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Shackley's SSCIA Testimony

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Shackley/Halley 162 pages.

Mr. Baron~ Are you aware of the AMOT program? 
 Mr. Halley. Yas, I am. 
Mr. Baron. How was that spelled? 
 Mr. Halley. AMOT. 
 Hr. Baron. What was that program? 
 Mr. Halley. That was a.. -program involving a Cuban emigre group that was used as an operational support mechanism to support the Miami Station. 
 Mr. Baron.What kind of support did they provide? 

Mr. Halley. They were interviewers of refugees who came  out of Cuba. They provided translator personnel to translate the Spanish language publications that were of interest to us. 
 They provided information on the various mainstream activities  that were going on in the Cuban exile community. 

Mr. Baron. Did they provide support for paramilitary  operations against Cuba? 

Mr. Halley. They might have identified people whom they  thought we should interview or look to or set: if they would fit into other paramilitary programs. In other words, they 
had the contacts .in the Cuban community. Say we had a requirement for a diesel engineer would say to the AMOT organization, we would say we are looking for a Cuban who is a diesel 
engineer who has a first engine's license, and they would go through all of their contacts until they would come up with one, a week or t~n days or whatever, having identified ...



Some "corrections" for the above. 🙂


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Interesting what he says about the troika at the top of MONGOOSE being at first, Helms, RFK and Lansdale.  I don't recall anyone saying Helms was on the operating committee for that operation before.

Also, does anyone think Shackley did not know the code names MONGOOSE?  Even though he was running their ops out of JM WAVE.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Interesting what he says about the troika at the top of MONGOOSE being at first, Helms, RFK and Lansdale.  I don't recall anyone saying Helms was on the operating committee for that operation before.

Also, does anyone think Shackley did not know the code names MONGOOSE?  Even though he was running their ops out of JM WAVE.



It was these crazy Cubans, you see. Running around talking about assassinating A, B, or C.

The CIA would never dream of assassinating someone. I know we were doing weapons drops and all, but that was just for self-protection. We never dreamed that they would actually shoot someone.

"ZR/RIFLE you say" "Never heard of it."  "There were thousands and thousands of acronyms floating around. I can't be expected to keep track of all of them.

"QJ.WIN?" "News to me." "Mafia?" "Pshaw"


Steve Thomas


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Good one Steve.


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35 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Good one Steve.




One of the most telling passages for me in his testimony, appears on p. 21 of the pdf file, p. 17 of his testimony:

In other words, if we were going to run an operation that was going to be a cache replacement in the Cuban mainland, that had to be put in, say in our October schedule, that October schedule had to be submitted to the Washington Headquarters so they could make it available to the Special Group sometime in September.”


You'd think they were introducing a new product line.

Assassinate a head of state?, I'm sorry, that doesn't fit into my November schedule.” "Have your people call my people." "I'll pencil that in my calendar."


Steve Thomas

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And yet, with all that he managed to drop a hint about QJ possibly referring to Spain. How many QJ cryptonyms are there? I don’t recall many. In. Fact the only other one on Mary Farrell database is QJBANNER-1. It says ‘uncertain’, but I think it’s Arnold Silver. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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