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A Couple of Real Gems from the "Harvey and Lee" Website

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Nope. She wasn't rich but she got by with penny pinching and begging.


As far as what marguerite told people, she lied continually-where do you think LHO got it from?



Putting this here.  Play around with the income. My Dad made a buck 50 on the shipping docks, my Mom cleaned offices two nights a week, and my Dad also worked weekends as a graveyard gatekeeper.  Based on your website figures adding them comes to about $17,000 over a period of time. Even if you use the latest inflation calculator year of maybe 1955, that comes to $155,000 in 2017 dollars.  My parents would have killed to have had that much money.

It sounds like she and little LHO were pretty comfortable with the dollars. Now I know how Lee's little toy train was purchased.

Edited by Michael Walton
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H&L critics on this forum didn’t have much luck explaining how “Lee Harvey Oswald” went to school in New York City and New Orleans at the same time, or how he happened to be aboard the USS Skagit and in Taiwan at the same time he was being treated for VD in Japan, or how he visited the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans while he was in Minsk. They probably feel better about the mastoidectomy procedure(s), which requires me to speculate about a solution, but the sheer amount of evidence supporting John Armstrong’s work is just overwhelming. 
As one example, a couple of years ago on another forum, a Dallas attorney named Drew Phipps, familiar with facial recognition techniques, did a detailed series of posts he titled: “Pixel Counting Biometric Comparison of Oswald photos.”

Mr. Phipps measured, in various pictures of “Oswald,” the ratios of the distances between a number of different facials features in photos. He described his analytical method as follows:

The ratios I will use are: “pupil-to-pupil / width of eye” (called P/W hereafter), “pupil-to-pupil / length of nose” (called P/N hereafter), “pupil-to-pupil / nose-to-top-lip” (called P/L hereafter) and “pupil-to-pupil / earlobe-to-earlobe” (called P/E hereafter). The use of ratios (instead of actual measurements) will make it unnecessary to know more about the distance from lens to face, or the type of camera, etc., since the proportions of the face of the same person should stay the same regardless of those other factors.

In his series of posts, Mr. Phipps went into considerable detail about the photos he was using and how he made and interpreted his measurements. I think you have to be a member of the forum to be able to see the actual graphics but the written descriptions of his work, and his conclusions, are visible to non-members. At any rate, here are Mr. Phipps’ final conclusions.

Visual Conclusions: Unless there is something terribly wrong with my methodology, (or my spreadsheet skills), or the photos are simply too low resolution for a significant biometric comparison, there is some evidence that there is more than one individual here. 

If I had to clump the photos in two different piles, it looks to me like photos 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 are the same individual, and photos 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 12 are the same individual.

I realize this is not the same narrative as "Harvey and Lee". It is still my opinion that it is far more likely that the paper trail of discrepancies surrounding Oswald is the result of deliberate tampering with his records (in an attempt to catch a mole, or deceive a communist spy organization). But the biometric discrepancies are starting to make me wonder. 

CLICK HERE to see Mr. Phipps’ study.

In my next post, I’ll show a chart John Armstrong asked Jack White to prepare showing the many faces of "Lee Harvey Oswald. "

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34 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

H&L critics on this forum didn’t have much luck explaining how “Lee Harvey Oswald” went to school in New York City and New Orleans at the same time, or how he happened to be aboard the USS Skagit and in Taiwan at the same time he was being treated for VD in Japan

It has been explained, you just don't agree with the explanation. It is interesting that you accept Mr. Phipps "study" quickly, yet reject the work of the HSCA experts. One other thing I keep forgetting to mention is a study of ears that was done by an expert. The idea is that no two ears are the same as with fingerprints. The guy (can't remember he name) found, of course, there was only one Oswald. But I have never been able to get a hold of the full study so I don't know how or if it would relate to H&L since they used photos and I don't know which ones.

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40 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Do you think these images are all of the same person?

Yes, but I don't really see the point of this poster. For example, the entire first row is all "Lee" as far as I know. Then there are 8 photos of "Harvey" after the assassination. So what is the point? Are you claiming there are more Oswalds?

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1 hour ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

It is interesting that you accept Mr. Phipps "study" quickly, yet reject the work of the HSCA experts.

And the answer to this doesn't occur to you?  Drew Phipps was not an agent of the U.S. government.  He was not paid by the U.S. government. His results were not published by the U.S. government.

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And the answer to this doesn't occur to you?  Drew Phipps was not an agent of the U.S. government.  He was not paid by the U.S. government. His results were not published by the U.S. government.


An interesting reply, Jim. It's also richly ironic because the HSCA concluded that there was a conspiracy, which is why many CT-ers come here (and why David VP and W. Tracy also come here, to rebut conspiracy).

Granted, the conclusion was weak (a shot was fired from the knoll but missed); still this is the same body that found the Z film was authentic, among other things, as well as determining that there was only one Oswald. But they did find for conspiracy. So what you're saying is, the HSCA can't be trusted with determining if the ear study concluded there was only one Oswald but *can* be trusted (??) that they got the conspiracy part right?

And by the way, government employees are not "agents."  The vast majority of them are just every day employees like those who work for private industry.

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The HSCA concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at Kennedy. The second and third shots Oswald fired struck the President. The third shot he fired killed the President."  The acoustic evidence it relied on for a possible fourth shot and a possible second gunman was flawed.  Blakey's 2003 mea culpa indicating he was SHOCKED, SHOCKED that the CIA lied to him is pitiful.  I have shown in this very thread how utterly dishonest the HSCA was in dealing with "Oswald's" simultaneous appearances on the U.S.S. Skagit en route to Taiwan and the Atsugi naval base in Japan.  You can chose to ignore it if you wish, but it is plainly obvious.

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Also that poster of many faces is fascinating.  The only one that looks odd is the third row, fourth from the left. It looks like a touch up that looks typical of 50's touch up methods and is actually more touched up than the one to the left. But otherwise, it looks like they're all the same person going through the aging process.  He obviously bulked up as a late teen when he went into the military, then lost the weight afterward.

Another thing that hit me is even LHO himself said it was his own likeness in the BYP pasted on to another's body. So even he thought there was only one of himself - LOL.

I'm just shocked that any HL believer would ever think there are two or more different people in that poster.

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5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

And the answer to this doesn't occur to you?  Drew Phipps was not an agent of the U.S. government.  He was not paid by the U.S. government. His results were not published by the U.S. government.

OK, you don't believe the government can be trusted. Then why do you see citation after citation in H&L that reference the HSCA, WC, FBI, Secret Service and so on?

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Because we're analyzing the things they forgot to hide. We're exploiting their errors. No one else "investigated" this case.   Making a human being disappear from history is complicated, and the government and their agents made mistakes.  That's what we're presenting here.

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10 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

OK, you don't believe the government can be trusted. Then why do you see citation after citation in H&L that reference the HSCA, WC, FBI, Secret Service and so on?


It obvious they mistakenly told the truth from time to time.

A whole buncha "typos" which, in a Freudian slip kind-of-way, were ..... incredibly TRUE!

Ya gotta realize this is a very ironic case.

--  Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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16 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

It is interesting that you accept Mr. Phipps "study" quickly, yet reject the work of the HSCA experts.

Yeah, right Tracy... the HSCA, which moved the back-of-the-head wound from where the autopsists found it (low on the head, near the EOP), up by two or three inches to the crown of the head (cowlick area). Yeah, you can really trust the HSCA and their experts.

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