine) (WCR, p. 625)http://historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0325a.htm

Quote off

In this recap LHO blames the DPD for superimposing his head onto the body of someone else. Of course Roscoe White was associated with the DPD at this time...

Rob, most of us here agree that the BYP were forgeries, made by pasting LHO's head onto another photograph. Many of us here believe that the body-double in the BYP is Roscoe White.

The question here isn't whether the BYP were forgeries -- the question is exactly who created the forgeries. A few people have guessed that LHO himself created the forgeries, deliberately, for plausible deniability.

Roscoe White became a Dallas police officer trainee only in October of 1963. The BYP were seen by people as early as March 1963 (e.g. Michael Paine admitted in 1993 to Dan Rather that he saw a BYP on April 2, 1963).

If (and only if) the body-double in the BYP is Roscoe White, then we must research the connection between Roscoe and LHO long before Roscoe became a Dallas police officer.

Actually, we have some evidence that Roscoe and LHO knew each other in the Marines.

Also, Ron Lewis (FLASHBACK, 1993) places Roscoe White in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.

Finally, as most people here know, Roscoe White's son, Ricky White, claims that his father left a confession in writing in which he claims responsibility for shooting both JFK and Officer Tippit. He is a mysterious fellow, this Roscoe White. Further, his wife was once a worker at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.

I believe Ricky White.


--Paul Trejo

If I wasn't clear then I apologize. The purpose of my post was to show that LHO thought it was the DPD. I think that it could have been Roscoe White who was associated with the DPD at the time.

I understand your point as I have done the same thing over the last 30 years of studying this case. Thanks for your reply.

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