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Robert Prudhomme

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On 12/11/2016 at 8:09 PM, Ron Ecker said:

"America died on November 8, 2016"? If Neal Gabler wants to be that hypobolic, what about November 22, 1963? Did nothing die that day but a president? I think more of America died on 11/22/63 than died on 11/8/16. What happened on 11/8/16 can be easily corrected in four years. Not a damn thing about 11/22/63 has been corrected in 53 years and counting. But Gabler probably couldn't care less about that. Tom Hanks out there in La La Land has already let it be known that Oswald did it.

If you want to sound like you know what you're talking about when you slap Mr. Gabler, you might try using an actual word. The word is "hyperbolic." Do you once again object to the direct quotes? Per your standard demands, should I provide a link as proof?

Yes, and you certainly helped make 11/8/16 happen by not voting, or if you had voted, it would have been for Trump not Hillary, and you won't "easily" correct the problem in 4 years because you won't vote then either. Of course you take no responsibility for this fact.

"Easily corrected" my ass. Only you would make such a statement. The public gave Bush a 2nd term despite his allowing 911, and starting the Iraq War on a known lie. Which democrat will "easily" defeat whatever republican they run against? How much additional damage will a Republican Supreme Court inflict on the election process in four years? With Hillary the democrats would rule the Supreme Court, and there would at least be a chance the R's would have less control over the election, and would take steps to prevent another republican stepping into the WH after losing the popular vote.

For a guy who won't lower himself to be involved in the vote you certainly can't stop mouthing off about the election.

Should I post a link now to your statement that you will no longer respond to my posts, or wait until you do respond? Unlike the 'Clinton is a rapist' post where your statements (and most of the post itself) was deleted this post still exists. This was known to you when you demanded I post a link and the fact that it was deleted has been confirmed.

Let's see how well you keep your word...

BTW, you refused to answer my question, you just demanded a link. The question was: "Did you ever say Clinton is a rapist who belongs in prison?"

Edited by Tom Neal
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20 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Maybe Trump will try to do what JFK allegedly wanted to do. Abolish the CIA. Even JFK never publicly called a CIA report "ridiculous." (Did he?)



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9 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

Maybe Trump will try to do what JFK allegedly wanted to do. Abolish the CIA. Even JFK never publicly called a CIA report "ridiculous." (Did he?)



Unfortunately, CIA sandbagged JFK with BOP and then may have had a hand in getting rid of him; I am concerned they will try to do the same thing with Trump. :-0

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On 12/13/2016 at 11:51 AM, Ron Ecker said:

Maybe Trump will try to do what JFK allegedly wanted to do. Abolish the CIA. Even JFK never publicly called a CIA report "ridiculous." (Did he?)



That would be something, Ron. But I wouldn't hold my breathe on that. All his appointments are either Generals or Business leaders. Trump poses no threat to the Multi national elites. On the contrary they'd like him. He's the most pro business President we might ever have. The only wild card could be his conduct of foreign policy.

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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


That would be something, Ron. But I wouldn't hold my breathe on that. All his appointments are either Generals or Business leaders. Trump poses no threat to the Multi national elites. On the contrary they'd like him. He's the most pro business President we might ever have. The only wild card could be his conduct of foreign policy.

But if Trump wants to make an enemy of the CIA, he's off to a very good start. He seems to be depending on Flynn (or Ivanka or the Trump Tower elevator girl or somebody) instead of the intelligence community for his intelligence, and reportedly he's not bothering with regular intelligence briefings. He has publicly called the CIA's position on the Russians and the election "ridiculous." It will be interesting to see what he has to say about the intelligence community now saying that Putin himself was personally involved in the hacking and the use of the hacked material.


If I were president, I would not go out of my way to disrespect or make an enemy of something as powerful and criminal as the CIA.







Edited by Ron Ecker
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Yow! Let me count the ways! Could this be the most stolen election of all time? The FBI had the Weiner laptop on Oct.3rd! But you're lead to believe they couldn't find one Clinton e mail and bring it to the attention of Comey for over 3 weeks! So the 8 days they took to inspect it could have been completed by mid October! All the while you remember we were told on Oct 28th that they couldn't possibly review all the e-mails by the time of the elections! And Weiner's wife still doesn't know how the Clinton e-mails got on her husbands laptop! and the Guliani connection again!


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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


The FBI is corrupt? J. Edgar Hoover must be turning over in his grave!



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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yeah, he thought blackmailing politicians and illegal surveillance was pretty heady stuff. Now they're throwing elections.

They helped nullify one back In 1963. Now they're being proactive.




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