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Stand clear of the limo

Karl Kinaski

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To me, it looks like, as if the driver of the Johnson car was told to stand clear of the Queen Mary and the presidential Limo, and that Greer was told to stand clear of the lead car ... as if the Queen Mary and the presidential Limo were hot potatoes. Isolated within the motorcade.



It is a still from the YT-video UPDATE Motorcade Love Field to Dealy Plaza ... there are other clips in that Video which gives me that "hot potato" impression .. 

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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Plus: The four Motorcycle Cops Hargis, Chaney, Jackson and Martin were told to ride behind the Limo ...

Plus: The Dallas Sheriffs were told not to participate in the security of the motorcade ...

Plus: Colonel Reichs 112th Army intelligence men were told, they would not provide additional security for the motorcade in Dallas ...

Plus:  At the last second Secret Service agents Henry Rybka and Don Lawton were recalled at Love Field by fellow agent Emory Roberts

And plus, my guess: The driver of the Johnson car was told to stand clear of the Queen Mary and the Presidential Limo, plus William Greer, driver of the Pres. Limo was told to stand clear of the Lead Car (with Curry, Lawson, Decker and Sorrels in it.)

Effect: In that particular motorcade Kennedy was presented to his killers like a sitting duck ... 

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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I would think because JFK is the star of the show they would put extra distance in front and behind with the exception of his security detail. I don't know if it would make a big difference to a gunman if he was shooting from off to the side. YouTube has other parades JFK was in, it might be worth a look to see if the extra distance occurred in those parades or if Dallas is an outlier. If this post has a bunch of underlines ignore them, speech to text is going nuts.

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http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Motorcade Route/Item 15.pdf

I always wonder why those who present their opinions don't do the littlest bit of research to see if what they are offering makes any sense....
Kinda saves one from looking a bit foolish when the info is so easily available....  yet it tends to be the LNers who offer up these statements without first checking for any level of accuracy or relevance....

Yeah Karl, they kept everyone away from the JFK Limo - and very little protection from the front....  Anyone in any of those cars lined up on the opposite side of the road could pull a weapon and go after JFK....  guess they didn't have a patsy in Houston... yet.





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FWIW - Here are 16 cars in the motorcade coming after the Pilot and Lead cars

1. DPD Dep. Chief George L. (G.L.) Lumpkin (DPD Call #5)
2. DPD Det. Faye M. (F.M.) Turner
3. DPD Det. William "Billy" L. Senkle
4. Lt. Col. George L. Whitmeyer, U.S. Army Reserve, East Texas Section Commander
5. Jacob "Jack" L. Puterbaugh - White House

(Lumpkin and Whitmeyer relate via Military Intelligence, the 488th and Jack Crichton - as do Gannaway and Westbrook)

For those who understand the conspiratorial aspects of the case, the ACIS and its Lt. Colonels along with their resources in Dallas are intimately involved.



1. DPD Chief Jesse E.(J.E.) Curry (DPD Call #1)
2. SA Winston George "Win" Lawson (SSR)
3. DC Sheriff James Eric (J.E.) "Bill" Decker (DPD Call Dallas #1)
4. SAIC Forrest V. Sorrels


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@David Josephs: At last your Huston pic shows a lot of motorcycles flanking the limo ... had you read my post, than you would know, that my claim is, that    it was  a combination of deliberate security flaws which lead to the "siting duck" situation.

-- No motorcycles beside the limo

-- Two secret service men recalled at Love field, therefore no SS men on beack of the limo 

-- Stand clear of the Limo 

-- No additional security provided by the sheriffs in Dallas and army Intelligence

-- Low speed at Elm

--And last but not least  Breaking the Motorcade into three pieces, Elm, Huston and Main, so that the motorcade participants at one piece can not see what  is happening at the other piece ... especially the front piece with the Pres. Limo and the Queen Mary, the kill zone ... 

BTW Your pic is a highway pic ... where the motorcade travels with higher speed ... and each driver is supposed to stand clear of the car in front of him on a highway ... you and me too ... posting a low speed Huston down-town pic of the Huston Motorcade would have been more fair and appropriate ...  





Edited by Karl Kinaski
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Just an aside, it's nice to see pix of people in Houston who held Kennedy in some regard in the article David Josephs linked to.

It's also useful to see the airplane banner reading "Co-existence Is Surrender."  That's a phrase with some resonance against attitudes about US internal conflicts as well.


Edited by David Andrews
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9 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

@David Josephs: At last your Huston pic shows a lot of motorcycles flanking the limo ... had you read my post, than you would know, that my claim is, that    it was  a combination of deliberate security flaws which lead to the "siting duck" situation.

-- No motorcycles beside the limo

-- Two secret service men recalled at Love field, therefore no SS men on beack of the limo 

-- Stand clear of the Limo 

-- No additional security provided by the sheriffs in Dallas and army Intelligence

-- Low speed at Elm

--And last but not least  Breaking the Motorcade into three pieces, Elm, Huston and Main, so that the motorcade participants at one piece can not see what  is happening at the other piece ... especially the front piece with the Pres. Limo and the Queen Mary, the kill zone ... 

BTW Your pic is a highway pic ... where the motorcade travels with higher speed ... and each driver is supposed to stand clear of the car in front of him on a highway ... you and me too ... posting a low speed Huston down-town pic of the Huston Motorcade would have been more fair and appropriate ...  






Given the casual seated positions of both the press photographers in the immediate foreground and the Secret Service agents in the Queen Mary (at least three of them have at least one leg outside their respective vehicles, and the photographer to our right seems to have both legs outside the car!) it doesn't seem very likely that the motorcade could have been traveling very fast.

You're right that it is a highway, but those vehicles just couldn't have been zipping along - those guys would have risked tumbling out.


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8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Edit: double post


I guess as my bottom image shows...   the larger space is after the VP SS car.... after the turn.... 

On 9/20/2019 at 8:10 PM, Karl Kinaski said:

as if the Queen Mary and the presidential Limo were hot potatoes. Isolated within the motorcade.

So while hot potatoes, LBJ seems close enough to the action to be scared out of his wits for his life... 

All valid points Karl...  yet aren't these freeway images (or a smaller rural road with no one around and at speed) as well?

On 9/20/2019 at 8:16 PM, Karl Kinaski said:

Another "stand clear"  pic, IMO ... JFK-Stand-Clear-2.png


 And another one



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