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Ron Bulman

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A lot of what's been posted on this forum in the last few months is just that.  There are multiple researchers and more inquisitive people than I that should confer their important observations on the most important subjects coming to light recently and (possibly)  in the near future.  E.G Earle Cabell.  Phillips, Harvey, Joannides, Morales, Oswald, the Ghost.




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Just finished Newman's books, Oswald and the CIA, and Countdown to Darkness. Also, Jefferson Morley's, Our Man in Mexico. I have his latest, The Ghost, on pre-order. While I have studied this case case for over forty years, I am only now beginning to focus on exactly what the CIA knew about Oswald prior to the assassination. The big question for me is why the CIA would suppress information within it's own ranks regarding Oswald's activities prior to 11/22/63. I would specifically cite the sanitizing of Mexico City station's alert to HQ regarding Oswald's visit to the Cuban embassy , and their omission of key information in their reply to MCS's request for a trace, (Oswald's known activities in New Orleans weeks before). And who arrives in D.C. from MC following this request, and during the drafting of the response... none other than David Atlee Philips. To round things out, James Angleton arrives in MC the day after Win Scott's death, and arranges for the confiscation of Scott's memoir and all related documents from his home.   

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Really funny Kathy.:lol:

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Forgive my frustration in starting this topic.  There are multiple reputable serious researchers and others on the site who have enlightened me.  Thank you.

I failed to notice Steve's topic or I would have just vented there about the lack of interest/attention to the files non (?) release.

But there has been a bit of cheese dominating some topics. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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