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What did WFB Jr. want removed about JFK?

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22 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

By "we," I meant elected officials, appointed officers, and economic leaders in the Western world.

There wouldn't have even been a country called the USA if the Jesuits hadn't been suppressed in 1773.  So what happened in 1776 as a result of the Suppression?  Those elected officials out there are just higher paid slaves.

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55 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Robert Card said:

Do I myself think it's impossible " to not fear 'otherness'".  Well, let me tell you about myself, I'm a white, practicing Mormon, I'm married to a dark-skinned Jew, and I send and pay for my two grandsons to a Roman Catholic Jesuit school.  How's that for 'otherness'?  I'm surprised you haven't called me a racist yet.

Hi Robert, a Mormon? , I see your line of demarcation of villainy as DVP and FC, , is that because as  a devout Christian, maybe there's hope for you and Lance? I  say because I'm  only trying to be a peacemaker, because it didn't say somewhere say "God Bless are the Peacemakers, for they will obtain--- harbor from multi culturalism?"   I'm sorry, I can't remember any of that sh-t. I'm sure you are a card to be dealt with in any society. (i know you've heard that)

It doesn't sound from what you say that you're in a expat enclave like Medellin, or you might as a victim  experience that multi cultural angst. What i always hear from expats is the dismaying frequency at which they're robbed,(but in fairness, I also hear that from expats decrying Florida) but I've always assumed that was to due largely to using poor judgment. Maybe you're experiencing some of that multi cultural angst from those Venezuelan refugees, as people there have told me?. I'm not sure how long since you've been to the States.  I always find that expats after a few years being gone have a very headline induced skew on America, but I'm never really sure where their  sources are from. For example: There are certain issues such as gun violence that lead foreigners to assume that it's not safe to walk any street, and then extrapolate that it's all because of race or multiculturalism almost as much as, t the availability of high powered weapons. I'm hardly trying to minimize it. It's obviously very bad.

We are under the spell of MLK day. Sure racism will probably always be with us. (At least until everybody's kids look like they come from you and your Colombian wife) But the real issues today  in America i think   have much less to do with the race, ethnicity, but it's always offered as a divisive smoke screen for the  real issue, which is  income equality. Whether people and their families can have a viable economic future, and just what and who is impeding them, is the emerging question that people are finally facing.

I don't like to bring my personal affairs into this site, but I was Catholic since birth, and then converted to LDS.  I'm still on the learning curve, but enjoy it very much.

Guess what?   Those VZer's are the same culture, and they fit right in.  No MC.  We've taken in more than a million.  One opened the best restaurant in my area, so I'm happy with that.

I've never been robbed here, except from a crooked cashier for small amounts of change.  Many of the expats with problems are involved with prostitution, drugs, etc.  The coke can be bought in 15%, 30%, and 50% purity, so it can kill someone, and does sometimes.  Lots of problems with scopalomine where someone blows in their face or drink, and then they get their apt cleaned  out.  There's problems here, but I have nothing to do with that.  Virgin Auctions?  Many gringos here are depraved.

OK, down to business.  Communism was created in 1607 at  the Jesuit Reductions in Paraguay.  Karl Marx, (the traditional father of communism) was trained in the tenets of Communism by Jesuits at the British Museum in the 1800's for nearly 30-Years.

It's coming, and that will be the end of 'income inequality'.  Of course, everyone will be broke, except for the 1%.  Some may regret what they wish for.




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3 hours ago, David Andrews said:


However, supporting homogenist alternatives in America is unthinkable, as the evils of the Jim Crow and Civil Rights periods show.  We have to keep fostering progress, and not hand the future over to the MAGA teens.


We're getting far away from my original point, and that is the word 'racist' as used on this site is mischaracterized.  it's also overused.

I didn't mention any homogenist alternatives, I only said I picked up and left for a much better life without multiculturalism.  I've said several times, "Don't mess with the Nutwork."

Everything is a hegelian dialectic by the people I showed in the picture above.  I'll attach it again.  Do you know that Trump is against this wall?

You're all being played like violins, whether it's MAGA hats, or the Black Hebrew Israelites.


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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm not sure how long since you've been to the States.  I always find that expats after a few years being gone have a very headline induced skew on America, but I'm never really sure where their  sources are from. For example: There are certain issues such as gun violence that lead foreigners to assume that it's not safe to walk any street, and then extrapolate that it's all because of race or multiculturalism almost as much as, t the availability of high powered weapons. I'm hardly trying to minimize it. It's obviously very bad.


it's been more than 3 years since I've been to the U.S., and I've been gone for 15.  My last experiences with the U.S. did not go well.  This was not a headline, it was my own personal experience, so my source is me.  It's basically that the multiculturalists of NY/NJ  have wrecked SouthEast Florida.  I'm talking about the caucasian variety in this case.

