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The Biggest Lies.... Untangled

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5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Nice write-up, only slightly marred by a couple of errors I noticed.  One was that “Oswald” owned a Minox spy camera, not a Minolta. Mr.  Bleau’s basic case, though, seems well stated, especially his conclusion pointing directly at David Phillips, Hunt, Morales, a now all-too-familiar crew.   

One of the things I wanted to ask about is this:

"Gerard Tujague (Destiny Betrayed – JFK: The Cuba Files)

In early 1956, Oswald joined Gerard Tujague’s shipping company. Tujague was also vice-president of the Friends of Democratic Cuba (FDC), which is believed to be a CIA and FBI front that was largely created by Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, and was also linked to Clay Shaw. Cuban intelligence identified this organization as a perpetrator of hostile acts against Cuba."

During this period wasn't Lee working on a lower lower and Harvey working the next floor up for a period of time.

If Tujaque's was an intelligent concern were the two young men in training for their double spy role of one replacing the other to see how well that part of their spy act worked?

It seems that's a perfect opportunity to see if they could double each other.

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10 hours ago, John Butler said:

One of the things I wanted to ask about is this:

"Gerard Tujague (Destiny Betrayed – JFK: The Cuba Files)

In early 1956, Oswald joined Gerard Tujague’s shipping company. Tujague was also vice-president of the Friends of Democratic Cuba (FDC), which is believed to be a CIA and FBI front that was largely created by Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, and was also linked to Clay Shaw. Cuban intelligence identified this organization as a perpetrator of hostile acts against Cuba."

During this period wasn't Lee working on a lower lower and Harvey working the next floor up for a period of time.

If Tujaque's was an intelligent concern were the two young men in training for their double spy role of one replacing the other to see how well that part of their spy act worked?

It seems that's a perfect opportunity to see if they could double each other.

American-born Lee Oswald worked at Tujague’s much longer than the FBI/WC claimed, starting in 1955, when Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald was attending Warren Easton high school full time.  (The FBI/WC had to falsify a number of records to avoid the conflict.)  John A. wrote: “While Lee Oswald continued to work at Tujague's, Harvey allegedly began working at J.R. Michels on Monday, January 17, 1956. J.R. Michels’ business was the same as Tujague's, and their offices were located one floor below Tujague's in the same building. The Commission provided no explanation as to why ‘Lee Harvey Oswald’ quit Tujague's or his reason for securing the same type of job at J.R. Michels the following business day.”

This is just one of many reasons the FBI had to confiscate the school and teen-aged employment records of “Lee Harvey Oswald” within hours of the assassination.  It also shows that Hoover was well aware of the “Oswald Project.”   This material is covered in great detail in Harvey and Lee starting at p. 127.

Frank DiBenedetto, a longtime friend of Gerard Tujague, was Lee’s supervisor at the company, and he remembered well that Lee worked far longer at Tujague’s than the FBI/WC claimed.  Tujague’s and J.R. Michels were both located in the Sanlin Building, where John A. interviewed Frank DiBenedetto in the 1990s.


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So, in early 1956 Lee is at Tujaques one floor above Harvey who is working at J.R. Michaels one floor below.  Tujaques and J. R. Michaels are the same company and this company is owned by people that have intelligence connections.  And, these people are the same ones Jim Garrison was interested in in his probe of the Kennedy assassination.  What a co-winky-dink!  I would think this is not a coincidence.

All to often I have speculations based on intuition and little fact.  Glad to see this one has a more substantial basis.  Teen age spies in training?  Hard to believe in America.  If it was Russia no one would blink an eye.

This means the Oswald Project was a project started early on and ran for years.  It makes one wonder how early this project was started?  Is the Tujaques/J. R. Michaels connection the first real sign of the Oswald Project?  This also indicates that the Oswald Project was not a low level affair.  Perhaps, the parameters of what they wanted to do with the Oswald pair is not that clear, but penetration of the Soviet Union seems paramount.

I ask these questions because Harvey and Lee must have known each other early on and kept up with each other's history in order to play a central character Lee Harvey Oswald.  For instance and as an example did Harvey know Lee's Atsugi history and Lee know Harvey's Taiwan history?  As far as I know Harvey was never at Atsugi, Japan and Lee was never at Iwakuni, Japan.  It seems they would have to know some of the other guy's basic history in order to successfully portray the other.   

Edited by John Butler
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On 10/11/2017 at 9:17 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

NOTE: Jack Ruby listed Gordon McLendon, the owner of Dallas radio station KLIF,
as one of his six closest friends.

Hi Jim. Do you know any more about this statement, such and when, where and to whom Ruby made this statement? Thanks!

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Ruby apparently listed his friendship with McClendon, but I'm not sure of the details.  In a Bill Kelley essay on Kennedy and Kings, Mr. Kelley wrote (emphasis added):

Both Gordon McLendon and David Phillips, the men behind the CBS-CIA TV show, were questioned by HSCA investigators. McLendon denied knowing Jack Ruby very well. Even though it had already been established that Ruby listed McLendon as one of his six closest friends, patronized his radio stations, repeatedly made phone calls to McLendon’s home, and visited his radio station studio on the weekend of the assassination.[34]

John Armstrong wrote much the same thing on p. 904 of Harvey and Lee.  There is lots of evidence that Ruby contacted McClendon's home and radio station at various times, including on 11/22/63, but I'm afraid I can't help much with the "six closest friends" quote.

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