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Did a Far-Right/Industrial faction double-cross a Mob/Anti-Castro faction?

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The big question I have now (I know I'm way off topic) is whether the 'deep state' which to my mind controls the center of the Democratic Party, has lost control of the Republican right, and of Trump and his criminal gang in particular. When Bush and Romney start looking like good guys you gotta wonder. 

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6 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

The big question I have now (I know I'm way off topic) is whether the 'deep state' which to my mind controls the center of the Democratic Party, has lost control of the Republican right, and of Trump and his criminal gang in particular. When Bush and Romney start looking like good guys you gotta wonder. 

Presuming the deep state of Bush - Iran Contra - Watergate - MLK - RFK - JFK - Vietnam infamy is as real as the likes of Peter Dale Scott says, then these guys are still operating the deep state in their sub-cabinet positions.   Presidents, as we know, come and go....



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17 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Since this is the JFK assassination forum, I'm not going to sidetrack myself with Watergate itself. The common denominator in all this is Nixon. Nixon didn't pull any triggers himself. We all can agree to that. But I think that the key to it all is Nixon. The hush money conversations about Watergate shows a Mafia-style knowledge on Nixon's part. Bags of untraceable cash? Yeah, we can do that. 

So who (plural) was bankrolling all this? To what end? Johnson gave the MICC Vietnam. We weren't getting out very quickly on LBJ's watch. But Johnson was savvy enough to know that when he lost Cronkite's support, he'd lost America's support as well and a second term simply wasn't in the cards.

What I don't understand--and I lived through that era-- is what happened to Gene McCarthy after RFK's assassination. Humphrey, initially a stand-in for LBJ, never had the nomination sewed up. McCarthy was "persuaded" to step aside...somehow. Money? Threats? Blackmail? Not sure, but I'd wager that Nixon's backers found a way to "convince" McCarthy to drop out. I don't think anyone on the Democrat side of the ledger was was behind it. McCarthy seemed to fold his cards after RFK's death, and he only offered a token challenge to Humphrey.

Once Humphrey was the nominee, Nixon's election was assured. Until someone decided they weren't getting their money's worth from Nixon, and Watergate came about. The cabal giveth the White House, and the cabal taketh away. Not convinced the warhawks were the only kingmakers of the Nixon presidency.




Michael, As you probably remember Mac Carthy upset LBJ in New Hampshire, and the tide started turning.Then the Demo-elephants came in the room, that is the Kennedy mystique and RFK in a particular, and automatically made Mac Carthy third in line, despite the fact that he was the first Anti Viet Nam candidate. As I recall Mac Carthy still won in late May in Oregon primary. But after winning the California primary, it was obvious RFK was gaining great steam. Still the pundits were talking about an open convention between RFK and Humphrey because RF had entered late. In that era the party bosses were much more powerful, the outrage over Wasserman Shultz and Bernie in the last election was about injustices that were  commonplace back then, thankfully the  public will is much more democratic, with a small "d" now. Still I think you and I know RFK wasn't about to be stopped, and probably would have dealt a fatal blow to machine politics way back then.  RFK totally eclipsed Mac Carthy, but after his death,Mac Carthy wasn't going to tip the scales to Nixon by running on a third party ticket.The rank and file Democrats had at last found the candidate they had been waiting 5 years for, but he was now dead. Finally settling for the Anti Viet Nam candidate wasn't going to make it for blue collar Democrats,they generally liked Hubert Humphrey and Mac Carthy knew that.

After Humphrey won the nomination Mac Carthy's endorsement  was vigorously being pursued by Humphrey, who was breaking from LBJ and talking more dovish. I remember going to see Mac Carthy in SF, I think about 2weeks short of the election, where everyone was waiting in  bated breathe  on his every utterance and he said he would continue to support neither of major candidates. He changed his tune, in the last few days of the election and supported Humphrey.

Humphrey very narrowly lost to Nixon. The irony is that if there weren't the anti Viet Nam protests at the Democratic Convention in Chicago , he probably would have won, and we'd have a decent public health care system, because that kind of legislation was what Hubert Humphrey was really all about.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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My thinking is that, prior to the Assassination, all the DPD and radical right elements had to do was turn a blind eye and create background noise. Immediately after the assasssination these same elements were supposed to present a case for conspiracy, probably with the body of LHO and 1 dead Anti-Castro Cuban who was previously sheep-dipped as a Commie, but sacrificed at the scene.

So the job of the local, radical right, before the assassination was passive. And then, after the assassination they went passive, by not presenting the conspiracy. There inlies the double cross.

The Guantanamo angle just gives the ultimate motive for the assassination itself. The Double-cross explains how the ACC's were motivated, but ultimately left hanging. 


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  • 2 months later...

***** editing this in here...

Istanbul, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban researcher Fabian Escalante assured here that despite the passage of time, authorities in the United States are far from clarifying the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, although they have said for 54 years that the secrets will be revealed.


Escalante is in Turkey to present his book on the assassination of the U.S. president in 1963, which was translated into Turkish, so he made statements to Prensa Latina.

According to Escalante, 'first they accused Cuba and the Soviet Union of the crime without evidence, just due to ideological reasons'; however, the declassified documents, which belong to three institutional committees, did not shed light on the assassination either.

'If there was an iota of truth in those documents, it would have been known a long time ago, but 99 percent of the materials have been declassified and there is nothing, so it seems an aggression against Cuba; that is why, they have tried to prevent or frustrate the declassifications of documents,' he noted.

About Kennedy's assassination, the Cuban researcher questioned its past and pointed out that it was used by U.S. intelligence services to perpetrate a premeditated crime. He assured that 'Lee Harvey Oswald went to the Soviet Union as a deserter but he was already a CIA agent.' 

Shortly after, he decided to return to the United States and 'the first job that he gets in Dallas is in a company that makes the U2's flight maps. How is it possible that a deserter who returns from the Soviet Union is given such a job? Escalante wondered.

Later, Oswald left for New Orleans 'and there, the first thing he did was to contact CIA agents; afterwards, he changes his line of conduct and becomes a supporter of Cuba and starts printing flyers in favor of Cuba; that is, at that time, Oswald has been chosen as the scapegoat, he does not know, but it is like that,' the researcher assured.

The missile crisis in October 1962 changed the political vision of President Kennedy, who sent a commission to Cuba to study the possibility of rapprochement between the two countries, something that, according to Escalante, might have led to his tragic end.

'On June 10, 1963, Kennedy gave an extraordinary speech, a trial against the Cold War, and I think that it was the last straw in the United States, and his assassination was decided,' noted Escalante, for whom 'a CIA sector that was in charge of the aggression against Cuba' was responsible for that crime.

'Kennedy was a man with a different perspective, evidently he realized that he had to change the policy on Cuba,' he added, but the tragic end allowed for the continuity until today of 'that real power, which does not forgive Cuba for the revolution it made, at the doors to the United States'. According to the researcher, 'that aggression will be maintained'.


Edited by Michael Clark
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  • 3 years later...

The book Age of Secrets: The Conspiracy that Toppled Richard Nixon and the Hidden Death of Howard Hughes stated that after the assassination, Robert has amassed a files from many sources, but mostly from the FBI, which suggested that Kennedy was killed as the result of the plot enacted by a number of leading industrialists including Howard Hughes.

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