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Bill Simpich

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More FBI cryptonyms - these could also be called "Codenames" or "Government Assets, Sources, and Informants"

There needs to be a demand for the names of all these sources to be immediately released.

Confidential Informant R-1:  William Pawley's recording device.   This second memo affirms it.

MM 607-C (RAC): Here is an item for Willie Somersett (note the altered spelling) as MM-607-C (RAC)

MM 635-S:  Juan Fernandez de Castro is MM 635-S.  In 1960, a member of the "Confidential Police of Cuba".
MM 761-S:  Francisco Varona/AMCONCERT-1.
On the jeweler MM 761-S - this memo shows that Cubela's "desire to defect was made known by MM 761-S on June, 1962.  Thereafter, CIA apparently made contact with Cubela in Europe through the jeweler Carlos Tepedino, 9819-64th Avenue, Rego Park, Queens, N.Y., a Cuban exile and long-time friend of MM 761-S, who frequently travels in Europe.  MM 761-S advised that on July 15, 1964, he was visited by Carlos Tepedino, at which time he confided certain information concerning Cubela."
The friend of Tepedino referenced above as MM 761-S fits nicely with AMCONCERT-1, also known as Francisco Wilfredo Varona (no relative to Tony Varona) aka "Paco".   This led to Bill Harvey's recruitment of Rolando Cubela.
Note that Varona's case officer from November 1960-August 1962 was Tony Sforza.  Sforza knew Tepedino all too well - he hid out in the Tepedino family home for several months after the Bay of Pigs, as Newman's books chronicle at length.
MM-897-PC:  Jose Aleman was this FBI informant.  He was informing on Santos Trafficante and Herminio Diaz Garcia (named by Tony Cuesta as a JFK assassin).
MM-1337-S:  Oscar Angulo was MM 1337-S, Miami's top informant in the CORU.
MM-1337-S aka Oscar Angulo - also seen here  in this 1976 memo
For more...This linked memo provides many of these - some relevant to the JFK case.


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4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Isn't the only serious question here whether CIA accountant James Wilcott was correct when he told HSCA staffers that "Lee Harvey Oswald's" CIA cryptonym was RX-ZIM?

Is anything else remotely that important?

Oh good lord. Not this again. Seriously? We literally had this same discussion three years ago. So I guess I'll repeat that Tracy has already offered a perfectly plausible and logical alternative to Wilcott’s completely unsubstantiated claims:


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Let’s not scrap on this thread?  Start your own and fight over there.  If you’ve got new codenames or cryptonyms from the FBI - not the CIA, MFF has that - please share them.

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Luis Kutner (aka Louis Kutner) was CG 5973-C

Kutner's was an important character for many reasons.  Here are just two:

Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993)

FBI documents released in 1979 show other instances in which key information was either altered before it reached the Warren Commission, or else withheld altogether. For example, judging from Warren Commission records, the FBI covered up Jack Ruby's connections to organized crime. The Commission did not receive an important interview with Luis Kutner, a Chicago lawyer who had just told the press (correctly) about Ruby's connections to Chicago mobsters Lennie Patrick and Dave Yaras. All the FBI transmitted was a meaningless follow-up interview in which Kutner merely said he had no additional information.

Amnesty International USA issued the following statement in 2018:  

Responding to the role of Luis Kutner in Amnesty International, who died in 1993 and may be linked to the murder of Fred Hampton, Amnesty International USA issued the following statement:

Activist Luis Kutner is credited in his obituary with having co-founded Amnesty International in 1961. This is not true, but Kutner was on the advisory body of Amnesty International USA in the 60s, at a time when AI USA did not work on the USA, but only on human rights in other countries. This was due to Amnesty’s rules at the time that prohibited a person from working on their own country, in order to guarantee impartiality.

Kutner has been accused of being linked to the death of Black Panther Fred Hampton, allegedly telling the FBI he had weapons days before the FBI raid in which he was killed. There are declassified FBI records that indicate this, though no formal investigation was conducted nor was any direct evidence uncovered.

Joe Oster was NO 1309-C


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