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Did it have to be Dallas? And Walker didn't do-it.

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Here is a 1964 US Secret Service memo about Father Walter MacChan:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Machann Walter J Jr Reverend/Item 05.pdf

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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2 hours ago, Mathias Baumann said:

According to this news report, there were also bomb threats against Kennedy in Miami:



The following is my opinion.

Anybody who really wants to kill the US President never sends a threat warning first, indicating the location and the type of weapon to be used.

Such a threat is more correctly classified as hate mail.

That said, the Radical Right (following Joseph Milteer) was interested in assassinating JFK in either Miami, Chicago or Dallas.  The method was always the same -- "from an office building with a high-powered rifle" (cf. Don Adams, 2012).

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On ‎26‎.‎08‎.‎2017 at 6:08 PM, Paul Trejo said:


The following is my opinion.

Anybody who really wants to kill the US President never sends a threat warning first, indicating the location and the type of weapon to be used.

Such a threat is more correctly classified as hate mail.

That said, the Radical Right (following Joseph Milteer) was interested in assassinating JFK in either Miami, Chicago or Dallas.  The method was always the same -- "from an office building with a high-powered rifle" (cf. Don Adams, 2012).

--Paul Trejo


I think the appeal of your Walker-did-it-theory is, that it explains why the assassination happened where it happened - in Dallas. But I think it could've happened anywhere.

Some years ago I read about the John T. Martin film on this forum here. At that time I was still a member of Robert Harris's forum. I started a thread there about the video and soon got a message from Gary Mack informing me that he'd soon put it on his website. And when he finally did and I saw it with my own eyes I was astounded and almost convinced that it was evidence of a link between Walker and Banister. That link may have well existed but I'm no longer so sure that Walker was involved in the assassination. Have you read "Ultimate Sacrifice"? The author thinks the assassination attempt on Walker may have been organized by Banister in order to put his pal Walker back on the news and shore up his support, so maybe that could somehow explain why that video was taken.

All in all I think there's much more evidence for mafia involvement. Johnny Roselli was probably the link between the mob and rogue CIA agents such as Morales and Harvey. The Mafia had much to gain from a US invasion of Cuba and they were threatened with annihilation by the Kennedy brothers' war on crime.

And I just found the following interesting piece of information. Milteer told the FBI informer that "the agreement was reached" about the assassination plot "probably in New Orleans or Miami, maybe New York, maybe Chicago". Of course Marcello was based in New Orleans, Trafficante had a base in Miami, and Roselli's mob family controlled Chicago. As for New York, that was a base for Michel Victor Mertz, Rolando Masferrer and mob Boss Tony Provenzano. --> Ultimate Sacrifice, page 836.

Notice that he didn't mention Dallas.



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5 hours ago, Mathias Baumann said:

..the assassination attempt on Walker may have been organized by Banister in order to put his pal Walker back on the news and shore up his support, so maybe that could somehow explain why that video was taken.




Since Walker deploys the secret knowledge of the 10April shooting which only the conspirators have  *to heroically name himself as a near martyr of the crazy commie nut Oswald* -- the gunshot at Walker's house is obviously in part a PR stunt to help Walker.   

Everyone is hyperventilating about the Oswald confession letter found in the Paine house as proof she is the world's first and only  undocumented CIA agent - but this letter is NOT the first hint that part of the conspiracy is to connect Oswald to the Walker attack.   Walker's sponsorship of this accusation BEFORE the letter was found is FAR more illuminating and completely unanswerable by any CIA/Mafia CT, IMO.



Edited by Jason Ward
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On 8/31/2017 at 1:22 PM, Mathias Baumann said:


I think the appeal of your Walker-did-it-theory is, that it explains why the assassination happened where it happened - in Dallas. But I think it could've happened anywhere.

Some years ago I read about the John T. Martin film on this forum here. At that time I was still a member of Robert Harris's forum. I started a thread there about the video and soon got a message from Gary Mack informing me that he'd soon put it on his website. And when he finally did and I saw it with my own eyes I was astounded and almost convinced that it was evidence of a link between Walker and Banister. That link may have well existed but I'm no longer so sure that Walker was involved in the assassination. Have you read "Ultimate Sacrifice"? The author thinks the assassination attempt on Walker may have been organized by Banister in order to put his pal Walker back on the news and shore up his support, so maybe that could somehow explain why that video was taken.

All in all I think there's much more evidence for mafia involvement. Johnny Roselli was probably the link between the mob and rogue CIA agents such as Morales and Harvey. The Mafia had much to gain from a US invasion of Cuba and they were threatened with annihilation by the Kennedy brothers' war on crime.

