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What is known about Oswald's time in England?

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5 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

I had to resize this down from the original which was in a single column ...


Is the pastor on the USA “Friends of Albert Schweitzer College” LIST in NYC?

Still does not explain how he was aware of the school in the first place...

And wasn’t Dulles involved with 1st Unitarian ?   

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4 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

I had to resize this down from the original which was in a single column ...






This is evidence that speaks for itself, from a primary source, Dr Schacht.  It's peerless research unmatched around here, thanks.




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Well, there it is.

Now you know who he contacted in order to go to college.

You also have confirmation that his Mom got worried ....

If there was going to be a double, as some suggest, then this is where a switch could have taken place. I am not saying that I think that is what happened, but it certainly provides the opportunity because there certainly is a mystery.

Was the person who checked into the expensive Helsinki hotel, Lee Harvey Oswald?



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3 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Is the pastor on the USA “Friends of Albert Schweitzer College” LIST in NYC?

Still does not explain how he was aware of the school in the first place...

You gotta be joking?

They ADVERTISED in British and American newspapers and even in university newspapers!

As I previously stated, there are hundreds of thousands of hits for this place in newspaper archives!

You still think it is a mystery location, a secret?

How secret is Heinz baked beans?



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Still don’t see how Oswald is even aware of this man and that school.... without some association to the “Friendsl



The ministry of the Rev. Dr. Robert H. Schacht (1931–68) was among the most significant in the history of the church. A long-time admirer of Albert Schweitzer, Schacht himself had a reputation as a warm, kind individual committed to humanitarian, civic, and social issues. He helped found the World Affairs Council of Providence and the Rhode Island State Council of Churches (from which First Unitarian resigned in 1973 when the RISCC charter was revised to grant voting rights only to churches that embraced a Trinitarian theology). In response to the diverse ethnic character of the nearby Fox Point neighborhood, the church sponsored an interracial Boy Scout troop for many years. Dr. Schacht’s long friendship with the Rev. Arthur E. Wilson of Beneficent Congregational Church and Rabbi William G. Braude of Temple Beth El fostered a long and productive interdenominational relationship among the three institutions unparalleled before or since.

Substantial steps in the continuing modernization of the church occurred in 1953. The name was officially changed to First Unitarian Church of Providence; the Church and the Benevolent Society, previously independent organizations, were merged; and the prudential committee form of governance was instituted. The church school expanded considerably during the 1950s. Signing the covenant as a requirement for membership was eliminated in 1965. Beginning in 1953, the church hired a series of assistant ministers; Dr. Schacht was instrumental in bringing to the church the Rev. William Jones, then one of the denomination’s few African-American ministers.

In 1955 the church purchased the property east of the Parish House in order to construct a new religious education wing, with classrooms, an office, and the Sharpe Memorial Chapel. In 1966, the Meeting House was again restored, for its 150th anniversary. Within a year, lightning struck the steeple; the ensuing fire and the water to extinguish it caused extensive damage to the sanctuary. Rebuilding efforts began immediately, and the Meeting House was quickly re-restored to the condition seen today.

Older members of our congregation still fondly recall Dr. Schacht, who continued to attend the church until his death in 1978. His two sons are still members of the congregation.

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11 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

You gotta be joking?

They ADVERTISED in British and American newspapers and even in university newspapers!

As I previously stated, there are hundreds of thousands of hits for this place in newspaper archives!

You still think it is a mystery location, a secret?

How secret is Heinz baked beans?



Why does it take 2 months for them to find the place if every newspaper has an ad for it?   

Why does Bjorn’s name not appear on the student lists despite his recounting his time there?

Can this simply be the flimsy cover story for his part in the defector program... he was on the way to school and decided to defect, spur if the moment like....


Edited by David Josephs
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Btw, every link to newspaper archives will count as a hit.... I doubt there were more than 50 unique announcements or ads

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4 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Still don’t see how Oswald is even aware of this man and that school.... without some association to the “Friendsl

The 'Friends' are the Quakers. The Universalist Church merged with the Unitarian Church. The doctrines of all three morphed into similarity although the Quakers remained as a separate body. However, if I turn up an ad in a military publication in California, (or something similar), will that be proof enough? Mervyn

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2 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Btw, every link to newspaper archives will count as a hit.... I doubt there were more than 50 unique announcements or ads

You are a Doubting Thomas, aren't you?