The other problem is with the local Latino population of Miami.  I speak Spanish, I have a Colombian wife, I live in Latin America, BUT I have strong gringo appearance features, that lead these people to think I'm your typical white racist American and they need to retaliate against me.   (What's that again?  MULTICULTURALISM DOESN'T WORK!)

So, farewell America, I'll never return there.

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As far as the Venezuelans I've talked to natives who don't like it, but no one has said it's near a breaking point.

Robert Card said

It's coming, and that will be the end of 'income inequality'.  Of course, everyone will be broke, except for the 1%.  Some may regret what they wish for.

I figured that might be your response. And it has some merit. Of course when they talk of income inequality, they are not saying that there will be "complete income equality". You know that, right?  You take a globalist capitalist view that once you feed the fires of government, everything will be confiscated from anyone except the 1%?  ( of course, why wouldn't they just take that too, like in Nicaragua) And you're fortunate to think that.

I think a lot of the happiness you talk about in Colombia is every bit as much due to the fact that most people just naturally live in this Socialist nightmare you're depicting for the United States, even though they wouldn't be called a Socialist nation.. Of course you live in a city, so I realize most of your friends are probably upper strata Colombian, but they're really such a low number of the overall population, the general feeling is more egalitarian. But isn't the real story that people are content to live in the lowest 20 percentile of the developed nations, (and what's wrong with that, they're not near as spoiled)  and that takes away an envy factor that's every bit as strong as any multicultural factor you've made an argument for?

I'll grant we'll never know. And that doesn't mitigate the obvious envy factor going on in the U.S.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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5 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

As far as the Venezuelans I've talked to natives who don't like it, but no one has said it's near a breaking point.

Robert Card said

It's coming, and that will be the end of 'income inequality'.  Of course, everyone will be broke, except for the 1%.  Some may regret what they wish for.

I figured that might be your response. And it has some merit. Of course when they talk of income inequality, they are not saying that there will be "complete income equality". You know that, right?  You take a globalist capitalist view that once you feed the fires of government fire, everything will be confiscated from anyone except the 1%?  ( why not just take that too?) And you're fortunate to think that.

I think a lot of the happiness you talk about in Colombia is every bit as much due to the fact that most people just naturally live in this Socialist nightmare you're depicting for the United States, even though they wouldn't be called a Socialist nation.. Of course you live in a city, so I realize most of your friends are probably upper strata Colombian. but they're really such a low number of the overall population, the general feeling is more egalitarian. But isn't the real story that people are content to live in the lowest 20 percentile of the developed nations, (and what's wrong with that, they're not near as spoiled)  and that takes away an envy factor that's every bit as strong as any multicultural factor you've made an argument for?

I'll grant we'll never know. And that doesn't mitigate the obvious envy factor going on in the U.S.

As far as the Venezuelans I've talked to natives who don't like it, but no one has said it's near a breaking point.

Of course there's problems with any type of moving cultures.  The newbies kick up the rents in the poor neighborhoods.  Same thing is happening in the U.S., migrants are moving into the poorer hoods, and kicking up the rents.  Blacks getting screwed again.  When Blacks break the law, they get 3 strikes, when illegals break the law they get free rent and benefits.  

There are some VZers in my church, I can only say i like them, and help the best I can.


they are not saying that there will be "complete income equality

All I know is that 60% of Americans are so broke they couldn't come up with $500 cash for an emergency.   We're almost there now.  The U.S. is not like Los Gatos, CA, you know that , right?


   Of course you live in a city, so I realize most of your friends are probably upper strata Colombian. but they're really such a low number of the overall population, the general feeling is more egalitarian. 

i once did live in the city on the best street in town, but now I live in a sub-strata neighborhood with really poor people.  We live here because we give long-term care to my wife's parents, and it was too long of a drive from the previous neighborhood.  Not much difference between the rich and the poor, although there definitely are some rich people that don't like poor people.  i guess homogeniety works.


But isn't the real story that people are content to live in the lowest 20 percentile of the developed nations, (and what's wrong with that, they're not near as spoiled)  and that takes away an envy factor that's every bit as strong as any multicultural factor you've made an argument for? 

They don't envy you.  They hate you.   They hate, hate, hate you.   If you came here, they would hate, hate, hate you.  They think Americans are stupid, and moral lowlifes.  Prostitutes, drugs, etc.   We produce the drugs but do not consume them.   We had a gringo that ran a Virgin Auction service.  He would auction off an 18yo virgin girl.  Americans are depraved, a lot of them anyway.  Many of these people suffered greatly under imperialism, and that'sa factor, too.  Workers were told to just lay down on the ground to sleep, with no blanket.  Then, when the job was done, told to walk back the 250 miles back home.  One other gringo ran a pedophile operation until he was deported, and then he returned to Texas and ran for Congress.

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