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Mafia Spies: The Inside Story of the CIA, Gangsters, JFK, and Castro

Guest Rich Pope

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Guest Rich Pope

I may be one of the few who believes in the Mafia's involvement in JFK's assassination.  The Mafia and the CIA were two sides of the same coin before Bobby Kennedy went after the mob with a vengeance.  I'm starting a new book called, Mafia Spies:  The Inside Story of the CIA, Gangsters, JFK and Castro.  I haven't read any of it yet but when I do, I'll be sharing anything new from what I read.  It's supposed to be based on "never-before-released JFK files.  

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I am still wondering if your the same ex-CIA agent, named Rich Pope, who had a secret box of LBJ-JFK assassination evidence and who’s father installed the phone system at the LBJ ranch. If you are, isn’t this your third profile, along with the alias Amadeus Sitchin, who, along with Rich-with-the-box, disappeared, with all his posts, in March?

What is the story?

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Guest Rich Pope
49 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

I am still wondering if your the same ex-CIA agent, named Rich Pope, who had a secret box of LBJ-JFK assassination evidence and who’s father installed the phone system at the LBJ ranch. If you are, isn’t this your third profile, along with the alias Amadeus Sitchin, who, along with Rich-with-the-box, disappeared, with all his posts, in March?

What is the story?


I'm happy to answer your questions.  Yes, I'm a retired officer (not an agent) from  the Central Intelligence Agency.  Yes, late father is Robert G. Pope who was the president and CEO of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.  Yes, my father was in charge of the installation of the telephony equipment at LBJ's ranch in Johnson City, Texas.  Yes, my father overheard conversations between LBJ and others on that private line, taking hand-written notes and storing them in a box labeled, "1963".  My mother died in 2013 and that specific box was given to my older brother.  It's taken me several years to have the contents of that box given to me so that can act on the contents and release what my father wrote.  There are missing items from the box that my brother claims no longer exist.  One of the things my brother removed was a handwritten letter from Lady Bird Johnson to my mother.  It was a "thank you " note but my brother claims it is gone.  I don't believe him.  Both my older and younger brothers will not speak to me because they feel what I'm interested in doing completely violates my father's privacy.  As for my bio, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.  

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20 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:


I'm happy to answer your questions.  Yes, I'm a retired officer (not an agent) from  the Central Intelligence Agency.  Yes, late father is Robert G. Pope who was the president and CEO of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.  Yes, my father was in charge of the installation of the telephony equipment at LBJ's ranch in Johnson City, Texas.  Yes, my father overheard conversations between LBJ and others on that private line, taking hand-written notes and storing them in a box labeled, "1963".  My mother died in 2013 and that specific box was given to my older brother.  It's taken me several years to have the contents of that box given to me so that can act on the contents and release what my father wrote.  There are missing items from the box that my brother claims no longer exist.  One of the things my brother removed was a handwritten letter from Lady Bird Johnson to my mother.  It was a "thank you " note but my brother claims it is gone.  I don't believe him.  Both my older and younger brothers will not speak to me because they feel what I'm interested in doing completely violates my father's privacy.  As for my bio, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.  

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t you say that the box was stolen from your home?

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2 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

Well, crap!  Sigh....Okay, thank you very much.  My bad, again.  Still trying to figure things out.

Tricky Richard.  An officer but not an agent, a real lol moment.

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44 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

In CIA parlance, an agent is a foreign national cooperating with the CIA.

So officers can operate on home soil?  From within the USA?  But a Foreign agent can't?  So rick can operate as a "former" (once cia, always cia) officer, but he's not an agent.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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3 hours ago, Rich Pope said:


I'm happy to answer your questions.  Yes, I'm a retired officer (not an agent) from  the Central Intelligence Agency.  Yes, late father is Robert G. Pope who was the president and CEO of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.  Yes, my father was in charge of the installation of the telephony equipment at LBJ's ranch in Johnson City, Texas.  Yes, my father overheard conversations between LBJ and others on that private line, taking hand-written notes and storing them in a box labeled, "1963".  My mother died in 2013 and that specific box was given to my older brother.  It's taken me several years to have the contents of that box given to me so that can act on the contents and release what my father wrote.  There are missing items from the box that my brother claims no longer exist.  One of the things my brother removed was a handwritten letter from Lady Bird Johnson to my mother.  It was a "thank you " note but my brother claims it is gone.  I don't believe him.  Both my older and younger brothers will not speak to me because they feel what I'm interested in doing completely violates my father's privacy.  As for my bio, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.  

