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Did Shelley & Lovelady leave the TSBD steps before Officer Baker's arrival and then return?

Sandy Larsen

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2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

PS  Did I ruthlessly plagiarize something, or perhaps forget to give someone, once-removed, credit?


No, I just wanted to make clear that what you quoted wasn't my writing but rather Alistair Briggs' writing. (Your quote leaves out the sentence stating that.)  I don't want to be associated with him as far as Prayer Man goes because IIRC he's a "Prayer Woman" man. I'm not. I believe Prayer Man is a man.


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41 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:




From what I can tell, Bart now agrees with us that the woman on the left is (native American) Stella Mae Jacob. He now believes the one in the middle is Gloria Calvery because of the 55-year Karen Westbrook interview. You and I know her to be Gloria Holt. And, again because of the 55-year Karen Westbrook interview, Bart believes the woman on the right is Karen Westbrook herself. You and I know her to be Sharon Simmons.

Bart has photos of both Karen Westbrook and Sharon Simmons posted on his web site:


Sharon-Simmons-1960-HS-Pic_zpsa0kxtsoh.j       Karen-Westbrook-1.jpg
LEFT:    Sharon Simmons
RIGHT:  Karen Westbrook


Too bad they look as similar as they do, so we could make a positive ID. I will note that Sharon Simmons has her hair brushed down over her forehead, in contrast to Karen Westbrook who brushed her hair back, both in high school and in her 55 year interview. The woman in the Z-film has her hair brushed down, as Sharon Simmons does.

Luckily for us, we have plenty of photos of Gloria Calvery, and she clearly does not look like the blond woman above. I can't believe that Bart thinks they are the same person.

We also have Gloria Holt's high school photos, and she does indeed look like the blond woman above.



Excellent work, Sandy.

It's obvious to me that Simmons has a longish face, and that Westbrook has a squarish or even roundish face.  You can see that about Westbrook here, and even more so in her recent Sixth Floor Museum interview.  

It's too bad Smilin' Stephen Fagin didn't turn Westbrook onto Darnell's film of Jacob, Holt, and Simmons walking toward the TSBD.  If he had, then Westbrook would have undoubtedly realized the mistakes (plural) she was making in her "identifications."

--  TG

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Do you know what Bart's position is regarding Gloria Calvery's interaction with Lovelady and Shelley right after the shooting? Both Lovelady and Shelley said they spoke with Calvery right after the shooting. But if Bart is right about this being Calvery (the middle one):




and this being Shelley and Lovelady:




then it seems to me that it would have been impossible for there to have been any interaction between them.

Am I miss-thinking here?


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2 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:


Wrong again.


Well then, when and where do you think Shelley and Lovelady interacted with Gloria Calvery? You believe Shelley and Lovelady were well on their way to the railroad track before Officer Baker had even reached the TSBD steps. And that Calvery was wandering down by where the limo had been. So when and where did they interact?

In Shelley's first-day statement he said that he bumped into Calvery at the corner concrete island. That could not have happened according to your version of the facts.


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47 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Well then, when and where do you think Shelley and Lovelady interacted with Gloria Calvery? You believe Shelley and Lovelady were well on their way to the railroad track before Officer Baker had even reached the TSBD steps. And that Calvery was wandering down by where the limo had been. So when and where did they interact?

In Shelley's first-day statement he said that he bumped into Calvery at the corner concrete island. That could not have happened according to your version of the facts.



Excellent point, Sandy.

I hadn't thought of that.

It would appear that Bart's "modified limited hangout" has backfired on him big time.


--  TG



Could you or someone else please tell me how to post here a "screenshot" that's on my hard drive?

My laptop is using non-touch Windows 10, Google Chrome (and Mozilla Firefox).

It has neither Word, nor Office, nor Photo bucket, nor PhotoShop, nor any "snipping tools" (that I know of).

Thank you!

--  TG


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25 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Excellent point, Sandy.

I hadn't thought of that.

It would appear that Bart's "modified limited hangout" has backfired on him, big time.


--  TG



Could you or someone else please tell me how to post here a "screenshot" that's on my hard drive?

My laptop is using (non-touch) Windows 10, Google Chrome (and Mozilla Firefox).

It has neither Word, nor Office, nor Photo bucket, nor PhotoShop, nor any "snipping tools" (that I know of).

Thank you.!

--  TG

PPS  Or how to send it to somebody as an e-mail attachment, for that matter?


Major "PS" and bumped

Edited by Thomas Graves
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What's excellent about it?

Point me to the spot where they met?

That they met is a given, is there a time frame on this? No.

Could they have bumped into each other and Calvery could have stayed there longer? Possibly.


Does anything of this matter? None whatsoever.



You two are still smartening from the fact that you have been dead wrong about the Calvery ID, your cover up is not working. Nor does it point to anything valuable in this case, but no for three years running yack yack yack, Gloria Gloria Gloooooooria.......

You two have failed miserably lately, seriously take a break or hang with Brian Doyle at his Prayer Woman page.......


Edited by Bart Kamp
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6 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

What's excellent about it?

Point me to the spot where they met?

That they met is a given, is there a time frame on this? No.

Could they have bumped into each other and Calvery could have stayed there longer? Possibly.


Does anything of this matter? None whatsoever.



You two are still smartening from the fact that you have been dead wrong about the Calvery ID, your cover up is not working. Nor does it point to anything valuable in this case, but no for three years running yack yack yack, Gloria Gloria Gloooooooria.......

You two have failed miserably lately, seriously take a break or hang with Brian Doyle at his Prayer Woman page.......



Looks as though you're getting quite desperate.

Could you please tell me how to upload to this forum the screenshot I took of Gloria Jeanne Holt's high school photos?  You know, the ones your buddy Stan Dane so kindly posted on ROKC about a year ago?

(Are the still there by the way, or have they been deleted?)

--  TG

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How long have you been on forums?

And it was Linda Giovanna Zambanini who posted them originally.


Crying woman in the centre is not Holt, it is Calvery.

Edited by Bart Kamp
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14 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

How long have you been on forums?

And i was Linda Giovanna Zambanini who posted them originally.


Crying woman in the centre is not Holt, it is Calvery.

Thanks, Bart.

Yes, that's the photo of Gloria Jeanne Holt that convinced me, Sandy, Andrej, and others that the young woman Speth, Roberdeau, and Unger had mislabeled as "Karan Hicks" was, in fact, Gloria Jeanne Holt.

Thanks again!

--  TG

PS  My sincere apologies to my former colleague here, Linda Giovanna Zambanini.

I will forever be grateful for her finding and posting on ROKC the high school photos of "Westbrook's Calvery," Gloria Jeanne Holt.

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1 minute ago, Bart Kamp said:

That hair of hers grew mighty fast did it not?

1963 yearbook



I believe this is her 1962 photo, and the other one is from 1963, correct?

Do you think she might have grown some during the intervening year, Bart?

--  TG

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