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Bush not in Dallas- He is dead

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Doesn't take much to tick the guy off does it?  Sort of like Ole Faithful at Yellowstone.






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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

DVP neatly sidesteps the fact that Jim just showed how the FBI altered the evidence.


Geez Davey, why do you not just scream and jump up and down and say, "What do you mean its all fake?"  

Heh-heh....  I should have mentioned that the evidence for the FBI fakery on the Tippit timings was almost entirely written by John.... I just added a few sentences in what is now up on the website.  John is actively working on this topic right now.  I added the following new material from him five minutes ago to the Tippit Murder Page:

The Warren Commission received four typewritten transcripts of DPD police logs which, if transcribed from the same DPD dictabelts, should all be identical. However, all are different. Sawyer exhibit "A" was prepared on December 3, 1963. Sawyer exhibit "B" was prepared on December 5, 1963. Commission Exhibit 705 (CE 705) was prepared by the DPD and given to the WC in April, 1964. Commission Exhibit 1974 (CE 1974) was prepared by the FBI, by request of the Warren Commission, in August, 1964. Sawyer exhibits "A" and "B," recording only Channel 2, both end at 1:58 PM on November 22. CE 705 is almost continuous from 10:00 AM on November 22 to 6:00 PM on November 24. CE 1974 was prepared by the FBI in August, 1964, and ends at 3:00 PM on November 22 and ends at 2:00 PM on November 24. Readers are invited to compare and note the many variations, discrepancies, and omissions found when comparing any one of these documents to another. For example....

  • DPD transcript CE 705 shows Tippit's last attempted transmission at 1:08 PM. The FBI transcript, (CE 1974) prepared in August, 1964, does not list Tippit's attempted transmission at 1:08 PM, and instead lists transmissions from DPD officers using call numbers #55 and #488, but the officers using these numbers have never been identified.
  • The original DPD transcript (CE 705) shows the report of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:10 PM. The FBI transcript, (CE 1974) prepared in August, 1964, lists the reporting time of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:19 PM--nine minutes later.
  • Neither Sawyer exhibit "A" or "B" include instructions for Tippit to move into Central Oak Cliff. These instructions are also omitted on CE 705. CE 1974, created by the FBI in August, 1964, reports the dispatcher sending Nelson and Tippit to "Central Oak Cliff area," Tippit replies, "I'm at Kiesk and Bonnieview." 
  • On CE 1974 a patrolman said to the dispatcher "Would you check through Austin and get registration please on HS1877, down here at this shooting which took place in regards to the President." This information is omitted on CE 705.

These are only a few of the discrepancies that appear on Sawyer "A," Sawyer "B," CE 705 and CE 1974. The Warren Commission, well aware there was a nine minute difference in the time of the Tippit shooting, ignored the DPD transcript (CE 705) and instead relied on the FBI's transcript (CE 1974) that was created in August, 1964, only a month before printing of the Warren Commission's Rport. The FBI's transcript allowed enough time for Oswald to leave his rooming house at 1:01 PM and arrive at 10th & Patton at 1:16 PM and shoot Tippit.

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16 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Sandy is not qualified to make the observations he is.


LHO's dental record asks "Prosthesis required? If yes, briefly explain." The dentist writes, "Failed 5-5-58"

This requires an expert to interpret??  LOL


Tip:  Do a google search on "dental prosthesis failed" (without the quotation marks) and you'll see hundreds of document discussing dental implant failure. Today it is mostly implants that fail. But back in the 1950s it was mostly crowns and bridges that failed because their widespread use was relatively new, whereas implants didn't become popular until about fifteen years ago.


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16 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
19 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Naturally Tracy will think up whatever excuses he can to explain these.

There is nothing to explain. Sandy is not qualified to make the observations he is. If and when a forensic dental expert reviews the material and thinks there is merit to it then Sandy will have something to talk about. 


See, I told you that Tracy would make up an excuse.

As for getting the opinion of a "dental expert," I think that everybody knows that an expert can be bought for either side. I think I'll just use common sense and save my money for when I really do need an expert.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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17 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

By the way, I’m unaware that “Marguerite” ever claimed her “son” went to Stripling.  Do you have info to the contrary?



I must be wrong about "Marguerite" saying LHO went to Stripling because I thought you had said it. So I retract my statement with regrets.

BTW, I've been reading John's book about this topic, and I see that Tracy must be wrong when he says that witnesses of LHO attending Stripling are remembering Robert instead (who HAD attended Stripling several years earlier). Because the Oswald boy most of these people saw weren't even at Stripling when Robert attended.

Mark Summers was a gym teacher at Stripling beginning in September 1950, so he wouldn't have seen Robert. But he does recall LHO attending his class for a while.

Then there is Franzetta (Schubert) Tubbs, who recalled seeing LHO walk home for lunch every day. At the time she was in 8th grade and LHO was in 9th. Robert was long gone. She pointed out where LHO was living and got it right! (That is to say, "Marguerite" was known to have lived at that address at different times.) And Franzetta even recalled that LHO's mother worked as a nurse, possibly taking care of elderly people. She never actually saw "Marguerite," but was told by another person (presumably another student) about her being a nurse. Here is John Armstrong's interview of her. BTW, John mistakenly wrote in his book that Franzetta had seen "Marguerite" in her white nurse's uniform. IMO it's likely that the person who told Franzetta that "Marguerite" was a nurse is the one who saw her in her nurse's uniform, and John recalled incorrectly when he wrote it down.