I have a question for you too. Was your ban lifted or did you just create a new account and the admins forgot? I’m just surprised they let you back after you made an alt account using a fake name and picture when you were banned the 1st time. A revearse google image search found me the real identity of Amadeus Sitchin in a matter of minutes. 

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7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

So officers can operate on home soil?  From within the USA?  But a Foreign agent can't?  So rick can operate as a "former" (once cia, always cia) officer, but he's not an agent.

There are different types of CIA officer.  Some run foreign nationals as agents in their home country, because that's what their department does.  A US-based department that has operational administration of a complimentary department in that country's CIA branch might oversee that branch's running of agents.  Some officers in the US communicate with foreign nationals on US soil.  There are many other CIA officers in departments and branches that do not directly run agents.

The whole "agent" mystique is blown out of the elder terminology of the British secret services, and probably out of FBI usage, since their operatives are called agents.  Add TV shows like Secret Agent Man, comic books like Nick Fury ("Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."), and the Bond films, and people's paranoia and awe lead them to think everybody at CIA is an "agent" or a "spy."  Some CIA employees just advise officers to turn the computer off, and then back on again.

Edited by David Andrews
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Guest Rich Pope
20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Tricky Richard.  An officer but not an agent, a real lol moment.

Yes.  Let me explain the difference since you don't know.  An officer spends time in foreign countries trying to get others to give information that is helpful to the United States.  The person we actually "turn" to give us that information, is the "agent".  So let's say you live in Russia and you have information I want.  I befriend you and in time, offer you something you need  (money for example) in order for you to give me that information so that I can give that to Langley to be analysed and put in a report.  I'm the officer and you, after flipping to give me your information, are the agent.  It's not a difficult concept yet I've read many books where very popular authors don't make the distinction and it needs to be made.  Now, don't misunderstand my use of the word "agent" here.  I'm not saying there are not "contract agents" who are paid to do things for the CIA (QJWIN for example).  But people who work for the CIA, "spies" as you might call us, are called "officers", not agents.  

Edited by Rich Pope
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Guest Rich Pope
12 hours ago, David Andrews said:

There are different types of CIA officer.  Some run foreign nationals as agents in their home country, because that's what their department does.  A US-based department that has operational administration of a complimentary department in that country's CIA branch might oversee that branch's running of agents.  Some officers in the US communicate with foreign nationals on US soil.  There are many other CIA officers in departments and branches that do not directly run agents.

The whole "agent" mystique is blown out of the elder terminology of the British secret services, and probably out of FBI usage, since their operatives are called agents.  Add TV shows like Secret Agent Man, comic books like Nick Fury ("Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."), and the Bond films, and people's paranoia and awe lead them to think everybody at CIA is an "agent" or a "spy."  Some CIA employees just advise officers to turn the computer off, and then back on again.

I worked for the Directorate of Operations.  Only we receive training at Camp Peary (the farm).  No other employees get their training in the areas of trade craft.  It's very specific training for very specific assignments.  Recently, Edward Snowden claimed he was a spy in the traditional sense but he's mistaken.  His comments are very misleading because he never received the training in trade craft that CT's receive.  The CIA traditionally handles matters that deal with things outside of the country while the FBI deals with things, as a whole, with things inside the country.  I was assigned tasks that required me to travel to other countries.  Also, "spies" have a cover-job.  Spying is done at night.  So for example, someone from the CIA might have a cover-job in an embassy in a foreign country.  But at night, this person might be sitting in a dark bar waiting to make contact with someone who has information the "spy" needs.  Now, please understand there are people who work for the CIA who have diplomatic cover through State.  Others, are NOC (non-official cover).  It's this later group that is the closest you'll ever get to "James Bond".  Because IF they get caught, the CIA disavows knowing them at all.  

Edited by Rich Pope
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