I will do my best to prove that what I am saying is true.



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Just now, Mervyn Hagger said:

You are a Doubting Thomas, aren't you?

I will do my best to prove that what I am saying is true.



Not doubting you MH...  just that how hits work.... you think there were 115000 ads and diff mentions of this school?

The school that anyone could find opening a paper was hidden from the Swiss police?

You don’t really think that, right?  

And what does Ozzie have to do with Unitarians?  Nothing...  he was a false defector doing his best spy imitation on the way over....

You honestly think this was a real spur of the moment decision?   No way.  So why is it so strange to create a plausible story despite how history treats it... how we come to conclusions about it...

if he flew straight to Helsinki then got a quick visa and was in... kinda obvious, no?

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6 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Why does it take 2 months for them to find the place if every newspaper has an ad for it?   

Why does Bjorn’s name not appear on the student lists despite his recounting his time there?

Can this simply be the flimsy cover story for his part in the defector program... he was on the way to school and decided to defect, spur if the moment like....


I cannot speak about Bjorn, only LHO and my interest in what happened between Southampton and Heathrow.

You say he defected, but what proof do you have?

Can you categorically prove beyond reasonable doubt that LHO checked into the hotel in Helsinki?

How do you know that LHO did not "disappear" to be replaced by someone identified as LHO?

I mean there are tons of "what ifs" here.

I don't have the answers to any of them.

I do believe that the hard evidence now proves that the real LHO was going to college in Switzerland and that he disappeared after leaving UK Immigration in Southampton.

Whether the real LHO reappeared at Heathrow and ended up in Helsinki - I don't know.

Neither do I know whether some other person had his US Passport and got it stamped at Heathrow.

What I do know is that the hard evidence shows that the real LHO was going to college in Switzerland and that he took a detour to England.

That's all I know, and you cannot know more than that.

Or can you?

Over to you.



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1 minute ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

I do believe that the hard evidence now proves that the real LHO was going to college in Switzerland and that he disappeared after leaving UK Immigration in Southampton.


The person who went on that ship was not the real LHO who was discharged in March 59.  The real Oswald stayed in the USA and was seen in Dallas and Miami on numerous occasions.   

Whether this defector was KGB coming back, or real CIA trying to get in.... I simply don’t see how our man Oswald is not fully aware of his role and expectations... 

Read the letters he wrote to Robert.... in order... the change from never leaving to got to get out is drastic....

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2 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Not doubting you MH...  just that how hits work.... you think there were 115000 ads and diff mentions of this school?

The school that anyone could find opening a paper was hidden from the Swiss police?

You don’t really think that, right?  

And what does Ozzie have to do with Unitarians?  Nothing...  he was a false defector doing his best spy imitation on the way over....

You honestly think this was a real spur of the moment decision?   No way.  So why is it so strange to create a plausible story despite how history treats it... how we come to conclusions about it...

if he flew straight to Helsinki then got a quick visa and was in... kinda obvious, no?

I have already answered most of this. But what I said about 'hits' is not what you are now saying that I said. Go back and read my words.

Clearly conjectures' version of what happened after LHO left UK Immigration is not going to like where my research is going.

I don't believe in the flying saucer version, and I don't believe in a parallel universe.

I am trying to use forensic means working off a structural hypothesis or two or three. When one gets shot down I move on. I am looking for the gun that the murderer threw away, or the body that the mass murderer buried. I need clues about where to look for the evidence and when I find it, I go from there to the next step.

This is in reality a cold crime case, and that is how I am treating it.

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2 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

I'm concerned about this; weren't you told on this forum in no uncertain terms that this matter has already been researched thoroughly? 

Why aren't you accepting what others have already concluded?   

Are you implying the received wisdom of the assassination fans and "research" community has a dogma which relies on carefully selected evidence, curated in stone for decades?



What "others have concluded" is that we know NEXT TO NOTHING about Oswald's time and associations between clearing British customs in Southampton until his arrival in Helsinki.

So what part of "what others have concluded" does this conflict with?

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8 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

What "others have concluded" is that we know NEXT TO NOTHING about Oswald's time and associations between clearing British customs in Southampton until his arrival in Helsinki.

So what part of "what others have concluded" does this conflict with?

Yup, Jason inserts a mythical epidemic of Conspitacy-Theory-itis, at every turn, and where none exists.

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