And I just found the following interesting piece of information. Milteer told the FBI informer that "the agreement was reached" about the assassination plot "probably in New Orleans or Miami, maybe New York, maybe Chicago". Of course Marcello was based in New Orleans, Trafficante had a base in Miami, and Roselli's mob family controlled Chicago. As for New York, that was a base for Michel Victor Mertz, Rolando Masferrer and mob Boss Tony Provenzano. --> Ultimate Sacrifice, page 836.

Notice that he didn't mention Dallas.


The following is my opinion.

Yes, I've read Ultimate Sacrifice (2005) by Lamar Waldron, and he gets his dates wrong about General Walker.  That proved to me that he didn't spend much time on Walker, but wanted to quickly dismiss that CT.   (I do admit that his work on RFK's knowledge of Operation Mongoose was important.)

I continue to disagree -- even with Jeff Caufield -- on any idea that the Walker shooting was a staged phony.   I see too much evidence that George De Mohrenschildt, Volkmar Schmidt and various Dallas engineers pressured Lee Harvey Oswald into shooting at General Walker.

I believe that the Walker shooting was real -- that the Walker Letter was real -- and that the paranoia of General Walker was real.  (Sigmund Freud wrote that paranoia is a common symptom among closeted homosexuals.)   General Walker was convinced that RFK sent Oswald to shoot him.  This is part of his leak to the press starting only 18 hours after the JFK assassination (to that German newspaper).

While I completely agree that Milteer's version of the Radical Right plot for the JFK assassination could have occurred in many other cities -- the fact that Dallas was the only city that successfully killed JFK is a statement about the coordination of the Radical Right in Dallas underneath its Radical Right leadership.   An objective historical analysis of the Radical Right leadership in Dallas in 1963 places General Walker front and center.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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7 hours ago, Mathias Baumann said:


And when he finally did and I saw it with my own eyes I was astounded and almost convinced that it was evidence of a link between Walker and Banister. That link may have well existed but I'm no longer so sure that Walker was involved in the assassination. Have you read "Ultimate Sacrifice"? The author thinks the assassination attempt on Walker may have been organized by Banister in order to put his pal Walker back on the news and shore up his support, so maybe that could somehow explain why that video was taken.




In February 1964 Banister's friend General Walker says that the communist conspiracy which killed JFK was also behind the April 10 gunshot at Walker's house.  He would repeat this same basic accusation until the day he died.   Walker says this was an effort by the communists to make Oswald seem like a lone-nut crank and not a communist.  

In my view it's more likely that the shooting at Walker's house was designed by the conspirators in an effort to show that Oswald WAS a communist; although they may not have had the JFK assassination in mind at this point.  I think it's part and parcel of the whole Banister-New Orleans fake commie identity they are building.   In other words, I think Walker is cleverly reversing the true instigators in this document below  and making his explanation fit in with the now-almost-doctrinal view in Feb64 that Oswald was a lone nut.  Whether you believe Walker was a conspirator or not, he was morbidly insistent that both he and JFK were targets of communist conspiracy.  

I am not arguing a certainty here but I tend to disagree with Paul on this point; I see it as likely that sometime in the spring of 1963 Oswald is by now taking orders from Banister - and step one is to take a pot shot at Walker.  Step two is to quickly move to New Orleans 2 weeks later to assume an even greater commie pro-Cuba facade.  In sum, I see the Walker attack and the immediate move to New Orleans as Banister's puppet strings.  

I believe Oswald might have expected to be arrested after the Walker shot, during the Canal Street scuffle, and on 22 November.




Edited by Jason Ward
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19 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

In February 1964 Banister's friend General Walker says that the communist conspiracy which killed JFK was also behind the April 10 gunshot at Walker's house.  He would repeat this same basic accusation until the day he died.   Walker says this was an effort by the communists to make Oswald seem like a lone-nut crank and not a communist.  

In my view it's more likely that the shooting at Walker's house was designed by the conspirators in an effort to show that Oswald WAS a communist; although they may not have had the JFK assassination in mind at this point.  I think it's part and parcel of the whole Banister-New Orleans fake commie identity they are building.   In other words, I think Walker is cleverly reversing the true instigators in this document below  and making his explanation fit in with the now-almost-doctrinal view in Feb64 that Oswald was a lone nut.  Whether you believe Walker was a conspirator or not, he was morbidly insistent that both he and JFK were targets of communist conspiracy.  