There are others too, but I'll leave it at that.




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18 hours ago, François Carlier said:

To Sandy Larsen :
OK, just for the sake of argument, let's say that you are right and we are wrong. Granted, despite the fact that there is no documentation whatsoever to support that theory, I agree to say that Lee Oswald went to Stripling.
But, for what purpose ? To allow him to kill JFK when he would become a grown-up ?
I mean, someone at the CIA had a bright idea : "let's register a kid into 2 schools at the same time, so that when he is an adult he can kill a man who hasn't been elected yet" !
Is that the idea ?
Do you have even only one documented instance in the history of the world -- anywhere -- where that or something like that happened ?


I don't know why I even bother replying to you Francois. You claim that there is no documentation to support the theory, when in fact there is a good deal of documentary evidence supporting it. Plus there's a huge amount of testimonial evidence. I don't have the time to tutor you on these things, especially given that you will just dismiss it all anyway. What I will do is summarize it.

There was an Oswald Project at the CIA, where they took a Russian speaking orphan who had immigrated from Eastern Europe and groomed him to be a CIA agent when he got older... assuming all worked out. The CIA planned to have him defect to Russia when an adult and spy on the country. (Which he did.) While in Russia, the immigrant never let on that he was fluent in the Russian language.

A sticking point for the plan was that this immigrant didn't have an American background, something that the Russians might check up on. So the CIA paid Marguerite Oswald to allow them to use her son's background for the immigrant.They gave the name Lee Harvey Oswald to the immigrant, hired a "Marguerite" imposter to take care of him, and tried to keep the lives of the two LHOs parallel for the few years till they entered  the Marine Corps.

While all this may sound like wild speculation, there is evidence for every bit of it, with one exception. And that is that there is no known evidence that the two Marguerites and the two LHOs were paid for doing this. But it is a very reasonable assumption.




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17 hours ago, David Von Pein said:
On 12/30/2018 at 6:52 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

[Concerning the Tippit murder....] The DPD radio log indicates that the ambulance arrived within a minute later, or 1:10 to 1:11 PM.

Where did you get that erroneous info, Sandy?


I was going by memory. But doing the reconstruction again using this DPD radio transcript I get nearly the same result.

Bowley said that he arrived at 1:10 according to his watch and called in on Tippit's radio.

The transcript show a lapse of one to two minutes between when Bowley said, "Hello, police operator? There's been a shooting out here," to when the ambulance asked, "What was that address on Jefferson?" The ambulance was already on the road at that time. The driver said it took just a minute to arrive at the crime scene after he had been notified. So he had to have arrived there just seconds after his  radio transmission.

So he must have arrived at about 1:11 to 1:12. (That is to say, one to two minutes after Bowley's radio transmission.)

That timing estimate works out well. According to the ambulance driver's testimony and other statements, it was a minute to arrive at the crime scene, and another three minutes to arrive at the hospital (IIRC), for a total of four minute. Add the three minutes to my "1:11 to 1:12" estimate and you get 1:14 to 1:15 as the arrival time at the hospital. Tippit was pronounced dead there at 1:15.

See, it works out perfectly.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

How do you know that, Tracy?


Right Sandy-who knows what amazing conspiracies "they" have perpetrated in the past? But "they" must have been really something because the conspiracies before (or after) JFK remain undetected yet you guys have "easily" uncovered the JFK "conspiracy." Or perhaps you believe in 911 conspiracies and the like and these are in the process of being uncovered as well?

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19 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

I can't see anything relating "officially" to the Tippit murder that places the murder occurring prior to approximately 1:15 PM.


The following official document shows that Tippit was at the hospital by no later than 1:15 PM. Do you think that Tippit arrived at the hospital less than a minute after being shot?



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17 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Right Sandy-who knows what amazing conspiracies "they" have perpetrated in the past? But "they" must have been really something because the conspiracies before (or after) JFK remain undetected yet you guys have "easily" uncovered the JFK "conspiracy." Or perhaps you believe in 911 conspiracies and the like and these are in the process of being uncovered as well?

The bigger a conspiracy is, the more likely mistakes will be made from which devoted investigators will determine the truth. No big surprise there.

The only reason the H&L plot came to light is because it's main player also played a key role in the biggest conspiracy in American history. (I don't know it's the biggest for sure, but I think that's a safe assumption.)


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

The bigger a conspiracy is, the more likely mistakes will be made from which devoted investigators will determine the truth. No big surprise there.

The only reason the H&L plot came to light is because it's main player also played a key role in the biggest conspiracy in American history. (I don't know it's the biggest for sure, but I think that's a safe assumption.)


Could you let us in on more detail please?

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1 hour ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

The bigger a conspiracy is, the more likely mistakes will be made from which devoted investigators will determine the truth. No big surprise there.

The only reason the H&L plot came to light is because it's main player also played a key role in the biggest conspiracy in American history. (I don't know it's the biggest for sure, but I think that's a safe assumption.)


Could you let us in on more detail please?


The "player" I was speaking of is the man killed by Ruby. Had he not played the roll of patsy for the JFK assassination we wouldn't know a thing right now about the Oswald Project.



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