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Larry Hancock to be on coasttocoastam Monday night

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Thank you sir, and the good news is that its the first hour so that minimizes the pain for those who may not be night-owls.  I'd love to have anyone who's up at midnight Central or the appropriate hour in the other respective time zone tune in for a listen.

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As they do have a Past Shows section I guess it will be there the next day for those on the east coast or those of us in the Midwest who nod out too early?

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Good job Larry. 

The C2C listening audience numbers in the millions.

Does anyone think for one second that J.Edgar Hoover ( MLK hater ) really wanted a serious investigation and the truth about who organized and funded the MLK's assassination to come out?

The excuse that the truth would cause too much disruption to our society is absurd, perverse and outrageous.

The opposite is true.

The hiding of the truth about MLK, RFK and JFK has damaged this country and our society so much more...to unprecedented democracy threatening levels.  Mistrust, division, doubt, lost moral compass direction, false histories, corruption at the highest levels, continued control by the bad guys, major compromising and weakening of our fourth estate,  etc., etc., etc.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Hi Joe, gosh I thought I had lost that...grin.  I'm from Oklahoma and worked all over the US,  twelve years in California, 14 in Atlanta and even six in Boston.  At times the accent faded a good bit but my wife used to tell me the closer we got to Oklahoma on vacations the more it came back.  Now that I'm here again it seems to have taken full hold. 

In case anyone is interested I do have a thread going in the MLK section on Killing King and am happy to chat about the King conspiracy there.  Just didn't want to go off track in the JFK area.

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Hope I get the opportunity to listen to this. :- ) I'm sure you made a great contribution.


Was scanning further through my ancient hard-disk (it takes time) , --- in order to locate any "new" (which are currently not at the channel) --- clips to upload to Youtube. Many uploads have also been removed, -- all those years it was neglected.

One folder , I for some reason just named "Comments" - is short clips/comments on different aspects, --- coming from several reseachers. I haven't seen that folder in 12 years. None of those clips were ever uploaded, - but I guess they are out there somewhere , --- now.

To my joy, - I see there are three clips with you Larry, - called "Martino", - "Nagell", - and "Tiers". Can't remember anything about those. Just wanted to mention it.

I somewhat feel it may be wrong to upload these files to Youtube. Perhaps the people commenting wouldn't want that. (D.Wrone, J.Morley, J.Thompson, L.Waldron, M.Blunt, Griggs, W. Law), ----- and you :)


Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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I have of course forgotten where I got these,- but they were "out there" - then. If I were to guess on one of those two, it would for sure be MFF. Spent quite some time there.

It is interview - like. Not a presentation.

Short clip, - (Nagell 2m10s). Quote: "....the question then becomes; what did Nagell say at a given time, and could he have known that, - and was there any reason why he would have expanded, or said something different - a different time, --- which leads you into an obnoxiously long study of a whole 20 year period in their life, and what they were saying on the record to whom and when...." "....has his own personal agenda at different points in time". ("for example : lost custody of his children, when he went into jail for a bank robbery, that obviously wasn't a bank robbery.." ------> (later statements , reflecting certain knowledge, - perhaps just made to gain leverage over people that would help him get his children back....which he did) etc.

I shouldn't transcribe just snippets, - as people could read it out of context. Don't have time right now to transcribe it all. Interesting yes.

Seems like outtakes , as they are short in duration. You're wearing a light/yellowish shirt. Vertical-striped wall in the background.


Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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That sounds like something I would have done with Rex Bradford...for the MFF.  I've been talking about Nagell for a long time. The good news is that all those interviews should be on the MFF site, along with much more of course.  Certainly they were, I've just not looked at it in a long time.  Take a look before spending any time as it likely is available for viewing there. 

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