I am not arguing a certainty here but I tend to disagree with Paul on this point; I see it as likely that sometime in the spring of 1963 Oswald is by now taking orders from Banister - and step one is to take a pot shot at Walker.  Step two is to quickly move to New Orleans 2 weeks later to assume an even greater commie pro-Cuba facade.  In sum, I see the Walker attack and the immediate move to New Orleans as Banister's puppet strings.  

I believe Oswald might have expected to be arrested after the Walker shot, during the Canal Street scuffle, and on 22 November.





The following is my opinion.  

That affidavit by Dr. Penabaz clearly shows that Walker was paranoid, and continued to imagine a Communist Plot against himself:  For example, the Communists were behind everything.  The Communists were behind Lee Harvey Oswald.  The April 10 shooting was a Communist Plot.  The fact that Oswald missed the shot was also a Communist Plot!  The Communists wanted to kill JFK (who was also a Communist).

How in the world would an April 10 shooting at a Radical Right leader make the JFK assassination appear to be a Lone Nut scenario?  Here Walker is claiming that the Lone Nut theory of the JFK murder was also a Communist Plot -- which makes J. Edgar Hoover into a Communist.   And if Hoover is a Communist, then so is Earl Warren and also Allen Dulles and the whole CIA is also Communist.

The fact that Dr. Penabez quickly agreed with Walker in this regard tells me that Dr. Penabez was a member of the John Birch Society.  It's the sort of thing we heard from WC witness Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, a regular writer for the JBS.  He also claimed that the CIA was Communist.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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15 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


The following is my opinion.

Yes, I've read Ultimate Sacrifice (2005) by Lamar Waldron, and he gets his dates wrong about General Walker.  That proved to me that he didn't spend much time on Walker, but wanted to quickly dismiss that CT.   (I do admit that his work on RFK's knowledge of Operation Mongoose was important.)

I continue to disagree -- even with Jeff Caufield -- on any idea that the Walker shooting was a staged phony.   I see too much evidence that George De Mohrenschildt, Volkmar Schmidt various Dallas engineers pressured Lee Harvey Oswald into shooting at General Walker.

I believe that the Walker shooting was real -- that the Walker Letter was real -- and that the paranoia of General Walker was real.  (Sigmund Freud wrote that paranoia is a common symptom among closeted homosexuals.)   General Walker was convinced that RFK sent Oswald to shoot him.  This is part of his leak to the press starting only 18 hours after the JFK assassination (to that German newspaper).

While I completely agree that Milteer's Radical Right JFK assassination could have occurred in many other cities -- the fact that Dallas was the only city that successfully killed JFK is a statement about the coordination of the Radical Right in Dallas underneath its Radical Right leadership.   An objective historical analysis of the Radical Right leadership in Dallas in 1963 places General Walker front and center.

--Paul Trejo


I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you believe that the plot in Dallas was not directly connected to the plots in Chicago and Tampa?

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5 hours ago, Mathias Baumann said:


I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you believe that the plot in Dallas was not directly connected to the plots in Chicago and Tampa?


The following is my opinion.

I do believe that the plot in Dallas was linked -- through the US Radical Right (especially in the South) -- to the plots in Chicago and Tampa.  I think that Joseph Milteer is proof positive.

I'm saying that I'm not surprised that the plots in Chicago and Tampa failed -- simply because they had poor leadership.   The plot in Dallas was successful simply because it had the very best leadership.   Ex-General Walker used to be a US Army Major General.  

Walker went from military school as a boy directly into West Point, and then into WW2, and then into the Korean War.  He was supremely well-trained.   A lifer.   Walker was a leader of the Radical Right not only in Dallas, but nationwide.  Here is a Newsweek cover from 1961.


--Paul Trejo

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On 8/31/2017 at 0:22 PM, Mathias Baumann said:


Have you read "Ultimate Sacrifice"? The author thinks the assassination attempt on Walker may have been organized by Banister in order to put his pal Walker back on the news and shore up his support, so maybe that could somehow explain why that video was taken.





The first widely published idea that the assassination attempt on Walker was organized to increase public support of Walker might be the spring 1964 article published by Thomas Buchanan in L' Express:





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On 8/12/2017 at 8:10 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

Well said, Michael.  General Walker didn’t have the power to make a credible attempt to kill JFK in Chicago, or in Tampa, or, frankly, in Dallas... 


In Tampa or Chicago there would have been other leaders for the Radical Right.

The evidence that Walker had the power to kill JFK in Dallas is that JFK was killed in Dallas.

--Paul Trejo

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