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A Couple of Real Gems from the "Harvey and Lee" Website

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6 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

Ha funny Dave - funny how you made an LHO photo green...as in the little green monsters you see running around under your bed at night in your tinfoil covered walled bedroom.


It's called contrast buddy... it's used to illustrate the point you made about the images not being different...

Sadly for you and your rebuttal, they are.  and here they are with more color contrast so even you and Tracy and Bernie's bad eyes can see the difference...

It's truly sad that grown men like yourself cannot admit they're wrong - especially since it was your own photoshop work which proved the point...

So go ahead and try to resize Harvey to match Lee...  the left eye no longer matches...  bummer, right?  :up



Edited by David Josephs
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Yes I've read plenty.  Plenty where I've seen you support weirdness like the films were faked, this was faked, that was faked, and this story. In your mind everything is faked. Do you even believe what you see in the mirror or do you think it's a big boogey man staring back at you LOL

You think that just because you've been published on Kennedys and King you're somehow an expert.  The only thing I think you wrote well about is how LHO was not in MC.  That's all. Then I saw you supporting the 67% solution, this goofy xxxxing story and many more and I thought - whew...this guy's a paranoid.

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Now you've just lost it buddy.  

Is this an attack of the info or of the man?  Moderators?

2 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

Yes I've read plenty.  Plenty where I've seen you support weirdness like the films were faked, this was faked, that was faked, and this story. In your mind everything is faked. Do you even believe what you see in the mirror or do you think it's a big boogey man staring back at you LOL

You think that just because you've been published on Kennedys and King you're somehow an expert.  The only thing I think you wrote well about is how LHO was not in MC.  That's all. Then I saw you supporting the 67% solution, this goofy xxxxing story and many more and I thought - whew...this guy's a paranoid.


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Just now, Michael Walton said:

You're taking two photos that I took and merely overlaid. That's all.  And now look how desperate you are - it's contrast!  It's this! It's that! Talk about desperate!

Stop being a jerk Mike... 

You did not create that gif to try and prove they were the same?  You say so in your post... or are you so addle-minded that you forgot what you wrote?


"Meanwhile, I also put up a head shot comparison.  Keep in mind the young Oswald photo is supposed to be the HL crazies' clone and then the mug shot is the other.  Birds tweet...crickets chirp.  Not a single reply except Larsen saying "You do know that that's a line drawing."  I was like - WTF?!  Anyone with sense and decent eye sight can tell these photos are of the same person.

Nope.  Not for the crazies."


3 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

You're taking two photos that I took and merely overlaid. That's all.

But anchoring on the left eye and making sure it was sized correctly was NOT something you did?  It just magically aligned to the left eye?

You've become so full of it you can't see thru the blinders.  and now you're denying something you just did... 


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3 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

You've done plenty of attacking too, Dave.  You're no innocent babe.

You done whining yet?

And if you and Tracy are so blind that you cannot see what your own overlay shows... that remains your problem not the rest of ours.

Change the size so it matches Mike...  or do you only have "overlay" skills?

If the left eyes are sized and overlaid correctly, the rest of the man's face doesn't fit....  fix the position of the mouth, ears and eyes and the rest wont be anchored...

2 different men:   sorry boys... back to the drawing board for youse....


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There is no need to rely on the "photo analysis" of David Josephs. An analysis was performed by the HSCA years before the H&L theory was developed. Since the analysis was done to debunk 2 Oswald theories in general, they unfortunately used a disproportionate number of photos of "Harvey." However the infamous "13 inch head" photo was analyzed. Armstrong says on page 149 of his book that this photo is of "Lee." Unfortunately for the H&L team, the HSCA study said this photo and the others they looked at are of the same person. Now set your timers folks and let's see how long it is before the H&L team says the study was "faked."

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37 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

You're taking two photos that I took and merely overlaid. That's all.  And now look how desperate you are - it's contrast!  It's this! It's that! Talk about desperate!


It's not just a matter of contrast. Lee's mouth is a quarter inch lower than Harvey's mouth! You'd have to be blind to not see that.


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39 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Michael is, of course, correct in his assessment of the photos. It couldn't be more obvious they are the same person. You can't expect them to line up perfectly due to differences in the position of the head (tilt) and the fact that individuals do change slightly over time. But they are the same man.


Oh come on! How is it possible for only the mouth to be out of place?


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They are totally identical! Joseph's believes it's possible for two unrelated boys chosen by the CIA for some as yet unnamed plan to grow up looking as identical as this! I note that 'neither' look like they have a tooth missing! 

Anyway, we have PROVED beyond a shadow of doubt that the entire H&L story is false. (See the exhumation report!) It can now be taken as a proven FACT that H&L never happened except in the tiny minds of some little men who refuse to grow up.

You've been beaten! No, you've been thoroughly humiliated! The evidence of that runs through the entire 120 odd pages of this thread. I'm going to miss our little soirees here, but you've finally run out of time-wasting blanks to fire. You did well...sort of, like the gambler trying to bet the family fortune on a pair of threes! You recruited about a dozen followers in 20 years. That's fantastic. Well done! 

You do know that more people believe that the Queen of England is a lizard than believe in H&L? In fact, I'd go further, more people would probably rather accept that she was one of the shooters than accept this relentless trolling disguised as a risible theory, one that relies on deliberate falsification and mistruths, and whose sole design is to divert, confuse, and slow down the search for the truth.

We have proved your theory doesn't add up. It doesn't fit the known facts. All you have to do is read the pages and the cringe worth arguments you have all wriggled and slithered with.

Lee has ended up in Harvey's grave and no amount of childish excuses can change this. You can't explain it without using words such as, "maybe", and "probably", and "likely", associated with multiple scenarios - none of which you all agree on anyway - so that tells reasonably minded people that you have no PROOF of anything. NONE! The only thing that this proves is how staggeringly gullible some people can be. Of that you have more than enough evidence!

Come back when you actually have some meat on the plate. Do some of your own research and stop pimping off other people's work! Find some more witnesses. Get hold of some more toothless photos. Get the dental records documenting a false tooth. Find the surgeon who did 'Harvey's' mastoidectomy. Find the hospital where it was done first though. Dig up some more on the Hungarian/Russian orphan/refugee. Show, with documentation, or new witnesses, how the exhumation findings were faked. Contact the Bolton Ford's witnesses' families to see what they may know. There must still be dozens who knew LHO while he was in the army, how many have you tried to locate? The sheer laziness is beyond belief!

Until you have something new to add I don't see the point in discussing it any further. Everything else has been adequately debunked, and even your dishonest cherry picking couldn't help you in the end. It's over. 

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