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On 5/11/2018 at 2:06 AM, Mervyn Hagger said:

... if LHO applied to attend Albert Schweitzer College in Switzerland and on March 4, 1959, he paid the necessary deposit fee in order to satisfy US Marines that he had a legitimate reason for leaving, it would seem that it was his intention to attend college in Switzerland between April and July 1959.

What exactly is an "undesirable discharge"?

If LHO saw his mother just before taking off for New Orleans where he boarded a freighter for France, then it seems likely that his destination was the college in Switzerland. In any event, for someone to have control over LHO to that extent where his own plans are instantly torn up and replaced by a mysterious time line, means that LHO had somehow or other come under the control of something akin to U.S. Marines where orders are given and never questioned, and promptly obeyed. Now who could that someone have represented?



Bump this rather obscure topic----Never fully explained is where Oswald got the funds for his excursion to and through  Europe and to gain this allegedly expected college education when he was reportedly a 10th grade dropout and purportedly a grade school truant. 

An undesirable discharge [no longer called that] is now an OTH --other than honorable. This means that the serviceman is no longer eligible for benefits under the G I Bill.

Back to the ASC school ..I have run across some items. One is the reference to the school as "The Friends of [various] Religious Societies"....


It is further noted [as discussed earlier] that the Quakers [Ruth Paine for example] are known as the Religious Society of Friends. There is this from the Parker study mentioned earlier--- 


[B1]1-11 Correctional Industries Association, Unitarian Universalist Association, Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, Inc. , Correctional Service Federation, American Correctional Association, Federal Prison Industries, Inc. , Includes Listing

It has been strongly suggested by researchers that the CIA recruited from such strongly religious persons...especially the expressly pacifist individual citing that they could still serve their country in a non-aggressive capacity and that the Albert Schweitzer College..who nobody really ever heard of...  was merely a front for this activity.

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There are a few other doc's supp. cont. same info as 104-10015-10250 but some are incomplete and are missing page 2 of 3, this one is complete (as far as I know.... anything goes...).

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4 hours ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

For those that like to dig into the details (Philip) "Elmard" was the pseudo for John Dimmer. Dimmer would go on to replace Ted Shackley at JMWAVE in 1965 after Shackley left for SE Asia

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Anyone wanting to seriously explore this should get context on Albert Schweitzer college from the deep research George Michael Evica did on it and Oswald's contacts with the college.  Its all in A Certain Arrogance by Evica:


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I wonder what everyone thinks about the German language matter related to Oswald's college "intentions". There are indications that Oswald was at least giving the impression of learning some German while still in the Marines. His buddy Nelson Delgado testified to the Warren Commission that he thought Oswald was speaking some German while they were stationed together. And Delgado had been stationed in Germany so had some familiarity with the language. Also, Oswald mentioned that he had some German language acquisition on his application to the Schweitzer school.  If he did not really expect to go to the Schweitzer school and he knew he was going directly to the USSR, why bother trying to learn such a difficult language? Especially for a dyslexic kid?

We also know that the German language lessons seemingly did not end there. Marina, in the McMillan book mentions that Oswald's friend, Ernst Titovets would sometimes come over to their apartment to give him German lessons. Now whether you believe Marina or not about this, we do know that Titovets did know German and would eventually give several books to Oswald, including at least one German language textbook (actually I believe he gave him 2 German textbooks--I have the other one, picture below). By the way, Titovets denies offering any German language instruction to Oswald. (I asked.) Why, I don't know. But even if Titovets is telling the truth and did not give Oswald any German lessons, why did Oswald hang on to the books? Did he think he was going to go to the ASC eventually at some future date? Why would Oswald continue with the German lessons if the application to the Schweitzer school was entirely a ruse to get him out of the Marines and into the USSR?

Any opinions on this?

Titovetz book 1.jpg

Titovetz signature.jpg

Edited by Paula Botan
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On 4/30/2024 at 10:20 PM, Paula Botan said:

I wonder what everyone thinks about the German language matter related to Oswald's college "intentions". There are indications that Oswald was at least giving the impression of learning some German while still in the Marines. His buddy Nelson Delgado testified to the Warren Commission that he thought Oswald was speaking some German while they were stationed together. And Delgado had been stationed in Germany so had some familiarity with the language. Also, Oswald mentioned that he had some German language acquisition on his application to the Schweitzer school.  If he did not really expect to go to the Schweitzer school and he knew he was going directly to the USSR, why bother trying to learn such a difficult language? Especially for a dyslexic kid?

We also know that the German language lessons seemingly did not end there. Marina, in the McMillan book mentions that Oswald's friend, Ernst Titovets would sometimes come over to their apartment to give him German lessons. Now whether you believe Marina or not about this, we do know that Titovets did know German and would eventually give several books to Oswald, including at least one German language textbook (actually I believe he gave him 2 German textbooks--I have the other one, picture below). By the way, Titovets denies offering any German language instruction to Oswald. (I asked.) Why, I don't know. But even if Titovets is telling the truth and did not give Oswald any German lessons, why did Oswald hang on to the books? Did he think he was going to go to the ASC eventually at some future date? Why would Oswald continue with the German lessons if the application to the Schweitzer school was entirely a ruse to get him out of the Marines and into the USSR?

Any opinions on this?

Titovetz book 1.jpg

Titovetz signature.jpg

Interesting questions. 

Back in the 1960s, there was more interest in learning languages, and it seemed to impart an open, cosmopolitan or international air to those who wanted to learn other languages and cultures. 

As for keeping books, that is what people did in the old days. In some families and quarters, books were revered. This was pre-internet obviously. 

I myself lugged crates of books around the country until I moved offshore.  

I don't know why LHO wanted to learn German.  

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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Interesting questions. 

Back in the 1960s, there was more interest in learning languages, and it seemed to impart an open, cosmopolitan or international air to those who wanted to learn other languages and cultures. 

As for keeping books, that is what people did in the old days. In some families and quarters, books were revered. This was pre-internet obviously. 

I myself lugged crates of books around the country until I moved offshore.  

I don't know why LHO wanted to learn German.  

Fair enough. But Oswald did not strike me as much of a hoarder or even terribly sentimental about his possessions. (He did give away his Marine Corps guidebook to Carlos Bringuier and tried to give away a ring to his friend Titovets) There does seem to be some intentionality in what he hung on to and I tend to think there is something significant there that hasn't really been explained.

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