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Bob Vernon and the Educational Forum

John Simkin

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First of all, I want to applaud you for your post here on calling Vernon on his threats of civil litigation. He spouts lawsuits like an ambulance chaser.


I took offense to your statement "I'm really glad for honest law enforcement and it is a rare and beautiful thing." What are you, Harwood's sister? Maybe you need to get off the islands a little more and experience reality. Please provide facts of law enforcement corruption that shows honesty in law enforcement is a rare. Otherwise, you owe about 180,00 brave persons an apology. You support a low life goon like Files and then call the majority of law enforcement corrupt? When was the last time you risked your life for a wage that could barely support a family, in order to protect individuals you never met before?


I will have to take your word on it that the CIA has changed a great deal and their are honorable people there. I can only relate to a darker history where they utilized operators for their objectives and only the latter got dirty and bloody. And when they were called on the carpet, they professed their ignorance and deniability and left everyone else to suffer. That is those who lived through it.

Okay, I am bitter. What would you expect?


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I will have to take your word on it that the CIA has changed a great deal and their are honorable people there. I can only relate to a darker history where they utilized operators for their objectives and only the latter got dirty and bloody. And when they were called on the carpet, they professed their ignorance and deniability and left everyone else to suffer. That is those who lived through it.

Okay, I am bitter. What would you expect?


Al You are right about the CIA. Sometimes I forget what I too have seen and been a part of. (well not really forget--want to forget-) I guess I should have been a little clearer and said I hope with the current changes it will become a better agency. However, I really doubt that because in order for it to really change for the better it would have to be totallity disband and started all over again. Thanks for the reality check. My point; within all law enforcement good people are trying to do a good job for their community and their country. The CIA has become a political arm of specialized politics and still wallows in their hidden sins. Thanks again :):blink:

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However, I really doubt that because in order for it to really change for the better it would have to be totallity disband and started all over again. Thanks for the reality check. My point; within all law enforcement good people are trying to do a good job for their community and their country. The CIA has become a political arm of specialized politics and still wallows in their hidden sins.

Tosh, You hit the nail on the Skull & Bones coffin. I couldn't agree more. The war on terrorism should begin at Langley.

Peace -Pam

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Al, I'm sorry if I offended you. In general there are good cops and bad cops. Everyone accepts this. This goes for FBI agents too.

My favorite grandpa "Papa Murray" was a Portland motorcycle cop until he died in a job related accident. I know some guys have a heart and do it for the right reasons.

I'm friends with the local gun dealer and he sells to the cops. We all sit around and have pau hana and I don't hate cops.



PS I'm trying to mellow out about how much Killing of Countries is going on. It is hard but I still care that we are messing up royaly all over the world. I'm not Harwood's sister. I haven't heard from him in a while. Tell him I said hi.

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Al, I'm sorry if I offended you.  In general there are good cops and bad cops.  Everyone accepts this.  This goes for FBI agents too.

My favorite grandpa "Papa Murray" was a Portland motorcycle cop until he died in a job related accident.  I know some guys have a heart and do it for the right reasons.

I'm friends with the local gun dealer and he sells to the cops.  We all sit around and have pau hana and I don't hate cops.



PS I'm trying to mellow out about how much Killing of Countries is going on.  It is hard but I still care that we are messing up royaly all over the world.  I'm not Harwood's sister.  I haven't heard from him in a while.  Tell him I said hi.

Is this the same Pamela Ray that thinks the new Los Angeles Police Dept training facility is a secrete prison that nobody knows about that is located off the 5 fwy in Sylmar California?

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"Is this the same Pamela Ray that thinks the new Los Angeles Police Dept training facility is a secrete prison that nobody knows about that is located off the 5 fwy in Sylmar California?"

Yeah Ryan, one and the same. Also the same Pam Ray that advocated overthrow of the US government, invokes the name of God at will, kisses the butt of the slug Jimmy Files, spews anti-semetic rhetoric and the gospel according to Lyndon Larouche, probably has more weapons than you, me and Al put together, trashes cops, then flip flops and apologizes(gee, I'm sorry I offended you Al, my uncle was a cop) when someone gets in her face.

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I will have to take your word on it that the CIA has changed a great deal and their are honorable people there. I can only relate to a darker history where they utilized operators for their objectives and only the latter got dirty and bloody. And when they were called on the carpet, they professed their ignorance and deniability and left everyone else to suffer. That is those who lived through it.

Okay, I am bitter. What would you expect?


Al You are right about the CIA. Sometimes I forget what I too have seen and been a part of. (well not really forget--want to forget-) I guess I should have been a little clearer and said I hope with the current changes it will become a better agency. However, I really doubt that because in order for it to really change for the better it would have to be totallity disband and started all over again. Thanks for the reality check. My point; within all law enforcement good people are trying to do a good job for their community and their country. The CIA has become a political arm of specialized politics and still wallows in their hidden sins. Thanks again :tomatoes:tomatoes


I hope others understand that I do not expect the CIA to be made up of Choir Boy mentality. This is not reasonable for them to do their jobs. The politics dirty their name unjustly in many cases, as in their one time support of Bin Laden in Afghanistan in order to repel the Soviets. It was the politicians who later dropped the ball and failed to give aid to this poverty ridden nation that turned the likes of Bin Laden against us. And this is only one example.

Where I see their ability to change, is their habit of supporting rogue operations from left field that places their operatives who do the dirty work, in no win situations and for the wrong reasons to begin with. I am sure you know what I am referring to. Maybe if the agents themselves were forced to get physically dirty and see things first hand, they would be more selective in choosing these type of operations.

Pipe Dream, huh!


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I did get a phone call from Bob and guess he saw what do you know about Pam postings.

So he did say some things, I have an answering machine and he left a message on it for me.

Why did you go bankrupt in the year 2000?

I think there was a bit more to it on that part.

The other is,

Why do you live in a house not under your name?

Why is your listings not under you own name?

It is under your husbands name and if he was so abusive to you

then why would you keep his name on with you?

My response to this on hearing this I just tuned it out.

Well, anyone can do a check on anyone for one thing that doesn't mean you know the person.

The other is many widows do keep their husbands names as well as divorced women and in most parts it is for a protection suit sort of. It makes people think you don't live there alone. MANY MANY WOMEN DO THIS.

Most ex spouses don't mind, if they do then they change it.

Some also keep it that way because it is the deal in settlements of divorce the husbands pay that for them.

Pam you don't have to answer that. It is simple and most people would also know these facts as well.

Also it is private I stated to answer why I myself did it and thought about it, NO I don't have to tell circumstances on this.

Neither should you have too.

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