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Proof CIA did not plan or execute the JFK assassination

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4 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Thanks Richard, for correcting my poor choice of words, he has ascended to the highest office in the land, he deserves some credit. I think shallow or not very deep, or naive in some ways, is more accurate, he clearly was not very introspective in regard to his persona and reaction concerning the dropping of the nukes. Him being appalled by Hoovers surreptitious antics  does suggest he had a sense if right and wrong or a moral compass. Is it possible he’d been on the end of that kind of thing at any stage?

It is possible he might have been on that end of political blackmail. 

I also wonder if perhaps his revulsion for Hoover was related to Hoover's pretty well known sexuality. It could have been that too. 

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Richard, don't leave out the capper to Dulles' visit to Truman in April of 1964.  

As he was leaving, he turned to Harry and said words to the effect: you know Kennedy repudiated those false attacks on CIA regarding Vietnam. (DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed, second edition.p. 380) These must be the famous Starnes/Krock columns of October, 1963.

To me, that is the key to it. Dulles thought that Truman not only suspected a conspiracy by the CIA, but he was knocking down a probable motive. In April of 1964! While he is on the Warren Commission.   Who had connected those kinds of dots back then?

IMO, one reason Dulles did this was due to Truman's comment on the murder of Hammarskjold, about Dag on the verge of getting something done when they got rid of him.  He then added, note I said, they got rid of him.

In his old age, Harry understood how power worked in America.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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